Chapter Seven
In the first year of Belshazzar (552 B.C.), Daniel receives two visions.
The first is of four beasts from the sea (1-8). The second involves a
judgment by the Ancient of Days, and the coronation of the Son of Man
(9-14). The interpretation describes persecution by elements of the
fourth beast (kingdom), with ultimate victory by the saints of the Most
High (15-28).
* The identity of the four kingdoms represented by the four beasts
* The identity of the Son of Man and the timing of His coronation
* The conflict between the fourth kingdom and the saints of the Most
1) What are the main points of this chapter?
- The vision of the four beasts - Dan 7:1-8
- The vision of the Ancient of Days and the Son of Man - Dan 7:9-14
- The interpretation of Daniel's visions - Dan 7:15-28
2) What four world empires do the four beasts likely represent? (1-8)
- Lion: the Babylonian empire
- Bear: the Medo-Persian empire
- Leopard: the Grecian empire
- Dreadful, terrible, exceedingly strong beast: the Roman empire
3) In the second vision, what two scenes appear before Daniel? (9-14)
- Judgment by the Ancient of Days
- The coronation of the Son of Man
4) What takes place between the two scenes? (11-12)
- The fourth beast with the pompous horn is slain
- The other beasts have their dominion taken away, but live for awhile
5) What is Daniel told is the meaning of the two visions? (15-18)
- The four beasts represent four kings (kingdoms, cf. Dan 7:23)
- The saints of the Most High will receive and possess the kingdom
6) What is Daniel told when he inquires about the fourth beast? (19-27)
- The fourth beast represents a kingdom that will devour the earth
- The ten horns represent ten kings, but the pompous horn will subdue
three of them
- The pompous horn will make war with the saints, but will succeed
only for a short time
- The pompous horn and its kingdom will lose its dominion and be
- The kingdom and its dominion will be given to saints of the Most
High, whose kingdom will be everlasting and all dominions will serve
Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2015