
From Jim McGuiggan... The Marsh Hen

The Marsh Hen

Sidney Lanier, the poet, tells us he used to be afraid of and depressed by the marshes of Glynn that lay right on the edge of the sea. At one stage in his life their length was fatigue and their breadth was bitterness to him. But as he grew older and wiser he came to see them differently—they were no longer places of doom and gloom. They were still marshes mind you, but there was a new way to look at them now that his eyes were opened; there were wonders and mysteries that could be entered into without terror and unnamable pain.
There were creatures of mystery and joy swimming beneath the surface, there were walks for lovers and places for those who hunger for silence.
When the sun was in the right place the marshes were sheets of burnished copper or thirty million moving and laughing lights.
There were old oaks that knew more than they were telling and then there was the marsh hen who loved the place, raised her family there and would have clucked to the burdened boy. "Now that’s just silly. This place? Frightening and depressing? Never." And Lanier, now assured and at peace in believing, became firm friends with the marsh hen and tells us this:
As the marsh hen secretly builds on the watery sod,
Behold I will build me a nest on the greatness of God:
I will fly in the greatness of God as the marsh hens flies
In the freedom that fills all the space ‘twixt the marsh and the skies

Ask those who’ve come through times of doubt or trouble and they’ll tell you it’s true. Once the eyes are opened in faith, the places that before were only darkness become the "darkness where God is" (see Exodus 20:21) and they take on them an added assurance of peace. Before the fires or the marshes or the endless dark corridors of limitless space test your faith you may worry and fret about its reliability—will it hold? But once you’ve been there, in that place, under that pressure, once you’ve had it out in a face to face confrontation you recognize these experiences as friends. Or if not friends, at least places of safety where no threat can harm. "I thought if I lost her it would be the end." "I just knew my life would shatter into a million useless fragments if he went away." "I was convinced that...but then..." And here you are, watching the marsh hen going about her business.
In Romans 8:31-39 someone who had seen the marshes of life up close and personal said that nothing—not pain, hunger, loneliness, beatings, past, present, future, life or death—nothing! could persuade him that God doesn’t love us. Build your nest on the greatness and faithfulness of God!

©2004 Jim McGuiggan. All materials are free to be copied and used as long as money is not being made.

Many thanks to brother Ed Healy, for allowing me to post from his website, the abiding word.com.

From Mark Copeland... A Different Jesus, Spirit, And Gospel (2 Corinthians 11:4)


              A Different Jesus, Spirit, And Gospel (11:4)


1. In 2Co 11:1-4, Paul expresses his grave concern for the brethren in
   a. With a godly jealousy, he is fearful their minds may have been
      corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ - 2Co 11:1-3
   b. With a touch of irony, perhaps even sarcasm, he refers to their
      seeming willingness to put up with someone who might teach 
      "another Jesus", "a different spirit", even "a different gospel" 
      - 2Co 11:4
      1) He most likely has reference to "Judaizing teachers"
      2) These were Jewish believers in Christ who taught Gentiles had
         to be circumcised and keep the Law of Moses (cf. Ac 15:1-29;
         Ga 2:1-5)

2. The problem Paul faced is not unique to his day and age; even 
   a. There are people who teach a "Jesus" different than the One
      revealed in the Bible
   b. Many claim to be led by the "Spirit", who in fact may heeding a 
      different "spirit"
   c. What is often proclaimed as the "gospel", has been altered in its
      message so as to be different than the gospel proclaimed by the
      apostles of Christ

3. The danger of leaving "the simplicity that is in Christ" is very 
   real, and so I wish to...
   a. Identify how some actually preach "A Different Jesus, Spirit, And
   b. Briefly review what the Bible teaches about Jesus, the Spirit, 
      and the gospel of Christ

[Let's begin with the idea of...]


      1. Some "non-Christian" religions, of course, teach a different
         a. That Jesus was at best simply a good man or teacher (e.g.,
         b. That Jesus was at best a prophet of God (e.g., Islam)
      2. But some professing "Christian" religions also teach a 
         different Jesus
         a. That He is a created being (Jehovah Witnesses)
         b. That He is a god among many gods (Mormons)
         c. The "Jesus Seminar" has sought to redefine who Jesus was,
            by stripping Him of many of the teachings and miracles
            attributed to Him in the Bible

      1. As eyewitnesses who spent time with Him, only they are 
         qualified to testify as to who Jesus was - cf. Ac 10:39-41; 
         2Pe 1:16; 1Jn 1:1-2
      2. Their testimony, as recorded in the New Testament, reveal 
         Jesus to be:
         a. The Christ, the Son of the Living God - Mt 16:16
         b. The One who was with God, and was God - Jn 1:1-2
         c. The One in Whom all the fullness of God dwells bodily -
            Col 2:9-10
         d. The One Who died for our sins and rose from the dead, as
            foretold in the Old Testament scriptures - 1Co 15:1-4
         e. The One Who teaches that many will be lost, and requires an
            obedient faith - Mt 7:13-14,21-23; 28:20

[In truth, the only reliable historical record that we have of Jesus is
the New Testament, written by those who either knew Jesus intimately,
or were personal acquaintances of His apostles.  If we desire to know
the "true" Jesus, it is to them we must turn!

As we continue, consider some thoughts related to...]


      1. It is quite common to hear people say, "The Spirit led me to 
         do this, believe that..."
         a. They believe the Holy Spirit leads through impressions,
            intuition, etc.
         b. They believe the Holy Spirit is so leading people in all
            the denominations
      2. Yet these same people teach conflicting doctrines
         a. Some believe the Spirit tells them pray to Mary; others say
            the Spirit tells them that is blasphemous
         b. Some believe the Spirit confirms to them that Joseph Smith
            is a prophet, others are convinced the Spirit tells them he
            was a false prophet
         c. In one highly publicized case, one church said the Spirit
            led them to sell their church building at a set price; but
            another church wanting to buy the building said the Spirit
            told them the price was too high!
      -- We can appreciate the wisdom of John's admonition to "test the
         spirits" - 1Jn 4:1

      1. Who was to guide them into all the truth - Jn 16:12-13
      2. Who did not lead them through impressions that could be 
         misinterpreted, but through audible and sometimes visual means
         that could be confirmed miraculously
         a. Note that the Spirit "said" to Philip... - cf. Ac 8:29
         b. Note that while Paul's "impression" was to go one way, the 
            Holy Spirit made it clear where He wanted them to go - cf.
            Ac 16:6-7
         -- I.e., the Spirit did not, and does not lead people in ways
            that might be confused with impressions or wishes of the
            human spirit
      3. The Spirit led the apostles into "all" the truth
         a. Paul had proclaimed the "whole counsel of God" - Ac 20:27
         b. Peter had been given "all things that pertain to life and
            godliness" - 2Pe 1:3
         c. The faith was "once for all" delivered unto the saints - 
            Jude 3
      4. The Spirit "confirmed" the completed revelation by signs and
         wonders - He 2:1-4
         a. Therefore our task is to "give the more earnest heed" to
            those things revealed by the Spirit through the apostles
            and prophets of the New Testament
         b. Or as per Jude, to "contend earnestly for the faith once
            delivered" - Jude 3
      -- We can "test the spirits" by comparing them with the revealed
         and confirmed Word of God, for that is how the Spirit speaks
         to us today!

[So much religious confusion is the result of people listening to their
own "human spirit", when what we need to do is return to that Word of
God which the Spirit revealed in the first place!

Finally, it saddens me deeply to say that many sincere people are 


      1. Two extreme views of the gospel are often preached
         a. Salvation by works (i.e., we are saved by meritorious 
         b. Salvation by faith alone (i.e., obedience not required)
         -- Actually, these two extremes are simply over-reactions 
            against each other
      2. To illustrate, consider the subject of baptism
         a. Some teach that baptism without faith saves
         b. Others teach that faith without baptism saves
         -- Jesus taught that both faith and baptism saves - Mk 16:16
      3. As we seek to proclaim the true gospel, we need to remember
         that any change results in a "perverted gospel", against which
         Paul warned - Ga 1:8-9

      1. Their gospel contained "facts to believe", such as:
         a. Jesus was crucified for our sins - 1Co 15:1-3
         b. He was raised from the dead - 1Co 15:4
         c. He is exalted as Lord and Savior - Ac 2:33-36
         d. He is coming again to execute judgment and be glorified 
            - 2Th 1:7-10
      2. Their gospel also contained "commands to obey" (cf. 2Th 1:8;
         1Pe 4:17; in which we learn the gospel must be "obeyed");
         such commands include:
         a. Believing Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God - Ac 8:35-37
         b. Confessing your faith in Jesus as Lord - Ro 10:9-10
         c. Repenting of your sins - Ac 2:38; 3:19; 17:30
         d. Being baptized for the remission of your sins - Mk 16:
            15-16; Ac 2:38; 22:16
         e. Remaining faithful to the Lord until death - Mt 28:19-20;
            Re 2:10
      3. And their gospel contained wonderful "promises to receive",
         a. The remission of sins - Ac 2:38; 3:19
         b. The gift of the Holy Spirit - Ac 2:38; cf. Jn 7:37-39;
            Ac 5:32
         c. The gift of eternal life - Ro 6:23


1. The warning against receiving "A Different Jesus, Spirit, And 
   Gospel" is a timely one...
   a. There are literally thousands of different denominations, 
      teaching conflicting doctrines
   b. Many have developed doctrines that are distinctly different as it
      relates to:
      1) Who Jesus is
      2) How the Spirit reveals His truth to us
      3) What constitutes the gospel of Jesus Christ

2. Who, and what, is the true Jesus, Spirit and gospel? - cf. 2Co 11:4
   a. The true Jesus is the One the apostles preached
   b. The true Spirit is the One received by the early Christians, Who
      guided them into the truth which is fully and completely revealed
      in the pages of the New Testament
   c. The true gospel is that one proclaimed by the apostles and 
      received by the early church

3. Brethren, be careful lest "your minds...be corrupted from the 
   simplicity that is in Christ"!
   a. Satan would love to deceive us like he did with Eve
   b. He has his own "ministers of righteousness" working in his behalf
      - cf. 2Co 11:13-15

The only way to avoid being deceived is to be like the Christians in
Jerusalem who "continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine..." 
(Ac 2:42).  Whose doctrine are you heeding?

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011

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