The Voyage To Rome (60-61 A.D.)
1. At long last, Paul is headed for Rome...
a. As he had wanted to do for some time - cf. Ac 19:21; Ro 1:9-11,15; 15:23-29
b. As the Lord had revealed in a vision - Ac 23:11
2. Paul is not going as a tourist, but as a prisoner...
a. Having been arrested in Jerusalem two years earlier - Ac 21:26-36
b. Having defended himself in various trials
1) Before the mob in Jerusalem - Ac 21:37-22:29
2) Before the Sanhedrin council in Jerusalem - Ac 22:30-23:10
3) Before Felix the governor in Caesarea - Ac 23:11-24:27
4) Before Festus the governor in Caesarea - Ac 25:1-12
5) Before King Herod Agrippa II in Caesarea - Ac 25:13-26:32
-- Going to Rome because he had exercised his right as a Roman
citizen to appeal his case before Caesar - Ac 25:11-12; 26:30-32
[The voyage to Rome would not be without trials of it's own. Traveling
by sea was extremely very hazardous in those days. Paul had already
experience three shipwrecks (cf. 2Co 11:25-26). He is about to add to
his experiences of "perils in the sea". The first leg of the trip was...]
1. Paul was placed in the care of Julius, a Roman centurion - Ac 27:1
a. Of the Augustan Regiment, a division consisting of 400-600 men (Barnes)
b. Perhaps named in honor of the Roman emperor Augustus
2. Along with some other prisoners - Ac 27:1; cf. 27:42
3. Paul was joined by two dear friends - Ac 27:1-2
a. Luke, the author of Acts and "beloved physician" (Col 4:14),
as evidenced by the use of "we"
b. Aristarchus, from Thessalonica of Macedonia
1) Who had faced the mob in Ephesus - Ac 19:29
2) Who had returned with Paul to Asia - Ac 20:4
3) Later described as Paul's "fellow prisoner" and "fellow
laborer" - Col 4:10; Phm 24
4. Placed on a ship of Adramyttium - Ac 27:2
a. A maritime town of Mysia in Asia Minor (Barnes)
b. Located between Troas and Pergamos
1. From Caesarea they sailed to Sidon - Ac 27:3
2. At Sidon, the Roman centurion allowed Paul to visit friends and receive care
1. From Sidon they sailed "under" Cyprus - Ac 27:4
a. Because of the winds
b. Where Paul had gone on his first missionary journey - Ac 13:4-12
2. They continued off the coasts of Cilicia and Pamphylia - Ac 27:5
a. Cilicia, where Paul was born, and spent five years after
becoming a disciple of Christ - Ac 22:3; Ga 1:21
b. Pamphylia, where Perga was located - cf. Ac 13:13; 14:24-25
1. A city of Lycia, province west of Pamphylia - Ac 27:5
2. At Myra, the centurion books passage on an Alexandrian (Egypt)
ship sailing to Italy - Ac 27:6
[The first leg of the trip appears to have been a pleasant one, despite
the rough winds they encountered near Cyprus. But those winds were
nothing compared to what they would experience on the next leg of their voyage...]
1. It was slow sailing for many days - Ac 27:7
a. They arrived with difficulty off Cnidus (on the coast of
Asia Minor, northwest of the island of Rhodes)
b. The wind forced them to sail westward under Crete off
Salmone (on the eastern promontory of the island)
2. With difficulty they arrived at Fair Havens - Ac 27:8
a. Near the city of Lasea
b. On the south part of the island of Crete
3. Where they spent "much time" - Ac 27:9
a. Sailing was now dangerous, because the Fast (Day Of Atonement) was over
b. This would have been around September or October
4. Paul's advice is ignored - Ac 27:9-12
a. He perceived that the voyage would end in disaster
1) With loss of cargo and ship
2) With loss of their lives
b. The centurion is persuaded otherwise
1) By the helmsman and owner of the ship
2) Because the harbor at Fair Havens was not suitable for winter
3) The majority prevailed to try for Phoenix (Phenice), a
harbor that faced both southwest and northwest
1. Lured by a soft south wind, they sailed along the coast of Crete - Ac 27:13
2. They were soon caught up by a strong wind - Ac 27:14-15
a. Called "Euroclydon" (lit., wind wave), perhaps a hurricane or typhoon
b. Forced to let the wind just drive the ship
3. A short reprieve near the island of Clauda - Ac 27:16-17
a. A small island southwest of Crete
b. Where they secured the small skiff (boat) onboard
c. Where they used cables to under gird the ship
d. They struck sail, fearing they would run aground on the
Syrtis Sands (quicksands off the coast of Africa)
4. At the mercy of the winds - Ac 27:17-19
a. Driven and toss by the tempest
b. Throwing ship's tackle overboard to lighten the ship
5. Paul's comforting words, prompted by a visit from an angel
- Ac 27:20-26
a. After many days without seeing sun nor stars, all hope was lost
b. After a long abstinence from food, Paul addresses those on the ship
1) Reminding them they should have listened to him
2) Encouraging them to take heart, for no lives would be lost, only the ship
c. An angel had appeared to Paul, telling him:
1) Not to be afraid, for he must appear before Caesar
2) God has granted the lives of all those with him
d. Paul encourages them to take heart, though they must run aground on a certain island
1. After two weeks in the Adriatic Sea, they run aground - Ac 27:27-44
a. Sensing they were nearing ground around midnight, soundings confirmed their fears
b. Sailors attempted to flee using the skiff, but Paul and the
Roman soldiers prevented them, letting the skiff fall off the ship
c. At dawn, Paul encourages them to eat and offers thanks in their presence
d. They then further lightened the ship by throwing the wheat into the sea
e. In daylight, they tried to run the ship into a bay with a beach
f. The prow of the ship ran aground where two seas met, and
the stern began to break up
g. The Roman soldiers planned to kill the prisoners, but was
prevented by the centurion who wanted to save Paul
h. All made it land, some swimming, others on broken pieces of the ship
2. Three months on the island of Malta (Melita, 60 miles S from Sicily) - Ac 28:1-10
a. Where the natives made them welcome
b. Where Paul amazed the people when he did not die from a
poisonous snake bite - cf. Mk 16:17-18
c. Where Paul healed Publius' father of a fever and dysentery
d. Where they were honored in many ways, and provided with
whatever was necessary when they departed
[For the fourth time in his life, Paul had experienced shipwreck. Yet
God was with him, and would be with him as he and his traveling
companions continued their journey...]
1. After three months on the island, they sail from Malta - Ac 28:11
a. On an Alexandrian ship with the figurehead "The Twin Brothers"
b. Which had wintered on the island
2. They sailed to Syracuse (capital of Sicily), where they stayed three days - Ac 28:12
3. From there they circled about to Rhegium (a city of on the SWextremity of Italy) - Ac 28:13
4. With the aid of a south wind, they sailed on to Puteoli (8 miles NW of Naples) - Ac 28:13-14
a. Where they found brethren!
b. Where they were invited to say seven days
1. From Puteoli they head to Rome - Ac 28:14
2. Brethren from Rome hear of their coming - Ac 28:15
a. They came to meet Paul and his companions
b. When Paul saw them, He thanked God and took courage
3. Finally, they arrive at Rome! - Ac 28:16
a. The centurion delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guard
b. Paul was permitted to dwell by himself with the soldier who guarded him
1. Several years earlier, Paul had written of his desire and prayers to
meet his brethren in Rome - cf. Ro 1:8-10
2. Paul finally had his desire granted, and for two years remained in Rome...
a. Yes, it was as a prisoner awaiting his appeal before Caesar
b. But as we shall see in our next study, it was a fruitful time in
which he taught, preached and wrote much about the gospel of Jesus Christ!
What helped Paul throughout his voyage and the remaining years of his
life was "the God to whom I belong and whom I serve" (cf. Ac 27:23).
Later, Paul would write:
"And the Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve
me for His heavenly kingdom. To Him be glory forever and ever.
Amen!" (2Ti 4:18)
May the example and faith of the apostle Paul encourage us to serve the
same God with the same faith he did!
Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011