
ALIENS AND CREATION (The Theory of Panspermia) Donald R. Fox


(The Theory of Panspermia)
Donald R. Fox

There is no disputation; atheism rejects the word of God, the Bible. They side with the evolutionists who believe in an assortment of theories on how life began. Further, evolutionists’s doubt among themselves on how our earth and the cosmos began. Our solar system is vast and complex, yet these multiparty arrangements run like a clock, perfect. Life itself is beyond comprehension from us humans to the animal world. On and on we all understand this multifaceted nature of our universe and our perfect globe, beautiful unique earth.

I have several debates conducted over many years between Christians and an assortment of deniers of creation and God Almighty. Some of the debates are preserved on an audio format, and others are in book form. Whatever the case is, the non-believer or the evolutionists, their presentation supporting their theories falls short, at the point of nonsense. One theory of the evolutionist I have never heard of on the polemic platform is the theory of Panspermia. To boil that theory down for us who are not familiar with such, it is a hypothesis that aliens from other planets created life upon our earth.

The following is extractions from “That Their Words May be Used Against Them. Quotes from Evolutionists Useful for Creationists." Complied by Henry M. Morris, Institute for Creation Research, San Diego, CA published 1997.

From page 61 of Henry M. Morris’ work, “Organic Compound Synthesis on the Primitive Earth, Science”, vol. 130 (July 31, 1959).
Surely one of the most marvelous feats of 20th-century science would be the firm proof that life exists on another planet. All the projected space flights and the high costs of such developments would be fully justified if they were able to establish the existence of life on either Mars or Venus. In that case, the thesis that life develops spontaneously when conditions are favorable would be far more firmly established, and our whole view of the problem of the origin of life would be confirmed.”

Mitton, Simon, and Roger Lewin, “Is Anyone Out There?” New Scientist (August 16, 1973). Mitton is Secretary of the Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge. Page 380, “They hypothesize that thousands of millions of years ago, an intelligent civilization decided to seed other nearby planets with primitive forms of life in hope that more advance civilizations might develop. Crick and Orgel that their proposal---called Directed Panspermia---is an tenable as other theories that aim to explain the origin of life on Earth.”
Side Note: I am not a mind-reader, but I wonder if you thought as you read this essay, “How did the aliens from outer space come into being?”

So friends, these brilliant scientists reject the simplicity of “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" (Genesis 1:1 KJV).

NOTE: For a few web sites that dwell on this science fiction theory: http://www.google.com/search?q=Aliens+Created+Earth&hl=en&sourceid=gd&rlz=1D1DLUS_enUS303US315 and

NOTE: For additional study see essay titled “ACCEPTABLE EXPLANATION.”