Way beyond speech
Ready to respond
When I left work today I noticed I needed some gas, so I stopped at the Circle K. A very pleasant man came up to me, informing me that there was a problem with the pumps and what I had to do about it. We had a long conversation, which ended with my suggestion that he read the book of Acts. Why, because its always a good idea to start at the beginning and that's where I consider the first century church started. After I left, it occurred to me that it was the most straightforward, plain suggestion I have given in awhile. NOT EVERYTHING IS COMPLICATED; SOME THINGS JUST ARE WHAT THEY ARE AND THAT IS THAT! Please play the video at the top and you will see what I mean. Afterwards, glance at the verses from the book of Matthew and I think you will see the connection.
Mat 19:13 Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people,
Mat 19:14 but Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." ESV
There was a time when we were all young; when the world was new and even the simplest things fascinated us. We were open minded, ready to respond without all the social filters we develop over the years. If we want to follow Jesus, we need to be as genuine as the baby in the video and reach out to Jesus. I think he will reach out to us and when that happens just try to stop smiling, I dare you!
ps. I have been thinking about babies a lot lately as Linda and I will be grandparents to baby number eight in the next few months!!!!!!