
From Gary... Rejoice!!!

For Allan M....

Why? Because he has a music degree and is the very best song leader I have ever known!!!  Also, this is for everyone else as well- Again, Why? Because Christians are not meant to be grumpy people; we should be the happiest of all humans because we have been adopted into the family of God.  Think of it; The God of all the universe has loved (and still does) us, Jesus died for us and the Holy Spirit has sealed us for entry into an eternal life along with others who love God as much as we do.  Now! That's a family!!! So memorize the following today (you will be glad you did !!!!)...

Philippians, Chapter 4

4 Rejoice in the Lord always! Again I will say, “Rejoice!”   

And I think the picture is humorous as well;but that is just my opinion.  And one more thing- SMILE TODAY AND MEAN IT!!! (I am sure that will please the entire GODHEAD).  Who knows- perhaps someone might copy you!!!!