
From Gary... WHATEVER

I wonder... what do animals appreciate?  Since we acquired a couple of dogs, I have noticed how much they love affection, walks and compliments for doing "good" behavior, but what about other things?  Clouds, a sunset or the smell of a fragrant flower?  Well the last part of the questions seems to be answered by the picture, but as for the rest, who knows?  One thing seems certain, WE (human beings) ARE WHAT WE THINK ABOUT REGULARLY!!! Its no wonder then, that the apostle Paul could write these words to the Philippians...

Philippians, Chapter 4
 8  Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honorable, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there is any virtue, and if there is any praise, think about these things.  

We are what we choose to be.  We may have been "programmed" by our past experiences, but we CAN CHANGE.  How?  Our thinking!!!  Which is why I devote so much time to putting together a daily Bible Reading and Study post each day.  The things Paul is referring to are concepts acquired from God.  Doubt that?  Then ask yourself- How do I know good from evil?  Apart from the standards found in the scriptures, everything is open to interpretation.  During World War II, the death squads thought they were doing the right thing in killing thousands upon thousands in the Ukraine. If they had just thought about "thou shalt not kill", then things might have been different.  Anyway, good thoughts produce goodness.  Evil propagates itself as well- so be careful what you think about.  Take some time today, relax and smell the Roses- OK, yellow flowers will work too!!! Whatever you do - try to do good- you will be glad you did!!!

From Jim McGuiggan... Jenny Kissed me!

Jenny Kissed me!

Here’s what I think. I think many of us Christian types look at a world that sings like a happy drunk and dances like a dervish and we think we’re missing out on life. I think we console ourselves with the thought that while in this life we’re miserable (we’re supposed to be, right?) but one day we’ll be rewarded for being miserable for Christ’s sake. What a tragic view of Christ, what a tragic view of his intentions and what a tragic view of life as it even now lies before us. (I do recognize that there are lonely and oppressed people for whom life in its entirety will always be pain. Of these poor souls I have nothing to say just at this moment. This is for those of us who despite troubles and heartache are richly blessed in life.)
Leigh-Hunt, with the heart of a romantic and eyes to see where the profound riches of life are to be discovered wrote something that the blessed but blind among us would do well to reflect on.
Jenny kiss’d me when we met
Jumping from the chair she sat in; 
Time, you thief, you love to get
Sweets into your list, put that in!
Say I’m weary, say I’m sad,
Say that health and wealth have miss’d me,
Say I’m growing old, but add,
        Jenny kiss’d me.

Don’t you love that? Unless you’re one of those that snarl, "Bah humbug" when romance is talked about you’ll surely smile with pleasure at Leigh-Hunt’s joy. Whatever else he missed, whatever he went without, no matter about failing health, loss of independence, economic hardship or living and dying in obscurity and feebleness—none of it changed this one mesmerizing truth and life-defining experience, Jenny kissed him.
People would watch him growing old and getting feebler but every now and then they’d catch him smiling to himself and they’d wonder why.
He’s remembering.
To have one Jenny and every bit as important—to be able to recognize that Jenny when you meet her; to have the heart that can see Jenny in that light means a man can die rich and happy.
I know there's more to be said, I know there are tough questions that warrant answers but those are subjects for another time. Not now! Not for millions of us! We're too blessed to pretend we're victims, too rich in lovely and uplifting experiences to pretend we've been robbed. We won't do it! For me personally, to know that "Ethel kissed me" and for fifty-three years loved me however much a failure I've been means I have absolutely no grounds for taking out my pains and losses and making them the entire story of my life. Other poor souls will come to God when it's all over and show him hands that were worn out with work since they were boys or girls and they'll tell him their sad stories. I won't be able to do that and my suspicion is that the most of all who might read this will feel the same.
Filled with joy and the romance of life and the Christian adventure GK Chesterton would say things like, "One Sun is splendid: six Suns would be only vulgar. One Tower of Giotto is sublime: a row of Towers of Giotto would be only like a row of white posts. The poetry of art is in beholding the single tower; the poetry of nature, in seeing the single tree; the poetry of love, in following the single woman; the poetry of religion, in worshipping the single star."
To know one lovely child, to have one glorious friend, to experience one glorious day, to do one glorious and selfless deed in one glorious and selfless moment of sheer unadulterated generosity—that’s living!
To know one God, one Lord Jesus Christ and one Spirit in whom the Father and Son have eternal fellowship—that’s life eternal. A man or woman, boy or girl can die rich like that.
Others in their millions will come before God after a life of ceaseless soul-crushing poverty, abuse—crushed and empty. I won't! I won't because I can't. I have two lovely sons and a lovely daughter and some friends who came into my life and stayed. I have some enemies—some of them I've earned, but all in all I've been blessed beyond measure by Him who gave his all for the entire human family (and for me as part of it). That would be and is enough! But from His generous hand I got a bonus:
"Ethel kissed me."

©2004 Jim McGuiggan. All materials are free to be copied and used as long as money is not being made.

Many thanks to brother Ed Healy, for allowing me to post from his website, the abiding word.com.

From Mark Copeland... Flee Fornication (1 Corinthians 6:18)


                        Flee Fornication (6:18)


1. The Christians at Corinth faced great challenges in living holy
   a. The city was known for its immorality
   b. The temple of Venus hosted 1000 priestesses dedicated to
      prostitution in the name of religion
   c. Some Christians had been quite immoral prior to their conversion
      - 1Co 6:9-11
   -- And so Paul warned them to "Flee fornication" (KJV) - 1Co 6:18

2. The admonition is needed just as much today...
   a. Fornication (sexual immorality) is rampant in our culture
   b. Morality is being loosely defined (and redefined), causing many to
      engage in dangerous behavior
   c. Those who follow Christ must have a clear understanding of what is
   -- And so today people need to be warned, Flee fornication!"

[Because many are redefining morality today, we do well to first notice
the Biblical definition of that conduct which we are to flee...]


      1. The Greek word translated fornication (KJV), sexual immorality
         (NKJV) is porneia
      2. "Used generally to refer to any sexual sin" - The Complete
         WordStudy Dictionary
      3. Thus it includes any form of "illicit sexual intercourse
         - adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, intercourse
         with animals, etc." - Thayer

      1. Adultery (moichao) - to have unlawful intercourse with
         another's wife - Thayer
      2. Homosexuality (arsenokoites) - one who lies with a male as with
         a female, sodomite, homosexual, cf. 1Co 6:9; 1Ti 1:10 - ibid.
      3. Bestiality - lie carnally with an animal, cf. Lev 18:23
      4. Lewdness (aselgia) - Lasciviousness, license, debauchery,
         sexual excess, absence of restraint, insatiable desire for
         pleasure, cf. Ro 13:13 - Complete WordStudy Dictionary
         a. This word would include oral sex, which many have sought to
            redefine as not sex
         b. Which has become a major problem among many youths (with
            terrifying consequences)

[Fornication is a general term for sexual immorality; i.e., sexual
behavior between unmarrieds that rightly belongs only to husbands and
wives (cf. He 13:4).  Prohibitions against fornication can be
appreciated when we understand...]


      1. Bacterial STDs (e.g., chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea) are often
         brought on by fornication
      2. Viral STDs (e.g., genital herpes, Hepatitis B, AIDS) are
      3. Many people have learned the hard way, what Solomon warned his
         son - cf. Pr 5:11-12

      1. Marriages intended for life are broken, often beyond repair
         - cf. Mt 19:4-6
      2. Children are devastated, with emotional effects lasting into
         adulthood - cf. Mal 2:16
      3. Potential for future marriages is lessened (who desires
         "damaged goods" due to STDs?)

      1. It will be hard to forgive oneself, there will be
         self-recrimination - cf. Pr 5:12-13
      2. Your soul will be deprived of good friends, whose trust you
         violated - cf. Pr 6:30-35
      3. If unrepented and unforgiven, there is no hope - cf. 1Co 6:
         9-10; Ga 5:19-21; He 13:4

[We see why Paul would write "Flee fornication."  It is not to be taken
lightly!  That we might succeed in fleeing fornication, here are some
thoughts on the...]


      1. He was successful in fleeing fornication with Potiphar's wife
         - Gen 39:7-12
      2. Most importantly, he valued his relationship with God - cf. Gen 39:9
      3. So flee youthful lusts, pursuing godliness instead - cf. 2 Ti 2:22

      1. Who warned his son of the price of fornication - Pr 5:1-6,
      2. Who counseled his children to avoid the immoral person - Pr 5:
         7-8; 7:24-27
      3. Who encouraged his son to love the wife of his youth - Pr 5:
         18-10; Ec 9:9

      1. Who made a terrible mistake with Bathsheba - 2Sa 11:3-5
      2. Which led to the murder of Uriah, and the death of the child
         - 2Sa 11:6-17; 12:9-19
      3. But David confessed his sin, and repented - cf. 2 Sam 12:13;
         Ps 51:1-4


1. To flee fornication and its devastating effects...
   a. We need to have the fortitude of Joseph, and apply the wisdom of
   b. When necessary, we need the penitence of David

2. Fornication is too serious to take lightly...
   a. It can destroy your body, home, and soul
   b. Forgiveness is possible (cf. 1Co 6:11), but physical
      consequences of sin often remain (STDs)

So flee fornication, and abstain from sexual immorality, which is God's
will for you... - cf. 1Th 4:1-8

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011

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