
Are We “100% Sure” Goldilocks Planet has Life? by Kyle Butt, M.Div.



Are We “100% Sure” Goldilocks Planet has Life?

by  Kyle Butt, M.Div.

Associated Press science writer Seth Borenstein recently reported on a new planet that seems to be in what scientists call the “Goldilocks zone.” What is the “Goldilocks zone?” Very few places in our Universe maintain conditions that are suitable for life. One of those conditions is that liquid water must be present. The “Goldilocks zone” is a specific distance from any star that is “not too hot, not too cold. Juuuust right,”—a situation that allows water to remain in its liquid form (Borenstein, 2010). According to atheistic, evolutionary ideas about the origin of the Universe, in theory, there should be hundreds, thousands, or even millions of planets in our Universe that maintain conducive conditions for life to “begin.” In fact, we are incessantly informed by the media and the scientific community that it is just a matter of time before we discover other planets where life has evolved from non-living chemicals. One would think, according to the propaganda about life arising in other places, that a little liquid water and a few amino acids thrown together will inevitably produce life.

Thus, we have a report of the first Earth-like planet that could possibly “support life.” The planet, labeled Gliese 581g, is the sixth planet from a dwarf star named Gliese 581. Borenstein described the planet in the following way:

It is about three times the mass of Earth, slightly larger in width and much closer to its star—14 million miles away versus 93 million. It’s so close to its version of the sun that it orbits every 37 days. And it doesn’t rotate much, so one side is almost always bright, the other dark. Temperatures can be as hot as 160 degrees or as frigid as 25 degrees below zero, but in between—in the land of constant sunrise—it would be “shirt-sleeve weather,” said co-discoverer Steven Vogt (Borenstein, 2010).

Gliese 581g is of interest, then, because there is a chance that it could have liquid water on its surface. Of course, as Borenstein noted: “It’s unknown whether water actually exists on the planet.” What, then, is so important about liquid water, as opposed to any other constraints that are necessary for life to survive? Vogt said that “chances for life on this planet are 100 percent” since “there always seems to be life on Earth where there is water.” Wow! Look at that reasoning. This new planet might have some water, so we are 100% sure there is life on the planet. We are not even 100% sure it has water. How in the world could we be sure it has life?

The false idea that finding liquid water is the equivalent of finding biological life is easy to debunk. Take some water, kill all the microscopic organisms in it so that no life exists. Add any amino acids or “building blocks” of life that you want, then shock the mixture, blow it up, heat it, cool it, or whatever else you want to do, and see if you get life. News flash—you don’t get life! Louis Pasteur proved that almost 150 years ago (Butt, 2002). Yet Vogt boldly stated: “It’s pretty hard to stop life once you give it the right conditions” (as quoted in Borenstein). And what, pray tell, are the right conditions? Vogt can’t tell you, and neither can any other human alive. Water is certainly not “the right conditions” for life, because we can supply water to any mixture of non-living chemicals all day long for the next 20 billion years and not get life.

What, in reality, are the “right conditions” for life to begin? There is really only one: an intelligent Creator must superintend the process. “In the beginning was water,” will not produce life. But “in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth,” will supply the necessary condition for life on Earth or any other planet—God. Beware of the false assumptions that fill the media and “scientific” discussions of other planets and life in outer space.


Borentstein, Seth (2010), “Could ‘Goldilocks’ Planet Be Just Right for Life?”, http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100929/ap_on_sc/us_sci_new_earths.

Butt, Kyle (2002), “Biogenesis—The Long Arm of the Law,” http://apologeticspress.org/articles/1769.

Are Diamonds “Life’s Best Friend”? by Kyle Butt, M.Div.



Are Diamonds “Life’s Best Friend”?

by  Kyle Butt, M.Div.

The theory of organic evolution is fraught with irreconcilable errors. One of the foremost is the fact that evolution demands that living organisms arose from non-living, inorganic chemicals. As all origin-of-life researchers are well aware, this idea flies in the face of the Law of Biogenesis, the most experimentally substantiated biological law in the history of science. Be that as it may, evolutionists continue their futile efforts to explain how life could have arisen from primitive, non-living substances.

According to three German scientists from the University of Ulm, diamonds most likely helped get life off the ground. In an article reporting on the work, Robert Britt stated:

Diamonds are crystallized forms of carbon that predate the oldest known life on the planet. In lab experiments aimed to confirm work done more than three decades ago, researchers found that when treated with hydrogen, natural diamonds formed crystalline layers of water on the surface. Water is essential for life as we know it. Also, the tests found electrical conductivity that could have been key to forcing chemical reactions needed to generate the first birth (2008).

Those who read Britt’s article are struck by the numerous qualifying statements such as “diamonds may have been,” “the resulting reaction may have been,” and “the new research does not conclusively determine how life began” (emp. added). Such qualifying statements are certainly needed in light of the “evidence” that is presented. Supposedly diamonds would have made a good platform for life because they can form layers of water and can possess electrical conductivity. Yet, in labs all across the globe for the past 50 years, scientists have been able to work with an endless supply of water and electricity and still have not produced life from non-life—as if water and conductivity are equivalent to life production.

Furthermore, diamonds supposedly “predate the oldest known life forms” on Earth. The ancient age of diamonds, however, has fallen upon very hard times. In 2005, Donald DeYoung published results from a team research project referred to as RATE. The name RATE is an acronym for Radioisotopes and the Age of The Earth. This team of scientists studied 12 diamond samples, each about 50 milligrams in weight. If diamonds are as old as suggested, they certainly would not contain any traces of Carbon-14, since C-14 should have escaped from the samples billions of years ago. After closely analyzing the samples, however, Carbon-14 was present in every one. DeYoung wrote: “The presence of C-14 in ‘very old’ fossils, rocks, coal, and diamond samples is clearly a major conflict with the long-age time scale” (2005, p. 56, emp. added).

Britt appropriately included in his brief article the fact that some scientists postulate the idea of panspermia, in which aliens allegedly seeded planet Earth with life. In truth, there is as much evidence for little green men dropping off packets of bacteria as there is that life spontaneously generated on the surface of a diamond. All such concepts are devoid of experimental verification. The presence of life on this Earth is not a scientific mystery that remains to be solved. It is a historic occurrence that most elementary school children can explain: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth” (Genesis 1:1), including all kinds of living organisms.


Britt, Robert Roy (2008), “Diamonds May Have Jumpstarted Life on Earth,” LiveScience.com, [On-line], URL: http://news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/20080726/sc_livescience/ diamondsmayhavejumpstartedlifeonearth.

DeYoung, Don (2005), Thousands...Not Billions (Green Forest, AR: Master Books).

Anything Finely Tuned Demands a Fine Tuner by Eric Lyons, M.Min.



Anything Finely Tuned Demands a Fine Tuner

by  Eric Lyons, M.Min.

I have owned two new cars in my lifetime, both of which were fine-tuned machines. The pistons moved with remarkable precision. The spark plugs repeatedly ignited the gasoline at an intended time. Just the right amount of oxygen was mixed with the fuel for ideal performance. The front end was perfectly aligned. The tires were properly balanced. Thousands of intended actions took place at precisely the right times so that I could swiftly and safely drive from place to place, time and again. Until it was totaled in 2007, my 1997 Saturn SL1 ran amazingly well, and my 2008 Toyota Corolla is still functioning as a fine-tuned machine.

A fine-tuned machine demands a fine-tuner. Everyone knows that cars and computers, pianos and projectors all require engineers, technicians, and tuners for them to function properly. New machines are built by intelligent people. Older machines receive tune-ups by intelligent tuners. Surely, no one believes that tune-ups happen by accident. How can anything be finely tuned without a fine tuner?

Atheistic evolutionists continually find themselves in a conundrum, because of their admittance that our Universe is fine-tuned. If the physical laws of the Universe (e.g., gravity) are merely “inherent in the physical universe” and simply evolved to their current status by time and chance along with everything else that exists (Davies, 2007, 194[2610]:33), the question arises, “Why, then, is the Universe so fine-tuned?” Why do planets and moons not crash into each other during their orbits? How can astronomers predict with amazing accuracy where a planet will be in the distant future? Why is the force of gravity on Earth just right for life to exist?

In a recent New Scientist cover story about gravity, Michael Brooks described the force as strange, mysterious, and puzzling. He insisted that one reason gravity does not make sense (to him) is because it is “fine-tuned”: “If it [gravity—EL] were a tiny bit stronger, none of us would be here to scoff at its puny nature” (2009, 202[2712]:30, emp. added). Regarding the expansion of space (after the alleged Big Bang) and the pull of gravity, Brooks wrote:

It turns out that the struggle between these two was balanced on a knife-edge. If the expansion of space had overwhelmed the pull of gravity in the newborn universe, stars, galaxies and humans would never have been able to form. If, on the other hand, gravity had been much stronger, stars and galaxies might have formed, but they would have quickly collapsed in on themselves and each other. What’s more, the gravitational distortion of space-time would have folded up the universe in a big crunch. Our cosmic history could have been over by now.

Only the middle ground, where the expansion and the gravitational strength balance...allows life to form (p. 31, emp. added).

Brooks then asked, “Why does G [the designation for the gravitational constant—EL] have the value that allowed life to form in the cosmos?” (p. 31). His answer: “The simple but unsatisfying answer is that we could not be here to observe it if it were any different. As to the deeper answer—no one knows....We have never explained any basic constant of nature” (p. 31, emp. added).

Evolutionists like Michael Brooks admit that “no one knows” why the force of gravity is so perfect as to allow life to exist on Earth. Evolutionists acknowledge: “We have never explained any basic constant in nature.” Atheistic evolutionists allege that the Universe and its laws are the result of mindless, naturalistic, random processes, yet at the same time they contend that it is “uniquely hospitable,” “remarkable,” and “ordered in an intelligible way” (Davies, pp. 30,34). In a New Scientist article titled “Laying Down the Laws,” Paul Davies of Arizona State University admitted the many examples of “uncanny bio-friendly ‘coincidences’” and “fine-tuned properties” of the Universe (p. 30). He then wrote: “Like Baby Bear’s porridge in the story of Goldilocks, our universe seems ‘just right’ for life. It looks, to use astronomer Fred Hoyle’s dramatic description, as if ‘a super-intellect has been monkeying with physics’” (p. 30).

In truth, it “looks...as if a super-intellect” lies behind the precise, fine-tuned, law-driven Universe, because there is a Super-intellect behind it all. The simple, satisfying answer for why the Universe works so well, and for why Earth is so perfect for life’s existence, is because the Universe has a fine-tuner. Just as a fine-tuned automobile demands a tuner, so our fine-tuned Universe demands a designer. Nothing makes sense if an ultimate Tuner does not exist, but everything makes sense if He does. Indeed, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth” (Genesis 1:1). He ordained the moon and the stars. The heavens are the work of His fingers (Psalm 8:3). They declare His glory (Psalm 19:1). “He upholds all things by the word of His power” (Hebrews 1:3, NASB). The infinite, eternal Creator “is before all things, and in Him all things consist” (Colossians 1:17). He is the ultimate tuner of all that is finely tuned.


Brooks, Michael (2009), “Seven Mysteries of Gravity,” New Scientist, 202[2712]:28-32, June 13.

Davies, Paul (2007), “Laying Down the Laws,” New Scientist, 194[2610]:30-34, June 29.

"THE GOSPEL OF MARK" The Unforgiveable Sin (3:22-30) by Mark Copeland


                "THE GOSPEL OF MARK"

               The Unforgiveable Sin (3:22-30)


1. During His earthly ministry, Jesus faced great opposition from religious leaders...
   a. By Pharisees and Herodians who plotted to destroy Him - Mk 3:6
   b. By scribes from Jerusalem, who accused Him of using demonic power - Mk 3:22

2. In our text for this lesson, Jesus easily answered the scribes' charge...
   a. For Satan to cast out demons defeated his (Satan's) own purpose - Mk 3:23-26
   b. On the contrary, casting out demons was integral to defeating Satan - Mk 3:27

3. On this occasion Jesus mentioned an "unforgiveable sin"...
   a. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit - Mk 3:28-29
   b. For which there is no forgiveness - cf. Mt 12:31-32

[These words of Jesus have troubled many, who wonder if they have
committed this "eternal sin" (ESV) that "never has forgiveness".  Let's
first seek to identify exactly what was...]


      1. Jesus described it as blaspheming the Holy Spirit - Mk 3:29
         a. Blaspheme - "to speak reproachfully, rail at, revile, calumniate, blaspheme" - Thayer
         b. Thus to speak evil of the Holy Spirit in some way
      2. Mark reveals exactly how they spoke evil of the Spirit - Mk 3:30
         a. "because they said, 'He has an unclean spirit.'"
         b. By attributing Jesus' power to cast out demons to Beelzebub
            (Satan), they spoke evil of the Holy Spirit by whom Jesus cast out demons - cf. Mt 12:28
      3. In effect, they were calling the Holy Spirit a demon; in so doing...
         a. They denied the evidence that Jesus was truly from God
         b. They deprived themselves of evidence to believe in Jesus
         c. They divested all hope of forgiveness that comes only through Jesus
      -- The unforgiveable sin was to believe that the Holy Spirit was in fact Satan!

      1. "Probably not. It was a sin committed when Jesus was on earth
         performing miracles. Since He is not physically on earth today,
         casting out demons, the same possibility of blaspheming the
         Holy Spirit does not exist." - Believer's Bible Commentary
      2. "People who worry that they have committed the unpardonable sin
         have not done so. The very fact that they are concerned
         indicates that they are not guilty of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit." - ibid.
      3. From the NET Bible:  "Three things must be kept in mind..."
         a. "The nature of the sin is to ascribe what is the obvious
            work of the Holy Spirit (e.g., releasing people from Satan's power) to Satan himself"
         b. "It is not simply a momentary doubt or sinful attitude, but
            is indeed a settled condition which opposes the Spirit's
            work, as typified by the religious leaders who opposed Jesus"
         c. "A person who is concerned about it has probably never
            committed this sin, for those who commit it here (i.e., the
            religious leaders) are not in the least concerned about Jesus' warning"
      -- Even if it can be committed today, if you worry that you have, you haven't!

[Speaking of "unforgiveable sins", we do well to review how we can still
fall into a condition where forgiveness is not possible as long as we remain in it...]


      1. There is a sin by which we "crucify again" the Son of God - He 6:4-6
      2. There is a sin for which there "no longer remains a sacrifice for sin" - He 10:26-31
      -- This sin is one in which there is no hope for forgiveness!

      1. Note carefully that it is an ongoing sin, a condition of rebellion against God
         a. Committed openly - cf. He 6:6
         b. Committed continually - cf. He 10:26 ("go on sinning", ESV, NASB)
         c. Committed willfully - cf. He 10:26 ("deliberately", ESV, TNIV)
         d. Committed knowingly - cf. He 6:4; He 10:26
      2. A spiritual condition in which one is doing grave things - He 10:29
         a. Trampling the Son of God underfoot
         b. Treating the blood of the covenant (Jesus' blood) a common thing
         c. Insulting the Spirit of grace
      3. A spiritual condition that left unchecked has grave consequences
         a. Fearful expectation of judgment - He 10:27
         b. Fiery indignation - He 10:27
         c. Worse punishment than death - He 10:28-29
         d. Vengeance and judgment by the Lord upon His people - He 10:30-31
      -- It is any sin that we knowingly refuse to repent of, despite many opportunities!


1. Many today worry about blaspheming the Holy Spirit...
   a. A serious sin indeed, but likely cannot be replicated today
   b. If one worries about it, they are certainly not guilty of it!

2. People should be more concerned about any sin...
   a. They knowingly commit
   b. They refuse to give up

Whether one is obeying the gospel of Christ for the first time, or has
already "tasted the heavenly gift" (He 6:4) and "received the knowledge
of the truth" (He 10:26), all sins are "unforgiveable" unless we repent.

Are we willing to let the goodness of God lead us to repentance...? - cf. Ro 2:4-5   
Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2016

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5 Reasons Why I Don’t Play the Lottery by Ken Weliever, The Preacherman



5 Reasons Why I Don’t Play the Lottery


“With all of the current hoopla about the Powerball, I’m curious on your take scripturally on the lottery,” wrote Heidi, one of our regular readers.

Heidi adds her thoughts saying, “I know many Christians who don’t see anything wrong with it. I wouldn’t want to risk my soul on getting rich quick. I sure could use the money but even $450 million is not worth losing my soul over.”

Like many things, the Bible doesn’t specifically mention gambling. So we must consider scriptural principles to decide whether it is a good thing or not. I realize that some people consider playing the lottery and other forms of gambling as entertainment. It may be so for some. But I believe it is a risky form of amusement.

Here are 5 considerations that guide my decision not to gamble, including playing the lottery.

(1) It violates the laws of legitimate economy.

The Bible recognizes 3 legitimate means of transferring property to others–the law of labor, the law of exchange, and the law of giving and receiving.

We are commanded to work in order to provide for our needs and support our families (Eph 4:25; I Tim. 5:8). The Bible speaks of earning interest on money (Matt 25:27) or making a profit on selling a possession, or investing in real estate (Matt 13:44-45). In addition both giving and receiving is the result of our work and/or profits from investments (Eph. 4:28; Acts 2:45)

Gambling does not qualify as a legitimate area of economy in any of those three ways. Thus, I choose not to play the lottery.

(2) It appeals  to greed and materialism. Jesus warned, “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses” (Lk 12:15). The Bible says that greed is “improper for God’s holy people” (Eph 5:3). In fact, Paul calls covetousness a form of idolatry (Col 3:5).

(3) It undermines faithful stewardship. Christians are to be good managers of their time, talents and treasure. This is taught in the parable of the talents (Matt 25:14-29). The Old Testament book of Proverbs is filled with exhortations to the wise use of money.

According to yesterday’s Today show, your chances of winning the powerball lottery are 1 in 292,201,338. Not very good odds I would say. In fact, the News Anchor said you have a better chance of being struck by lightning, becoming President of the United States, being bitten by a shark, or dying from an asteroid than winning the lottery!

(4) It sabotages self-control. Admittedly, not all gamblers are out of control. But it is a serious enough problem that even some lottery ads issue warnings and provide information on gambling hotlines.

The Mayo clinic website warns, “Compulsive gambling is a serious condition that can destroy lives.” These professional experts explain “Gambling can stimulate the brain’s reward system much like drugs such as alcohol can, leading to addiction. If you’re prone to compulsive gambling, you may continually chase bets, hide your behavior, deplete savings, accumulate debt, or even resort to theft or fraud to support your addiction.”

God’s people are to be self-disciplined, with their passions and desires under His control. (1 Cor 6:12; 9:27; Gal. 5:23).

(5) It potentially ruins lives. Lotteries often tend to victimize the most vulnerable with the lure of instant wealth to those who can least afford to lose money gambling. But even the winners’ lives are often ruined with the problems that come with unearned riches.

The tales of the unintended consequences of winning the lottery are so numerous that a simple google search will provide many sad stories of ruined lives after winning the lottery.

Many go bankrupt. Lose friends. Attract scam artists. Create friction in their families. Become addicted to other vices. And generally find that money does not buy happiness, peace of mind, or personal fulfillment.

I could list other reasons. But these are sufficient. If you think winning a big jackpot would improve your life and put you on easy street, don’t bet on it.

–Ken Weliever, The Preacherman





Why do preachers of the gospel quote men who pervert the Scriptures? Why would you ever quote these men in a positive light? Why would church leaders ever believe men who teach and preach doctrine contrary to Scripture are worthy of being quoted.

Max Lucado Quote: "We never taught--the buzzphrase is baptismal regeneration, where you go into the baptistery lost and come out saved. We never taught that. Now, I am not saying there were not people in our church who believed that..."

Water baptism is essential to salvation. (Acts 2:38, Mark 16:16, Acts 22:16, 1 Peter 3:21).

Why would any serious church leader quote Max Lucado in a positive light?

John Piper Quote: "We are not saying that final salvation is unconditional. It is not. We must meet the condition of faith in Christ in order to inherit eternal life. But faith is not a condition for election. Just the reverse. Election is a condition for faith. It is because God chose us before the foundation of the world that he purchases our redemption at the cross and quickens us with irresistible grace and brings us to faith."

God want all men to be saved and all men have that choice.(2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.)(NKJV)

Why would a preacher of the gospel quote John Piper in a positive light?

Pope Francis Quote: "The Lord has redeemed all of us, all of us, with the blood of Christ, not just Catholics. Everyone! 'Father, the atheists?' Even the atheists......."But I don't believe, Father, I am an atheist!' But do good: We will meet one another there."

Good works cannot save anyone. (John 8:24 "Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.")(NKJV)

How is it possible to quote Pope Francis in a positive light?

Billy Graham Quote: "....or the non-believing world, they are members of the Body of Christ because they've been called by God. They may not even know the name of Jesus but they know in their hearts that they need something that that don't have, and they turn to the only light that they have, and I think that they are saved, and that they're going to be in heaven."

Can you not believe in Jesus and be saved? (John 8:24 "Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.")(NKJV)

Tony Campolo Quote? "going to heaven is like going to Philadelphia... There are many ways...It doesn't  make any difference how we go there. We all end up in the same place.(Carpe Diem: Seize the Day, 1994 pages 85-88)

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.(NKJV)

Why would preachers and teachers of the gospel quote men in a positive light who pervert the gospel of Christ?

Why not just quote Scriptures? 

SECOND TIMOTHY by Paul Southern




  2. This is the second of two letters by the same writer to Timothy.

  4. From the first verse we learn that Paul was the writer.

  6. The letter is addressed "To Timothy, my dearly beloved son" (1:2), who was at Ephesus at this time.

  8. This epistle was written from Rome during Paul's second imprisonment, and just before his martyrdom, A.D. 67 (1:4, 16, 17; 4:6-9, 11,21).

  10. One object of the letter was to request Timothy to come to him speedily (4:9,11,21). It was also written to further instruct Timothy in church matters, and to explain to him Paul's personal affairs. Internal evidence indicates that this letter was the last which the apostle wrote before his death. Being the last will and testament of one who was not "behind the chiefest of the apostles," it is important for the dying counsels which it contains. More personal than I Timothy, this last letter depicts Paul's pitiable plight in his closing days. Warnings against disputes and false doctrines, exhortations to purity of life, strong expressions of affectionate regard, and consolation for suffering Christians are important subjects discussed. "Hasten," "Come," "Greatly desiring to see thee," "Do diligence to come shortly," and "Come before winter" are some of the key-expressions. Personal allusions are conspicuous, more than twenty names being mentioned. The letter is full of fatherly instructions and exhortations. It carries home to every heart Paul's earnest and impassioned eloquence.

    1. Completion
      1. Paul became an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of ____________.
      2. _______________was the name of Timothy's grandmother.
      3. Paul told Timothy to preach the ____________.
      4. Because he was sick, ______________ had been left in Miletus.
      5. ____________ was the only traveling companion with Paul at this time.

    2. True - False
      1. Lois and Eunice were ungodly women. T or F
      2. Timothy had been taught the Holy Scriptures from youth. T or F
      3. Persecution is inseparable from a devoted Christian life. T or F
      4. The resurrection is part of the gospel. T or F
      5. Demas was always loyal to Christ. T or F

    3. Multiple Choice
      1. II Timothy was written about A.D. (67, 60, 55).
      2. II Timothy was written from (Ephesus, Rome, Macedonia).
      3. Timothy, addressee of II Timothy, was in (Philippi, Athens, Ephesus).
      4. Paul had left a cloak at (Antioch, Troas, Miletus).
      5. (Eunice, Lois, Prisca) was the name of Timothy's mother.

    4. Identification
      1. "Preach the word; be urgent in season, out of season." Ch.___v.___.
      2. "In the last days grievous times shall come." Ch.___v.___.
      3. "From a babe thou has known the sacred writings." Ch.___v.___.
      4. "Study to show thyself approved unto God. Ch.___v.___.
      5. "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith." Ch.___v.___.
      6. "But flee youthful lusts, and follow after righteousness, faith, love, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart." Ch.___v.___.

    5. Topics for further study
      1. What was "the gift of God" which Paul asked Timothy to keep aglow?
      2. Summarize the teaching of II Timothy on immortality.
      3. Study the grievous times described in chapter 3.
      4. Make a list of all the persons mentioned in II Timothy.
      5. What symptoms of asceticism are discussed in the epistle?
      6. What persons were largely responsible for Timothy's early religious training?
      7. Does the expression, "Come before winter," have any special significance?
      8. List everything in the epistle concerning the life and work of a gospel preacher.

Published in The Old Paths Archive

The Contentment of Peace by Gary Rose


I confess: I love dogs. They are simply wonderful creatures. OK, there are some that are not-so-nice, but the overwhelming majority will love you unconditionally for life!

This little guy is asleep in an old sneaker that is both well-chewed on and obviously comfortable. From the look on this puppy’s face, he could be the poster-boy for contentment.

Contentment is something we all could use a rather large dose of lately. Admit it, 2020 has been a very tough year, and 2021 may not be much better. America is in for problems; that is for-sure.

But, there is hope for those who follow the LORD-GOD, the creator of everything around us. Consider, for a moment, the words of Isaiah the prophet…

Isaiah 26 ( World English Bible )

1 In that day, this song will be sung in the land of Judah: “We have a strong city. God appoints salvation for walls and bulwarks.

2 Open the gates, that the righteous nation may enter: the one which keeps faith.

3 You will keep whoever’s mind is steadfast in perfect peace, because he trusts in you.

Judah, was to keep the faith, and therefore be steadfast in perfect peace because of the Almighty. Millions of people in The United States of America are Christians; certainly God’s promise of peace can apply to them as well.

No matter what lies ahead of us, the truth found in Isaiah 26:3 will never change. Trust in God and have contentment, for THE LORD GOD will give you peace.