Ancient Whales Gave Birth on Land
By Jeanna Bryner, Senior Writer
“(Feb. 4) -- More than 47 million years ago, a whale was about to give birth to her young ... on land. That's according to skeletal remains of a pregnant cetacean whose fetus was positioned head-down as is the case for land mammals but not aquatic whales. The teeth of the fetus were so well-developed that researchers who analyzed the fossils think the baby would have been born within days, had its mom not died…Recently discovered fossilized bones from a pregnant whale show that the water-based animal gave birth on land. The rare find provides a vital scientific link in the evolution of the seafaring mammal.”
My, my—isn’t that amazing?
There’s one brand of “science” at work. Forty-seven million years ago, give or take a few weeks, a whale whose baby was due to be born within days was faced in an unusual direction. The whale ended up on land and died there but its death was not in vain for it has provided “a vital link in the evolution of the sea-faring mammal.”
A host of human babies face an unusual direction near-birth time. Maybe ancient humans birthed their babies feet first.
From the skeleton the experts were able to tell “ancient whales gave birth on land.”
From the skeleton the experts were able to tell that the “mom” deliberately headed for land to birth the baby on land.
We see a lot of whales on land, dying, and people try to get them back in the water. It seems the rank and file think the poor creature has lost its bearings.
I’m tempted to think that this poor creature lost its bearings and if it hadn’t ended up on land it might not have died and birthed its baby in the water as usual.
“A vital link” in the whale’s evolution, Hmmm. How does that work? I’ve long suspected that the “links” in the evolutionary chain are as weak as this one.
From this one skeleton of a pregnant whale that might have been thrown up on land against its will by some force of nature or might have been so sick from some internal problem that in its confusion it flopped up on land (as many do)—the experts now know that “Ancient Whales Gave Birth on Land”.
These are the kind of people who put banners up on buses: There probably is no God.
[p.s. I love it when animals are called “mom” to a “fetus”. I wonder do these people ever talk that way about humans.]
©2004 Jim McGuiggan. All materials are free to be copied and used as long as money is not being made.