
"THE CHURCH JESUS BUILT" Identifying The Lord's Church Today by Mark Copeland




Identifying The Lord's Church Today

  1. In this series we have sought to examine "The Church Jesus Built" by studying...
    1. The nature of the church
    2. The authority of the church
    3. The organization of the church
    4. The worship of the church
    5. The work of the church
  2. We noted some of the distinctions between the church universal and the church local...
    The Church 'Universal'
    Composed of all Christians
    There is just 'one'
    Began on the Day of Pentecost
    Enter only by being added by the Lord
    The Lord keeps the books of membership
    Consists of all the saved
    Must be in this to be saved
    Has no 'earthly' organization
    Can't be divided
    Death doesn't affect membership
    The Church 'Local'
    Composed of Christians in one location
    There are 'many'
    Begins when people join together
    Enter by 'joining ourselves'
    Enrolled by human judgment
    Consists of both saved and lost
    Do not have to be in this to be saved
    Has 'earthly' organization
    Can be divided
    Death does affect membership
  3. When we are aware of the difference between the church universal and local churches, we are better equipped to identify "The Church Jesus Built" today...
    1. In view of the high estimation placed upon the church as described in the New Testament, I would like to be able to identify it today, wouldn't you?
    2. But is our task one of being able to identify the church universal, or local churches?

[It is the latter question that I wish to address in this study. Let me begin by asking...]

      1. Jesus said He would build His church, and we read about it in the Bible
      2. If today you could find that church we read about in the Bible, wouldn't you want to be a member of it?
      3. Well, here is a chart which shows the pattern of the New Testament church...
        1. A chart is then used which describes the beginning of the church (its founder, place and time of origin, and its head)
        2. The chart also lists verses describing the organization, name, worship, etc., of the church
      4. If you can find the church that is like this in all respects, then it is the New Testament church today!
      1. Are we not trying to identify the one and true church, i.e., the church "universal"?
      2. But charts like the one described above often make no distinction between the church universal and the church local
        1. E.g., its founder, time and place of origin, head, etc., refers to the universal church
        2. Yet passages describing organization, name, worship, etc., refer to the local church!
      3. This can easily lead to confusion...
        1. Concerning the church universal
          1. That it may have earthly organization
          2. That it is overseen by elders and served by deacons
        2. Concerning the church local
          1. That they all started in Jerusalem
          2. That they all started in 30 A.D.
      4. It is virtually impossible to identify the church universal in this way
        1. It has no earthly organization that can be visibly seen
        2. Only the Lord knows...
          1. Those who are truly saved
          2. Those who thereby make up His body, the one true church!
      5. At best, we can only identify local churches today
      1. Regarding the church universal
        1. Emphasize that the Lord is in the process of building His one true church
        2. Which consists of all the saved, for the Lord adds those being saved to it
        3. Here is how you can be saved and thereby become a member of the Lord's church...
      2. Regarding the church local
        1. Once saved, and a member of the body of Christ, the NT teaches you should "join yourself" with a local congregation
        2. But which one? How can you identify which of the myriad congregations are considered by the Lord as His faithful churches in the local sense?
        3. Now let's examine what the NT reveals about the local church...

        [This approach is not only scriptural, it also has less potential for confusing the universal church with the local church. With this in mind, here are a few thoughts on...]

      1. The name of a local congregation reveals much
        1. Whether the church is concerned about promoting unity in the body of Christ
        2. If the name is a denominational name, religious division must not be a major concern of those in the congregation
      2. The "name" should therefore be a scriptural name
        1. There is no one scriptural name for the Lord's church in the New Testament
          1. The expressions "church of God" (1Co 1:2), "churches of God" (1Th 2:14), and "churches of Christ" (Ro 16:16) are commonly used
          2. Other terms are used also, and all reflecting an association with God and Christ (body of Christ, kingdom of God, bride of Christ, temple of God, etc.)
        2. But the use of scriptural names instead of a humanly-conceived name...
          1. Reflects a desire to follow the Scriptures, and not human tradition
          2. Certainly conveys a desire to honor God and Christ, and not some man, creed or particular doctrine
      3. However, the "name" alone is not a sure guide
        1. Just as the name "Mrs. Copeland" alone is not a sure guide if you were seeking to find my wife
          1. For there are a lot of women who go by the name, "Mrs. Copeland"
          2. But only one who bears the name is properly my wife!
        2. So there may be many congregations that bear the name of Christ or God that may not be truly honoring them!
          1. For example, there are over 200 separate denominations that use the name "Church of God"
          2. Likewise, there may be "Churches of Christ" that are no less a congregation of the Lord than any with a denominational name!
          -- Yet I would still recommend that one begin with the name, and in particular those congregations that use the expression "church of Christ"
      1. Remember how Christ is adding people to His church universal
        1. Through the gospel, He calls us - 2Th 2:14
        2. As we heed the gospel call, the Lord adds us to His body, the church - Ac 2:41,47
        3. That is why it is so important that the gospel not be perverted in any way - Ga 1:6-9
      2. If the gospel proclaimed by those in a local church is different...
        1. By changing either the facts or commands of the gospel...
        2. ...then people are not being saved, and the Lord is not adding them to His church!
      3. A church with a perverted gospel...
        1. May have the nicest people, but they are still unregenerate people!
        2. May wear the name of Christ, both as individuals and as a church, but are not truly the people of God, nor a part of "The Church Jesus Built"!
      1. In the New Testament, we find a pattern regarding local churches
        1. The NT describes the early church during its first 60 years
        2. A careful study of Acts and the epistles reveal a picture of the church
        3. From this picture, a pattern emerges in reference to:
          1. The worship of local churches
          2. The work of local churches
          3. The organization of the churches
        4. This pattern emerges as we see the early Christians...
          1. Continuing steadfastly in the "apostles' doctrine" - Ac 2:42
          2. Being taught the same things in every church - cf. 1Co 4:17; 16:1-2
      2. Faithful churches abiding in the "apostles' doctrine" will reflect this pattern today
        1. Their worship will be like that described in the New Testament
        2. Their work as a congregation will be similar to that found in the New Testament
        3. Their organization as a congregation will seek to be like that described in the New Testament
      3. At the very least, does the local congregation allow you...
        1. To fulfill your obligations related to other Christians?
          1. E.g., gathering on the first day of the week to break bread? - Ac 20:7
          2. E.g., laying by in store as God has prospered you? - 1Co 16:1-2
        2. To fulfill your obligations without violating your conscience?
          1. E.g., praising God in song without mechanical instruments of music?
          2. E.g., using the Lord's treasury for what is the proper work of the church?
      4. Bear in mind, no congregation is perfect - cf. Re 2:1-7; 3:1-6
        1. Christians are not perfect, though they are to strive toward perfection
        2. Churches may lack the spiritual fervor we might desire to see in them
        3. But if a church at least provides the basics for your spiritual growth and service, then perhaps you can encourage the other members to grow and serve with you!
  1. If we wish to identify "The Church Jesus Built" today...
    1. We cannot point to one group of churches and say "There is The One True Church!" b For "The One True Church" that Jesus built...
      1. Is a spiritual entity, a body made up of saved individuals throughout the world
      2. With no earthly headquarters nor earthly organization
  2. But there are countless individuals who have joined themselves together as local churches...
    1. Following the apostles' doctrine as revealed in the New Testament
    2. Imitating the pattern seen in the New Testament regarding the work, worship and organization of the local church
    3. And such churches can be so identified today!
    4. Feel free to contact me if you would like for me to see if I can find a church in your area
  3. A person's first concern should be to look to the Lord through His Word to save him, thereby adding him to His church universal
  4. Having done that, he or she should then examine the New Testament to learn what to look for as one seeks to locate and worship with one of His local churches

But suppose one is unable to find an established congregation in their area that is following the New Testament pattern, what then? The answer will be offered in our next and final lesson in this series...

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2022