Chapter Six
1) To note how the church in Jerusalem handled their internal problems
2) To examine the process of selecting and appointing those who serve in
the Lord's church
3) To evaluate the charges that were brought against Stephen
As the disciples in Jerusalem multiplied in number, it is not surprising
to read of problems increasing as well. This chapter describes problems
from within and without the congregation.
Hellenists (Jewish Christians who adopted Grecian culture) complained
that the Hebrews (Jewish Christians who sought to preserve Jewish
culture) neglected their widows in the daily distribution (cf. 2:44-45;
4:34-35). The apostles, desiring not to be distracted from their own
work, summon the disciples and charge them to select seven men whom the
apostles might appoint to take care of this responsibility. Seven are
selected by the people and appointed by the apostles through prayer and
the laying on of hands. With the problem solved, the word of God spread
and the number of disciples multiplied greatly, including the obedience
of many priests (1-6).
Stephen, one of the seven, began doing many wonders and signs.
Opposition arose from members of the Synagogue of the Freedmen who
disputed with Stephen. Unable to resist the Spirit and the wisdom of
which he spoke, they resorted to false witnesses to stir up the people,
elders, and scribes. Brought before the council, Stephen was charged
with blasphemy against the temple and the law of Moses. The chapter
ends with the council looking at Stephen, seeing his face as the face of
an angel (7-15).
1. As the church grew, there arose a complaint
2. The Hellenists were complaining against the Hebrews
3. The Hellenistic widows were being neglected during the daily
1. The twelve apostles summon the multitude of disciples
a. It was not good that the apostles leave the word of God to
serve tables
b. The congregation should select seven men that the apostles
might appoint
1) Of good reputation
2) Full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom
c. So the apostles might give themselves to prayer and the word
of God
2. The multitude is pleased, and select seven men
a. Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit
b. Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas and Nicolas, a
proselyte from Antioch
3. The seven men are appointed by the apostles
a. Having prayed
b. Laying hands on them
1. The word of God spread, the number of the disciples multiplied
2. Many of the priests were obedient to the faith
1. Full of faith and power, he did great wonders and signs among
the people
2. Disputed with some from the Synagogue of the Freedmen
a. Cyrenians, Alexandrians, and those from Cilicia and Asia
b. Who were unable to resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which
he spoke
1. They secretly induced men to charge him with blasphemy against
Moses and God
2. They stirred up the people, the elders and the scribes
a. To come and seize him
b. To bring him to the (Sanhedrin) council
3. They set up false witnesses who charged Stephen with blasphemy
a. The holy place (temple): "We have heard him say that this
Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place"
b. Against the law (of Moses) "...and change the customs which
Moses delivered to us"
1. All who sat in the council looked steadfastly at him
2. They saw his face as the face of an angel
1) What are the main points of this chapter?
- The selection of the seven (1-7)
- The charges against Stephen (8-15)
2) As the church in Jerusalem grew in number, who raised a complaint?
Why? (1)
- The Hellenists against the Hebrews
- The Hellenistic widows were being neglected in the daily
3) When the apostles summoned the disciples, what did they first say to
them? (2)
- "It is not desirable that we should leave the word of God and serve
4) What proposal did the apostles offer? (3)
- For the congregation to select seven whom the apostles could
appoint over this business
5) What qualifications did the apostles lay down for the selection of
the seven? (3)
- Men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom
6) What would this enable the apostles to do? (4)
- Give themselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the
7) What were the names of the seven men who were selected? What is
unique about their names? (5)
- Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, Nicholas
- They are all Grecian (Hellenistic) names
8) How did the apostles appoint those whom the congregation selected?
- Through prayer and the laying on of hands
9) As the word of spread, what two things occurred? (7)
- The number of the disciples multiplied greatly
- A great many of the priests were obedient to the faith
10) What did Stephen, one of the seven, do among the people? (8)
- Great signs and wonders
11) Who began to dispute with Stephen? (9)
- Some from the Synagogue of the Freedmen (Cyrenians, Alexandrians,
others from Cilicia and Asia)
12) What were they unable to do? (10)
- Resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which Stephen spoke
13) What did they secretly induce men to say? (11)
- "We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses and God"
14) What did they stir up the people, elders, and scribes to do? (12)
- To seize Stephen and bring him to the council
15) What did they set up false witnesses to say? (13-14)
- "This man does not cease to speak blasphemous words against this
holy place and the law"
- "We have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy
this place and change the customs which Moses delivered to us"
16) As those in the council looked at Stephen, what did they see? (15)
- His face as the face of an angel
Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2015