Chapter Five
1) To examine the sin of Ananias and Sapphira in lying to the Holy
2) To note the amazing signs and wonders that were done by the apostles,
in which all were healed
3) To consider the apostles' response when government seeks to stifle
the preaching of the gospel
In contrast to the remarkable liberality in the church as described in
the previous chapter, we are now told of the example of Ananias and
Sapphira. A husband and wife who sold a possession, they tried to
mislead the apostles that they were giving the entire proceeds.
Confronted one at a time by Peter and found guilty of lying against the
Holy Spirit, they both fall dead, bringing great fear upon all (1-11).
Highly esteemed among the people, the apostles continue doing many signs
and wonders among the people and in the temple (Solomon's Porch).
Believers were added to the Lord in increasing numbers, who then brought
the sick out into the streets on beds and couches, that perhaps the
shadow of Peter might fall on some of them. A multitude from the
surrounding cities brought those who were sick and tormented, and
everyone was healed (12-16).
Once again the high priest and those of Sadducees are filled with anger.
They have the apostles placed into custody. During the night, an angel
of the Lord frees them and commands the apostles to continue to teach in
the temple. In the morning when the council convenes, the prison is
found secure but empty. When told that the apostles are teaching in the
temple, officers are sent to bring the apostles peacefully to the
council. When the high priest charges them of disobeying the command
not to teach in the name of Jesus (cf. 4:18), the apostles reply "We
ought to obey God rather than man." They further proclaim that God
raised Jesus (whom the council had murdered) and has exalted Him to be
Prince and Savior who offers repentance to Israel and forgiveness of
sins. To this the apostles claim to be witnesses, along with the Holy
Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him (17-32).
Infuriated, the council plots to kill the apostles. However, one in the
council, a Pharisee and highly respected teacher of the law by the name
of Gamaliel (cf. 22:3), advises the council to leave the apostles alone.
Based upon the history of other "movements" that had failed, Gamaliel
reasons that if the apostles were doing the work of men, it would come
to naught. But if it was the work of God, the council could do nothing
to stop it and would only be fighting against God. The council is
willing to heed his advice, though the apostles are beaten and charged
not to speak in the name of Jesus before being released. The apostles
leave the council rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer
shame in the name of Jesus, and continue right on teaching and preaching
Jesus as the Christ every day in the temple and in every house (33-42).
1. They sold a possession, but kept back part of the proceeds
2. Ananias brings a part to the apostles, Sapphira aware of his
intention to deceive
1. Peter challenges Ananias
a. Why has he allowed Satan to enter his heart to lie to the
Holy Spirit?
1) The land was his to use
2) The money was his to control
b. He has not lied to men, but to God!
2. Ananias drops dead
a. Upon hearing the words of Peter
b. Creating great fear on those who heard
c. Carried out by young men and buried
1. Peter confronts Sapphira
a. She enters three hours later, unaware
b. Did she sell the land for a certain amount? Yes, she
c. Why did she agree with her husband to the test the Spirit?
d. Those who buried her husband are ready to carry her out
2. Sapphira falls dead
a. Immediately at the feet of Peter
b. Carried out by young men and buried by her husband
c. Creating great fear upon all the church and all who heard
1. Many signs and wonders were done by the apostles among the
2. While none dared join them, they were esteemed highly
1. Believers were increasingly added to the Lord
2. They brought the sick out on the street
a. Laying them on beds and couches
b. That at least the shadow of Peter passing by might fall on
3. A multitude gathered from the cities surrounding Jerusalem
a. Bringing the sick and those tormented by unclean spirits
b. They were all healed
1. The apostles put into the common prison
a. By the high priest and those of the sect of the Sadducees
b. For they were filled with indignation
2. The apostles freed by an angel of the Lord
a. Who came at night, opened the prison doors, and brought them
b. Who charged them to return to the temple and speak the words
of life
c. Which they did, entering the temple in the early morning
1. The council calls for the apostles to be brought from the
a. The officers are unable to do so, for the apostles are not
b. Despite the secure doors, and guards standing outside
2. The council has the apostles brought from the temple
a. The council is informed that the apostles are teaching the
b. The apostles are brought to the council peacefully, for fear
of the people
3. The high priest challenges the apostles
a. Were they not strictly commanded to teach in Jesus' name?
b. You have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, intending to
bring this Man's blood on us!
4. Peter and the apostles respond
a. We ought to obey God rather than man
b. God has raised Jesus, whom you murdered
c. God has exalted Jesus to His right hand
1) To be Prince and Savior
2) To give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins
d. We are witnesses to these things
1) And so is the Holy Spirit
2) Whom God has given to those who obey Him
5. The council's immediate reaction
a. They were furious
b. They plotted to kill the apostles
1. Gamaliel stands up in the council
a. A Pharisee, a teacher of the law
b. Held in respect by all the people
c. Who commands the apostles be put outside for awhile
2. Gamaliel cautions the council
a. To be careful what they do with the apostles
b. Remember what happened to Theudas
1) A man claiming to be someone, joined by 400 men
2) He was slain, and those who obeyed him came to nothing
c. Remember what happened to Judas of Galilee in the days of
the census
1) He drew away many people after him
2) He also perished, and those who obeyed him dispersed
d. His advice regarding the apostles: leave them alone
1) If their work is of men, it will come to nothing
2) If it is of God, it cannot be overthrown and you will be
fighting against God
1. The council's decision
a. They agree with Gamaliel to let the apostles go
b. But first beat them and command them not to speak in the
name of Jesus
2. The apostles' reaction
a. They depart rejoicing they were counted worthy to suffer
shame for His name
b. They continued to teach and preach Jesus daily in the temple
and in every house
1) What are the main points of this chapter?
- Ananias and Sapphira (1-11)
- The power of the apostles (12-16)
- The persecution of the apostles (17-42)
2) Who is introduced as having sold a possession? (1)
- Ananias and Sapphira, husband and wife
3) What did the husband do? Was the wife aware of it? (2)
- He kept back part of the proceeds and brought a part to the
apostles; yes, she was
4) What did Peter charge the husband of doing? In what way? (3)
- Lying to the Holy Spirit
- By keeping back part of the price (but implying he was giving all
of it)
5) Who did Peter say he had lied to? (4)
- Not to men but to God
6) What happened when the man heard this? What was the reaction of
those who heard? (5)
- He fell down and breathed his last; great fear come upon all who
7) How long before the wife came in? Was she aware of what happened?
- Three hours; no
8) Did she attempt to mislead Peter also? (8)
- Yes
9) What did Peter charge her with being guilty of doing? (9)
- Agreeing with her husband to test the Spirit of the Lord
10) What then happened? What was the reaction upon those who heard?
- She fell dead, and was buried by her husband; great fear came upon
11) What was being done by the apostles? (12)
- Many signs and wonders among the people
12) How did the people regard the apostles? (13)
- None dared join them, but did esteem them highly
13) Did this hinder the growth of the church? (14)
- No, believers were being increasingly added to the Lord
14) What did the believers do? Why? (15)
- They brought the sick out into the street on beds and couches
- That the shadow of Peter passing by might fall on them
15) Who else were bringing sick people? (16)
- A multitude from the surrounding cities
16) Of those sick and tormented brought to the apostles, who were
healed? (16)
- They were all healed
17) Who was filled with indignation and had the apostles put into
custody? (17-18)
- The high priest and those of the sect of the Sadducees
18) Who freed the apostles during the night? What were they told to do?
- An angel of the Lord; to go to the temple and speak to the people
all the words of this life
19) What was discovered when the apostles were sent for from prison?
- The prison was secure with the guards standing outside, but no one
was inside
20) When told that the apostles were teaching in the temple, what did
the council do? (24-26)
- Sent the officers to bring the apostles without violence, for they
feared the people
21) What three charges did the high priest make against the apostles?
- Did we not command you not teach in this name?
- You have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine
- You intend to bring this Man's blood on us!
22) What was the initial response of Peter and the apostles to these
charges? (29)
- We ought to obey God rather than man
23) What else did the apostles proclaim on this occasion? (30-32)
- God raised up Jesus whom they murdered by hanging on a tree
- God exalted Him to His right hand to be Prince and Savior
- To give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins
- We are witnesses to these things, as is the Holy Spirit whom God
has given to those who obey Him
24) What was the council's initial reaction? What were they planning to
do? (33)
- They were furious; they plotted to kill the apostles
25) Who in the council stood up? Who was he? What did he command? (34)
- A Pharisee named Gamaliel
- A teacher of the law held in respect by all the people
- That the apostles be put outside for a while
26) What were his initial words to the council? (35)
- Take heed what you intend to do regarding these men
27) What two examples does he give of 'failed movements'? (36-37)
- Theudas and his followers who came to nothing when he died
- Judas of Galilee and those who followed him, who were dispersed
when he died
28) What counsel does Gamaliel then offer? Why? (38-39)
- Keep away from the apostles and leave them alone
- If their work is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of
God, they will be fighting against God and cannot overthrow it
29) What was the council's response to Gamaliel? Yet what did they
still do? (40)
- They agreed with him
- They beat the apostles, commanded them not to speak in the name of
Jesus, then let them go
30) How did the apostles' respond as they left the council? (41)
- Rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for the
name of Jesus
31) What did the apostles continue to do? Where? (42)
- Teach and preach Jesus as the Christ; daily in the temple, and in
every house
Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2015