
Seeing the beauty beyond the beauty

I wish I knew the name for this flower, but I don't.  Nameless to me, yet abounding in beauty, it is wonderful!!!  There are so many astoundingly beautiful things in this world that I am awed by the sheer number of them.  Sunsets, seashells, snowflakes, snapdragons, summer, sunlight; just to name a few.  Yet, what about you and me?  We don't just exist, we interact, we control, we imagine!!!  Human beings are the pinnacle of life on the planet we call Earth!!!  True, all life is important, but intelligent life is a thing to marvel!!!  Is that it; is there nothing more?  The answer is found in this familiar Psalm...
World English Bible: Psalms Chapter 8

[1] Yahweh, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth,
who has set your glory above the heavens!

[2] From the lips of babes and infants you have established strength,
because of your adversaries, that you might silence the enemy and the avenger.

[3] When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars, which you have ordained;

[4] what is man, that you think of him?
What is the son of man, that you care for him?

[5] For you have made him a little lower than God,
and crowned him with glory and honor.

[6] You make him ruler over the works of your hands.
You have put all things under his feet:

[7] All sheep and cattle,
yes, and the animals of the field,

[8] The birds of the sky, the fish of the sea,
and whatever passes through the paths of the seas.

[9] Yahweh, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!

You and I are marvelous creations!  So intricate, that even after several thousand years of trying... we still do not fully understand all there is to know about our physical operation.  I doubt if we will ever know everything, but I am sure we (as a race) will continue to try.  If that is true, then what about how our minds work?  What makes you, you and me, well, different?  If these things are beyond us, then how about the universe?  How did it come to be? How is it organized? How does it all stay together?  Want to know the answers to all these questions?  You can't.  But what you and I can know is that God created everything.  Knowing God ultimately means knowing yourself because we are designed after him.  If you look at something beautiful, something wonderful, something amazing... God is there, because he designed it.  Give him the credit and respect due.  To me, its hard not to look at the beautiful flower at the top of the post and be amazed at its composition and not see the creator behind it.  I wonder, are we on the same page...?

Eli's ineffective reproof by Mark Copeland


I hope you enjoy the lesson... Gary