
From Jim McGuiggan... Christian advantage? (2)

Christian advantage? (2)

Let me sharpen the point I made in the first piece. When I was young I believed that on becoming a Christian my inner world would be transformed and I would no longer wish to sin because I was “a new creation” in Christ and I was “dead to sin” because I was in Christ. All this I was taught and believed on the basis of texts like 2 Corinthians 5:17 and Romans 6:2-7 and on the truth that it was Christ himself who now lived in me and not me (Galatians 2:20). All these texts speak the truth, of course, but they were interpreted as a description of the Christian’s inner moral world (though some claimed there was a “second blessing” we were to seek and that was complete inner transformation).

What troubled me then and what troubles me still (though now for different reasons) is the moral uprightness of millions of non-Christians and the not much better (if at all) moral behavior of millions who truly believe in Jesus.

There are some among us whose lives before becoming Christians were a sink of wickedness; we practiced it and enjoyed the practice. You find us described in Ephesians 2:1-3 and Romans 1:18-32. But while that’s true of us, it isn’t true of everyone. It’s true of every accountable being that they have sinned—there are no exceptions (Romans 3:23) but it isn’t true that everyone outside of Israel or outside of Jesus Christ was a decadent who plunged into evil with delight and fervor. Having described the Gentile world in Romans 1:18-32 in the gloomiest terms possible Paul then said that there were, however, Gentiles who patiently continued in well-doing and that they lived out the things the Jewish Torah called for (Romans 2:6-8, 14-15). [NT Wright holds that the Gentiles in those verses speaks of Gentile Christians. He may be right but I strongly doubt it.] We find people like Cornelius who were not yet in Christ and were not part of the Jewish Covenant but whose conduct had God’s pleased approval (Acts 10).

We’ve all come across people who make no profession of Jesus, who attend no church but whose moral lives are exemplary. Haven’t we all complained against church members that they aren’t as forgiving as many non-Christians we know? Jesus’ question, “What do you do more than others?” could easily have been, “Why don’t you do as much as others?” We’ve all known people who before they came to Christ were models of warm uprightness and integrity; people who forgave quickly, held no grudges, paid their debts cheerfully, worked honestly, loved their families devotedly and in every way showed themselves kind and courageous. They were that way before they came to Christ! How do we explain that? [If you’re a consistent Calvinist as one popular writer is you not only deny that these people do good; you insist that literally everything they do is sinful and morally filthy—quoting texts like Isaiah 64:6 as if Isaiah’s agenda was the same as his. Ignore all that!]

So here’s the non-Christian whose life is exemplary and here is mine in Christ and his moral behavior is better than mine? I have the Holy Spirit, who indwells the Church of God, the non-Christian doesn’t, and yet my life is littered with moral failures while the non-Christian’s is lovely to behold. How is it that he without the Holy Spirit is a morally better man than I am though I have the empowering Spirit—how do you explain that?

Our options

We might say, as I have heard said, that all the goodness we see in humans is counterfeit unless it is the goodness we see in Christians? Swallow that if you wish but I’m a Christian and even I feel offended for non-Christians. My neighbor, Martin’s, love for his children is fake and mine is real because I’m a Christian and he isn’t? My honesty in paying my debts is real but Neal’s isn’t because he isn’t a Christian?

Should we say that some satanic or demonic power enables them to live in such a lovely way? Not only do millions of non-Christians not have affairs, it never enters their minds to do so. Should we credit that warm integrity, coupled with the moral sense that they should not—should we credit that to satanic sources?

We should credit all this moral loveliness to God! Paul says that God gives the entire human family life and “everything else” so that it might seek after him and find him though he isn’t far from any of us (Acts 17:24-27). The non-Christian is aided by God in all the many ways that truth is transported throughout the ages and in all the many ways that character is shaped.

Add to that a comparison between a fine, upright non-Christian and the not uncommon Christian who despite having the indwelling Holy Spirit is often mean or bitter or vindictive or smug or heartless in his/her moral weakness and where are we? I know there are millions of non-Christians who are wicked and insolent and abusive—there’s no dispute that they exist but we’re not to allow these to mask the truth that there are non-Christians whose lives are the moral equal (at least) of the lives of “the average” Christian.
Why are we Christians, as far as we can tell, not light years ahead of the host of non-Christians we know of? Why not if we have the indwelling Holy Spirit that gives us the power to defeat temptation and they don’t?

Write me and explain that.

From Jeff Miller, Ph.D. ... The Complexity of the Design Process


The Complexity of the Design Process

by  Jeff Miller, Ph.D.

Typically, in the first semester of engineering school, an introductory course presents broad concepts about engineering. Students may learn the basic differences in the engineering fields (e.g., civil, electrical, mechanical, chemical, structural, etc.). They may spend some time considering ethical dilemmas that engineers have often faced in their careers. First-year students also usually give some consideration to the design process. Even in its basic form, the design process proves to be very complex, even before considering the specialized scientific knowledge required to design a given item.
Many steps are necessary in order to get a product to the public. Consider one introductory engineering textbook’s template for the design process (see Introduction to Engineering..., 2004, pp. 10,32):
  1. Problem symptom or expression; definition of product need; marketing information
  2. Problem definition, including statement of desired outcome
  3. Conceptual design and evaluation; feasibility study
  4. Design analysis; codes/standards review; physical and analytical models
  5. Synthesis of alternative solutions (back to design analysis for iterations)
  6. Decision (selection of one alternative)
  7. Prototype production; testing and evaluation (back to design analysis for more iterations)
  8. Production drawings; instruction manuals
  9. Material specification; process and equipment selection; safety review
  10. Pilot production
  11. Production
  12. Inspection and quality assurance
  13. Packaging; marketing and sales literature
  14. Product
The design process is unquestionably lengthy, technical, complex, and calculated.
Now consider the Universe. Consider the perfect interaction between all entities in this Universe: between plants and animals; between animals and humans; between the Sun and Earth; between the Moon and Earth; between insects and plants; between the circulatory system and the respiratory system. The list could go on infinitely. The finely-tuned machine that we call the Universe is an engineering feat of amazing proportions. Consider the knowledge level and expertise that would be necessary for such perfect design—knowledge and expertise that humans lack. The created order implies an omniscient and eternal Designer, Who must be the Chief Engineer of all engineers, to have produced such a product.
Will a series of random accidents over millions of years result in sophisticated photographic equipment? And then, if given enough time, will that camera eventually spontaneously come to life? And then, given enough additional time, will that living camera grow legs and start walking around? The first step is impossible, much less the subsequent steps. The complexity and design inherent in the camera demands more than mere happen-stance. However, turning to the design that the camera emulates, the human eye, scientists assert that the eye could have just happened on its own by accident. But that viewpoint is incorrect. Both products required design in order to get them to the “consumer”—and one took much more knowledge and insight than the other.
If someone were to throw a rock into space, would it eventually spontaneously explode? And from that explosion, is it logical to conclude that that rock would come to life, grow wings, and have babies that evolve into other creatures? To ask is to answer.
Scientists recognize the complexity of the design process. However, when they peer into the amazing Universe, many of these scientists abandon logic and reason, and assert that it all just happened by accident. Many of the engineering feats of the creation are unparalleled by human designs and always will be, even if we spent countless hours, millions of dollars, and used a multitude of engineers. Evolutionists believe that this Universe, which is infinitely more complex and sophisticated than anything humans could ever design, especially without engaging in biomimicry, just happened on its own? Go figure.


Introduction to Engineering at Auburn University: Manufacturing—Industrial and Systems Engineering (2004), (Boston, MA: Pearson Custom Publishing).

From Mark Copeland... The Way (Acts 9:2)

                          "THE BOOK OF ACTS"

                            The Way (9:2)


1. Today it is common to use terms referring to the people of God such
   a. The church of Christ, the church of God - Ro 16:16; 1Co 1:2
   b. The body of Christ, the kingdom of Christ - Ep 1:22,23; Col 1:13
   c. The temple of God, the bride of Christ - 1Co 3:16; Re 19:7-8

2. In the early days of the church, they were also known as people of
   "The Way"...
   a. Saul of Tarsus persecuted those of "the Way" - Ac 9:2; 22:4
   b. Others spoke evil of "the Way" - Ac 19:9
   c. At Ephesus there was a riot about "the Way" - Ac 19:23
   d. Paul confessed to worship God according to "the Way" - Ac 24:14
   e. Felix the governor gained accurate knowledge about "the Way" Ac 24:22

[Today the expression "The Way" is rarely used, except by parachurch
organizations, individual congregations, and even some cult groups.  But
what did it mean in the early days of the church...?]


      1. Jesus taught about two ways - Mt 7:13-14
         a. The broad way that leads to destruction
         b. The narrow way that leads to life
      2. Jesus claimed to be the way - Jn 14:6
         a. The way to truth and life
         b. The only way to the Father
      -- It is likely that Jesus' statements led to the use of "The Way"

      1. Simon J. Kistemaker (BNTC) suggests it refers to:
         a. The teaching of the gospel
         b. The Christian's conduct directed and guided by the gospel
         c. The Christian community in general
      2. W. A. Ewell (ECB) suggests it connotes something of:
         a. The way of salvation - Ac 16:17
         b. The true way of God - Ac 18:25-26
      3. J. B. Polhill (NAC) suggests it reflect an early 
         self-designation of the Jewish Christian community in which they
         saw themselves as the "true way" within the larger Jewish 
         community - cf. Ac 24:14
      -- It likely referred to following Jesus as "the Way" in both
         doctrine and life

[Here are several things involved in following Jesus as "The Way" in
doctrine and life...]

      1. Jesus is the only way to God - Jn 14:6
      2. Through Jesus, both Jew and Gentile have access to the Father
         - Ep 2:18

      1. Jesus came to this world to bear witness to the truth - Jn 18:37
      2. He offers the truth that sets us free from the bondage of sin
         - Jn 8:32-36

      1. Jesus came that we might life more abundantly - Jn 10:10
      2. He offers life beyond this life - Jn 11:25

      1. Jesus taught His disciples to love one another - Jn 13:34
      2. He even taught them to love their enemies - Mt 5:43-45

      1. Jesus spoke in order that His disciples' joy might be full 
         - Jn 15:11
      2. He did so that they might have His joy fulfilled in themselves
         - Jn 17:13

      1. Jesus offered a peace unlike any the world could give - Jn 14:27
      2. A peace that overcomes tribulation in the world - Jn 16:33

      1. Jesus prayed for unity among those who believe in Him - Jn 17:20-23
      2. He died on the cross to reconcile Jew and Gentile - Ep 2:11-17

      1. Jesus taught us how to pray, diligently and humbly - Lk 11:1-13;
      2. He serves as High Priest and Advocate as we pray - He 4:14-16;
         1Jn 2:1

      1. Jesus taught the importance of forgiving others - Mt 6:12,14-15
      2. He demonstrated the attitude of forgiveness on the cross - Lk 23:34

      1. Jesus taught the necessity of bearing fruit to being His
         disciples - Jn 15:1-2,8
      2. Abiding in Him is the key to bearing fruit - Jn 15:4-5

      1. Jesus came to serve, and taught His disciples to do likewise 
         - Mt 20:25-28; Jn 13:12-17
      2. Therefore His followers are to serve one another in love - Ga 5:13; 1Pe 4:9

      1. Jesus had to suffer to enter His glory - Lk 24:25-26
      2. He calls us to follow in His steps, if need be - 1Pe 2:20-23

      1. Jesus will one day be revealed in glory - 2Th 1:10
      2. We too shall be revealed in glory in Him! - 2Th 1:12; Col 3:4


1. We may or may not refer to ourselves as people of "The Way"...
   a. Other designations are just as scriptural
   b. In some circumstances it could be misunderstood as a cult

2. But we should never stop thinking of Jesus as "The Way"...
   a. To God, truth, life, and glory
   b. To love, joy, peace, and unity
   c. To prayer, forgiveness, bearing fruit
   d. To service, and suffering for righteousness' sake

Have you accepted Jesus as your Way to salvation and eternal life?  Are
you willing to become His disciple and learn from Him...?

   "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will
   give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am
   gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
   For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." - Mt 11:28-30

   And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been
   given to Me in heaven and on earth.  Go therefore and make disciples
   of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of
   the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things
   that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the
   end of the age." Amen. - Mt 28:18-20

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2012

From Gary... Fire and Ice

Today, I saw this beautiful picture on NASA's picture of the day site. And although I have seen "fire rainbows" before, a horizontal one like this is quite unusual. 

The site says:
 Explanation: Why would clouds appear to be different colors? The reason here is that ice crystals in distant cirrus clouds are acting like little floating prisms. Sometimes known as a fire rainbow for its flame-like appearance, a circumhorizon arc lies parallel to the horizon. For a circumhorizontal arc to be visible, the Sun must be at least 58 degrees high in a sky where cirrus clouds are present. Furthermore, the numerous, flat, hexagonal ice-crystals that compose the cirrus cloud must be aligned horizontally to properly refract sunlight in a collectively similar manner. Therefore, circumhorizontal arcs are quite unusual to see. This circumhorizon display was photographed through a polarized lens above Dublin, Ohio in 2009.

So, we have a phenomenon that looks like fire, but is really ice. Sometimes, it takes a contrast like this to get our attention, as is the case in the following passage of Scripture...

Revelation, Chapter 3
Rev 3:14  "To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God, says this:
Rev 3:15  'I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot.
Rev 3:16  'So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth.
Rev 3:17  'Because you say, "I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing," and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked,
Rev 3:18  I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see.
Rev 3:19  'Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent.
Rev 3:20  'Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.
Rev 3:21  'He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.
Rev 3:22  'He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.'"

The United States of America is a very rich nation; even the poor here tend to become obese. Many in our nation no longer feel the need to seek out God because they seem to have everything they "need".  How sad!!!  The message to the church in Laodicea is a message for America and the sooner we heed it, the better!!!  Repent and return to the God of your youth, America; before it is too late!!!!