
From Jim McGuiggan... Why do the trees clap their hands (2)?

Why do the trees clap their hands (2)?

Ezekiel 36 said, “Son of man, prophesy to the mountains of Israel and say, ‘O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord...Because they ravaged and hounded you from every side so that you became the possession of the rest of the nations and the object of people’s malicious talk and slander...This is what the Sovereign Lord says...because you have suffered the scorn of the nations...I swear with uplifted hand that the nations around you will suffer scorn. But you, O mountains of Israel, will produce branches and fruit...I am concerned for you and will look on you with favor; you will be plowed and sown, and I will multiply the number of people on you...I will increase the number of men and animals upon you...I will settle people on you as in the past. I will cause people, my people Israel, to walk upon you. They will posses you, and you will be their inheritance; you will never again deprive them of their children. Because people say to you, ‘You devour men and deprive your nation of its children,’ therefore you will no longer devour or make your nation childless.”

The prophets know that the land of Israel has suffered famine and drought, that foreign nations had cut down her trees to make siege engines and salted the land in malicious delight. The people who should have rejoiced in her were taken off into captivity and she was left desolate. She had had her share in “vomiting” the people out of the land and so she had gained a reputation as a devourer of her people. All that would change when God would deliver Israel after her long night of purgatory.

When the day of deliverance arrives for the repentant people the land will share in their deliverance. Isaiah 55:12-13 speaks of that coming day when God says of the people, “You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will bust into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Instead of the thornbush will grow the pine tree, and instead of briers the myrtle will grow. This will be for the Lord’s renown, for an everlasting sign, which will not be destroyed.”

We’re supposed to picture the redeemed people of God coming out of their Babylonian captivity and entering the land of Israel. This is indeed like a second Exodus (see Isaiah 11:10-16) and the land will be thrilled at their coming. In the image of a husband and wife God says of Zion’s land it will be taken in marriage again and will have many happy children running around. The land will no longer be named “Desolate” but will be called “Beulah” (married) Isaiah 62:1-5.

A remnant of Israel arrived back in the land after Babylonian captivity but this was only a shadow of what God had in mind in the coming of Jesus Christ. (Note that Daniel foretold of three more kingdoms to rise over Israel after Babylon.)

The return from Babylon no more filled up God’s promises that come to their completion in Jesus Christ than the Canaan rest that Joshua gave to Israel completed God's promise of rest. See what the Hebrew writer did with the Canaan rest brought to Israel under Joshua (the whole of Hebrews 4). A greater than Joshua was coming and a rest greater than Canaan was coming in the “true” Joshua (which would have been the Hebrew name of Jesus).

The promise to Abraham that he would inherit the land of Canaan was only a shadow of the full inheritance—the entire world (see Romans 4:13). That will be inherited by the “seed of Abraham,” which is all who are embraced in the redeeming work of Jesus Christ (Romans 4, the entire chapter, and see Galatians 3:26-28).

Why do the trees clap their hands? Because they see that in a day coming, under the last Adam, the Lord Jesus Christ, the creation will be redeemed from futility and bondage and share in the blessings that come to and through the glorified children of God (see Romans 8:18-22).

©2004 Jim McGuiggan. All materials are free to be copied and used as long as money is not being made.

Many thanks to brother Ed Healy, for allowing me to post from his website, theabidingword.com.

The Patriarchal Law by Eric Lyons, M.Min.


The Patriarchal Law

by  Eric Lyons, M.Min.

Have you ever found yourself listening to a teacher or preacher repeatedly using a word or phrase that you do not understand? Have you ever heard someone speak about “hermeneutics” or “premillenialism,” and then come to find out in your personal study of the Scriptures that these terms are nowhere to be found in the Bible? Teachers and preachers (like myself) often assume more than we should. We assume that people recognize the phrase “sacred hermeneutics” as “the science of interpreting the Scriptures.” We use fancy words like “eschatology” (the study of final things), but then never define it. Such often is the case when we speak of “the Patriarchal Law.” We mention it, but rarely do we help the audience understand what it is.
The English term “patriarch” derives from the Greek patriarches, which actually is made of two words—pater, meaning “father;” and arches, meaning “head” or “founder.” A patriarch is “the head of a father’s house—the founder or ruler of a tribe, family, or clan” (Nelson’s, 1986). Surprisingly, the term patriarch(s) is found in the Bible only four times. It is applied in the New Testament to David (Acts 2:29), to the sons of Jacob (twice in Acts 7:8-9), and to Abraham (Hebrews 7:4). The title of patriarch often is assigned to those whose lives are recorded in Scripture previous to the time of Moses. In Peter’s sermon in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost, he expanded the term to include King David (Acts 2:29). Today, however, when teachers and preachers use the phrase “patriarchal age,” they most often are referring to the time before the Law of Moses was given at Sinai. [NOTE: For the Gentiles, this “age” lasted until the coming of the Christian dispensation.]
But what about the “Patriarchal Law?” What is this law that we hear mentioned so often, yet seldom see explained? The fact is, the phrase “Patriarchal Law” is never found in the Bible. It is simply a name given to the law that governed all men from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, and for Gentiles from Adam until the Christian dispensation began. Other than Christianity and Judaism, there has been but one other law, through the ages, under which God accepted worship: This was a system that had continued since commands were first given in Eden. Although the Bible does not give this law a “proper name,” it has become known as “the Patriarchal Law.”
The Law of Moses was given only to the Israelites—and to those Gentiles who suffered themselves to be proselyted (by circumcision) to it (Deuteronomy 4:1-8; 5:1-21; Acts 2:10; 13:43; 2 Corinthians 3:1-11). But the Gentiles also were under some kind of law, for the apostle Paul stated, “where there is no law, neither is there transgression” (Romans 4:15). For the Gentiles to have been guilty of sin (which we know they were—Romans 3:10,23), they must have transgressed some law. What law was it? It was not the Law of Moses, because they were not amenable to that law. It was not the Law of Christ, because it did not come into effect until the first century A.D. Then under what law (prior to the events recorded in Acts 10—the conversion of the first Gentiles to Christianity) did the Gentiles live? They lived under the only law to which they were amenable—commonly known as “the Patriarchal Law.”
We know from both sacred and profane history that non-proselytized Gentiles were unable to participate in the Jewish covenant. We also know that God would not (and did not!) abandon millions of people to a life without hope of salvation just because they were outside the Law of Moses, since that would make Him a respecter of persons—something Peter stated very plainly He is not (cf. Acts 10:34). When Paul spoke in Ephesians 2:12 of certain Gentiles who in the past had no hope and were “without God in the world,” he did not imply that they were in that position simply because they were Gentiles, but because they were Gentiles who had not been obedient to the particular law they had been given. We know that Gentiles were, in fact, amenable to a law system that was not the Law of Moses, as Paul made clear in Romans 2:12-16 when he wrote:
For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without the law: and as many as have sinned under the law shall be judged by the law; for not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified: (for when Gentiles that have not the law do by nature the things of the law, these, not having the law, are the law unto themselves; in that they show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness therewith, and their thoughts one with another accusing or else excusing them).
Though Gentiles were not under the Law of Moses (as were all Jews prior to the Christian dispensation), they were under a law, which they could either obey or disobey. At least part of this law included their conscience. In his commentary on Romans, Robertson Whiteside observed:
The Gentiles never had the law of Moses, but there are certain fundamental principles that inhere in the nature of our existence and in our relations to one another. Some things are right, and some things are wrong, within themselves. If a man never had revelation from God, he would know that it was wrong to murder his fellow man, or to rob him of his possessions, or in any way to infringe on his rights. Cain sinned in killing his brother and felt his guilt, though we have no record that God had told him not to kill. God’s moral law is the same to all nations…. [T]hey [the Gentiles—EL] did have an idea of right and wrong (1988, p. 57).
The Gentiles’ Patriarchal Law involved all “the law written in their hearts,” plus whatever direct revelation they received from God. Adam, Cain, Noah, and Abraham all received direct revelation from God. These, and all others who were never under the Law of Moses (e.g., Cornelius, Acts 10), were to obey the commands given to them, as well as “law written in their hearts.” Together, these laws and eternal principles written in the hearts of man made up what is known commonly as “the Patriarchal Law.”
Although there still is much we do not understand about the Patriarchal Law, (e.g., what direct revelations they received; what “laws” were passed down from generation to generation; etc.), we can know that the Gentiles were under a law (that was not the Law of Moses or the Law of Christ), because they were guilty of “transgression” (Romans 4:15; 5:13). And if there is transgression, then there must be some law. Man has given this law a name—patriarchy.
The most important thing you must realize about the Patriarchal Law is that it is no longer in effect today. The reason it continued for Gentiles beyond the giving of the Law of Moses was because the Law of Moses was not a universal law—it was given only to the Israelites and to those Gentiles who suffered themselves to be proselyted to it (Deuteronomy 4:1-8; 5:1-21; Acts 2:10). Today, however, all Jews and Gentiles are under one law—the Law of Christ (Ephesians 2:11-22). Why is this the case? Because this new law is universal in scope. It is addressed to “all nations” and is to be obeyed by both Jews and Gentiles (Matthew 28:19-20; Luke 24:47; cf. Acts 1:8; Acts 17:30).


“Patriarch” (1986), Nelson’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson).
Whiteside, Robertson L. (1988), A New Commentary on Paul’s Letter to the Saints at Rome (Bowling Green, KY: Guardian of Truth Foundation).

From Mark Copeland... An Exhortation To Diligent Service (Romans 12:11)

                      "THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS"

               An Exhortation To Diligent Service (12:11)


1. The twelfth chapter of Romans contains many exhortations pertaining
   to daily Christian living...
   a. E.g., to be transformed by the renewing of our minds - Ro 12:1-2
   b. E.g., to utilize what abilities we have as members of the body
      - Ro 12:3-8
   c. E.g., to love the brethren and hate what is evil - Ro 12:9-10

2. In our text (Ro 12:11), we find "An Exhortation To Diligent
   a. Contained within a triad of simple commands
   b. Which are worthy of careful examination

3. We might begin by asking:  How is a Christian to act...?
   a. In his or her service to the Lord?
   b. In his or her business or job?

4. Sadly, the word "slothful" would apply to some Christians...
   a. Who do as little as they can while at work
   b. Who are similar in their service to the Lord

[As we take a close look at our text, let's first ask...]


      1. The KJV translates it "not slothful in business"
         a. Which may give some the wrong impression
         b. Some may conclude the exhortation is limited to our jobs
      2. The word "business" in Greek is spoude (from which we get the
         word "speed") and denotes "diligence, haste, earnestness"
      3. The idea is that we should be diligent in all that we do - cf.
         Ec 9:10
         a. In secular work, yes - cf. Col 3:22-23
         b. Also in the work of the Lord - cf. 1Co 15:58
      4. Areas of spiritual labor in which we are to be diligent:
         a. In our efforts to enter the heavenly rest - He 4:11; 6:9-12
         b. To found without spot, blameless - 2Pe 3:13-14
         c. In our handling of the Word of God - 2Ti 2:15
         d. In keeping our hearts pure - Pr 4:23; cf. Mk 7:21-23
         e. Repenting of sins - 2Co 7:10-11
         f. Developing Christ-like character - 2Pe 1:5-11
         g. Keeping the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace - Ep 4:

      1. This defines the enthusiasm or attitude of mind to have as we
      2. Some are diligent, but begrudgingly so
      3. The word "fervent" is zeo and means "to bubble, boil"
      4. Therefore we are to do our work heartedly - cf. Col 3:23

      1. This is the motivation behind enthusiastic labor
      2. We are motivated by the fact it is the Lord we serve, even in
         secular work! - e.g., Ep 6:5-8

[Since it is the Lord we serve in both secular and spiritual work, we
are to labor with enthusiasm and diligent effort.  But let's now ask...]


      1. Physical necessity often prompts diligence in secular jobs
      2. Heightened interest often prompts enthusiasm in personal

      -- Some examples of the contrast:
      1. Some work 40 hours a week (and more) for physical needs, then
         balk at spending 4 hours a week in worship and Bible study!
      2. Some get up early to work or play, yet complain about getting
         up even later on Sunday to worship God!
      3. Some will watch TV an average of 14 hours per week, but can't
         find 3 hours a week to read the Bible!
      4. Some will take courses at night to improve their skills, but
         aren't willing to attend gospel meetings or Bible studies!
      5. Some can learn the stats for their favorite team, but say they
         can't memorize scripture!
      6. Some let or even encourage their children to miss services for
         a sports event or school function, but not vice versa!
      7. Some will make their children brush their teeth, make the bed,
         etc., but make them attend services...never!

      1. Apathetic in attitude and service to the Lord
      2. Of little use to the Lord in His fight against Satan!

[When such is the case, here's a third question to consider...]


      1. He taught that those who put personal pursuits first would not
         enjoy heaven - Lk 14:15-24
      2. He taught the danger of sloth in the parable of the talents
         - cf. Mt 25:24-30
      3. He condemned the church of Laodicea for their lukewarmness - Re 3:14-16

      -- Lagging in diligence is:
      1. A destructive hindrance to the work of His Son, who died for us
         - cf. Pr 18:9
      2. An ungrateful response to the mercy of God, destined for God's
         wrath - cf. Ro 2:4-11


1. If after self-examination, we admit that we have been slothful in our
   service to the Lord, then the final question might be:

                   WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?

2. Some will probably do nothing...
   a. Being dull of hearing and hard of heart
   b. Continuing on as before

3. Some might make an effort...
   a. Because their hearts are still tender
   b. Yet soon grow weary and return to a service of sloth

4. My prayers is that all will make whatever changes are called for by
   Paul's exhortation...
   a. Those who have yet to serve the Lord, will begin a new life of
      faithful service!
   b. Those who have been lagging in diligence, will now give the Lord
      His due!

Shall we not take to heart this exhortation of the apostle Paul...?

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011

Colossians 3:22–23 (NKJV)
22 Bondservants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but in sincerity of heart, fearing God. 23 And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men,

From Gary.... Guard what you care about...

Our vacation to New Jersey and Pennsylvania is quickly becoming a distant memory, but a couple of things remind me of it daily; the "BEWARE!" signs that we purchased in the small town of "Intercourse" at the Amish Kitchen Kettle Village.  If you ever doubt how much noise a Miniature Poodle can make; come to my house unannounced and see!!!  The white one (Buddy, on the left) makes a lot of high pitched barks, while our Apricot red (Pal on the right) is more into vicious growling. They both just had haircuts and look their best, but when Pal's hair is short like this, he tends to look more cream colored than reddish.  Wait a couple of months and then you will see his coat turn reddish-cream!!!  Anyway, they are excellent watchdogs (almost too good)!!!  Notice also that there is a squirt gun in the picture (for those times when they are NOT GOOD) and a bottle of natural flee repellent for protection from critters.  To others they may seem ferocious but to us they are both love-bugs; companions and friends. We all care for each other and watch out for one another as best we can.  The Scriptures say...

1 Peter 5:8 NASB
(8)  Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

And we try to be watchful for Satan too!!!  Do the same and be well!!!