
It’s Not About Us, it is About HIM by Alfred Shannon Jr.


Christianity is not about being narcissistic. It is not all about me, me, me. It is all about Him, Him, Him. It is not about me being right, but proving, teaching, and obeying that which is right. God’s Word is right whether we are, or not. If we do wrong, we will be punished accordingly. However, God’s Word, no matter how irresponsibly used, is perfect and will endure forever. Let us keep focused on Jesus, the author and finisher of our Faith.
Heb 12:2; 1 Pet 1:23-25; Isa 40:8; Ps 33:4; Ps 12:6; Prov 30:5; Lk 22:42; Jn 6:38; Heb 10:7,9