
The Resurrection of Christ as a Fact of Science by Kyle Butt, M.A.


The Resurrection of Christ as a Fact of Science

by Kyle Butt, M.A.

Famed atheist and New York Times bestselling author Sam Harris published a book in 2010 titled The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values. In the book he attempted to show that atheistic materialism can provide a standard by which to judge moral behavior. He failed to prove his point, as we have shown in other places (Butt, 2008), but he did make some telling admissions.
In the introduction, Harris provided an endnote that described his view of the concept of a “fact.” He stated:
For the purposes of this discussion, I do not intend to make a hard distinction between “science” and other intellectual contexts in which we discuss “facts”—e.g., history. For instance, it is a fact that John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Facts of this kind fall within the context of “science,” broadly construed as our best effort to form a rational account of empirical reality. Granted, one doesn’t generally think of events like assassinations as “scientific” facts, but the murder of President Kennedy is as fully corroborated a fact as can be found anywhere, and it would betray a profoundly unscientific frame of mind to deny that it occurred (2010, p. 195).
Harris is exactly right. Events that happened in the past such as assassinations can be every bit as scientific and factual as other types of experiential knowledge. In fact, those of us who believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ have contended for years that direct observation is not necessarily needed to establish it as factual. If the assassination of J.F.K. can be nailed down scientifically and established as a fact, is it not also true that the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus Christ can be equally validated as a scientific fact in the way Harris describes? Certainly it is. (We have established the case for the fact of the resurrection elsewhere, see Butt, 2002.)
“In our best effort to form a rational account of empirical reality” we are forced to conclude that no other series of events offers the explanatory power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The event is recorded in detail in the only book in the world that is proven to be inspired by God. Hundreds of people in the first century saw the resurrected Lord, and testified of such. And the fact is that Jesus’ tomb was empty.These facts and others combine to provide a cumulative scientific case to establish the fact of Jesus’ resurrection.
Of course, Sam Harris would disagree about the resurrection of Christ being a fact. But his insightful discussion of what actually constitutes a scientific fact opens the door for the resurrected Lord to walk through. “And it would betray a profoundly unscientific frame of mind to deny that it occurred.”


Butt, Kyle (2002), “Jesus Christ—Dead or Alive?” Reason and Revelation,https://www.apologeticspress.org/apcontent.aspx?category=10&article=147.
Butt, Kyle (2008), “The Bitter Fruits of Atheism,” Reason and Revelation,http://www.apologeticspress.org/apcontent.aspx?category=12&article=2515.
Harris, Sam (2010), The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Value (New York: Free Press).

From Mark Copeland... "THE CASE FOR CREATION" The Biblical Case For Creation

                                     "THE CASE FOR CREATION"

                     The Biblical Case For Creation


1. Among the fundamental questions of life, are those related to the
   issue of origins...
   a. Where did life come from?
   b. How did it all begin?

2. The answers basically fall into two groups...
   a. Matter is eternal, and life has evolved through purely natural
   b. Matter is not eternal, and life was created by a supernatural

3. The answers are not without consequence...
   a. Those who believe matter is eternal tend to deny the existence of God
   b. Those who believe matter was created tend to believe in a Supreme Being

[The question of origins cannot be answered with 100% certainty.  But
there is evidence from various sources that make it very reasonable to
believe matter (and life) was created by a Supreme Being.  In this
lesson we shall review one source as we examine "The Biblical Case For


      1. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth... - Gen 1:1
      2. In six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and all
         that is in them - Gen 1:2-2:3; Exo 20:11; 31:17
      -- The lawgiver of Israel attests to the creation of all things by God

      1. David, king of Israel - 1Ch 16:26
      2. Solomon, king of Israel - Pr 3:19; 8:22-30; Ecc 12:1
      3. Hyram, king of Tyre - 2Ch 2:12
      4. Hezekiah, king of Judah - 2Ki 19:15
      -- The wisest kings of Israel and Tyre attest to the creation of
         all things by God

      1. The heavens, the work of God - Psa 8:3
      2. By His word the heavens were made - Psa 33:6-9
      3. He laid the foundation of the earth, the heavens the work of
         His hands - Psa 102:25
      4. Many other passages - Psa 104:24; 115:15; 121:2; 124:8; 134:3;
         136:5-9; 146:6; 148:4-5
      -- The singers of Israel attest to the creation of all things by God

      1. Isaiah, prophet to kings - Isa 37:16; 40:26,28; 42:5; 44:24;45:18; 51:13
      2. Jeremiah, prophet to a dying nation - Jer 10:11-12; 32:17;51:15
      3. Zechariah - prophet to a restored nation - Zec 12:1
      -- Prophets of Israel attest to the creation of all things by God

 [The testimony of the Old Testament is clear.  As proclaimed by the
returned captives of Israel, God created both the heavens the and earth
(cf. Neh 9:6).  Let us now consider the case for creation...]


      1. He spoke of the beginning of creation - Mk 10:6
      2. In which God created mankind and all things - Mk 10:6; 13:19
      -- Jesus certainly attests to the creation of all things by God

      1. By John in his gospel - Jn 1:1-3,10
      2. By the apostles in their prayer - Ac 4:24
      3. By Paul in his preaching - Ac 14:15; 17:24
      4. By Paul in his epistles - Ro 1:20; 1Co 8:6; Col 1:16-17
      5. By the writer of Hebrews - He 1:2; 3:4; 11:3
      6. By Peter in his epistle - 2Pe 3:5
      7. By John in the Revelation shown him - Re 10:5-6
      -- The apostles attest to the creation of all things by God

      1. By the twenty four elders around the throne of God - Re 4:11
      2. By an angel flying through the midst of heaven - Re 14:7
      -- The heavenly voices attest to the creation of all things by God


1. The Biblical answer to the question of origins is clear...
   a. Matter is not eternal, but was created by a Supreme Being
   b. Created by the God of Israel, together with His Son and Spirit
      - Gen 1:1-2,26; Col 1:16-17

2. Those believing in creation by a Supreme Being join those who...
   a. Had a great impact on the history of mankind (Moses, David,
      Solomon, Jesus, Paul, etc.)
   b. Have a solid foundation on which to build their lives and direct
      their actions

3. Of course, not all are willing to accept the Biblical answer...
   a. Some not wanting to, unwilling to face the consequences
   b. Some not aware of the evidences that support creation

In our next study, we shall consider another one of those evidences:

                 "The Philosophical Case For Creation"

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011

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From Gary.... Do you live in a barn?

The picture reminds me of.... "Clean up your room, do you think you are living in a barn"?  Of course this doesn't really apply here, as everything is neat and tidy (Bristol fashion may be appropriate in this case [notice the ship models]). These things also remind me of a verse from the Bible that I heard in church recently...

Colossians, Chapter 3 (WEB)
17  Whatever you do, in word or in deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father, through him. 

WWJD (What would Jesus Do) is the answer to most things.  I guess this includes cleaning up your room OR your barn. And also.... your LIFE!!!