
ME by Gary Rose

When I think of "Peanuts", I think of a generation that probably grew up in the 1950's. Yet, based on her comments, I think Lucy was born much later- you know, in the ME generation.

I wonder- when did the "ME" generation begin, anyway? And then I turned to the Bible...

Philippians, Chapter 2 (World English Bible)
 19 But I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, that I also may be cheered up when I know how you are doing.  20 For I have no one else like-minded, who will truly care about you.  21 For they all seek their own, not the things of Jesus Christ. (emphasis added vs. 20f.) 22 But you know the proof of him, that as a child serves a father, so he served with me in furtherance of the Good News.  23 Therefore I hope to send him at once, as soon as I see how it will go with me. 

Well, based on this Bible passage, it seems that the "ME" generation has been around a lot longer than I ever imagined. But, in spite of the widespread number of people concerned about themselves, there have always been some Timothy's out there.

BE ONE!!!!