

It has become fashionable to bash every aspect of Christianity and this includes The Holy Bible. Our society has become so perverted, so evil, that in a way I am not surprised at all by this sticker. Someone would have to have a very warped mind to label The Holy Bible as a work of fiction because a large part of it has already been verified by the archaeologist's spade. Its content reflects life accurately and therefore the things mentioned are horrifying. The exposure warning comes from a wicked heart that loves only self and seeks to destroy the truth of God.

2 Timothy 4:1-5 (WEB)

2 Timothy 4
1) I command you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at his appearing and his Kingdom:
2) preach the word; be urgent in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with all patience and teaching.
3) For the time will come when they will not listen to the sound doctrine, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves teachers after their own lusts;
4) and will turn away their ears from the truth, and turn aside to fables.
5) But you be sober in all things, suffer hardship, do the work of an evangelist, and fulfill your ministry.

Truth may not be pretty and obedience to it difficult, but disobedience is disastrous. The above picture is just one more indication of how bad this situation has really become. Thank God for those who still proclaim the holy words of God; we need them more than ever!! The real warning of this picture is for those of us who follow God: we need to cease being uninvolved and fight this and every other attack of Satan. As far as warnings go: Satan, your end is near!!!