By: Ben Fronczek
Too many times we see things, or hear about something unfamiliar or new and we:
– Assume we know all about it. Or, we think we understand more than we really do. Or, we guess a lot about what we see or hear.
Unfortunately some people do the same thing when they consider or hear the name of Jesus.
Each day people pass by our church buildings, some simply stare at the old building, some may wonder what we do inside. Some could care less. Some may even make fun of what we do here and shake their head as we enter this building as they drive by.
I wonder, ‘How many really have any idea who Jesus is?’
Maybe this is why so many people choose not to go to church anymore.
Over the next few weeks I would like to share with you a few lessons on WHO JESUS REALLY IS. I don’t think we can possible understand everything about Him, but I do want you to know some of the amazing facts that the Bible has revealed about Him.
Jesus has been named and described in many ways; for example: ●The Prince of peace ● the King of kings ●the Messiah ●the Lamb of God ●the Christ ●Raboni (or teacher) ● Savior ● the Son of God ● the Son of man ● the capstone ● the cornerstone ● wonderful ● Counselor ● Immanuel ● Light of the world ● Bread of life ● and the Lord
Some evil men called Him Beelzebub (or lord of the flies). Some today have doubts about Him, or just consider Him a nice guy, or just a prophet.
So many descriptive titles. So the first thing that I would like to touch on is the fact that JESUS IS GOD!
Jesus is the ‘one and only God’. He is, ‘God of the universe’, the ‘Almighty Creator’ of all heaven and earth.
I personally believe that the theological term, ‘Trinity’ has confused many of us as to the true identity and nature of Jesus and understanding that HE is God.
Through the ages this term has been used to describe a plurality of God’s being; the idea that God is somehow 3 persons, yet one.
The term ‘Trinity’, was coined by the 3rd century theologian, Tertullian, and was first used by Theophilus of Antioch. Unfortunately sometimes meanings of words change over the passing of time.
I hope to clarify how this term was originally used, and how our understanding of it differs today. I would also like to share with you my understand of how God has revealed Himself to us throughout the ages based on what we see in Scripture.
In reference to the definition of three persons, yet one, one Scholar wrote: “The word person has changed its meaning since the 3rd century when it began to be used in connection with the three-foldness of God. When we talk about God as a person, we naturally think of God as being one person. But Terullian writing in the 3rd century used the word ‘person’ with a different meaning. The word ‘person’ was originally derived from the Latin word, ‘Persona’, meaning an actor’s face mask; and by extension, the roles which the actor takes in a play.
By stating that there were 3 persons but only one God, Tertullian was asserting that all 3 major roles in the great drama of human redemption are played out by the one and the same God. All three great roles in this drama are all played out by the same actor, God. Each of these roles reveal Him in somewhat different ways, but it is the same God in every case.
So when we talk about God as one person, we mean one person in the modern sense of the word, and when we speak of God as 3 persons, we mean 3 persons in the ancient sense of the word.”
Any other definition would portray God as a committee of individuals. It is God, the one God alone manifesting Himself in different ways as He saw fit throughout Human history. For example, consider some of the different ways God has revealed Himself in scripture taking on different roles for a particular purpose
The following are some different ways God has revealed Himself throughout history:
1) God appeared ‘Man-Like Genesis 3:8 ‘God walked in the garden…’
Gen. 18 ‘The Lord appeared to Abraham and ate with him…’
Gen. 32:22-30 ‘Jacob wrestled with God…’
2) God appeared in ‘super natural’ forms Exodus 3:1-6 God appeared in the flaming bush and spoke to Moses. He called Himself (YHWH) or YAHWAH – the ‘I Am’, ‘He who is active and present’.
Exodus 19:16-20 God appeared before Israel in Mt. Sinai as a pillar of smoke, lightening, fire, with a loud trumpet blast, and caused tremors.
God also appeared as a pillar of cloud and fire to lead the Israelites.
Exodus 13:21;
16:10; 33:9; 40:36-48 Numbers 12:5; 16:42-43; Deut. 1:32-33; 31:15.
3) God Appeared as ‘the’ Angel of the Lord (Not just any angel)
5) God Manifest Himself as a Holy Spirit The Hebrew word for Spirit (ruach) means ‘wind’ or ‘breath’. It suggests the idea of an unseen power, movement, activity, or force.
Though we cannot actually see the movement of air or wind we can see what it does. In much the same way God, as He manifest Himself as the Spirit, though unseen is present, and at work in His creation and in us.
It is in the form or Person of the Spirit we see God as ‘All Knowing, the All Powerful Force, and everywhere present Nature’. Read Psalm 139:1-16
I believe that it is important to remember God had a special purpose in mind as He appeared in different forms. The angel of the Lord, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are ONE and the same, just a different (persona) or manifestation of our one God, playing or accomplishing different roles. As a man, Jesus has physical limitations (eg. He cannot be divided or present everywhere at once or omnipresent), whereas God in Spirit form can. And likewise the Spirit could not have been the perfect sacrifice for our sin; it needed to be a man or ‘the Son of Man’, flesh and blood. Each manifestation is still the same person – God! Jesus is GOD!
I would like to share with you a verse that helps me see and understand more about the true nature of Jesus:
In Colossians 1, describing Jesus, the apostle Paul wrote, 15 “The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”(1:15-17) In 2:9 he also wrote, “9 For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, 10 and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.”
So what do we see here in this passage?
#1. Jesus is God in the Flesh – or in human form. In John 1:1-14 we read that “In the beginning and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.” And in verse 14 it says that this WORD “became flesh.” (Jesus!!!!)
Jesus is God! In John 14 we see an interesting discussion between Jesus and His disciple Philip: “Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.” Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.””
#2. Also according to Col. 1, Jesus holds the #1 supreme position in the universe. Vs. 15 states that ‘He is the first born OVER all creation.’ In verse 10 it says, “He is the head over every power and authority.” In Matthew 28:18 Jesus says, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”Also see Phil. 2:6-11 ’His name is above all names.’ and before Him every knee will bow.
This is why Jesus is referred to as the ‘King of kings, and the Lord of lords.
#3. Jesus Created all things – HE IS THE CREATOR! – Of all things in Heaven and on earth. – of all things visible and invisible – everything! See
John 1:3; &
Hebrews 1:2..
4. Col. 1:17, not only lets us know that He is the Eternal God‘existing before all things,’ Jesus is also the One that holds all things together. He is the ‘atomic glue that hold all matter and anti-matter together and in place. Take Jesus out of the equation and everything we know would just fly apart even down to the molecular level. Everything would just dissipate and vaporize. John 1:3 adds that He is also the source of life itself! What is the origin of life itself? Jesus!
5. In Col. 1:9 Paul sums this up by writing, “9 For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, 10 and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head overevery power and authority.”
Who is this Jesus we worship? He is God, the one who emptied Himself of so much glory and majesty and became a man, flesh and blood.
The writer if Philippians put it this way in Chapter 2: (I like how the Amplified Bible translate this verse)
5 Let this same attitude and purpose and [humble] mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus: [Let Him be your example in humility:]
6 Who, although being essentially one with God and in the form of God [possessing the fullness of the attributes which make God God], did not think this equality with God was a thing to be eagerly grasped or retained,
7 But stripped Himself [of all privileges and rightful dignity], so as to assume the guise of a servant (slave), in that He became like men and was born a human being.
8 And after He had appeared in human form, He abased and humbled Himself [still further] and carried His obedience to the extreme of death, even the death of the cross!”
When we call upon the name of Jesus, when we say His name, and when we worship Him here in this building or someplace else we worship God, God who stepped out of His home and true element to become like one of His own children, like you and me but without sin so He could save us, make us whole and one day bring us home.
This is why we love Jesus. This is why we call Him ‘Lord’. It is because HE IS GOD!
I therefore proclaim that Jesus is worthy of our: HONOR – RESPECT – WORSHIP -TIME – and ALLEGIANCE.
HE is our GOD. HE created us. HE sustains us. HE came to us in the flesh to help us understand God like never before. HE loved us. He even died for us on that cross to pay the penalty for our sin.
What and Awesome God we have… AMEN!