
From Gary... A favorite snowflake

Soon it will be snowing in our northern states, perhaps very soon.  And there will be plenty of snowflakes for everyone.  I wonder, could it even be possible to have a favorite flake?  Could the infinite diversity of infinite complexity just be too much for the human mind to contemplate, let alone pick a "favorite". But, what if we saw people like snowflakes.  I mean, appreciate them for what they are- their uniqueness and individuality.  Race, sex, age, history and the like somehow would seem unimportant. And then there is this little statement...

Acts, Chapter 10
  34  Peter opened his mouth and said, “Truly I perceive that God doesn’t show favoritism; 35 but in every nation he who fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.

Both you and I are very special; but, neither of us is inherently superior.   There is no "master" race, for God made us all alike. So what, if someone is smarter,  stronger or more attractive than you are.  Remember, even Adolph Hitler had a girlfriend.  To God, we are all like beautiful snowflakes- and he treats us all the same; that is, we all have the same opportunity to be right and do right.  And this begins with understanding who God is and grows to knowing what HE wants us to do and why!!!  Hummm, where do I begin?? The answer is... right where you are- and from there; open your Bible and read.  Relax, you stand a pretty good chance of succeeding- God doesn't show favoritism!!!!  Hummm, I wonder if GOD HAS A FAVORITE SNOWFLAKE?????