
WHICH CHURCH? by steve finnell



WHICH CHURCH?  by steve finnell

Which church was established to teach the apostles doctrine. Acts 2:42 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine..(NKJV)

Which church was established to teach the apostles' doctrine?

Was the Community Church established to preach the apostles' doctrine or the Community Church doctrine?

Was the Roman Catholic Church formed in order to teach the apostles' doctrine or to teach the Catholic catechism?

Was the Methodist Church founded in order to teach the apostles' doctrine or to proclaim Methodism?

Was the Baptist Church established to evangelize using the apostles doctrine or to preach Baptist doctrine?

If churches really wanted to preach the apostles' doctrine would they not use the identity of the church found in Scripture. Examples: Romans 16:16...The churches of Christ greet you. (NKJV), Acts 20:28 ...the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.(NKJV), 1 Corinthians 1:2...the church of God...sanctified in Christ Jesus.(NKJV).

Denominations take names other than those found in Scripture so as to identify the differences from their doctrine and that of the apostles' doctrine.

Jesus is the head of one church, His church. God did not establish multiple churches.

If all churches taught from the Bible and the Bible alone, then, denominational names would not  necessary.