
From Jim McGuiggan... The age of the earth

The age of the earth

I don’t think we can prove from science that the earth is not millions of years old. Furthermore, and more to the point, I don’t think we need to be able to prove it. If scientists could prove beyond reasonable dispute that the material (non-living) creation was billions of years old you and I would not only have to accept it, we would be glad to accept. Why would we want to deny clearly established truth?

But that’s just the issue, isn’t it? The "proof" that the material universe (our organized system) is billions of years old is based on various hypotheses and radio-metric clocks, all of which rests on various assumptions embodied in the hypotheses and the clocks. Despite the scoffing by some (maybe most) scientists the dating of the fossil record does depend on major assumptions about the rocks in which they are found. Rates given to the laying down of strata still depend on pre-Velikovsky uniformitarianism and the rate of leaching from radioactive materials depends on existing conditions, original amounts and if the present rate was always as it is. This kind of talk irritates some scientists but they should try to control themselves as we (often) fearful believers should try to control ourselves. I know a fine man (a believer) who thinks that if the earth itself isn’t something like 6,000 years old that the Bible is false. I’m not one of those. But scientists haven’t proved an immense age for creation. Whether they are irritated with us or not, it’s still possible for God to have created the (organized) creation 6,000 years ago and made it "full grown". If by a miracle I willed a completed house into existence in an instant I could understand a builder who didn’t know that I did it—I could understand him thinking it took, say, six weeks or three months. He would be working on normal rates and normal procedures.
Nor do I think that I can go to Genesis and prove the material creation is something like 6,000—10,000 years old. Others are sure they can but I can’t.

When it comes to living creatures, I think we move into an entirely different realm. I think the theory of the evolution of humans from inorganic material through the various "kinds" is silly. I know it hasn’t been proved. I read one silly scientist who said that the evolution of humans from inorganics has been proved as clearly as the rotundity of the earth. Bless me, we have pictures of the earth's round nature, we actually fly round it and this silly man says the transmutations of species has been proven as conclusively as the claim "the earth is round." Sometimes religious people overstate their case but as you can see they’re not the only ones.

I know there are scads of books on the market and stuff online that discuss things like this so we won’t be short of material to pursue. Myself? I choose to spend my time in other avenues (though I have no criticism for those who pursue this line of inquiry!). I vehemently oppose the social, moral and ethical fruit that rises from the theory of evolution (the transmutation of species). The theory of evolution has no practical benefit to offer humanity in any of the areas that makes humans anything worth talking about. I think we should do our best to become rich in the central truths of scripture and the gospel and rejoice in and proclaim those. There's something about those truths that make theories of evolution sound hollow and finally boring.

©2004 Jim McGuiggan. All materials are free to be copied and used as long as money is not being made.

Many thanks to Ed Healy, for allowing me to post from his website, theabidingword.com.

Tolerance, Diversity, and Division by Dave Miller, Ph.D.


Tolerance, Diversity, and Division

by  Dave Miller, Ph.D.

One of the “big myths” of society that surely will go down in history as a significant contributor to the moral decline of America is the incessant clamor by liberals for “tolerance” and “diversity.” They insist that those who oppose same-sex marriage are “intolerant” and lack basic human “compassion.” They maintain that “diversity” and “tolerance” (code words for acceptance of homosexuality) are healthy for society, and that those who oppose homosexuality are merely “demonizing people for political advantage” and “perpetuating division” (Obama, 2004).
Satan is slick. He uses “devices,” “wiles,” and “snares” (2 Corinthians 2:11; Ephesians 6:11; 2 Timothy 2:26) to distort people’s thinking. He is a shrewd master of advancing his agenda by disguising the immoral with a righteous veneer. If people give in to emotional impulse, rather than thinking rationally, logically, and biblically, they will swallow the propaganda and embrace Satan’s ploys.
The fallacy of such “reasoning” is made apparent when placed in syllogistic form:
1. Everyone should be compassionate, tolerant, and accepting of diversity;
2. Homosexuality is one form of diversity;
3. Therefore, homosexuality should be accepted/approved; to fail to do so is intolerant and divisive.
Few would disagree with the first premise. The Bible clearly teaches that God loves every person, and He requires Christians to do the same. However, toleration cannot and must not extend to any practice, action, or behavior that is evil, immoral, and sinful, i.e., out of harmony with God’s will.
Using the above line of reasoning, the tolerance/diversity umbrella ought logically to apply to pedophilia, necrophilia, incest, bestiality, and every other aberrant sexual behavior. Similarly, the same principle ought to apply to murder, stealing, drug dealing, and every other illegal action. Are we simply to cancel all laws in the United States that govern human behavior—on the guise that to enforce them is “intolerant”? Are we to open the doors of all the prisons in the country and free the criminals—on the grounds that to fail to do so is to “perpetuate division”? By such foolish thinking, placing anyone in prison constitutes a lack of “compassion.”
The tolerance/diversity viewpoint is completely nonsensical. If applied consistently and thoroughly, it would lead to social anarchy, rampant lawlessness, and the destruction of society. Opposing homosexuality, abortion, and a host of other social and moral evils is not incompatible with compassion and tolerance. One can oppose and punish murder while still maintaining compassion for the murderer. The overarching, governing principle is the recognition of and submission to the absolute standard of morality given to the human race by the God of the Bible—the God who is love (1 John 4:16). Those who reject that standard, thereby elevating their own fleshly appetites above the transcendent Creator, one day will face the consequences: “He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him—the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day” (John 12:48). Those who consider themselves more tolerant and compassionate than God need a healthy dose of humility to alter their skewed perspective:
Thus says the Lord: “Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool. Where is the house that you will build Me? And where is the place of My rest? For all those things My hand has made, and all those things exist,” says the Lord. “But on this one will I look: on him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at My word (Isaiah 66:1-2, emp. added).
May we be among “those that tremble at the commandment of our God” (Ezra 10:3).


Obama, Barack (2004), “Obama on Marriage,” Windy City Times, November 2, [On-line], URL: “http://www.windycitymediagroup.com/gay/lesbian/news/ARTICLE.php?AID=4018.

From Mark Copeland... Finding A Way In The Will Of God (Romans 1:10)

                      "THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS"

                Finding A Way In The Will Of God (1:10)


1. "What is God's will for my life?"
   a. What devout person has not asked a question like this?
   b. Often asked even pertaining to mundane things like one's career,
      where to live, etc.
   -- How can we live in harmony with the will of God?

2. Paul mentioned his desire to live in harmony with God's will...
   a. As he made plans to visit his brethren in Rome
   b. As he prayed regarding such plans - cf. Ro 1:9-10
   -- He sought to "find a way in the will of God" to come to them

[Paul's comments provide an opportunity for us to consider some thoughts
related to the will of God, especially on how to determine God's will
for our lives.  It might be of benefit to first review some...]


      1. God has made His will known in many respects - e.g., 1Th 5:18; 1Pe 2:15
      2. This He has done through revelation
         a. By sending inspired prophets in the past - He 1:1
         b. By sending His own Son - He 1:2
         c. By having the Spirit guide the apostles - Jn 16:12-13; e.g.,
            1Co 14:36-37
      3. It is this proclaimed will of God that we must do to be saved
         - cf. Mt 7:21
      -- That which is essential to know, God has revealed through
         Scripture - 2Ti 3:16-17

      1. God acts providentially in our lives, as implied in our text
         - cf. Ro 1:10; also 15:32
      2. For such reason we are to pray regarding our plans - cf. Jm 4:13-15
      3. Our requests are answered as it may suit God's will - cf. 1Jn 5:14
      -- We may not have certainty as to what is God's providential will
         for us

      1. God allows things to happen that are not necessarily according
         to His desired will
      2. He permits people to sin and even hurt other people
         a. He is not pleased, and will one day render judgment - Ac 17:30-31
         b. He is able to fulfill His own will, despite such rebellion
            - cf. Isa 10:5-7
      3. God permits people to do things that are indifferent to Him
         a. There are some matters of indifference to God - e.g., Ro 14:
         b. Likewise, some decisions we make might not really matter to
      -- Thus not all choices please God, nor are they necessarily
         required by God

[With these thoughts in mind, let's now consider some thoughts on...]


      1. I.e., study diligently to learn what God has revealed
         a. If you don't embrace and practice the revealed will of
         b. ...what difference does it make to seek areas of God's will
            unknown to you?
      2. The value of focusing on the proclaimed will of God
         a. We will not be ignorant of what is essential for us to know
            and do
         b. We can avoid choices that are clearly contrary to God's will

      1. Discuss your alternatives with older, mature Christians - Pro  11:14; 12:15
      2. Consult the wisdom found in the Bible (especially in books like
         Proverbs, Ecclesiastes)

      1. I.e., pray diligently for the ability to discern wisely - Jm 1:5-8
      2. Wisdom is that spiritual insight that enables you to evaluate
         situations clearly, and helps utilize what options and
         abilities you have
      3. Use such wisdom to eliminate what appears less acceptable

      1. Whatever you do, do it for the Lord's sake - cf. Ps 37:5-6,23-26
      2. Make your plans subject to God's will, both proclaimed and
         providential - Jm 4:15
         a. Give God permission to close the door on your choice if that
            is His will
         b. If He closes the door on your choice, look for alternatives

      1. God is not like a train; he is able to run on more than one
      2. A choice may not be between good and bad, but between good and
      3. God can use us in many different ways
      4. If need not choose right away, wait; that will give you time to
         grow and gain wisdom
      5. Whatever your hands finds to do in your existing circumstances,
         do it with all your might


1. Our goal should be to "stand perfect and complete in all the will of
   God" - cf. Col 4:12
   a. Especially as it pertains to the proclaimed will of God
   b. Even as much as possible in the providential and permissive will
      of God

2. Epaphras' desire for his brethren serves as a good example; as does
   that of our Lord...
   a. Who taught us to pray, "Your will be done on earth as it in
      heaven" - Mt 6:10
   b. Who Himself prayed, "Not as I will, but as You will..." - Mt 26:

Are you seeking to "find a way in the will of God" as it pertains to the
plans in your life?

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011

From Gary... The size of LOVE

Is is just me, or shouldn't the dog be on the leash and the child in the carrier?  Frankly, I don't know what is going through this young ladies' mind, but I can think of some possibilities.  Perhaps the Poodle might have an injury, or maybe it is fearful of its surroundings or even other dogs.  I do not know- I only can guess.  At least she cares for both the boy and the dog a lot.  I would venture to say that she loves them BOTH!!! And love will motivate beyond what the mind can justify.  As Paul says...
1 Corinthians 13:4-8 NASB
(4)  Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant,
(5)  does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered,
(6)  does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;
(7)  bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
(8)  Love never fails;...."

For some time now, I have been thinking of getting a full sized Poodle, but have always thought- Gary, they are just too big to handle.  Well, if a ~5 foot woman can do this; I really can eliminate size as an obstacle.  All I have to do is learn to love it and I could be carrying one before you know it.  Humm, but not today though...