Mat 8:23-27
(23) Jesus' disciples went with him as he left in a boat.
(24) Suddenly, a severe storm came across the sea. The waves were covering the boat. Yet, Jesus was sleeping.
(25) So they woke him up, saying, "Lord! Save us! We're going to die!"
(26) Jesus said to them, "Why do you cowards have so little faith?" Then he got up, gave an order to the wind and the sea, and the sea became very calm.
(27) The men were amazed and asked, "What kind of man is this? Even the wind and the sea obey him!"
(23) Jesus' disciples went with him as he left in a boat.
(24) Suddenly, a severe storm came across the sea. The waves were covering the boat. Yet, Jesus was sleeping.
(25) So they woke him up, saying, "Lord! Save us! We're going to die!"
(26) Jesus said to them, "Why do you cowards have so little faith?" Then he got up, gave an order to the wind and the sea, and the sea became very calm.
(27) The men were amazed and asked, "What kind of man is this? Even the wind and the sea obey him!"
Jesus had just presented the sermon on the mount (chapter 7) and after that healed a few people, then this happens. Its amazing how focused your thoughts become if you think you are going to die. Suddenly, they saw Jesus in a new light; in a way that would begin to change their whole lives. Everything would be different, because here was a man who could control nature... and so, the question: "What kind of man is this?" Good question, but its not just for them, its for us as well. And perhaps it is the most important you will ever ask. Just be sure you are looking at him in the right light, with eyes of faith.