Behemoth: A Tail Like a Cedar?
His description of behemoth, God states emphatically that the creature
“moves his tail like a cedar” (Job 40:17). Yet many commentators have
insisted that behemoth is to be identified as either the elephant, or
more likely, the hippopotamus (cf. the NIV footnote at Job 40:15:
“Possibly the hippopotamus or the elephant”). Since both of these
animals have farcically
tiny tails, the comparison of behemoth’s tail with a cedar must be explained in some way.
One explanation is to claim that the term “tail” (
refers to a general appendage and so may refer to an elephant’s “trunk”
(e.g., Harris’ note in Harris, et al., 1980, 1:246). Of course, this
position logically surrenders the view that behemoth was a hippopotamus.
In either case, however, no linguistic evidence supports this
speculation, as Hebrew lexicographers uniformly define the word as the
“tail” of an animal (Brown, et al., 1906, p. 275; Holladay, 1988, p. 90;
Davidson, 1850, p. 240; Gesenius, 1847, p. 248;
n.d., p. 75). Further, a simple perusal of the use of the term
elsewhere in the Old Testament confirms this definition. Occurring 11
times in the Hebrew text of the Old Testament (Wigram, 1890, p. 389),
the word is used one time to refer to the tail of a snake (Exodus 4:4), 3
times in Judges 15:4 to refer to fox tails, 4 times in a figurative
sense to refer to persons of lower rank in society in contrast to the
“head,” i.e., persons of higher rank (Deuteronomy 28:13,44; Isaiah 9:14;
19:15; see Barnes, 1847, 1:197-198,336-337), one time in a figurative
sense to indicate the contemptible, lying prophet in contrast with “the
elder and honorable” (Isaiah 9:15), and once in Isaiah 7:4 to refer
figuratively to King Rezin of Syria and King Pekah of Israel as the tail
ends of smoking firebrands (wooden pokers—Gesenius, p. 18). The final
occurrence is the reference to the tail of behemoth in Job. Obviously,
like the foxes of Judges 15 and the snake of Exodus 4, the tail of
behemoth refers to the animal’s literal tail.
Another explanation suggests that only a branch of the cedar is being
compared to behemoth’s tail. On the face of such a suggestion, it is
difficult to believe that God would call Job’s attention to the tail of
the hippopotamus, as if the tail had an important message to convey to
Job. In essence, God would be saying to Job: “The behemoth is such an
amazing creature—it has a tail like a twig!” Since the context of Job 40
indicates God’s words were intended to impress Job with his inability
to control/manage the animal kingdom, such a comparison is meaningless,
if not ludicrous.
The Hebrew term rendered “cedar” (
eh-rez) refers to a tree of the pine family, the
cedrus conifera (Gesenius, 1847, p. 78), more specifically and usually, the
cedrus libani—the
cedar of Lebanon (Harris, et al., 1980, 1:70). The tree and its wood
are alluded to frequently in the Old Testament (some 72 times—Wigram,
1890, p. 154). The renowned cedars of Lebanon grew to an average height
of 85 feet, with a trunk circumference averaging 40 feet, and branches
that extended horizontally as long as the height of the tree itself
(Harris, et al., 1:70). Indeed, the branches themselves were tree-like
in size. King Solomon made extensive use of the cedars of Lebanon in his
construction projects. The House of the Forest of Lebanon which he
built was 45 feet high (comparable to a four-story building today), with
its top horizontal beams situated on rows of cedar pillars (1 Kings
7:2-3). No longer the prolific trees they once were, in antiquity they
grew in abundance (cf. 1 Chronicles 22:4; Ezra 3:7; Psalm 92:12;
“Prodigious Bulk”
Even as Ophir was renowned for the unique quality of its gold (e.g.,
Isaiah 13:12), the allusions in the Bible to cedars make it clear that
the tree was distinguished for its
mammoth size, height, and stability. Respected biblical lexicographer John Parkhurst alluded to its “prodigious bulk” (1799, p. 678). In his 1878 book
Bible Lands, Henry Van-Lennep observed that the cedar was known as “the image of grandeur and glory” (p. 146). In his
Bible Lands Illustrated, Henry Fish described its majesty:
[T]heir massive branches, clothed with a scaly texture
almost like the skin of living animals, and contorted with all the
multiform irregularities of age, may well have suggested those ideas of regal, and almost divine strength and solidity which the sacred writers ascribe to them…. How natural that Hebrew poets selected such…colossal trunks as emblems of pride, and majesty, and power (p. 685-686, emp. added).
The cedar stands out from all other trees alluded to in the Bible in
terms of its size, including the olive, fig, sycamore, pomegranate,
almond, acacia, terebinth, myrtle, tamarisk, and even the oak (Padfield,
2011; “Trees in the Land…,” 2011; Baker, 1974).
The cedar is often used metaphorically in the Bible to accentuate these
qualities in the object of comparison. For example, consider Isaiah’s
prediction of the coming Day of the Lord, which would be a day in which
everything that is “high and lifted up” would be brought low—beginning
with the cedars of Lebanon, but also including
high mountains,
towers and fortified walls, the large and seaworthy ships of Tarshish,
and most certainly, man’s pride and haughtiness (2:12-18). Similarly,
God pronounced judgment on the mighty Assyrian king Sennacherib because
he dared to reproach the Lord and boast: “By the multitude of my
chariots I have come up to the
height of the mountains, to the limits of Lebanon; I will cut down its
tall cedars and its choice cypress trees; I will enter its farthest
height” (Isaiah 37:24, emp. added; cf. 2 Kings 19:23).
God declared through the prophet Amos that it was He who enabled the
Israelites to occupy the land of Canaan by clearing Palestine of the
Amorite “whose
height was like the
of the cedars” (Amos 2:9, emp. added). God instructed Ezekiel to speak a
parable to his fellow citizens that described how a great eagle “came
to Lebanon and took from the cedar the highest branch” (Ezekiel 17:3),
i.e., the highest official (King Jehoichin), but one day God would take
from the highest branches of the cedar a great replacement, i.e., the
Messiah (vs. 22-24). Consider God’s instructions to Ezekiel concerning
the speech he was to make to the Egyptian Pharoah:
Son of man, say to Pharaoh king of Egypt and to his multitude: “Whom are you like in your greatness? Indeed Assyria was a cedar in Lebanon, with fine branches that shaded the forest, and of high stature; and its top was among the thick boughs. The waters made it grow; underground waters gave it height….Therefore its height was exalted above all the trees of the field;
Its boughs were multiplied, and its branches became long because of the
abundance of water, as it sent them out” (Ezekiel 31:2-5, emp. added).
When King Amaziah tried to goad King Jehoash into armed conflict,
Jehoash sent a parable that portrayed Amaziah as a measly thistle in
contrast to Jehoash
the cedar (2 Kings 14:9). Ezekiel
compared Tyre to a mighty ship whose mast was made from a cedar from
Lebanon (27:5). Zechariah pronounced disaster on those who attack
Israel, comparing their downfall to the falling of the “mighty”
(“glorious”—ASV/ESV) cedar of Lebanon (11:2).
In all these references, size and height are inherent in the comparison
between the cedar trees and their moral or spiritual counterpart.
What’s more, though the cedar tree, and especially the cedar of Lebanon,
was considered mammoth in its strength and size, the psalmist assures
us that the Lord’s voice alone can easily break, splinter, and crush the
mighty cedar (Psalm 29:5). So for God to bring to Job’s attention the
tail of behemoth, comparing it to a cedar, most certainly means that God
intended to dazzle Job with the sheer magnitude of even the creature’s
tail (let alone the rest of him!). This creature’s brute strength and
size were such that Job would not even consider attempting to subdue or
control it. God’s point? The same as it was for describing leviathan:
“Who then is able to stand against Me?” (Job 41:10).
How intimidated would Job have been—what weight would God’s argument
have carried with Job—if God compared behemoth’s tail merely to
a twig or branch?
How powerful and effective would God’s argument have been in Job’s mind
if God were referring merely to the tail of an elephant, hippopotamus,
rhinoceros, or even a wooly mammoth? The argument would have fallen
flat. An elephant or hippo’s tail would be better likened to a short,
pliable whip or cord that swishes quickly from side to side—not the
movement of a cedar which sways slowly due to its enormity. Even the
purpose of a hippo’s tiny, stump-like tail is hardly noble: “The hippo’s
flat, paddle-like tail is used to spread excrement, which marks
territory borders and indicates status of an individual”
(“Hippopotamus,” n.d.). No, God had to be referring to a creature, with
which Job was fully familiar, that was so gargantuan and possessed such
strength that
even its tail was beyond human control.
What other land creature on Earth possesses a tail that merits being
compared to a tree? There is no such creature—except a dinosaur.
Take, for example,
Apatosaurus, whose overall body length
could reach 90 feet, which included a long, prodigious tail “held
together with 82 bones” (Viegas, 2011).
Argentinosaurus stood
70 feet high (about the size of a six story building), weighed 100 tons,
and was some 120 feet in length (three long school buses placed end to
end), with over a third of that length consisting of its massive tail.
was an enormous-tailed giant, measuring some 90 feet long, with a 26
foot long neck and a 45 foot long tail (Col, 1996a). The creature’s name
derives from the Greek words
diploos (double) and
(beam), a reference to its double-beamed chevron bones located in the
underside of the tail (“Diplodocus,” 2011). Scientists think the
Brachiosaurus used its long, thick tail to brush away most attackers (Col, 1996b). Similarly,
measured about 138 feet, with perhaps nearly half that length
consisting of its tree-like tail also used for protection (Col, 1996c).
measured from 130-170 feet long with a tail that contained at least one
unusual wedge-shaped vertebra that gave it a kink, again, enabling it
to use its movable tail for protection (Col, 1996d). [NOTE: The word
translated “moves” (NKJV/ASV), “bends” (NASB), “sways” (NIV), or “makes
stiff” (ESV/RSV) is from a Hebrew verb (
chah-phetz) that means
“to bend down” (Brown, et al., p. 343; Harris, et al., p. 311), “to
bend, to curve” (Gesenius, p. 296), “to bend, incline” (Davidson, 1850,
p. 270), “let hang” (Holladay, 1988, p. 112), or “stretch out”
(Botterweck, 1986, 5:92).]
Picture a mere human wrapping his arms around a 40-foot circumference
cedar tree that is 85 feet long, and then attempting to sway or swing it
back and forth like the tail of an animal. The image is laughable! And
God’s point was just that poignant and penetrating. The comparison was
sufficient to evoke the desired effect in Job, who humbly exclaimed: “I
know that You can do everything, and that no purpose of Yours can be
withheld from You…. Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand,
things too wonderful for me, which I did not know…. Therefore I abhor
myself, and repent in dust and ashes” (Job 42:2-6).
The imposing intimidation of modern pseudo-science, that dominates the
intellectual landscape of the world, has succeeded in pressuring many to
compromise the biblical text in hopes of retaining what they conceive
to be academic legitimacy and sophistication. Nevertheless, abundant
bona fide evidence exists to demonstrate that dinosaurs were created by
God on the same day of Creation as humans (Genesis 1:24-31), that
dinosaurs and humans once cohabitated (cf. Lyons and Butt, 2008), and
that the incredible creature of Job 40 was, in fact, some kind of
Baker, Richard St. Barbe (1974),
Famous Trees of Bible Lands (London: H.H. Greaves).
Barnes, Albert (1847),
Notes on the Old Testament: Isaiah (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2005 reprint).
Botterweck, G. Johannes and Helmer Ringgren (1986),
Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans).
Brown, Francis, S.R. Driver, and Charles Briggs (1906),
The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2004 reprint).
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Davidson, Benjamin (1850),
The Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1970 reprint).
“Diplodocus” (2011), Nature: Prehistoric Life,
Fish, Henry C. (1876),
Bible Lands Illustrated (New York: A.S. Barnes).
Gesenius, William (1847),
Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1979 reprint).
Harris, R. Laird, Gleason Archer, Jr. and Bruce Waltke, eds. (1980),
Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (Chicago, IL: Moody).
Hebrew-English Lexicon (no date), (London: Samuel Bagster).
“Hippopotamus” (no date), African Wildlife Foundation,
Holladay, William (1988),
A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans).
Lyons, Eric and Kyle Butt (2008),
The Dinosaur Delusion (Montgomery, AL: Apologetics Press).
Padfield, David (2011), “Bible Times: Trees of the Bible,”
Parkhurst, John (1799),
An Hebrew and English Lexicon (London:
F. Davis),
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Viegas, Jennifer (2011), “Apatosaurus: The Dinosaur Formerly Known as
Brontosaurus,” Discovery Channel,
Wigram, George W. (1890),
The Englishman’s Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance of the Old Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1980 reprint).