
Fro Jim McGuiggan... Big Brother and other things

Big Brother and other things

Anyone who watches Big Brother deserves all they get. Those that pay to be a part of it…oh well. And then the producers try to kid the public into thinking there's something deeper going on by inviting psychologists to study the inmates—"Ah, yes, this is a deep learning experience!" Good grief! Bookmakers just lost a bet on which couple on the set would have sex first—which couple would "bonk" first. The production cheapens everything it touches, it leaves a trail of slime behind it and then in a hypocritical demonstration of political correctness it punishes "inhabitants" for speech that reflects the spirit that a programme like that generates and nurtures. They have no sense of societal obligation. One of them made it clear in an interview I saw some months back that they will knowingly invite those who will push the limits. These shrewd hucksters, like the drug pushers, play on our weaknesses and bring us down further. They do their best not to run too far ahead of broad public taste all the while they slyly see what they can get away with. They depend on the fact that hosts of us don't know when we're being insulted and used.
The soap operas, Eastenders, Coronation Street, Hollyoaks and such are saturated with booze (what was it a report said about them several months ago?—about fifteen minutes of boozing going on in the foreground or background in each thirty-minute episode!). In this past year an increasing number of reports lamented about how much boozing is going on in Britain even among the very young. Sexual promiscuity in the young and venereal disease is climbing, "alarming" some watchdogs, and the figures on abortions are climbing again in England and Wales (over 190,000 last year), including abortions in the very young.
But the shrewd PR people create buzz words like "binge" drinking to cover their tracks, "Drink responsibly," supported by the sly booze industry while they sell the stuff that deadens our sense of propriety and our ability to be responsible. Then there's "safe sex" (with an abortion or "the night after" pill just in case). These writers, producers and booze providers feed on our weaknesses. I'm talking about the whole box-and-dice of us and not just non-Christians; they lead us around by the nose even while we know what they're up to because even though we say, "Hah, I know what you're doing," we still go along with them and they smile all the way to the bank. Meanwhile we have moral weakness in dysfunctional families presented as the norm in the leading soaps or hedonism in those geared for the younger set and desert island inanity and on others.
Now we have a school that threatens with expulsion young Christian girls who would dare to wear a "purity ring" (that says they want to keep themselves for their future husbands). I'm going to presume that the school feels this is being morally judgmental (otherwise, why would they object?) so it would appear these girls aren't permitted freedom of speech and conscience. It would appear that the schoold heads in a politically correct fever would rather these girls kept their views to themselves and practiced "safe sex" with a pill in their pocket just in case. Or, "Okay, remain a virgin if you wish but don't make it public that that's what you're going to do! Keep your mouth firmly shut."
And then just last week—listen to this! The television advertising board banned an advertisement the re-showing of a forty-year old advertisement by the Egg Marketing Board that said: "Go to work on an egg!" The reason they banned it was that it "violated the principle of having a varied diet." Good grief!
It's this kind of thing that sometimes leaves you stunned. At this kind of thing thirteen-year old kids and old codgers like me look at each other and shrug—these are the people who are making the decisions for us?

©2004 Jim McGuiggan. All materials are free to be copied and used as long as money is not being made.

Many thanks to brother Ed Healy, for allowing me to post from his website, the abiding word.com.