


If there’s a place in the world where people gather, a place where God is admired and praised this should be the place. If there’s a gathering in the midst of the multiplied millions of gatherings, a gathering where God who gives grace, generates joy and provokes praise from the richly blessed this should be such a gathering. And if there’s a gathering where a God is sought out by troubled souls, a God who gives courage and endurance to burdened hearts and trusts them to continue to trust him—if there’s a gathering like that anywhere in the world it should be this one in this place.

A day may come when we will fix our eyes on the strength of the enemy and the vast number of its legions, on the skill and ruthlessness of its commanders and on the way such an enemy has swept the human race into a pit of hopelessness, a pit in which they brawl with one another for their very existence. That day may come but it will not be THIS day! For THIS day we have gathered to admire the Great God, to tell stories of him and learn of his faithfulness down through the ages, a faithfulness that stretches from one end of eternity to the other and expresses itself in Jesus whom we this day know as the returning King in whom we have a living hope. And we will this day in the name of the fearless Christ speak to our morbid fear, speak with power, commanding it as if it were a rabid and threatening hound: Sit! and it will obey.

A day may come when due to many disappointments, due to felt needs not provided for, due to pains long endured and that make no sense, due to failure despite many brave attempts to accomplish something fine and good, a day when we will resent God for his not being there to visibly make a difference and resenting his refusal to even explain his absence--that day may come and we will walk away emotionally worn out and no longer caring. That day may come but it will not be THIS day! For THIS day we have gathered at his bidding, trusting in his strength, to tell him that we are his companions wherever the war leads and however long it takes. And we will not turn back!

A day may come when life in this chaotic world persuades us that there's no point to any of it, that believing in a final triumph and a happy ending is a story we tell ourselves because we don't want to face the stubborn fact that nothing really changes, that we as individuals make no difference--no difference at all--and that one generation after another will continue to end up in oblivion as the mindless and uncaring universe looks on--that day may come but it will not be THIS day for THIS day we will meet and Supper with Jesus who, in that strong assuring way of his, says to us again--says it here and now, here in the midst of this world that troubles and bewilders us so, "Let not your hearts be troubled, neither be afraid. You believe in God, believe also in me." And we will believe in him!

Here lies the scandal and the glory of our Story and the faith it brings to life in us.

A day may come when the consumer spirit may so overwhelm the Western culture that the entire religious world will want only what it wants. On that day believers, male and female, young and old who have resisted the tide of entertainment and the temptation to speak and teach and sing and write to meet the hunger for the novel, the syrupy, the “interesting” and the banal—on that day such believers may grow weary with a single Story about the one Holy One and join the fickle world that loves to sample sermons. But it will not be THIS day! For THIS day, with the certain knowledge that the Holy One meant what he said when he said: “Look unto me and be saved all you ends of the earth!” we will speak only of the Worthy One as he in generous grace, relentless love and spellbinding trust in us call us to it--TELL THEM OF ME! And those of us who speak and are convicted and chastened by the Christ of the Supper will vow to speak of HIM. 

A day may come under the sound of preaching that is good-natured and banal, that is "quite interesting" and "helpful", preaching that is lecturing rather than preaching, preaching that is filled with historical, cultural and literary tidbits from Google and various places; preaching that makes no demands, that creates no holy discontent, preaching that suits the spirit of congregations that over the years have been shaped by such preaching and now want nothing more, that want nothing more because they have come to believe there IS nothing more; congregations that know no better and therefore look for no better because being misled and misshapen by such "preaching" they don't know to be able to say, "They have taken away our Lord and we don't know where they've laid him." 

That day may come! For some that day may already have come!

But it will not be THIS day, not for those who are blessed to be able to see the gospeling Christ beyond the steady stream of "religious talk". To such people the living Christ who Suppers with them will speak in that Suppering about adventure against the gods, against the powers, war on behalf of a world that desperately needs light as they stumble around in darkness, a world that would love soft bright light that banishes their gloom. Such people will be blessed to take their gaze of themselves and look to Him, to Him and all he is and means and they will see themselves as a living covenant God has made for all the nations of the world and for the millions of Lazaruses lying around their doors.
And aware of their own stubborn moral flaws but fully aware that God knows about them and yet has called them to engage with Him in the world of blessing and rescue they will gospel in all the ways that are open to them. God will see this and be pleased.

Lessons Learned from the Practice of Law: Interpretative Aids by Kevin Cain, J.D.


Lessons Learned from the Practice of Law: Interpretative Aids

by  Kevin Cain, J.D.

When interpreting a statute, courts adhere to general canons of construction to aid in the proper interpretation of that statute. The first and most important rule of statutory interpretation is that the resolution of a dispute over the meaning of a statute begins with the language of the statute itself (United States v. Ron Pair Enterprises, Inc., 1989). In other words, the cardinal rule of statutory construction is “that a legislature says in a statute what it means and means in a statute what it says there” (Connecticut National Bank v. Germain, 1992). As such, “[i]f statutory language is plain, permitting only one construction, there is no occasion to seek out congressional intent by reference to legislative history or other extrinsic aids” (Lapine v. Town of Wellesley, 2002). However, if the statute’s language is not plain, courts may rely on the legislative history of the statute to help interpret that statute (United States v. Fields, 2007). Legislative history is comprised of the comments and statements of senators and congressmen made while a bill is being debated.
Occasionally, a judge will cite a statement made by a legislator to help explain or support a particular interpretation of some statute. For example, when trying to determine the exact meaning of a less-than-clear statute, the judge may look to a record of statements made by various legislators while the bill is being discussed and ultimately passed into law. These statements may help clarify the meaning or purpose of a particular law.
Not all scholars think that legislative history is a proper tool in determining the interpretation of a statute. One of the most outspoken scholars on this subject is Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. He has clearly identified himself as one who does not favor the use of legislative history when interpreting a statute. In one of his more colorful explanations of this view, Justice Scalia recalled the statement of Judge Harold Leventhal who once compared arguments from legislative history to “entering a crowded cocktail party and looking over the heads of the guests for one’s friends” (Conroy v. Aniskoff, 1993). The point being, everyone can find a friend in that setting. Likewise, everyone can research and find some remote statement made by a legislator that supports his subjective interpretation of a statute. Accordingly, many scholars and judges believe that there may very well be a good reason why such language was left on the legislative floor and never made its way into the statute itself. Simply put, if it is not in the statute, it should not resolve the meaning of a statute. Accordingly, the law says what it means and it means what it says.
The same comparison can be made with God’s holy Word. We have many extrinsic aids: books, commentaries, research tools, historical statements, church fathers, and scholarly interpretations of God’s Word. These can be both a blessing and a curse, depending upon how we use them. However, we often turn to these aids not because we cannot understand what God has revealed through His Word. Rather, we often turn to these extra-biblical sources because we are either (1) lacking in diligence to study the Bible for ourselves, or because (2) our judgment is clouded by our preconceived ideas about what we think that passage should mean.
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus addressed this problem. During the lifetime of Jesus, just like today, people were prone to listen to scholars, religious leaders, and other sources outside the Bible, and consider them just as important and binding as God’s word. Jesus says no less than six times in that sermon, “You have heard that it was said...” (Matthew 5:21,27,31,33,38,43). Jesus is contrasting the true word of God with what the people have heard their religious leaders teach over the years (see Lyons, 2009). Scholars and religious leaders may teach one thing, but of infinitely greater importance is the pure and simple Word of God. When Jesus continues in the Sermon on the Mount and says, “but I say to you,” he is turning our attention from scholars, commentators, and “legislative history,” and is directing our minds and hearts toward the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
I have heard the phrase before that the Bible is its own best interpreter (Miller, 2003). In other words, when we come to a passage that we do not clearly understand, rather than turning to non-inspired sources to help us understand the Bible, we should be turning to other passages in the Bible to help us understand more clearly.
For example, we can literally see the Bible interpreting itself through a literary style called Hebrew parallelism. This beautiful style of writing involves the repetition of a thought, but expressed in different terms. The author makes a point, and then emphasizes that point by repeating it, but in different language that adds further depth, meaning, and application to the first phrase. For example, Psalm 19:1 states, “The heavens declare the glory of God.” Then, that same verse goes on to repeat itself in Hebrew parallelism when it declares, “And the firmament shows His handiwork.” How do the heavens declare the glory of God? They demonstrate the fine work of God’s own hands. The last half of this verse helps us interpret the first half. A little later in this same psalm, the psalmist writes, “The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart” (Psalm 19:8). That same verse then interprets itself when it states, “The commandments of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes” (Psalm 19:8). These two phrases are not distinct and unrelated. This is parallelism; the Bible interpreting itself through thoughtful reiteration.
An understanding of the “whole counsel of God” will cause us to dig deeper into the Scriptures and less into what others have to say about the Bible. When Paul addressed the elders of Ephesus in Acts 20, Paul declared that he had not hesitated to declare unto them the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27). No doubt, a person familiar with the whole counsel of God will spend more time in the Bible and less time studying other sources. But how do we become a person who is more inclined to turn to the Word of God rather than the words of men?
Paul gave some excellent advice to the young preacher Timothy describing the nature of how we become more familiar with the Bible, so that we can preach the “whole counsel of God.” Paul wrote, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15, KJV). Other translations replace the word “study” with “be diligent” (NASB, NKJV), “make every effort” (NCV), and “do your best” (NIV, ESV). All these translations are accurate. Study is designed to be hard, arduous work by its very nature. To study God’s Word in such a way that we can rightly divide the word of truth, we must make great effort and work hard at familiarizing ourselves with the Word of God.  Certainly devotional reading for the pure pleasure of God’s Word has its place, but we must also roll up our sleeves, work hard, and apply ourselves to the diligent study of God’s Word so we can answer those who question us about our faith and our hope (1 Peter 3:15).
We must be people of the Book—people who are drawn to and guided more and more by the word of God, and less and less by what others say about the Word of God. Commentaries, treatise, scholarly writings, and other uninspired works can be useful and have their place in a Christian’s life. But this “legislative history” can only be helpful after we have plumed the depths in ardent study of the way, the truth, and the life—God’s holy Word (John 1:1, 14: 14:6).  You have heard that it was said, “I read a good book recently.” But I say unto you, “Read the good book.”


Connecticut National Bank v. Germain, 503 U.S. 249, 253-54 (1992).
Conroy v. Aniskoff, 507 U.S. 511, 519 (1993) (Scalia, J., concurring).
Lapine v. Town of Wellesley, 304 F.3d 90, 96 (1st Cir. 2002).
Lyons, Eric (2009), “This Is the Law and the Prophets,” Apologetics Press, http://www.apologeticspress.org/APContent.aspx?category=11&article=526.
Miller, Dave (2003), “The Bible Is Its Own Best Interpreter,” Apologetics Press, http://www.apologeticspress.org/APContent.aspx?category=11&article=1242.
United States v. Fields, 500 F.3d 1327, 1330 (11th Cir. 2007).
United States v. Ron Pair Enterprises, Inc., 489 U.S. 235, 242 (1989).

From Mark Copeland... The Call Of Four Fishermen (Mark 1:16-20)

                          "THE GOSPEL OF MARK"

                  The Call Of Four Fishermen (1:16-20)


1. Jesus began His public ministry by preaching...
   a. Proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom of God - Mk 1:14
   b. That the time was fulfilled, the kingdom of God was at hand - Mk 1:15a
   c. That people needed to repent and believe the gospel - Mk 1:15b

2. As He did so, He also called people to become His disciples...
   a. Calling them to follow Him
   b. Offering to make them "fishers of men"

[His first disciples included two sets of brothers, four fishermen who
later become apostles.  In our text (Mk 1:16-20) we read how Jesus
called them.  Let's take a closer look at them, beginning with...]


      1. Their background
         a. Sons of Jonah - Jn 1:42
         b. From Bethsaida of Galilee - Jn 1:44
         c. Fishermen by trade - Mk 1:16
         d. Partners with James and John - Lk 5:10
      2. Their call to discipleship
         a. Both met Jesus a year earlier - Jn 1:35-42
            1) In Bethabara beyond the Jordan - Jn 1:28
            2) Andrew had been a disciple of John
            3) Andrew introduced Simon to Jesus
            4) Jesus named Simon "Cephas" (Aramaic), "Peter" (Greek),
               meaning "a rock"
         b. They were called while fishing in the Sea of Galilee - Mk 1:16
            1) They had been washing their nets - Lk 5:1-2
            2) Jesus had Simon take him out in a boat, to teach the
               people on shore - Lk 5:3
            3) Jesus told him to launch out and cast his net, resulting
               in a large catch - Lk 5:4-9
            4) Then Jesus called them to follow Him and be fishers of
               men - Lk 5:10; Mk 1:17
            5) They immediately left their nets and followed him - Mk 1:18

      1. Their service as apostles
         a. Simon and Andrew were selected along with twelve others - Mk 3:14-19
         b. Simon (Peter) became part of Jesus' "inner circle" - Mk 5:
            37; 9:2; 14:33
         c. He is well known for his denial of Christ and restoration
            - Mk 14:66-72; Jn 21:15-19
         d. He is a key figure in the first half of the book of Acts,
            and wrote two epistles
         e. Andrew is known for introducing people to Jesus - Jn 1:40-
            42; 6:8-9; 12:20-22
         f. Both asked Jesus about the destruction of Jerusalem - Mk 13:
      2. According to apocryphal (doubtful) literature (cf. ISBE)
         a. Simon (Peter) died a martyr at Rome about 67 AD, along with
            his wife
         b  Crucified upside down at his own request, felt unworthy to
            die exactly like Jesus
         c. Andrew is thought to have been crucified in Greece, on a
            cross in the form of an X
         d. Various sources attribute his missionary work in Bithynia,
            Scythia, Greece, Ephesus

[Simon and Andrew:  brothers, fishermen, disciples, apostles, martyrs.
One well known, the other lesser known.  Both faithful servants of the
Lord Jesus Christ.  Next we take a look at...]


      1. Their background
         a. Sons of Zebedee - Mk 1:19
         b. Their mother was Salome - Mk 16:1; Mt 27:56
         c. Many believe Salome was Mary's sister, making them Jesus'
            cousins - Jn 19:25
         d. Successful fishing business (several boats, partners with
            Simon and Andrew, hired servants) - Mk 1:20; Lk 5:10-11
      2. Their call to discipleship
         a. While mending nets by the Sea of Galilee - Mk 1:19
         b. When Jesus called them, they left their father and hired
            servants - Mk 1:20

      1. Their service as apostles
         a. James and John were selected along with twelve others - Mk 3:14-19
         b. To whom Jesus gave the name "Boanerges" (Sons of Thunder)
            - Mk 3:17
         c. Perhaps due to a fiery temper (though see below) - cf. Lk 9:54
         d. John tried to forbid one from casting out demons who did not
            follow them - Mk 9:38
         e. Both became part of Jesus' "inner circle" - Mk 5:37; 9:2;
         f. They asked to sit at Christ's side in glory - Mk 10:35-37
         g. Both asked Jesus about the destruction of Jerusalem - Mk 13:
         h. Both were present when Jesus appeared the third time after
            His resurrection - Jn 21:1-14
         i. John was likely the "disciple whom Jesus loved" - Jn 19:26;
            20:2; 21:7,20
         j. John often worked with Peter - Ac 3:1; 8:14; Ga 2:9
         k. James became the first apostle to be martyred, fulfilling
            the Lord's prophecy that he would drink the same cup as His
            Master - Ac 12:1-2; cf. Mk 10:39
         l. John went on to write his gospel, three epistles, and the
            book of Revelation
      2. According to apocryphal (doubtful) literature (cf. ISBE)
         a. Zebedee their father was of the house of Levi, their mother
            of the house of Judah
         b. Called "Sons of Thunder" because they were of both the
            priestly house and royal house
         c. James joined Peter in a missionary trip to India; also
            preached in Spain prior to his death
         d. John is thought to have spent his later years in Ephesus,
            following his exile on the isle of Patmos (cf. Re 1:9),
            dying around 98 AD

[James and John:  brothers, fishermen, disciples, apostles.  One an
early martyr, the other a lifelong witness.  Both faithful servants of
the Lord Jesus Christ.  Now for some concluding observations...]


1. Becoming a disciple of Jesus often involves sacrifice...
   a. For Simon and Andrew, it meant leaving their business behind
   b. For James and John, it also meant leaving their family behind
   c. For all four, it meant lives of service that included hardship,
      ending in martyrdom or exile

2. Becoming a disciple of Jesus means to seek the lost...
   a. Jesus wants His disciples to become "fishers of men" - Mk 1:17
   b. Just as He come to "seek and save the lost" - Lk 19:10

3. As disciples of Christ today...
   a. Are we willing to sacrifice for the Lord?
   b. Are we willing to seek the lost?
   c. If not, can we really claim to be disciples of Jesus Christ?

Jesus would have everyone become His disciple today (cf. Mt 28:19-20).
May "The Call Of Four Fishermen", and the service they rendered to the
Lord, inspire us to greater dedication as disciples...

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011

From Mark Copeland... The Preaching Ministry Of Jesus - II (Mark 1:14-15)

                          "THE GOSPEL OF MARK"

             The Preaching Ministry Of Jesus - II (1:14-15)


1. Previously, we observed that "The Preaching Ministry Of Jesus"
   a. Proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom of God
   a. That kingdom foretold by Daniel - Dan 2:44; 7:13-14
   b. The good news that is was "at hand", for "the time is fulfilled"!

2. In examining the nature of the kingdom, we noted that it...
   a. Involves the rule or reign of God through the person of Jesus
   b. Is spiritual in nature
   c. Is manifested visibly today in the form of the Lord's church
   d. Has both present and future elements
   -- Indeed, this kingdom is now available to all who freely submit to
      the authority of Jesus

3. But Jesus did more than just announce the coming of the kingdom of
   a. He called on people to repent
   b. He called on people to believe

[And so as we return to our text (Mk 1:14-15), we note that in addition
to the kingdom of God...]


      1. There are two common misconceptions concerning repentance
         a. E.g., that repentance is "sorrow"
            1) But repentance is an outcome of sorrow - cf. 2Co 7:9-10
            2) Sorrow leads to repentance; sorrow itself is not
         b. E.g., that repentance is "a changed life"
            1) Thinking that repentance is a converted life
            2) But repentance and conversion are two separate things
               - cf. Ac 3:19
               a) Peter says "Repent therefore and be converted"
               b) If repentance means the same as conversion, then Peter
                  was redundant
      2. W. E. Vine defines "repentance" as:
         a. A "change of mind"
         b. That which "involves both a turning from sin and a turning
            to God"
      3. Repentance is therefore a decision to "turn from sin and turn
         to God"
         a. Preceded by sorrow - 2Co 7:10
         b. Followed by a changed life - 2Co 7:11
      -- Jesus therefore called on people to make a decision regarding
         sin, because of the imminent arrival of the kingdom of God

      1. Most certainly!
         a. Repentance is to be preached in Jesus' name to all nations
            - Lk 24:46-47
         b. God now calls men everywhere to repent - Ac 17:30
         c. Thus Paul preached to both Jews and Gentiles that they
            should repent - Ac 26:20
      2. Wherever there is sin, repentance needs to be proclaimed
         a. People need to be told to "change their minds" (repent)
         b. They need to "turn to God, and do works befitting
            repentance" - cf. Ac 26:20
      3. Whenever the kingdom of God is proclaimed, it must include a
         call to repent
         a. Paul spoke of preaching the kingdom of God - cf. Ac 20:25
         b. Which included telling people of repentance - cf. Ac 20:21
      -- Any preaching of the kingdom of God that does not include a
         clarion call to repent is not the true gospel!

[Of course, the decision to turn from sin involves faith.  So we are not
be surprised to note also that...]


      1. As defined by Easton's Bible Dictionary:
         a. Faith is in general the persuasion of the mind that a
            certain statement is true
         b. Its primary idea is trust
      2. It is a strong conviction or trust in something; as the NIV
         translates He 11:1...
         a. "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for..."
         b. "...and certain of what we do not see."
      3. For example, you have faith that your parents are indeed your
         a. Based upon your trust or conviction in the reliability of
            their word
         b. Such trust prompts you to respond accordingly
      -- Jesus proclaimed that people should trust in the good tidings
         concerning the kingdom of God

      1. Most certainly!  For people need to believe:
         a. In God, to be pleasing to Him - He 11:6
         b. In Jesus, to have forgiveness of sins and eternal life - Jn 8:24; 20:31
      2. But people also need to believe in the kingdom of God!
         a. Which is what Jesus was saying in our text - Mk 1:15
         b. That it was "at hand" when Jesus was preaching
      3. Thus there is the need to believe in the kingdom of God today!
         a. Just as Paul sought to convince his Jewish brethren - Ac 28:23
         b. If we do not believe, then the good news of God's kingdom
            and salvation should be taken to others - Ac 28:24-28
      4. We need to believe concerning the kingdom of God:
         a. That Jesus now reigns over all - Mt 28:18; Ep 1:20-22; 1 Pe 3:22
         b. That those who obey the gospel become members of that
            kingdom - Col 1:13
         c. That those who persevere will inherit the everlasting
            kingdom - 2Pe 1:10-11
         d. That those who persist in sin will not inherit the kingdom
            of God - 1Co 6:9-10; Ep 5:5


1. Thus "The Preaching Ministry Of Jesus" began with a proclamation
   a. The coming of the kingdom of God
   b. The need to repent and believe

2. The kingdom of God came just as Jesus (and the prophets) said it
   a. Jesus received all authority, and now reigns at the right hand of
      God - Mt 28:18; 1Pe 3:22
   b. He exercises that reign, even in the midst of His enemies - cf.
      Ps 110:1-2
   c. His people (the church) freely volunteer in the day of His power
      - cf. Ps 110:3
   d. When He returns, it will be to deliver the kingdom to His Father
      - 1Co 15:24-26

Do you wish to be part of that everlasting, heavenly kingdom?  Then you
must be in the kingdom of God now, freely submitting to the reign of God
in your life today!

If you have not yet done so, then repent of your sins, put your faith in
Jesus Christ, be baptized for the remission of your sins, and begin
living for Him today...! - Mk 16:15-16; Ac 2:36-38

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011

From Mark Copeland... The Preaching Ministry Of Jesus - I (Mark 1:14-15)

                          "THE GOSPEL OF MARK"

             The Preaching Ministry Of Jesus - I (1:14-15)


1. In Mk 1:14-15, we read of the beginning of Jesus' public ministry in
   a. Which followed the imprisonment of John the Baptist - cf. Mk 6:
   b. Which began at Capernaum, on the edge of the Sea of Galilee - cf.
      Mt 4:13

2. His public ministry involved "preaching"...
   a. "...preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God" - Mk 1:14
   b. The word "preach" (Gr., kerux) means "to herald, to proclaim"

[But what was the message Jesus proclaimed?  Is it a message we should
be preach today?  From our text (Mk 1:14-15) we first see that...]


      1. That kingdom of God foretold in book of Daniel
         a. A kingdom which shall never be destroyed - Dan 2:44
         b. A kingdom, along with glory and dominion, given to the Son
            of Man - Dan 7:13-14
      2. The kingdom of God involves four interrelated concepts
         a. God's kingship, rule, or recognized sovereignty
            1) The term "kingdom" as used by the Jews often stressed the
               abstract idea of rule or dominion, not a geographical
               area surrounded by physical boundaries
            2) basileia - royal power, kingship, dominion, rule; not to
               be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right
               or authority to rule over a kingdom - Thayer
         b. This rule of God is spiritual in nature
            1) It is not a physical kingdom - cf. Jn 18:36
            2) But one that is spiritual - cf. Ro 14:17
         c. Its visible manifestation today is in the form of the Lord's
            1) For the church is that community of souls in whose hearts
               God is Sovereign
            2) That the church constitutes the kingdom of God on earth,
               a) The term "church" and "kingdom" used interchangeably
                  - Mt 16:18
               b) Comments made to those who were in the church - Col 1:
                  13; 1Th 2:12
               c) The description of those in the churches of Asia - Re 1:4,6,9
         d. It has a future element as well as a present one
            1) Future aspect as spoken of by Jesus - Mt 25:34
            2) Future aspect as spoken of by Paul - 1Co 15:50; 2 Ti 4:18
            3) Future aspect as spoken of by Peter - 2Pe 1:10-11
      3. Thus the kingdom of God is both present and future
         a. In the present sense:
            1) It is found wherever the sovereignty of God is accepted
               in the hearts of men
            2) It is a spiritual kingdom, for God rules in the hearts of
            3) Its outward manifestation today is the Lord's church
            4) This rule or kingdom of God was "inaugurated" on the Day
               of Pentecost (Ac 2)
         b. In the future sense:
            1) The rule or kingdom of God will be "culminated" with the
               coming of the Lord
            2) It will involve that "news heaven and a new earth in
               which righteousness dwells", described by Peter and John
               - 2Pe 3:10-13; Re 21-22
            3) It will be experienced only by those in the church who
               are submitting to God's will today! - cf. Mt 7:21-23;
               2Pe 3:13-14
      -- The kingdom of God involves good news (gospel)!

      1. Most certainly!
         a. Philip "preached the things concerning the kingdom of God"
            - Ac 8:12
         b. The apostle Paul in his preaching and teaching:
            1) Spoke of the challenges in entering the kingdom in its
               future sense - Ac 14:22
            2) Reasoned and persuaded with people concerning the kingdom
               - Ac 19:8
            3) Had gone among the Ephesians, "preaching the kingdom of
               God" - Ac 20:25
            4) Solemnly testified of the kingdom of God to the Jews in
               Rome - Ac 28:23,30-31
         c. In his epistles, Paul wrote of:
            1) The nature of the kingdom - Ro 14:17
            2) Those who will not inherit the kingdom - 1Co 6:9-10; Ga 5:21; Ep 5:5
            3) Jesus giving the kingdom to God when He returns - 1Co 15:24-26
            4) How flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom - 1Co 15:50
            5) How we are in the kingdom now - Col 1:13
            6) His companions as fellow workers for the kingdom - Co 4:11
            7) How we might be counted worthy of the kingdom - 2Th 1:5
            8) God calling us into His kingdom and glory - 2Th 2:12
            9) Jesus judging us at His appearing and His kingdom - 2 Ti 4:1
           10) The Lord preserving him for His heavenly kingdom - 2 Ti 4:18
         d. Hebrews refers to our receiving a kingdom which can't be
            shaken - He 12:28
         e. James described the faithful poor as "heirs of the kingdom"
            - Jm 2:5
         f. Peter wrote how we might have an abundant entrance into the
            everlasting kingdom - 2Pe 1:10-11
         g. John was a brother and companion in the kingdom of Jesus
            Christ - Re 1:9
      2. Yet there is an important difference in our message today
         a. John the Baptist, Jesus, His disciples in the Limited
            Commission...all proclaimed the kingdom "at hand" (drawing
            1) For the rule of God as foretold by the prophets was about
               to be manifested - cf. Mk 1:14-15; Dan 2:44; 7:13-14
            2) During Jesus' earthly ministry that kingdom (reign) was
               yet future
            3) That was the "good news" (gospel) of the kingdom then:
               it was near!
         b. After the ascension of Christ, the preaching of the kingdom
            proclaimed it both present and future
            1) The rule of God is now being fully manifested through
               Jesus Christ - cf. Mt 28:18; Ep 1:20-22; 1Pe 3:22
            2) Those who "gladly receive" the message are added by the
               Lord Himself to His church or kingdom (i.e., the
               community of believers who submit to His authority)
               - cf. Ac 2:36-41,47; Col 1:13; Re 1:9
            3) Those who persevere to the end inherit the heavenly and
               everlasting kingdom of our Lord - Ac 14:22; 2Pe 1:10-11
      -- This is the good news (gospel) of the kingdom today:  it is
         both now and coming!


1. Thus "The Preaching Ministry Of Jesus" involved proclaiming the
   kingdom of God...
   a. The coming rule or reign of God
   b. As proclaimed by prophets like Daniel
   c. Was now "at hand", for "the time is fulfilled"!

2. But Jesus did more than just announce the coming of the kingdom of
   a. He called on people to repent
   b. He called on people to believe - Mk 1:15

We will examine His call for repentance and faith in our next study.  In
the meantime, we do well to ask ourselves, "Are we in the kingdom of God
today?"  The answer lies in whether we submit to the rule of God now
manifested in the person of Jesus Christ... - cf. Mt 28:18-20

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011

From Gary... The power of "Exceedingly Abundantly"

October 24 Solar Flare in three ultraviolet wavelengths

It has been almost a month since I heard about this flare and frankly, I didn't pay much attention to it.  However, it turns out that this flare (one of 6 x-class flares of the eruption) was the most intense that has occurred in the past 24 years.  The power of these flares is almost unimaginable and makes me wonder what would have happened had it came to little planet.  But, it didn't come our way- so, no problem!!!  Still, it makes me consider the world around us and think of the immensity of even our little solar system and the incredible powers that exist in the universe.  Now consider this...

Ephesians, Chapter 3
 8 To me, the very least of all saints, was this grace given, to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ,  9 and to make all men see what is the administration of the mystery which for ages has been hidden in God, who created all things through Jesus Christ;  10 to the intent that now through the assembly the manifold wisdom of God might be made known to the principalities and the powers in the heavenly places,  11 according to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord;  12 in whom we have boldness and access in confidence through our faith in him.  13 Therefore I ask that you may not lose heart at my troubles for you, which are your glory. 

  14  For this cause, I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,  15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named,  16 that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, that you may be strengthened with power through his Spirit in the inward man;  17 that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; to the end that you, being rooted and grounded in love,  18 may be strengthened to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth,  19 and to know Christ’s love which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.  20 Now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,  21 to him be the glory in the assembly and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen. 
God has been working for our good since the dawn of creation in a mystery until the time of Christ. And God's Christ completed God's work of redemption and made a way for us to be with HIM FOREVER!  Think of the power involved and the depth of the meaning of its exhibition!!  And this power is in us (verse 20)!!!   Compared to this, even a mighty solar flare pales in comparison!!!!