
On the Death of Christopher Hitchens by Kyle Butt, M.Div.



On the Death of Christopher Hitchens

by  Kyle Butt, M.Div.

Christopher Hitchens, outspoken atheist and journalist, died of complications with esophageal cancer on Thursday, December 15, 2011. In some instances, death is not necessarily an event to be mourned. Psalm 116:15 explains: “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.” The apostle Paul insisted that it was better for him to die and be with Christ than to continue his earthly life (Philippians 1:23). In other cases, however, death is profoundly sad. Such is the case with the passing of Christopher Hitchens. A veil of immense sadness drapes itself over his death due to the fact that he was an evil man who chose to fight against his Creator. These words afford no pleasure to the Christian, and while I express my deepest sympathy to the family at their immense loss, the world needs to be reminded that Hitchens was not a hero in any shape, form, or fashion. He was a wicked man who wasted his God-given life to fight against truth, and he should be remembered as such.

Writing this article about a month after his death, I have been afforded the opportunity to see what others have written about his life. Most have praised his superior intellect, quick wit, and willingness to enter into any number of political, governmental, or religious frays. His fellow atheist, Richard Dawkins, suggested that he might have been “the finest orator of our time” and a “valiant fighter against all tyrants including God” (“Christopher Hitchens…,” 2011). Tony Blair, the former British Prime Minister, who debated Hitchens on religion, said: “He was an extraordinary, compelling and colourful human being whom it was a privilege to know” (2011). Such comments by Blair, Dawkins, and so many others attempt to throw a favorable light on Hitchens’ life. But that light turns a sickening color when it shines on Hitchens’ real impact on society and the devastating harm that he did.

Hitchens dedicated a massive amount of his time and energy to spreading the lie that there is no God, and that the God depicted in the Bible is a cruel tyrant. He ranted and raved about God’s alleged moral inconsistency, and he accused the God of the Bible of having a “sick mind” (Hitchens, 2007, p. 219). Hitchens advocated the murder of unborn children in the form of abortion as a check on population growth (2007, p. 222). Furthermore, he made a complete mockery of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross (2007, pp. 208-210). He promoted sexual promiscuity and tacitly approved of other deviant sexual practices such as homosexuality and adultery (2007, pp. 40, 54). His writings against Christianity were filled with contradictions, inaccuracies, and misrepresentations of the truth. Christopher Hitchens ranked among the highest eschelons of enemies of truth.

In our sentimental, 21st-century, pluralistic society we are pressured to tone down such speech and find something good and laudable to commend in the life of Hitchens. We should not yield to such pressure, but we should heed the words of Isaiah: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight” (Isaiah 5:20-22). Hitchens was an evil man who lived a life in defiance of his Creator, and who used his divinely bestowed wit to bite the heavenly hand that sustained his existence. Neither God, nor any faithful Christian, has any delight or pleasure in the passing of such a man (Ezekiel 18:23). It was God’s desire that Hitchens repent of his rebellion and turn to the truth (1 Timothy 2:4). But Hitchens would not do so. Is it not amazing that for all Hitchens did to destroy belief in God, our loving, heavenly Father would have still accepted Hitchens as His child if Hitchens would have repented and turned to Him (Acts 2:36-47)? But Hitchens would have none of it. As one writer said: “[H]e maintained his devout atheism after being diagnosed with cancer” (2011). How sad. How very profoundly, utterly, tragically sad. What a waste.


“Christopher Hitchens Dies at 62 After Suffering Cancer” (2011), BBC News, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-16212418.

Hitchens, Christopher (2007), god Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything (New York: Twelve).

Non-Religion, America, and Apologetics by Eric Lyons, M.Min.



Non-Religion, America, and Apologetics

by  Eric Lyons, M.Min.

My dad was born in 1935 on a farm in southwest Missouri. My mother was born in 1940 in southern Alabama. Neither has any recollection of ever having conversations with atheists or agnostics. Practically all their acquaintances were theists who considered themselves Christians.

Religious researcher and statistician Flavil Yeakley mentioned in his most recent book, Why They Left, that in 1950 “we could assume that most of the people around us already believed in God, in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and in the Bible as the Word of God. They already understood that people are lost in sin and in need of salvation” (2012, p. 29). According to George Gallup, Jr. and Michael Lindsey, in 1947, 89% of Americans identified themselves as Christian Protestants or Catholics (1999, p. 7). Considering this is in addition to the millions of other “religious” Americans (e.g., Jews, Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc.), it is safe to say that the percentage of non-religious Americans (including atheists, agnostics, and skeptics) was minuscule.

Although, thankfully, the majority of Americans still believe in God (see Miller, 2012), the upward trend of non-religion in America is quite disturbing. In 1990, 8.2% of Americans claimed to be non-religious, most notably agnostics, skeptics, and atheists (Kosmin, 1991). In 2001, that number had jumped to 14.1% (Kosmin, et al., 2001). By 2008 it reached 15% (Kosmin and Keysar, 2009). According to USA Today’s religion reporter, Cathy Lynn Grossman, aggregated surveys by the Pew Research Center indicated that the percentage of non-religious Americans has now reached 19% of the American population (2012). [NOTE: The percentage of non-religious individuals would be even higher were it not for the many millions of Catholic Hispanics who have migrated to the United States over the past two decades.]

The percentage of non-religious Americans only 60 years ago was hardly noticeable. By 1990, nearly one in every 12 Americans claimed no religion. Today, it appears that nearly one in five Americans claims no affiliation with Christianity or any other religion, while one in every three Americans claims that religion is not an important part of their daily lives (Newport, 2009). Sadly, the number of skeptics, agnostics, atheists, etc. has risen drastically in only the last few decades, while the number of Americans claiming Jesus Christ as Lord of their daily lives has continued to decrease gradually.

The likelihood of you crossing paths with an atheist, agnostic, or skeptic at some point in the next few months is pretty high. The odds of your children, grandchildren, nephews or nieces running into atheistic professors or skeptical students in high school or college are very high (considering many public schools and universities are breeding grounds for non-religious Americans). More than ever, Christians need to equip themselves with the tools to help them “fight the good fight of faith” (1 Timothy 6:12). “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).

Those of us at Apologetics Press hope that you will consider equipping your friends and family members with soul-saving, life-enriching materials. Why not order for your younger children or grandchildren a subscription to Discovery, A.P.’s monthly children’s magazine on Scripture and science? Why not consider arming your teens with Truth Be Told: Exposing the Myth of Evolution? Why not purchase multiple copies of A Christian’s Guide to Refuting Modern Atheism and give them away to college students who may very well be struggling for the first time in their lives with knowing how to defend their belief in the one true God of the Bible? At the very least, why not send your friends or family members a link to the A.P. site, where they can obtain thousands of pages of free electronic Christian evidence material.

Never in the history of the United States has there been a greater need for Christians to study Christian evidences. It is imperative that we teach our young people, not merely proof texts about God’s plan of salvation, but the evidence for God Himself, as well as proofs for the inspiration of the Bible and the deity of Christ.

Are you armed and ready for spiritual warfare? Are you prepared to answer the accusations levied against New Testament Christianity (cf. 1 Peter 3:15)? Are you preparing yourself and others to assist some of the millions of non-religious Americans whom, by the grace of God, you will have an opportunity to talk to about the Creator and Savior of the world (Colossians 1:16; John 4:42; 1 John 4:14)?


Gallup, George Jr. and Michael Lindsay (1999), Surveying the Religious Landscape: Trends in U.S. Beliefs (Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse Publishing).

Grossman, Cathy Lynn (2012), “Survey Finds 19% Without Religious Affiliation,” USA Today, July 20, http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/religion/story/2012-07-19/no-religion-affiliation/56344976/1.

Kosmin, Barry (1991), The National Survey of Religious Identification.

Kosmin, Barry, Egon Mayer, and Ariela Keysar (2001), American Religious Identification Survey.

Kosmin, Barry and Ariela Keysar (2009), American Religious Identification Survey.

Miller, Jeff (2012), “Literal Creationists Holding Their Ground in the Polls,” Apologetics Press, http://www.apologeticspress.org/APPubPage.aspx?pub=1&issue=1093&article=2040.

Newport, Frank (2009), “State of the States: Importance of Religion,” Gallup, http://www.gallup.com/poll/114022/state-states-importance-religion.aspx.

Yeakley, Flavil (2012), Why They Left: Listening to Those Who Have Left Churches of Christ (Nashville, TN: Gospel Advocate).

Non-Religion on the Rise in America by Eric Lyons, M.Min.



Non-Religion on the Rise in America

by  Eric Lyons, M.Min.

Three extensive surveys over the past 20 years have revealed that a growing number of Americans are becoming less and less religious. In 1990, 8.2% of Americans claimed to be non-religious, most notably agnostics and atheists (Kosmin, 1991). In 2001, that number had jumped to 14.1% (Kosmin, et al., 2001), and by 2008 it had reached 15% (Kosmin and Keysar, 2009). Based upon a combined total of 217,742 residential households surveyed (an average of 72,580 per effort) in the contiguous United States, the percentage of non-religious Americans has almost doubled in two decades. Whereas in 1990, one out of every 12 Americans claimed to be non-religious, today nearly one out of every six Americans claims no religious affiliation. [NOTE: The percentage of non-religious individuals would be even higher were it not for the many millions of Catholic Hispanics who have migrated to the United States over the past two decades.]

Sadly, the America that we inhabit today is a very different country (religiously speaking) than it was when I grew up in the 1980s, and drastically dissimilar to the country in which my father was reared in the 1940s. In 1947, for example, 89% of Americans identified themselves as Christian Protestants or Catholics, in addition to the millions of other “religious” Americans (e.g., Jews, Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc.; Gallup and Lindsay, 1999, p. 7), which would have left comparatively very few skeptics, agnostics, and atheists.

The odds of you crossing paths with an atheist, agnostic, or skeptic at some point in the next few months are pretty high. The likelihood of your children, grandchildren, nephews, or nieces running into atheistic professors or skeptical students in high school or college is very high (considering many public schools and universities are breeding grounds for non-religious Americans). More than ever, Christians need to equip themselves with the tools and weapons to help them “fight the good fight of faith” (1 Timothy 6:12). “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).

Being the time of the year when many are purchasing items for others, we hope that you will consider equipping your friends and family members with soul-saving, life-enriching materials. Why not order your younger children or grandchildren a subscription to Discovery, A.P.’s monthly children’s magazine on Scripture and science? Why not consider arming your teens with Truth Be Told: Exposing the Myth of Evolution? Why not purchase multiple copies of our newest book A Christian’s Guide to Refuting Modern Atheism and give them away to college students who may very well be struggling for the first time in their lives with knowing how to defend their belief in the one true God of the Bible? At the very least, why not send your friends or family members a link to this site, where they can join the millions of others who have obtained thousands of pages of free electronic Christian evidence material?

The Lord has blessed Apologetics Press with a 30+ year history. During that time, supporters of this work have enabled us to produce a plethora of material on Christian evidences. We believe that making available solid materials on the existence of God, the inspiration of the Bible, the deity of Christ, etc. is more important today than ever before in America’s history. Are you armed and ready for the fight? Have you helped to prepare your family and friends for this eternally important spiritual warfare? Why not take action today and make a difference? Please feel free to call upon us if we can be of any assistance (1-800-234-8558).


Gall, George Jr. and Michael Lindsay (1999), Surveying the Religious Landscape: Trends in U.S. Beliefs (Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse Publishing).

Kosmin, Barry (1991), The National Survey of Religious Identification, http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=4&ved=0CCwQFjAD&url= http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jewishdatabank.org%2FArchive%2FNSRI1990- Research_Report_with_Selected_Tabulations.pdf&ei= nH_1TIvqG8WBlAfd5Jz4BQ&usg=AFQjCNHASEXKYZTsxzKlRe24U8-4foBJQA.

Kosmin, Barry A., Egon Mayer, and Ariela Keysar (2001), American Religious Identification Survey, www.gc.cuny.edu/faculty/research_briefs/aris.pdf.

Kosmin, Barry A. and Ariela Keysar (2009), American Religious Identification Survey, www.americanreligionsurvey-aris.org/reports/ARIS_Report_2008.pdf.

"THE GOSPEL OF MARK" The Parable Of The Wicked Vinedressers (12:1-12)



The Parable Of The Wicked Vinedressers (12:1-12)

1. Reviewing the events of the Last Week recorded by Mark so far...
   a. Sunday - The triumphal entry and brief visit to the temple - Mk 11:1-11
   b. Monday - The cursing of the fig tree and the cleansing of the temple - Mk 11:12-19
   c. Tuesday - The lesson of the fig tree and the authority of Jesus questioned - Mk 11:20-33

2. As we continue our study with chapter twelve, it is still Tuesday of the Last Week...
   a. In the temple, Jesus begins to speak in parables - Mk 12:1
   b. Matthew records a trilogy of parables, while Mark just one

[Mark records the parable of "The Wicked Vinedressers" (Mk 12:1-12), its
meaning quite clear...]


      1. The vineyard immediately brings to mind Israel
         a. The figure of a vineyard referring to Israel was well-known- cf. Isa 5:1-7
         b. But here it is not Israel as a nation per se...
            1) Rather, "the special advantages and opportunities which
               were given to the people as the chosen seed" 
              (W.M. Taylor,The Parables of Our Savior)
            2) For later Jesus explains the vineyard (or kingdom of God)
               will be given to others ( "a nation producing its fruit")- Mk 12:9; cf. Mt 21:43
      2. The man who planted the vineyard is God
      3. The wicked vinedressers represents Israel’s leaders - Mk 12:12
         a. Their chief priests, scribes, elders, and their followers- cf. Mt 21:45
         b. Therefore, the physical nation of Israel as a whole
      4. The servants who were sent in behalf of the landowner
         represents the prophets
         a. As a nation, Israel rejected many of her prophets - cf. 2Ch36:15-16
         b. Note the plaintive cry of Jesus over Jerusalem later on - cf. Mt 23:37
      5. The landowner’s son is Jesus Christ Himself

      1. To help them see why God would be just
         a. In bringing condemnation upon Israel
         b. In giving the blessings of Israel to those more deserving- cf. Mt 21:43
      2. Their rejection of Jesus had been foretold - Mk 12:10-11; cf.Ps 118:22-23
         a. The "builders" were the religious leaders of the nation
         b. The "stone" they rejected was Christ
         c. Yet, this stone would be made a "chief cornerstone" by God Himself
            1) In which God would build something new, i.e., the church- cf. 1Pe 2:4-10
            2) Where both Jew and Gentile are members of God’s household- Ep 2:19-20

[The main lesson of this parable can be summarized in the words of Ps 2:12...

         "Kiss (i.e., pay homage to) the Son, lest He be angry,
            And you perish in the way,
            When His wrath is kindled but a little.
         "Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him."

So obvious was Jesus’ meaning and intent in telling this parable, that
the religious leaders’ would have arrested Him at that moment had it not
been for the people (Mk 12:12).

What application can we make from this parable?  Is there a lesson for
us today that can be drawn...?]


      1. This He had done with the nation of Israel
         a. Like a precious vineyard, God planted Israel in Canaan
         b. He blessed the nation with laws, priests, prophets, and other special privileges
         c. He eventually sent His only begotten Son as their Messiah
      2. What about us?
         a. Have we not received wonderful privileges from God?
         b. We enjoy free access to the Word of God, and the freedom to
            worship without fear of persecution; many in the world do not
         c. We are blessed to hear things that prophets, kings, and
            saints of old desired to hear and were not able - cf. Mt 13:16-17

      1. The history of Israel as a nation established by God
         a. They consistently murmured against God in the wilderness
         b. They turned away from God time and again during the period of the Judges
         c. They persecuted His prophets, and eventually rejected His own Son
      2. What about us?
         a. We have blessings given to us through Christ
            1) The forgiveness of sins through His blood
            2) The aid of the Holy Spirit in putting to death the deeds of the body
            3) The joy of fellowship in the family of God
            4) The privilege of sharing the gospel with a dying world
         b. And yet Christians often turn their back on such blessings
            1) They sin, and do not seek forgiveness
            2) They do not seek the help God gives to deal with the problem of sin
            3) They neglect their brethren by forsaking the assembling,
               and by not developing close relationships with them
            4) They make little or no effort to spread the precious gospel of Christ

      1. Again, the nation of Israel is an example
         a. They suffered forty years of wandering in the wilderness
         b. God allowed neighboring nations to be a thorn in their side
         c. They endured Assyrian and Babylonian captivity
         d. God destroyed their temple and their religion by the Syrians
            (167 B.C.) and the Romans (70 A.D.)
         e. He has indeed taken away the kingdom of God from them, and
            given it to a nation bearing the fruits of it - cf. Mt 21:43
      2. What about us?
         a. Consider the words of Jesus - Jn 15:1-2,6; Re 2:4-5,16; 3:1-3
         b. Consider what was written to the Hebrew Christians - He 10:26-31
      3. Clearly, if we do not utilize our special privileges...
         a. God will take away the blessings we have (i.e., the kingdom of God)
         b. And give it to someone who appreciates it (i.e., bears the fruit of it)


1. Truly God has given us wonderful blessings...
   a. He made us worthy to be "partakers of the inheritance of the saints" - Col 1:12
   b. He "has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us
      into the kingdom of the Son of His love" - Col 1:13
   c. In Christ we have "redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins" - Col 1:14
   d. He sent us apostles and prophets of His Son, whose words are in
      the New Testament

2. Let us be careful how we receive them (cf. Jn 13:20), for the next
   time the Beloved Son is sent, He is coming in terrifying judgment!- 2Th 1:7-10

Indeed, as Jesus said...

   "For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required;
   and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more."- Lk 12:48

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2016

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For The Sake Of Abortion, Religious Beliefs Must Change! by Ken Weliever, The Preacherman



For The Sake Of Abortion, Religious Beliefs Must Change!


“Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”

These shocking words were spoken by Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as she delivered the keynote address at the 2015 Women in the World Summit in New York City on April 23rd.

In her 23 minute speech, Mrs. Clinton highlighted the issues of unequal pay, work practices, family leave, childcare costs, education and insisted “no matter who you are or where you come from, you too can be a champion for change.”

She said some positive things about the role of women in society. The main-stream media praised her speech. However, her statement about the need to change religious beliefs was not widely reported.

In the context of the speech Clinton criticized candidates who want to withdraw funding from Planned Parenthood, a provider of abortion services.

To a cheering audience, the former first lady said, “Yes, we’ve cut the maternal mortality rate in half, but far too many women are still denied critical access to reproductive health care and safe child birth.” Of course, “reproductive health care” is “liberal-speak” for abortion.

Reaction from pro life leaders has been emphatic, though not comprehensively reported. Among them, Louisiana Governor. Bobby Jindal said, “Hillary Clinton said that people who are pro-life have to change our religious beliefs. This is why the fight for religious freedom is so important. Our religious beliefs are between us and God, not us and Hillary Clinton.”

Nigerian Bishop Emmanuel Badejo, bluntly responded, “If these values are not precious to Hillary Clinton, I think she has no right at all to call for a change in religious values and religious beliefs.”

Politics aside, Clinton’s attack on “deep seated religious beliefs” is wrong. For the record, my religious beliefs are anchored in the revelation of God’s Word, the Bible. They are  NOT subject to change. Regardless of the politically correct pablum Presidential prospects spew out.

Past posts on ThePreachersWord have documented what the Bible teaches about the unborn.

While the Bible never directly speaks of abortion, it does identify that conceived within the mother as a child. Twenty-six times the Bible uses the expression “with child” to refer to pregnant women. The term fetus is never used. Luke, the physician, records that Elisabeth, the mother of John the Immerser, conceived a son (1:35). In verse 41 the doctor wrote “the baby leaped in her womb.” The baby! Not the fetus! It is the same Greek word that Luke uses to describe Jesus after he was born (2:12, 16). God views the unborn baby and the newborn baby in the same way. Both are living human beings.

In the midst of his suffering Job cries out, “Or why was I not hidden like a stillborn child. Like infants who never saw light?” (3:16). The unborn child is called an infant!

The Psalmist, David, wrote, For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. (Ps 139:13-16)

For the sake of Truth and the life of the unborn, let us hold fast to our religious beliefs!

–Ken Weliever, The Preacherman





Is it possible to be a child of God and not have enough faith in God to trust His written word? Can God be trusted to create the heavens and the earth, but not trusted to give men an accurate translation of His word? 

Is the Bible trustworthy except when it refers to water baptism?


The only way to deny that faith and water baptism are both essential for salvation is to proclaim that the Bible has been mistranslated.

Colossians 2:12-13 having been buried with him in baptism and raised with him through your faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead. 13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins,  (NIV)

Did God permit these verses of Scripture to be mistranslated?
Water baptism and faith are essential to the forgiveness of sin.

Mark 16:16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved... (NIV)

Faith and water baptism are essential to salvation.

Acts 2:38 Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (NIV)

Repentance and water baptism are essential to have your sins forgiven and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Understanding these Scriptures is not a matter of interpretation. The meaning is obvious to any honest person.
Since it is not logical or honest to claim misinterpretation, the only alternative is proclaim these Scriptures have been mistranslated.




Who has created these things? (Isaiah 40:26) by Roy Davison



Who has created these things?
(Isaiah 40:26)

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). That is how the Bible begins. May we believe this?

A completely different explanation is given by the media, in the school books, in the universities, by people who reject the Bible, by people who think they know there is no God.

What is their explanation? In the beginning there was an explosion which caused the universe.

Thus, the Bible begins with God, unbelievers begin with an explosion. If we begin with God, many beautiful things can follow. If we begin with an explosion, not much good can be expected from that.

If there were nothing other than burning stars, hunks of rock and cold space, that all could indeed result from a mindless explosion. But there is more, much more. Not to mention the unfathomable and awe-inspiring biosphere on earth, we ask the question: where did people come from?

What is in the Scriptures? "So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them" (Genesis 1:27). May we believe this?

A completely different explanation is given by the media, in the school books, in the universities, by people who reject the Bible, by people who think they know there is no God.

What is their explanation? On earth a long, long time ago, probably in a muddy pool on which the sun was shinning, possibly with a bolt of lightening as well, dead matter spontaneously formed itself into a little living being. (Spontaneously means, all by itself.) Thus, they believe in the spontaneous generation of life.

What else do they believe? After that, during a period of millions and millions of years, that little living being spontaneously worked itself up to a human.

Thus we and our children are presented with a choice. What shall we believe? Did God create heaven and earth, and mankind? Or was there a Big Bang that spontaneously resulted in a human?

The answer is simple. A creation proves the existence of a creator.

We say that certain people are creative? What do we mean by this? Creativity is the ability to create. Create means to make something from nothing, to make something completely new. Animals cannot create. Why are people able to do so? Because they have been made in the image of their Creator.

In connection with the building of the tabernacle, God told Moses: "See, I have called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, to design artistic works, to work in gold, in silver, in bronze, in cutting jewels for setting, in carving wood, and to work in all manner of workmanship. And I, indeed I, have appointed with him Aholiab the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan; and I have put wisdom in the hearts of all who are gifted artisans, that they may make all that I have commanded you" (Exodus 31:2-6).

"I have put wisdom in the hearts of all who are gifted artisans," says God. No work of art can exist without an artist, without a creator. The universe is a masterpiece, made by an Artist, a Creator.

Someone who thinks the creation could come into being spontaneously is not thinking logically because he has banished God from his world of thought.

This is explained by Paul: "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man and birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things. Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever" (Romans 1:20-25).

"Lift up your eyes on high, and see who has created these things, Who brings out their host by number; He calls them all by name, by the greatness of His might and the strength of His power; not one is missing" (Isaiah 40:26).

"Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary. There is no searching of His understanding" (Isaiah 40:28).

"He has made the earth by His power, He has established the world by His wisdom, And has stretched out the heavens at His discretion" (Jeremiah 10:12).

"For behold, He who forms mountains, and creates the wind, who declares to man what his thought is, and makes the morning darkness, who treads the high places of the earth The Lord God of hosts is His name" (Amos 4:13).

God says: "I have made the earth, and created man on it. It was I -- My hands that stretched out the heavens, and all their host I have commanded" (Isaiah 45:12).

"You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and by Your will they exist and were created" (Revelation 4:11).

Roy Davison

The Scripture quotations in this article are from
The New King James Version. ©1979,1980,1982,
Thomas Nelson Inc., Publishers unless indicated otherwise.
Permission for reference use has been granted.

Published in The Old Paths Archive

Accomplishments by Gary Rose


First of all, I had no idea this actor had a title. Second, I knew about most of his acting credits, except for summerisle and that business about recording a heavy metal album ( which seems a bit out of character, doesn’t it ). I was surprised about his secret agent activity and his linguistic accomplishments. Comparing him to Chuck Norris seems odd at first, but when you think about it- Eat your heart out Chuck!

Consider this: If I died tonight, what would people say about my accomplishments. Would I have done enough to have high hopes that the LORD would say to me: Well done, good and faithful servant? I will have to think about that one, but I am quite sure what God will say to the Apostle Paul…

2 Corinthians 11 ( World English Bible )

16 I say again, let no one think me foolish. But if so, yet receive me as foolish, that I also may boast a little.

17 That which I speak, I don’t speak according to the Lord, but as in foolishness, in this confidence of boasting.

18 Seeing that many boast after the flesh, I will also boast.

19 For you bear with the foolish gladly, being wise.

20 For you bear with a man, if he brings you into bondage, if he devours you, if he takes you captive, if he exalts himself, if he strikes you on the face.

21 I speak by way of disparagement, as though we had been weak. Yet however any is bold (I speak in foolishness), I am bold also.

22 Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites? So am I. Are they the seed of Abraham? So am I.

23 Are they servants of Christ? (I speak as one beside himself) I am more so; in labors more abundantly, in prisons more abundantly, in stripes above measure, in deaths often.

24 Five times from the Jews I received forty stripes minus one.

25 Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I suffered shipwreck. I have been a night and a day in the deep.

26 I have been in travels often, perils of rivers, perils of robbers, perils from my countrymen, perils from the Gentiles, perils in the city, perils in the wilderness, perils in the sea, perils among false brothers;

27 in labor and travail, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, and in cold and nakedness.

28 Besides those things that are outside, there is that which presses on me daily, anxiety for all the assemblies.

29 Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is caused to stumble, and I don’t burn with indignation?

30 If I must boast, I will boast of the things that concern my weakness.

Paul is no longer among the living; his fate has been determined. But what about those who are still living? In other words, what have you done lately to serve God? Make a list, be very generous and I sincerely hope your efforts come very close to matching The Apostle Paul, if not, there is still time to accomplish things that will please God!

By the way, I need to get busy as well; my list is far too short!