Is the Bible the final authority for
the many denominations that claim to be followers of Christ? The truth
is, most denominations do not use the Bible as their source for the
final authority when it comes to faith and practice of the church. The
majority of Christ following denominations use church catechisms, church
statements of faith and other creed books as their final authority. The
Bible is superseded by writings written by church leaders.
One thing that is certain, if
denominations are stating different ways of being saved, they all cannot
be correct. If you are searching for the absolute truth why would you
not use the Bible and the Bible alone.
The only reason churches use
catechisms and creed books is to explain away the clear teaching of
Scripture that are contrary to their denominational doctrines. If
catechisms and creed books are teaching the same thing as the Bible,
then why would you need them?
2 Timothy 3:15-17 and from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is inspired by God and
profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, fr training in
righteousness; 17 so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for
every good work.(New American Standard Version)
The truth about salvation and living the Christian life comes from Scripture inspired by God.
Church catechisms, creed books, and
church board approved statements of faith are not Scripture, they are
not the Bible, they not God's inspired word given to all mankind.
If all believers in Christ believed
that the Bible and the Bible alone was God's authoritative message to
men, there would be no denominations. There would only be the Lord's
church. The church of Christ. There is only one body of Christ.