
From Ben Fronczek... The Measure of a Man

The Measure of a Man

The Measure of A Man
Read Acts 21: 17-40

As I look at this passage, I thought more about what kind of man Paul was rather than seeing that it was just about his arrest. It is the arrest of Paul, but it is also the measure of the man who is seen in the midst of the circumstance that interests me. I may never get arrested. I may never have to face what Paul did, but I need to learn the lessons of humility that he exemplified here. From Acts 21:27 on, Paul becomes a prisoner. His days as a free man are over, and from here on he’s a prisoner in various places. What intrigued me was the question, ‘How can one continue to give a positive testimony in such a negative situation?’ Now, I suppose that every Christian is faced at times with the dilemma of how to come across with a positive attitude in a negative situation.
So how can you keep a positive frame of mind, in a negative situation? I think a good way to learn how is to watch a man who did it. When we come to the Apostle Paul, we see a man who knew how to take a negative situation and turn it into something positive. As we move toward verse 27 of Acts 21, we are reminded that Paul arrived in Jerusalem on a positive note after completing three missionary journeys. After meeting with his brother in Christ and making a report and goes through some purification rites, he goes to the Temple to worship. But he encounters a mob, who in a frenzy want to murder him. Let’s look at this story a little closer.

I. Based on v 27 The culprits in the attack were some Jews who were from Asia.
When they saw Paul in the temple, they saw their opportunity.
When they saw him in the temple, they stirred up all the people.
Most of the time lies can move people to action quicker than truth.
– So what did they accuse him of?  They said that he was going around teaching “against our people, and our law, and this place. And besides, he has brought Greeks into the temple and defiled this holy place.” So the first accusation was that he is anti-Semitic, someone who hates Jews. Now, that’s a little difficult to accuse an individual of being anti-Semitic when he’s a Jew himself. Then they said he was against the “the Law.” In other words he’s anti-Moses. He’s anti-biblical. And then they sum it up by saying he’s against, “this place.” (the Temple). Now those accusations were a bit general and they really couldn’t do much to the guy who believed those things even if they were true. So they came up with something specific in verse 28. They say, ‘he brought Greeks into the temple and polluted the holy place.’ Now that’s a very strong accusation. Because They had previously seen him with Trophimus the Ephesian in the city they just assumed that he was with Paul. But they had no evidence. For a Gentile to enter the Temple was taboo. The Gentiles were restricted to an outer court. It was the part of the Temple known as the Court of the Gentiles. And in between that area and the inner court, was an area for Jewish women to worship. And then the inner courtyard was only for Jewish men. And then of course only the priest and the high priest could enter the Temple itself. But Gentiles were only allowed in the outer court. There was even a sign posted on the wall that no foreigner could enter. Anyone doing so would have no one but himself to blame for his death.Now what’s interesting in this: even if Paul had taken Trophimus in there, it should not have been Paul who was apprehended, it would’ve been Trophimus. So this shows us that something was out of whack here.

Verse 30,
“The whole city was aroused, and the people came running from all directions. Seizing Paul, they dragged him from the temple, and immediately the gates were shut.,”

It goes on and said that they wanted to kill him, but fortunately in the great providence of God, the life of Paul was not to end quite yet.

II. Then we see him ARRESTED (Romans)

The one thing that the Roman Government wanted in its colonies was civil order. They didn’t tolerate riotous mobs or civil disorder. And any commander who allowed it was in real trouble. As a result, they had observation towers to watch over somewhat concealed areas. Because most of what went on in terms of people congregating went on in the temple courtyard, there was a garrison of soldiers in the Northwest corner of the Temple area.
Well, the soldiers saw what was going on. In verse vss 31-32 it tells us that Immediately solders came bursting in through the crowd and the Jews then stopped beating Paul.

B. Verse 33 say that they “The commander came up and arrested him and ordered him to be bound with two chains. Then he asked who he was and what he had done.” 

They assumed that Paul is guilty of something. They assumed the crowd wouldn’t have gone crazy like this unless Paul was guilty of some crime. I think it’s interesting that this is the fulfillment of prophecy. I can imagine Paul thinking, “Yep, what Agabus told me in Caesarea has come to pass.” The Jews captured him, and he is delivered to the Gentiles, who have now chain him. I’m bound just like Agabus bound himself with my belt.

C. Romans were pretty good at trying to bring about justice. As a result, they wanted to find out what this man had done, what he was accused of, who he was, and what was going on. 

Verse 34 says,
“Some in the crowd shouted one thing and some another, and since the commander could not get at the truth because of the uproar, he ordered that Paul be taken into the barracks.”
Nobody had the faintest idea what was going on. They were just hollering, and screaming all kind of stuff.

III. But here in this story I want you to notice -The ATTIUDE of a Paul In this whole story from the very beginning, the Paul hasn’t struggled or said anything. Paul is humble. I see his humility in three ways in these passages.

#1. In the beginning of this text we see his humility even as he attributes all his success to God. When he first came back to Jerusalem we read in verses 19 and 20, that he gave a report about what God had done on his missionary journeys. After hearing this they all praised God. But one thing he didn’t say was, “Look what I did. Look what I did.” Rather it was always what God had done. Here we see Paul’s humble and submissive nature as he spoke of God. All he wanted to do was glorify God, not himself.

#2. He also submitted to God’s servants on earth.
In verse 22 the leaders tell Paul, this is what we want you to do, do what we tell you. Now Paul was a great Apostle of Jesus Christ, personally commissioned by the Lord Himself, yet he is humble enough to listen to the wisdom and suggestion of these men.
#3. He also submitted to God despite potential suffering
In the beginning of this chapter we read that he was warned that something bad may happen if he went to Jerusalem, but he had to go anyway. He just had to obey God’s will no matter what, even if it meant more suffering. As a prisoner from here on out, I think we can get an idea of how Paul viewed his imprisonment. As a point of reference, I would call your attention to how he began 

Ephesians 3:1. Where from jail Paul writes, “For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles.”

The point is, Paul never viewed his situation as anything other than God authored. He never viewed his imprisonment as an imprisonment of men. He doesn’t say, “I write unto you, Paul, a prisoner of Rome.” He’s always a prisoner of Christ Jesus. He recognized that it was Christ who brought him into such predicaments. And so consequently, his imprisonment represented nothing more a new ministry. To him, it didn’t mean the end of anything; that all was lost. It meant the beginning of something new. He saw it as a means to a greater end. Somehow it was part of God’s plan.
What a humble attitude to take. To be able to view a situation that may seem horrible to everyone else as something quite different, that God may want me in a certain situation to glorify Him in a new or unique way.
And that’s just what happened here. Before Paul is carried off into the Roman barracks Paul is given a opportunity to address the crowd in Chapter 22. And what does he do?

- He tells the crowd what happen to him on the road to Damascus as he tried to persecute those who were Christians.
- He told them how he met Jesus on the road, how we was lead blind to Damascus, how when Ananias can to him,
- How his sight was restored, and how God chose him to see the Messiah and become a witness on His behalf.

- He told them how Ananias instructed him to be baptized in order to wash his sins away.

He would have never had that opportunity to preach Jesus the them that day if there was no uproar, if he hadn’t been arrested. He would never have had the chance to preach to the Roman officials and later go to Rome if he hadn’t been falsely accused, beaten and then arrested there that day. Paul humbly learned that God can use even the darkest of times to bring about a greater good and propel an individual into amazing works of service. Likewise I want to tell you here today that God can and will use your trial, your dark days to bring about some unexpected or even unseen good. And we can either sit around whining or boohooing, or we can humbly trust God and look for the opportunity to serve Him in some way even while in that trial. 

I’ve titled this sermon, The Measure of A Man. What kind of attitude you have in these hard times, in trials will show what you are made of, whether you are a man or woman of faith, or all fluff.


(This sermon is slightly based on a sermon by Jimmy Chapman)

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From Jim McGuiggan... In The Beginning

 In The Beginning

Like San Francisco Philippi exploded into existence because somebody found gold. Philip of Macedon, the father of Alexander the Great, was the toughest man in the region and he promptly collared the mines and called the area Philip’s Town. Then they discovered precious springs of water, one, then two and then three. So they pluralised the town’s name and it became Philippi. The Macedonian used the gold to fund his wars against Greece and anyone else who got in his way.
About three hundred years later the city became famous for something else. In March 44 BC Julius Caesar went down until a hail of flashing knives and the scene was sent for the battle of Phillipi that took place in 42. One the one side was Brutus and the skinny Cassius of whom Julius said, "Let me have about me men that are fat. Yon Cassius hath a lean and hungry look. He thinks too much. Such men are dangerous.” (Or something like that.) On the other side were Mark Anthony and the shrewd Octavian. Four of the most powerful men in the world and they were about to fight to make a name for themselves. Well, maybe Brutus was the “noblest Roman of them all” and had no personal ambition but the others were brawling to see at whose feet people would fall and confess them to be lord.
When the smoke cleared Cassius was dead and Brutus, cursing the gods, took his own life beside the river where Lydia and her friends came to pray to the true God (Acts 16). Later when Octavian had dealt with Mark Anthony and had taken the name Augustus on becoming Rome’s first emperor he remembered Philippi. He always thought that the battle of Philippi was his critical and victorious moment so when he became emperor he made the town an imperial province. This meant their citizenship was in Rome with all the advantages that came with that. They had Roman support and Roman laws and in so many ways they lived a life pleasing to the emperor across the sea. If they’d been asked who their lord was they would have pointed to the name plastered on every street-corner, in every shopping centre, on theatre marquees and bus-station wall.
Life could hardly have been better.
It was into this piece of Rome outside of Italy, where Augustus and his successors were venerated as “Lord,” that a little Jew came proclaiming that “Jesus” was Lord.

©2004 Jim McGuiggan. All materials are free to be copied and used as long as money is not being made.

Many thanks to brother Ed Healy, for allowing me to post from his website, the abiding word.com.

From Mark Copeland... Making Good Out Of Ill (Philippians 1:12-18)

                     "THE EPISTLE TO THE PHILIPPIANS"

                     Making Good Out Of Ill (1:12-18)


1. As we continue our study, we should really begin to appreciate the
   statement that "this epistle is like a window into the apostle's own

2. We have already seen Paul's FONDNESS for the saints at Philippi, as
   expressed in his thanksgiving (1:3-8) and prayer (1:9-11)

3. In this lesson, we shall see Paul's JOY, despite circumstances which
   would cause most people to be despondent

4. The title of this lesson is "Making Good Out Of Ill", for this is
   what Paul did, as we find in our text (1:12-18)

[Notice first, that Paul was "Making Good Out Of Ill", even...]


      1. The Philippians were aware of Paul's circumstances - cf. Php 4:14
      2. Yet he does not want them to be overly concerned
         a. For he had "good news" - not bad news!
         b. The "gospel" was still being spread!
      3. Now, Paul could have looked at the bad side of his situation...
         a. His own imprisonment
         b. His restriction in travel
      4. But Paul looked at life from the viewpoint of the gospel...
         a. If the gospel was spreading, it was "good news"!
         b. And his imprisonment was actually INCREASING the progress of
            the gospel!

   [How?  Let's read on...]

      1. Being under "house arrest" (cf. Ac 28:30-31) constantly made
         reference to the cause of Jesus Christ
         a. He was not there for normal reasons (e.g., crimes)
         b. So his situation naturally sparked interest and discussion
      2. In this way, the message of the gospel was being made known to
         "the whole palace guard"
         a. Most likely the emperor's own guards, who were put in charge
            of special prisoners awaiting their appeal before Caesar
         b. Though allowed some freedom, Paul was still under constant
            guard - cf. Ac 28:16
         c. But these guards were also under the constant influence of
            Paul and the gospel!
            1) They could not help overhearing what Paul taught others!
               - again cf. Ac 28:30-31
            2) It is almost certain Paul would have tried to teach his
               "captive audience" (those soldiers chained to him)
         d. So it is possible that some of them were converted (for they
            would be included of those "who are Caesar's household"
            - cf. Php 4:22)
      3. The message was also being spread "to all the rest"
         a. Perhaps by word of mouth
         b. And by visitation - again cf. Ac 28:30-31
      4. And so, Paul could see "good out of ill"!
         a. Being in protective custody gave him free rein to preach the
            gospel to guards and his visitors!
         b. But he saw even more "good out of ill"...

      1. His imprisonment caused most brethren to be more confident and
         bold themselves
         a. They saw that HE was at liberty to teach, "with all 
            confidence, no one forbidding him" (Ac 28:31)
         b. That prompted THEM to "speak the word without fear" (Php 1:
      2. So the gospel was being spread, and to Paul, that's GOOD news!

[There is an application for us to make today, but before we do so,
let's notice another example of how Paul was "making good out of ill",


      1. Such individuals were motivated by "envy","strife", and "selfish
      2. They thought they could add affliction to Paul's chains
      3. These individuals could either be "Judaizers" or jealous church

      1. First, because he did not lose sight of those preaching out of
         "love" and "goodwill"
         a. Those who knew Paul was imprisoned because of the gospel
         b. Those who knew their preaching would increase the gospel and
            thus encourage Paul
         c. And so, Paul did not fall into the trap of "self-pity" and
            "despair" so common among preachers
            1) Who when persecuted, think they are the only ones who are
            2) Who when persecuted, lose sight of the faithful because of
               the unfaithful
      2. Secondly, because he could see those seeking to persecute him
         were inadvertently spreading the gospel! - Php 1:18
         a. Though in pretense, though from envy and strife, Christ was
            still being preached!
         b. And since "preaching Christ and Him crucified" was Paul's
            main purpose in life (cf. 1Co 2:2), he could find cause to
            rejoice even when Christ was preached by those who meant him

[So we see how Paul was "Making Good Out Of Ill", even in imprisonment and
in persecution.  What applications can we make from this today?]


      1. For Paul, it was making the proclamation of Jesus Christ his
         goal, his purpose in life, his highest joy!
      2. So it can be for us!  If we do the same...
         a. We can experience a joy greater than any other (just as John
            did - cf. 3Jn 4)
         b. We can "make good out ill" in just about any circumstances,
            for example...
            1) Hospital confinement (as we communicate the gospel in
               both word and life to those ministering to our needs)
            2) Difficult situations at work, with family, and even with
               the church (as we demonstrate the impact the gospel can 
               have in dealing with these problems)
            3) Even in death and dying (as we will learn more about in
               our next lesson)
      3. If we make magnifying Christ our primary focus in life, we can
         ALWAYS "make good out of ill"!

      1. Many get discouraged by all the "false teachers" we see on TV
         and hear on radio, etc.
         a. But much of their error is interspersed with some truth
         b. God is able to use them to lead others who are seeking the
            truth a little closer to His truth
         c. The false teachers will be held accountable for their error;
            we can at the least rejoice that to some degree, Christ is
      2. Many who would teach others about Christ, hesitate to do so out
         of fear they may say the wrong thing
         a. Yet we see in our text that God could use those who were
            imperfect in motive to proclaim Jesus to others - Php 1:18
         b. If God can use those imperfect in "motive", can He not also
            use those imperfect in "ability"?
            1) Paul certainly claimed lack of ability to some degree -
               cf. 1Co 2:3-4
            2) So God can use us, to whatever degree we are able!
            3) And wherever we may be lacking, He can use someone else to
               supplement our efforts!


1. To put it another way, not only was PAUL "making good out of ill",
   but GOD is able to "make good out ill"!

2. And so can we, if we like Paul make "preaching Christ" the major focus
   in life!  Do we?

Even if you are lost in sin, or a child of God who has strayed away, you
can let Christ make good out of your ill circumstances by obeying His

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011

From Gary... The Worth Of A Good Name

$ 1, 450,000.00

Today, I went to E-Bay and for fun type in "Pocket Watch". Now, I usually sort the listings by lowest first; as is appropriate for my income bracket. However, today I was curious and sorted by the highest first.  Needless to say, I was "blown away" by the result.  Now, I have seen pocket watches on oldwatch.com that were three and four hundred thousand dollars and they were quite an "eye opener"!!!!  But this!!!! WOW!  Even if I won the lottery (can't, because I don't "play") I couldn't afford this.  But really, what makes this so expensive?  Then I remembered the book of Proverbs and the following verse...

Proverbs, Chapter 22

 1 A good name is more desirable than great riches,
and loving favor is better than silver and gold.

Being someone of worth is more than silver or gold; think about that one!!!!  And being loved by God is more than those things as well!  F.D.R. was someone special- remember, he is the one who started the Social Security program.  He did countless other things, among them, led us through most of WWII and the great depression.  When he died, people all across the country lined the railroad tracks to pay him homage.  So, even if the price for his personal watch seems outrageous to me, perhaps it is not for those who have the wealth to acquire such things?  I will never, ever be as wealthy, influential or famous as F.D.R., but I am loved and loved by God Almighty!!!  And so are you- that is worth more than any amount of money.  Believe it, because the Bible tells you so!!!