When I saw this picture, it just seemed to say "you talkin' to me"? Its amazing to me that people seem to remind me of animals and the other way round. I think this one probably came from a major city like NYC. It seems to have an "attitude" which says I will do what I want, when I want and who do you think you are for even bothering me? At this point you might be saying to yourself, "I'm glad I am not that way" but wait, perhaps it could be that maybe I am "just a little bit". Take a minute and look at the picture, notice that this Bison "with an attitude" has a lot of hair covering its eyes and maybe it can't even see the road its on. Now is a good time to think of the words of Jesus "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." Webster Bible Jn. 13:35 Many years ago, a beloved brother loved me enough to challenge my attitude and after awhile I saw that he was RIGHT. And IF I can realize something like that, perhaps others can as well.