
From Gary... Wargames; beyond the movie...

If this doesn't look familiar to you, then you probably have never seen the movie "War Games" from the early eighties.  Interested? 

Go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WarGames for some more information.

Who knows when the end of mankind will be? Recently, there has been talk of the beginning of World War III.  Is it possible?  You know it is!!!  Will it be- your guess is as good as mine.  One thing is certain: evil will lose and God will win.  Christ will be victorious and the world will never be the same.  Consider the following passage for a few moments...

Revelation, Chapter 19

  11  I saw the heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it is called Faithful and True. In righteousness he judges and makes war.  12 His eyes are a flame of fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has names written and a name written which no one knows but he himself.  13 He is clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood. His name is called “The Word of God.”  14 The armies which are in heaven followed him on white horses, clothed in white, pure, fine linen.  15 Out of his mouth proceeds a sharp, double-edged sword, that with it he should strike the nations. He will rule them with an iron rod. He treads the wine press of the fierceness of the wrath of God, the Almighty.  16 He has on his garment and on his thigh a name written, “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.” 

Very few of us live amazing lives.  Most have ordinary mundane childhoods, marry, have some children, work at a job, grow old and die.  One of the things I love about being a Christian is that beyond the template of the previous sentence, I am joined to the KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS!!!  Even if the worst happens (and there is always that possibility) Jesus will eventually appear and I WILL BE VICTORIOUS THROUGH HIM!!!  I really don't need to know exactly how or when this will happen- but it will!!!  Well, enough of this- whatever will happen WILL HAPPEN!!! You know, I am long overdue for a nice game of chess... I hope the computer will give me a handicap- I need it!!!

From Jim McGuiggan... The mystery

The mystery

I mentioned that Emma died (4th August). The family's doing what we used to do all the time in the old days—they're having the funeral oration in the house where the body is kept until burial. The little house is jammed full with family and friends who want to say goodbye and my nephew, Alex, is talking about Emma. He's close to the entire family and got on especially well with Emma so he's the right man to tell everyone here what they already know—how fine Emma was, what a sweet spirit she had and how ready she was to make the transition. He stressed of course that what makes any of us worth talking about is our likeness to Jesus Christ and that he's the one that makes us worthy to enter the presence of the Holy Father.
I'm watching all the sad people and I understand that while Alex is talking and they're listening it's still true that their minds are wandering to places where they and Emma went together and shared special moments. I'm thinking that a person is more than one person—isn't that true? Now and then when my Ethel is talking to some others and I overhear or watch from a distance, I see a different woman—one I'm not completely familiar with. They go together down lanes and avenues she and I don't travel and they bring out of her responses that I never have occasion to see. I'm reminded of the mystery that every person must always remain even to those who know them well. There's too much to know, too many possibilities, too much magic in the world to narrow any person down and say, "There! That's him/her pigeonholed!" Did you know she liked this? Do you know what she said when…? You should have seen her face when…!
I'll never forget my sister Annie (she died a little while back at eighty) telling me that when she was a young girl she came into the house one evening and heard my father and mother laughing together as though their sides were going to split. I found it astonishing then and, even as I write this, I find myself almost smiling in unbelief. The history between my father and mother is too painful to rehearse but here was proof of a time when these two looked at each other and burst into laughter they just couldn't control. There's something about that vision; of those two falling all over one another, crying with laughter—and I don't understand quite what it is—something that makes me want to think that anything's possible.
I don't know exactly where I'm going with this but it occurs to me that I'm looking forward to the day when all the needless limitations are removed and people are able to be and be seen to be the persons God created them to be as they develop more and more into rich lovely humans in the image of God. I'm looking forward to seeing what this person or that person has become, to see the glory they were made for as the companions of God in a world reigned over by Jesus Christ and in which they share dominion with him. Is that not exciting—truly exciting—or am I just kidding myself? I can hardly wait to see myself a lot more grown and fine to be around—surely that's long overdue!

©2004 Jim McGuiggan. All materials are free to be copied and used as long as money is not being made.

Many thanks to brother Ed Healy, for allowing me to post from his website, the abiding word.com.

From Mark Copeland... Paul's Thorn In The Flesh (2 Corinthians 12:7-10)


                  Paul's Thorn In The Flesh (12:7-10)


1. In 2Co 12:7-10, Paul tells of "a thorn in the flesh" which greatly
   bothered him...
   a. It was something for which he prayed the Lord to remove from him
   b. The Lord did not do so, but gave Paul an answer that greatly
      encouraged him

2. We might not be able to know exactly what the "thorn" was, but there
   are some valuable lessons to be gleaned as we consider...
   a. Why this "thorn" was given to Paul
   b. Paul's initial reaction to the "thorn"
   c. His reaction to the answer given him by the Lord

[In this study we shall consider each of these things, starting with
the question...]


      1. A pain in the ear or head (Tertullian)
      2. Unruly fleshly lusts (medieval commentators)
      3. Stammering speech (MacKnight)
      4. Malarial fever (Ramsay)
      5. Acute eye problems (Farrar and others)
         a. Such as a severe form of ophthalmia (inflammation of the
         b. Based upon comments in Ga 4:13-15; 6:11
         c. Possibly brought on initially by the blinding vision on the
            Damascus road

      1. I.e., the persecutions he suffered as an apostle of Christ
      2. This was the view proposed by Chrysostom:  "And so by the
         "messenger of Satan," he means...those who contended with and
         fought against him, those that cast him into a prison, those
         that beat him, that led him away to death); for they did
         Satan's business." (Homilies 26)
      3. Peter H. David, in Hard Sayings Of The Bible, offers several
         reasons for this view:
         a. In the OT adversaries are sometimes referred to as "thorns
            in your sides" (Num 33:55; Judg 2:3); there is no
            metaphorical use of "thorn" for illness or temptation
         b. The basic topic of 2Co 10-13 is Paul's opponents, those
            who were troubling the Corinthians and Paul himself
         c. Paul parallels the "thorn" with a "weakness" (or infirmity)
            in which he will glory; in the context of 2Co 10-13 he
            connects his infirmities or weakness with persecution -
            2Co 11:30-33; 12:10; 13:3-4
      4. With Peter David I conclude that the "thorn" was "the
         opponents who dogged Paul's tracks throughout his mission,
         confusing churches every time he left one church to plant
         another." (Hard Sayings Of The Bible)

[Whatever the "thorn", it was "a messenger of Satan".  That is, it was
something from Satan with evil intent.  Yet it is evident that God
allowed it to remain!  This leads us to ask...]


      1. Paul had been blessed to receive many revelations...
         a. On the road to Damascus - Ac 9:3-6
         b. In Jerusalem - cf. Ac 22:17-21
         c. At Troas - Ac 16:8-10
         d. In Corinth - Ac 18:9-11
         e. In Jerusalem again - Ac 23:11
         f. On his way to Rome - Ac 27:22-25
         g. The vision of Paradise - 2Co 12:1-6
      2. It would have been quite easy...
         a. For Paul to be filled with pride over these revelations
         b. For the church to exalt him too highly

   B. TO "BUFFET" HIM (2Co 12:7)...
      1. The word "buffet" means "to strike with the fist"; thus to
         strive against, contend
         a. Paul "buffeted" himself to keep his body under control
            - cf. 1Co 9:27
         b. But this was something brought upon him by Satan
      3. This external "buffeting" was allowed to remain, to keep Paul

      1. Humility is a necessary trait for God's people - Lk 18:13-14;
         1Pe 5:5-6
      2. Sometimes it is useful to have "outside help" to keep us

[There are other lessons to be learned, which we will see as we


      1. He pleaded with the Lord three times to remove it
      2. Just as the Lord Himself prayed in the garden at Gethsemane
         - Lk 22:39-43
      3. Notice the interesting similarities between Paul and the
         a. Both prayed three times
         b. Both did not receive the answer for which they prayed
         c. But they both received answers that were sufficient...
            1) An angel came to minister to Christ
            2) The Lord told Paul:
               a) "My grace is sufficient for you"
               b) "My strength is made perfect in weakness"

      1. We are to pray with persistence - Lk 18:1-8
      2. We are to pray in earnest - Mt 7:7
      3. We are to pray specifically (as Paul did)
      -- Yet God knows what is best for us, so the answer may not be
         what we wish

[Valuable lessons, indeed; but even more lessons can be gleaned as we


      1. "My grace is sufficient for you"
         a. The Lord would give Paul what he "needed"
         b. But not necessarily what he "wanted"!
      2. "My strength is made perfect in weakness"
         a. I.e., it is in times of weakness and hardship that the
            Lord's strength can be experienced most completely!
         b. For in such times we really come to depend upon the Lord,
            and not upon our own strength or wisdom!

      1. "I will boast in my infirmities" - 2Co 12:9b
         a. Rather than bemoan his trying circumstances, he will glory
            in them!
         b. For it is in such infirmities that he has the opportunity
            to experience the power of Christ in his life as He helps
            him deal with them!
      2. "I take pleasure in infirmities...for Christ's sake.  For when
         I am weak, then I am strong." - 2Co 12:10
         a. Infirmities can be a time for rejoicing! - cf. Ro 5:3a
         b. For that can be a time in which to experience the strength
            Christ gives, and the development of character that pleases
            Him! - cf. Ro 5:3b-5; also Jm 1:2-4


1. It may be impossible to determine exactly the nature of "Paul's
   Thorn In The Flesh"
   a. Some commentators believe that this ambiguity was by design
   b. Otherwise, those with other "infirmities" may think the spiritual
      lessons are not for them

2. But from a perplexing passage, we can glean powerful principles
   applicable to all...
   a. In time of infirmity, pray!
   b. But don't be surprised if the answer to your prayers are similar
      to those given to Paul
      1) "My grace is sufficient for you"
      2) "My strength is made perfect in weakness"
   c. The Lord may choose not to remove the infirmity...
      1) Instead, He may choose to give you the strength to endure it
      2) If so, then rejoice that power of Christ rests upon you!

As we close, think about the Lord's statement as it relates to the
problem of SIN, and the SALVATION He offers ("My grace is sufficient
for you")... - cf. Tit 3:4-7

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011

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