
From Steve Singleton... Abraham’s wait: Whose fault was it?

Abraham’s wait: Whose fault was it?

I had an “I get it!” moment recently when reading the call of Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3). Stephen in Acts 7:2 says God called Abraham while he lived in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran. That means we should understand Genesis 12:1 as a pluperfect: God HAD said to Abram…”, referring back to that previous calling while he still lived in Ur (see Genesis 11:31-32).

Did Abram obey that original calling? God had said, “Leave your country, your people, and your father’s household, and go to the land I will show you.” Is that what Abram did? At first, he only partially obeyed. He left his country, but he took his people and his father’s house with him (see Genesis 11:31-32 and 12:4).

I have always wondered why Abraham had to wait so long before Isaac was born. I think this is at least a partial answer: Abraham delayed in obeying God fully. He left Ur WITH his family and then under their influence lingered in Haran for who knows how long.

Genesis 31:30-35 and Joshua 24:14-15 indicate that originally Terah and family were idolaters, and even in Haran were not completely free of its pull. Living among the extended family, even in exile, meant Abram had the economic security of shared risk and the physical safety in numbers.

God had called him away from all that—idols, financial cushions, strategic protection—challenging him to trust his Shield and receive his very great reward (see Genesis 15:1). But Abram delayed in obeying fully. The text suggests that he put concern for his father ahead of obedience to his God.

Can we blame God that Abraham received the fulfillment of the promise so late in life? Whose fault was it?

Yet the New Testament only focuses on his eventual obedience, not on the delay, installing Abraham in the “Hall of Fame of Faith” (see Hebrews 11:8). God was patient and gracious in dealing with Abram the delayer, Abram the weak. Through long years of discipling He transformed him into Abraham the faithful, Abraham the friend of God.

That convinces me He will also be patient and gracious to me, the stumbling and delaying and only partially obedient pilgrim. He is patient and gracious, yes, but my persistent slowness to trust and obey delays the blessing He wants to give to me.
Want to dive deeper?
The life of Abraham is worth studying more closely, and many scholars have obliged by drawing us deeper. Take a look:
For sale:
6303596: Abraham... Called by GodAbraham… Called by God 
by Witness Lee / Living Stream Ministry
In a remarkable commentary on the life of Abraham from the Book of Genesis, Witness Lee presents Abraham as a genuine man, not unlike us all, fallen, but called by God. Like him, we have seen "the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ" and have been attracted to follow Him. Like Him, we must learn the lessons of faith through trials, testing, and failure, in order to enter into the promises and blessings of God.
75320: Created to Be God"s Friend: Lessons from the Life of Abraham, softcover
Created to Be God’s Friend
by Henry Blackaby
From the example of the life of Abraham, Henry Blackaby will show you how to become God’s intimate friend. You will learn how God shapes those He loves into useful, joyful co-workers as they hear and respond to His call in everyday life. Created to Be God’s Friend is a remarkable study of our relationship with a personal God who is constantly working in each of our lives.
Read free online:
David Peabody – Patriarch of Hebron, or The Life of Abraham (1841).

Anonymous – The Christianity of Abraham: “Faith that worketh through love”: with Patriarchal Prophecy (1848).

Many thanks to brother Steve Singleton, for allowing me to post from his website, deeperstudy.com.



It all depends, doesn’t it, on what we’re trying to produce. If we’re working to bring about a decent society where political freedom and societal justice is experienced, where people are nice to each other, pay their honourable debts and keep their commitments—if we’re working to produce that then our message will be shaped in a certain way.

If we want to produce Christians, followers of Jesus, who reflect his agenda in their lives and teaching and ordinances then our message will be shaped in another way.

The aims may overlap in some respects but they’ll be as different as day and night. I mean, we can’t produce Christians (Christ’s followers!) without producing people who are serious about keeping their word, about treating people kindly, being honourable in relationships and wanting justice for all. But even non-Christians can be serious about such things and some of them apparently are more serious about them than some professing Christians.

For all the similarities between the lives of a morally upright and kind non-Christians and a fine Christian—their message is fundamentally different. For the Christian the centre of everything is Jesus and what he means and stands for. Their calling—and it is a calling—makes them different; what is distinctive about their lives and thought is what they have found in Jesus.

Maybe that doesn’t matter! Maybe the only thing that matters is that we all be kind and give each other a break; that we all live and let live, that we all try to live by some “golden rule” and be morally upright—maybe the rest doesn’t matter!


But this much is clear—if that’s correct, then Jesus was dead wrong! If that’s correct then what is distinctive about the Christian faith is redundant and nonsense and in some ways pernicious!

I can understand non-believers thinking this and saying it but what is astonishing is for Christian leaders and a host of us followers thinking that the Christian faith is little more than our way of getting people to live lives of moral uprightness! 

It is no such thing!

The Church is the body of Jesus, the extension of the Incarnation made possible by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus Christ. The message is much more than “let’s all be morally upright people”—its Message is about Jesus, who he is and what he stands for and when that becomes sidelined by other agendas (like trying to make people more moral, growing large churches, offering personal, present peace and fine families and other interesting and sometimes good agendas)—when the Church’s immediate business is sidelined we’re obscuring God’s agenda in Jesus and that’s inexcusable.

©2004 Jim McGuiggan. All materials are free to be copied and used as long as money is not being made.

Many thanks to brother Ed Healy, for allowing me to post from his website, theabidingword.com.

From Mark Copeland... Lest We Drift Away ( Hebrews 2:1-4)

                      "THE EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS"

                       Lest We Drift Away (2:1-4)


1. The author of "The Epistle To The Hebrews" was concerned about the
   spiritual well-being of his initial recipients...
   a. They were fellow Jews who had become Christians
   b. His concern is that they not drift back into Judaism
   c. He deals with this problem in two ways:
      1) By emphasizing the superiority of Christ and the New Covenant
      2) By a series of exhortations for them to remain steadfast

2. In chapter one we saw...
   a. The superiority of Christ to the prophets - He 1:1-3
   b. The superiority of Christ to the angels - He 1:4-14

3. Now we come to the first of several exhortations - cf. He 2:1-4
   a. In which we find a warning about the danger of "drifting"
   b. The figure suggested is that of a boat...
      1) Drifting along at an almost imperceptible pace
      2) Carried along in the wrong direction by a subtle current

4. In this lesson, I want us to examine...
   a. The reasons behind such an exhortation
   b. Various "currents" that can cause us to "drift away"
   c. The key to avoiding "drifting away"

[Let's begin, then, with some...]


      1. It is possible for us to "drift away" from our salvation!
         a. We can certainly "neglect" our salvation - He 2:3
         b. Later, we will learn that we can "depart" from God - He 3:
         c. Also, that one can so "fall away" that it becomes 
            impossible to renew them to repentance! - He 6:4-6
         d. One can reach a point where the sacrifice of Christ is no 
            longer available for their sins! - He 10:26-27
      2. The danger of "drifting" is very real!
         a. It is possible for a child of God to so sin as to be lost!
         b. Otherwise, such an exhortation as this is meaningless!

      1. As noted in He 1:1-2, God now speaks to us through His Son
         a. We have seen that this Son is:
            1) Superior to the prophets - He 1:1-3
            2) Superior to the angels - He 1:4-14
         b. We have seen that this Son is:
            1) The appointed Heir of all things!
            2) The brightness of God's glory, the express image of His
            3) Our Sustainer and Redeemer!
            4) The "Firstborn" who receives worship
            5) "God" enthroned and anointed
            6) The "LORD" (Yahweh) who is the eternal creator
            7) The "Sovereign", reigning at God's right hand
      2. When God spoke through angels...
         a. His word proved steadfast
         b. Every transgression and disobedience received a just reward
            - He 2:2
      3. How much more, then, when He speaks through His Son!
         a. Will not His word prove just as steadfast?
         b. Will not every unrepented transgression and disobedience
            receive a just reward?
         -- Dare we neglect the Word of God spoken through His Son?

      1. The word spoken by the Son was confirmed by His apostles 
         - He 2:3
         a. Individuals who were eyewitnesses - Ac 10:39-41; 2Pe 1:16
         b. Men who endured much to serve Him - cf. 1Co 4:9-13
      2. The word spoken by the Son was confirmed even more! - He 2:4
         a. By God Himself, through signs, wonders, and miracles 
            - cf. Jn 10:37-38
         b. By the Holy Spirit, with gifts according to His will 
            - cf. 1Co 12:7-11
      -- Shall we neglect that Word to which such have born witness?

      1. We lose "so great a salvation"! - He 2:3
      2. It is a "great salvation", because it offers such things as:
         a. The forgiveness of sin
         b. Transformation of character by providing power over sin
         c. Assurance of God's fatherly presence
         d. A clear and peaceful conscience
         e. A glorious hope for eternity
      -- Dare we lose all this through "neglect"?

[Just as those who neglected the word spoken through angels (i.e., the
Law of Moses) lost their "promised land", so there are grave
consequences for those who neglect the salvation spoken of by the Son
of God!  Such "neglect" is possible when we "drift away".

Following the metaphor of drifting, what "currents" might cause one to


      1. In which we grow weary of doing good, a concern expressed in
         Ga 6:9
      2. As time passes by...
         a. We can gradually lose some of the fervor of our devotion 
            - e.g., Re 2:4
         b. We may begin to rest on past accomplishments, and cease 
            pressing forward - cf. Php 3:13-14

      1. As we become familiar with the truth, it may seem common place
         to us
         a. We may lose its sense of novelty
         b. We may take it for granted
      2. Like the Ephesians we may lose our "first love" - Re 2:4

      1. The tides of modern opinion can easily induce us - 1Co 15:33
      2. Bombarded by the secular humanism, false religions, and even 
         plastic "Christianity" offered as "truth", it is hard to 
         maintain the course!
      3. Such things can move us away from the simplicity and wisdom of
         our Lord! - e.g., 2Co 11:2-3

      1. Our warfare is not only without, but also within - 1Pe 2:11
      2. Our flesh is constantly waging war against our souls, and 
         against the Spirit who desires that we follow Him - Ga 5:16-17

      1. The constant pressure of daily cares, anxieties, duties, etc.,
         can distract us
      2. Jesus warned against this on several occasions - Lk 8:14; 

[Any and all these things can slowly move us away from the Lord and His
great salvation if we are not careful!  However, as we return to our 
text, we can learn...]


      1. Imagine yourself in a canoe, in a river with a slow moving 
         a. Failure to pay constant attention leads to drifting
         b. The drifting may be subtle, but often by the time you 
            realize it, it is too late!
         c. Last minute corrections may be made, but even then one may
            still run into the brush, crash into the rocks, or go over
            the falls!
         -- Only by giving earnest heed can that be avoided
      2. So it is with our salvation!
         a. We must be "diligent" to the task at hand - cf. 2Pe 1:5,10
         b. There is no place to be half-hearted about this! - e.g., 
            Php 3:12-15
      3. Note that we must give the "more" earnest heed
         a. We are to be more earnest than those who heard the word of
            God spoken through angels (i.e., the Israelites)
            1) Because we have the word of God spoken through the Son
            2) Which pertains to a salvation greater than that enjoyed
               by them
            3) To whom more is given, more is required! - cf. Lk 12:48
         b. Are you more earnest in giving heed to what you have heard,
            than those saints in the Old Testament?

      1. The "things we have heard" refer to:
         a. The Word of God spoken through His Son
         b. The great salvation
         -- I.e., the gospel of Christ in all aspects!
      2. How can we do this?
         a. The Bereans provide a good example - Ac 17:11
            1) In the way in which they initially listened ("received
               the word with all readiness")
            2) In the way in which they followed up ("searched the 
               Scriptures daily...")
         b. Certainly through:
            1) Earnest attention whenever God's word is proclaimed
            2) Earnest study of God's Word on our own
            3) Earnest study in preparation for our Bible classes
         c. With the sort of study of God's Word...
            1) Entered into with a prayerful devotion to God - Ps 119:
            2) Concluded with a prayerful desire to please God - Ps 119:10-11
      3. Are you giving "the more earnest heed to the things we have 
         a. Another year has past; how did you do?
         b. Another year is already started; how will you do?


1. We have been blessed to receive "so great a salvation"...
   a. A salvation spoken to us first through God's own Son!
   b. A salvation then confirmed by God Himself, the Holy Spirit, and 
      those who heard Him!
   c. A salvation much greater than any offered before!

2. But please note carefully...
   a. One need not "reject" or "actively fight" against this great
      salvation to "receive a just reward"
   b. Those who simply "drift away" through "neglect" will also not 
      1) Escape what?
      2) From what we learn later, it will be "much worse punishment"!
         - cf. He 10:28-29

Have you neglected this great salvation Jesus offers?  If so, may this
first exhortation found in "The Epistle To The Hebrews" move you to
repent, and cause you to give "the more earnest heed" to the gospel of

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011

From Gary.... Know and be known

A good friend of mine, Terri Justice, gave me the top picture some time ago.  Today, for some reason, I thought I would "play" with it.  You see the results above.  Same picture, different color adjustments. Well, recently, brother Larry Shatzer started a new series of studies on the book of 2nd Peter and since I have been reading this most every day, I naturally thought of the passage below AND also one from the "sermon on the mount"....

2 Peter, Chapter 1
 1 Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have obtained a like precious faith with us in the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ:  2 Grace to you and peace be multiplied in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord,  3 seeing that his divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and virtue;  4 by which he has granted to us his precious and exceedingly great promises; that through these you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world by lust.


Matthew, Chapter 7
21  Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.   22  Many will tell me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in your name, in your name cast out demons, and in your name do many mighty works?’   23  Then I will tell them,I never knew you. Depart from me, you who work iniquity.’

Jesus, now there is a name that evokes a response!!!  To know and be known by him is of paramount importance!!!  But, how do we know him? Do we see him at face value (like the unadulterated photo at the top) or is our understanding of HIM colored by attitudes, prejudices or SIN (like the other pictures)?  To know and love Jesus is to want to be like HIM in thought word and deed; to seek him with a whole heart and never, ever be satisfied with our knowledge. If you haven't done this, why not begin today? You will see a change in your life, because that is what happens to disciples (learners).

PS. Thanks for the picture, Terri!!!