
From Jim McGuiggan... Two young girls

Two young girls

Mr. St George Hare painted a picture that hangs in the Melbourne Art Gallery. So Frank Boreham told us in his Late Lark Singing (175). It's a painting of two young women fast asleep with their arms around each other's shoulders. One was a girl that God painted black and other he had painted white. And where were they? They were in some sort of waiting room, kept in custody until they were thrown to the lions the next day. And how did they spend their last night on earth before their ultimate trauma? Asleep on the straw and in their friend's arms. St. George Hare called his painting The Victory of Faith. Vision, talent and insight don't get much better than that. Two kids defied and defeated the world!

Roman tyranny and cruelty was noted, yawned at, and the girls went peacefully to sleep. Racist muck was recognized for what it is when two humans lived oblivious to it, friends together and facing the worst the girls went to sleep in one another's arms, a young black and white girl holding one another. Fears that must surely have been present at some point and probably would be again before they were done were felt, recognised, pushed aside and the girls went to a sound sleep. The approach of Death was acknowledged ("Ah, yes, so we'll see you in the morning? Right…but…yawn…if you don't mind…big yawn…we need to get some sleep, it's been a while.") but there was no grovelling; in the end Death was no more than the sleep they had now drifted into.

"What a pretty picture and what a pretty story."

No! We can dismiss it in that way if we wish but it's more than pretty and sweet and nice; it's world defying and world defeating. Two Christian kids stood up and told Rome and all the powers in and behind it, "We won't crawl and we won't back down!"

And the Rome Empire heard it, began to shake and finally shook to tiny pieces and was carried away by an eternal wind .

And to this day stuck on a wall in some gallery is the image of two real Christian kids from any age and any culture in the sleepy defiance that comes by faith in the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Tyrants of the world—big and small, known and unknown—take note!

What About "Out-of-Body Experiences"? by Dave Miller, Ph.D.


What About "Out-of-Body Experiences"?

by  Dave Miller, Ph.D.

As American civilization has been detached from its Christian moorings, a host of offbeat, confused, and superstitious ideas have infiltrated society. Especially with the resurgence of the occult in the last 50 years and Hollywood’s efforts to create credibility for “ghosts,” exorcism, and astrology, more Americans than ever before have come to believe in such hocus-pocus. One result has been the widespread belief in “out-of-body experiences.” Even among otherwise straight thinking Christians, many have come to believe that a person can “die,” as evidenced by “flatlining,” that his or her spirit momentarily leaves the body, and then returns to the body, enabling the person to regain consciousness and live to tell about the experience. Stories often include reports of tunnels with bright light at the end, feelings of warmth and reassurance, a sense of hovering above and looking down upon the operating room personnel, etc. Are such experiences proofs that individuals are, in fact, dying and exiting their bodies, and then returning again?
A brief perusal of the history of medical science reveals that, at one time, conventional wisdom held that a person was dead when breathing ceased. It was thought that the “breath of life” had departed from the individual, leaving him “dead.” As medical science advanced, it was determined that a person’s heart could still be beating though the person had stopped breathing. He had not actually died, and hence, “mouth-to-mouth” resuscitation enabled a person to start breathing again. At that point of medical understanding, it was thought that when the heart stopped beating (determined by placing one’s ear to the chest of the person), the individual had died. However, with additional advancements and understanding, it was determined that it was possible to restart the heart, through cardio-vascular resuscitation, compressions of the chest cavity, injection of powerful drugs directly into the heart, massaging the heart directly, and eventually defibrillation, in which an electrical shock is delivered to the heart with a defibrillator. The current definition of “dead” is associated more with the cessation of brain activity.  A typical definition of “flatline” is “to die or be so near death that the display of one’s vital signs on medical monitoring equipment shows a flat line rather than peaks and troughs” (Farlex, n.d.). “Flatlining” can refer either to heart or brain activity or both, depending on who is using the term.
Does the inerrant Word of God have any insight into this question? Yes, it does. The Bible teaches that God places within each prenatal person at conception a spirit that makes each individual a unique personality that will survive physical death, living on immortally throughout eternity (Zechariah 12:1). At death, the spirit separates from the body and exists in a conscious condition in the spirit realm (1 Samuel 28:15; Luke 16:19-31). James 2:26 provides a precise, technical definition of death: “[F]or as the body without the spirit is dead….” In other words, the separation of one’s spirit from one’s body results in physical death, i.e., the death of the body, not the spirit. Thus the Bible defines physical “death” as separation—not “extinction” or “annihilation” (Thayer, 1901, p. 282; Vine, 1940, p. 276). Once the spirit of a person exits the body, he or she is “dead” (Genesis 35:18; 1 Kings 17:21-22). Science will undoubtedly never develop a test for ascertaining when the spirit exits the body. After all, “a spirit does not have flesh and bones” (Luke 24:39).
In order for a person’s dead body to come to life again, the spirit would have to reenter it. The term that the Bible uses to refer to such an occurrence is “resurrection.” The only way resurrection can occur is by means of supernatural intervention by an individual who possesses authority and power from God to miraculously cause the spirit to return to the body. Instances of deceased people in Bible history whose spirits returned to their dead bodies include the following:
  1. When the widow of Zaraphath’s son became sick and died, the prophet Elijah asked God to “let this child’s soul come back to him” (1 Kings 17:21). God granted the request and the child’s soul returned to his body.
  2. Elisha restored the life of a Shunammite woman’s son who had died after complaining of severe head pain—perhaps a brain hemorrhage (2 Kings 4).
  3. When Lazarus died, his body was in an advanced state of decay by the time Jesus arrived on the scene four days later to raise him from the dead. He brought back Lazarus’ spirit into his body with the words, “Lazarus, come forth!” (John 11:43).
  4. Among the supernatural events that accompanied the death of Christ on the cross, “the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many” (Matthew 27:51-53). Only God could have brought the spirits of these individuals back from the hadean realm and reinserted them into their buried bodies.
  5. When Tabitha/Dorcas became sick and died in the town of Joppa, her body was washed and laid in an upper room. The apostle Peter was in Lydda at the time, so urgent word was sent to him to come to Joppa. Clearing the room of the mourners upon his arrival, he “knelt down and prayed. And turning to the body he said, ‘Tabitha, arise.’ And she opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter she sat up” (Acts 9:40).
Such occurrences were rare, and always meant that the resurrected individual later died again (Jesus excepted—Acts 13:34; Romans 6:9; cf. Enoch [Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:5] and Elijah [2 Kings 2:11] who never died). In every case, a miracle was necessary to restore the separated spirit of the individual to the body. Miracles served a very specific purpose in Bible times—a purpose no longer needed (Miller, 2003). Since God has chosen not to work miracles today (1 Corinthians 13:8-11; Ephesians 4:8-13), and no resurrections will occur until the general resurrection (John 5:25-29; Luke 14:14; 1 Corinthians 15:12ff.), there is no such thing as an “out-of-body experience.”
But then how does one account for the numerous reports of tunnels, lights, and feelings of warmth? The mind is an incredible, divinely designed wonder capable of far more than we know or comprehend. When anesthesia is applied to the respiratory system and bloodstream in order to prevent awareness of pain, causing a patient to become unconscious, the parts of the body that perceive (i.e., seeing, hearing, etc.) continue to function. The mind is still hearing what is being said in the operating room, whether or not the person is able later to recall the conversation. Temperature and other bodily sensors are still operative. Additionally, the mind’s ability to dream realistic dreams is surely a factor to consider. These and other features of the mind and body adequately account for the unsubstantiated allegations of “out-of-body experiences.”
One final thought: if “near death” and “out-of-body” experiences are authentic, where are the comparable reports of those who encounter the scorching, threatening fires of hell or hades (cf. Luke 16:23ff.)? Where are the accounts of individuals being warned to correct their behavior and live godly lives—as Paul admonished Titus: “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age” (Titus 2:11-12)? For those acquainted with the stabilizing influence of the Bible, all such experiences are meaningless and provide no assistance for ascertaining the meaning and purpose of life—in view of eternity. The inspired writer of Hebrews succinctly summarized the point: "[I]t is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment" (9:27).


Farlex (no date), The Free Dictionary, http://www.thefreedictionary.com/flatlining.
Miller, Dave (2003), “Modern-Day Miracles, Tongue-Speaking, and Holy Spirit Baptism: A Refutation—EXTENDED VERSION,” Apologetics Press, http://www.apologeticspress.org/APContent.aspx?category=11&article=1399&topic=293.
Miller, Dave (2005), “Afterlife and the Bible,” Apologetics Press, http://www.apologeticspress.org/apcontent.aspx?category=11&article=1478.
Thayer, J.H. (1901), A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1977 reprint).
Vine, W.E. (1966 reprint), An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words (Old Tappan, NJ: Revell).

From Mark Copeland... A Tempestuous Voyage (Acts 27:1-44)

                          "THE BOOK OF ACTS"

                    A Tempestuous Voyage (27:1-44)


1. Following Paul's defense before King Agrippa...
   a. It was determined that he was not deserving of death or chains
      - Ac 26:30-31
   b. Yet due to his earlier appeal, he would be sent to Rome - Ac 26:32;
      cf. Ac 25:11

2. With great detail, Luke describes the journey to Rome by sea...
   a. Highlighted by a shipwreck along the way - Ac 27:39-44
   b. Something Paul experienced three times before - 2Co 11:25

[The keynote of Luke's account is God's providence, especially in
preserving Paul for his Roman testimony (ESV Study Bible, cf. Ac 23:11).
It was indeed "A Tempestuous Voyage", so let us follow along as...]


      1. Paul was delivered to a centurion named Julius - Ac 27:1-2
         a. Together with other prisoners
         b. Accompanied by Luke, author of Acts (note "we")
         c. With Aristarchus of Thessalonica - cf. Ac 19:29; 20:4; Col 4:10; Phm 1:4
      2. They sailed on a ship of Adramyttium - Ac 27:2
         a. A seaport on the western coast of Turkey
         b. Intending to sail along the coasts of Asia (modern Turkey)
         c. Probably a small coasting vessel, not adequate for open-sea
            voyage (ESVSB)
      3. The next day they stopped at Sidon - Ac 27:3
         a. A seaport of Phoenicia, 22 miles north of Tyre  
         b. Where Julius the centurion treated Paul kindly
         c. Allowing Paul liberty to see friends and receive care

      1. Leaving Sidon they sailed under the shelter of the island of
         Cyprus - Ac 27:4
         a. Because the winds were contrary
         b. Paul had sailed to Cyprus before - Ac 13:4
      2. They then sailed over the sea off Cilicia and Pamphylia - Ac 27:5
         a. Regions of Asia (SE Turkey)
         b. Paul had been born in Tarsus of Cilicia - Ac 22:3
      3. Arriving at Myra of Lycia - Ac 27:5-6
         a. In SE Turkey located on the River Andracus about two and a
            half miles from the sea
         b. There they transferred to an Alexandrian (Egyptian) ship
            headed for Italy
         c. This probably was a larger ship, suited for open-sea voyage

      1. Strong winds hindered their progress - Ac 27:7
         a. Forcing them to sail slowly for many days
         b. Arriving with difficulty off Cnidus (SW Turkey)
      2. They headed toward Crete (mountainous island S of Greece) - Ac 27:7-8
         a. Passing the shelter of Salmone (promontory on the NE coast of
            Crete) with difficulty
         b. Arriving at Fair Havens (an open bay near the city of Lasea
            on the S coast of Crete)

[So far the journey had not been easy.  Contrary winds forced them to
sail under Cyprus, difficult winds forced them to turn toward Crete.  The
worse was yet to come...]  


      1. Paul advised against sailing further at that time - Ac 27:9-10
         a. Sailing was now dangerous
         b. The Fast (Day of Atonement, late September or early October)
            was over
         c. He thought it would end in disaster, with loss of cargo, ship
            and lives
         d. Note:  this was Paul's uninspired opinion, not a prophecy
      2. His advice was overturned by the majority - Ac 27:11-12
         a. The centurion was persuaded by the helmsman and owner of the
         b. The harbor at Fair Havens was not suitable for spending the
         c. The majority wanted to sail to Phoenix (on the SE coast of 
            Crete) and winter there

      1. With a soft south wind, they set sail along the coast of Crete
         - Ac 27:13
      2. Soon a tempestuous head wind arose, called Euroclydon (or
         Euroquilo) - Ac 27:14
      3. Unable to head into the wind, they let the ship be driven - Ac 27:15
      4. Running under the shelter of Clauda (an island 23 miles S of
         Crete), they secured the skiff (a small boat) with difficulty 
         and used cables to undergird the ship - Ac 27:16-17
      5. Fearing they might run aground on the Syrtis Sands (a sandy
         shoal off the African coast of Cyrene) they struck sail and were
         driven by the wind - Ac 27:17
      6. Exceedingly tempest tossed, the next day they lightened the ship
         - Ac 27:18
      7. On the third day they threw the ship's tackle overboard - Ac 27:19
      8. Many days the tempest blew, clouds obscuring sun and stars, all
         hope lost - Ac 27:20

      1. After long abstinence from food, Paul admonished the crew for 
         not heeding him - Ac 27:21
      2. Yet he urges them to take courage, for while the ship is lost,
         no lives will be lost - Ac 27:22
      3. The basis for such confidence:  an angelic vision - Ac 27:23-24
         a. From an angel of the God to whom Paul belongs and serves
         b. Telling Paul not to be afraid, for he must appear before
         c. Indeed, God has granted him all souls sailing with him
      4. So Paul encouraged them, confident the vision will prove true
         though they must run aground on a certain island - Ac 27:25-26

      1. After 14 nights, in the Adriatic Sea, sailors sensed they were
         nearing land - Ac 27:27-29
         a. In NT times, the Adriatic included the sea between Crete and
            Sicily - HIBD
         b. The sailors took soundings after midnight that indicated land
            was near
         c. Fearing they would run aground on rocks, they dropped 4 
            anchors from the stern
         d. They then prayed for day to come
      2. Paul prevented sailors from secretly abandoning ship - Ac 27:30-32
         a. The sailors tried to let down the skiff (small boat) under 
            false pretenses
         b. Paul told the centurion and soldiers the sailors must stay on
            the ship
         c. The soldiers then cut the ropes of the skip and let it fall

      1. Paul begged everyone to eat food - Ac 27:33-34
         a. As day was about to dawn
         b. Since they had been fasting for 14 days
         c. It was necessary for their survival, as none would be lost
      2. Paul then took bread and gave thanks in the presence of all - Ac 27:35-37
         a. He thanked God, and then began to eat
         b. The others encouraged, also took food
         c. Altogether there were 276 souls on board
      3. After eating, they lightened the ship by throwing wheat into the
         sea - Ac 27:38

[With land nearby, hearts encouraged by Paul's reassuring words, and
bodies nourished by food, the 276 souls were ready to face what the day
would bring...]


      1. They did not recognize the land, but saw a bay with a beach - Ac 27:39
         a. The land was the island of Malta, located south of Sicily
            - Ac 28:1
         b. The traditional site of the shipwreck is known as St. Paul's
            Bay - ESVSB
      2. Planning to run the ship onto the beach, they cast off anchors,
         loosed the rudder ropes, hoisted the mainsail to the wind, and
         made for shore - Ac 27:39-40
      3. But striking a reef (or sandbar) where two seas met, the bow
         became stuck and immovable, the stern broken up by violent waves
         - Ac 27:41

      1. The soldiers intended to kill the prisoners lest they escape
         - Ac 27:42
      2. But the centurion wanted to save Paul and prevented them - Ac 27:43
      3. Commanding those who could swim to jump overboard first and get
         to land, the rest using boards or parts of the ship - Ac 27:43-44
      4. And so all arrived safely to land - Ac 27:44


1. One character that stands out in this story is Julius the centurion...
   - Ac 27:1
   a. Who treated Paul kindly, giving him liberty to see friends and
      receive care - Ac 27:3
   b. Who did not listen to Paul when he advised staying at Fair Havens
      - Ac 27:8-12
   c. Who did listen to Paul when the sailors tried to sneak off the
      ship - Ac 27:30-32
   d. Who saved Paul and other prisoners when the soldiers wanted to kill
      them - Ac 27:42-44

2. Another character that stands out is Paul the apostle... - Ac 27:1
   a. Whose advice to stay at Fair Havens should have been heeded - Ac 27:8-12
   b. Whose visitation by an angel of God let Paul and all know what
      would happen - Ac 27:21-26
   c. Whose counsel concerning the sailors helped to save all on board 
      - Ac 27:30-32
   d. Whose urging to eat and offer of thanks encouraged all on board
      - Ac 27:33-37 
God's providence is seen in how He used a good soldier to provide for His
faithful apostle and using a storm and shipwreck to demonstrate the
value of one's faith in God to bless the lives of many souls...

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2013

From Gary... King of presidents (and kings)

The president of The United States has power, almost unspeakable power.  If he chose, he could launch missiles than would begin world war III. And in the case of our current president, what powers he does not have, he will usurp.  If you have been watching the news you will have to acknowledge that he has bypassed his constitutional authority on numerous occasions. Still, even this president has his limitations.  He can not directly declare himself a king; to do so would just invite impeachment. As time goes on, the American public may see through the schemes of the Democratic party and its leader Barak Hussein Obama (or whatever his real name is) and the pendulum will once again swing to the right (The Republican party).  As Christians, we must obey the laws legitimately enacted and pray for leadership.  At this point, I hope you can see the wisdom expressed in the jpeg above. And with that in mind, envision the true nature of Jesus...

Ephesians 1:18-23 NASB
(18)  I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,
(19)  and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might
(20)  which He brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places,
(21)  far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.
(22)  And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church,
(23)  which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

The United States of America became great because its constitution and its people who, as Christians, wanted freedom to worship as they chose.  Whether or not this country of ours still remains a "Christian nation" or not, is a matter of debate, but one this is for sure- "no matter who is president, Jesus is still king." Believe that; for it is true!!!!