
From the Heavens to the Heart and back again by Gary Rose

Memories of Long Ago


Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven"


A Linux Distribution: Heavenward


I grew up loving music. My earliest memories are of "Sixteen Tons" and later on, a variety of Elvis Presley hits like "Wooden Heart" and "Love me Tender". Later on, I enjoyed songs from the Rock and Roll era like the Beatles and Three dog Night. I am not sure exactly when I was introduced to "Stairway to Heaven" but believe it or not, I think it wasn't until the 21st century. Anyway, I now think it that "Stairway to Heaven" is the greatest Rock and Roll song of all time.


There has been much controversy over "Stairway to Heaven's" true meaning, but I think its message is primarily aimed at greed, religious "buy your way" into heaven mentality and the "god" of reason within western culture. Why was it written?  I feel that it is a modern parable that has as its goal a message that will cause the hearers to genuinely seek God and not the western false gods of capitalism, reason and buying salvation with our contributions.


 The Bible says...

John 14 ( World  English  Bible )

6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me. 


This verse alone is enough to show that Jesus is the one and only way to heaven.

 As for me, I grew up on a farm and loved looking at the sky and eventually my thoughts turned to God and years later, I was baptized into Christ in 1977. Today, I use my computer to help others find their way to Heaven by means of this blog, my Composite Bible and Composite Bible Reports and a new Linux distribution which I call "Heavenward". To this very day, I am still thinking of Heaven and hope that eventually I will be granted entrance. 


 Hope to see you there!