
From Ben Fronczek... Daniel 5 Writing on the Wall

Daniel 5    Writing on the Wall      

By: Ben Fronczek


I like it when I learn where certain sayings come from; like the saying ‘Writing on the wall’.  This refers to, ‘A sign of imminent danger or doom.’   The origin of this saying comes from Daniel 5 which we will be looking at today. But first a little background information:

After King Nebuchadnezzar died in 562 B.C. his son Evil-Merodack, ruled over Babylonia for 2 years (562-560). In August 560, King Evil-Merodack was assassinated by General Neriglissar, who was the Kings own brother-in-law and Nebuchadnezzar’s son in law. General Neriglissar ruled as King  for 4 years (560-556) and was succeeded by his son Labashi-Marduk in 556 who was only a boy. Because he was young and weak ruler Labashi-Marduk was murdered after reigning 9 months. Then Nabonidus became king. He was Nebuchadnezzar’s other son-in-law having married his other daughter. For commercial and military advances Nabonidus devoted spent a lot of time in North Arabia, and Edom which he conquered in 552 B.C. In his final 10 years he left his son Belshazzer in Babylon to rule it in his absence.

It was during this time when father and son ruled Babylon the Medo-Persian empire and military led by Cyrus was growing and finally marched toward Babylon. Cyrus and his army met Nabonidus and his army north of Babylon but Cyrus defeated Nabonidus.  What was left of his army fled south leaving Babylon wide open to the Medo-Persians.

Inside the city Belshazzer did not seem to concerned about the army that surrounded Babylon. You see, he considered the city impregnable. There were a double set of walls that surrounded Babylon. It is said that the walls were over 300 feet high and eighty feet wide. The walls were so thick that 4 chariots could ride abreast on top of the walls which were also surrounded by deep moats. If one were to ride around the city outside the walls, he would travel about 60 miles. The wall had 250 guard towers and rooms for soldiers to sleep. It had 100 gates, all armored with brass. If an enemy soldier managed to get over the walls and moats he would have to cross a quarter mile of bare land before he could reach the city. There was enough food warehoused for a 20 year siege and farmland within the wall to raise more if needed. The Euphrates River also flowed under the wall to provide water.

So Belshazzer was not concerned. As a matter of fact while the Medo-Persian army lay outside, Belshazzer, in defiance arrogantly hosts a HUGE party which we will read about in Daniel 5.

Read Daniel 5:1-4   (Click on site to read)

It is said that Babylon had a banquet room that could hold up to 10,000 people. Here we read that  Belshazzer threw a party for a thousand of his nobles. I am sure there were others at this feast including wives, friends, servants, musicians, and who knows how many other people.
And then Belshazzer makes a truly bad decision.  

“He gave orders to bring in the gold and silver goblets that Nebuchadnezzar his father had taken from the temple in Jerusalem, so that the king and his nobles, his wives and his concubines might drink from them. “

The Text goes on to say that, as ‘The king and his nobles, his wives and his concubines drank wine from these sacred cups,  they praised their gods of gold and silver, of bronze, iron, wood and stone.’
That was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back.  Read 5:5-30  (Click on site to read)
Now I want you to get a feel for what takes place here and what happens.

● Babylon is surrounded by a new enemy, the Medo-Persian army and the king’s son, Nebuchadnezzar’s grandson now sits on the throne in Babylon and has no concerns what so ever other than turning up his nose to them and is partying like there’s nothing is going to happen.

● In arrogance and stupidity he does something that His grandfather Nebuchadnezzar did not even consider doing. He orders his servants to bring out the sacred cups that were used in the holy temple of God and uses them to drink wine out of and offer up toasts to their false deities.

● Then a hand appears out of nowhere, just a hand, probably a big hand floating up in the air in his banquet hall. At that point I’m sure everyone went silent; people stopped talking and laughing, the music stopped, dancers stood still as every eye watched to see what this hand would do. Then a finger etched some words into the plaster on the wall.

● This definitely got everyone’s attention, especially the king’s. The text says that

“His face turned pale and he was so frightened that his legs became weak and his knees were knocking.”    

This guy was shaking in his boots and rightfully so.  He wanted to know what all this meant so he calls for his enchanters, astrologers, and diviners and promises to reward the one who could give him some answers. But none of them could.

● Well the Queen mother (his grandmother, Nebuchadnezzar wife) comes on the scene and tells him about Daniel who is probably now semi-retired and now in his 80’s. Daniel came and so without mincing any words, he lets the king know what this was all about and what it meant.
He told him that even though his grandfather honored the God of Heaven, and had to learn it the hard way; in verses 22-24 Daniel says,   

22 “But you, Belshazzar, his son,have not humbled yourself, though you knew all this.  Instead, you have set yourself up against the Lord of heaven. You had the goblets from his temple brought to you, and you and your nobles, your wives and your concubines drank wine from them. You praised the gods of silver and gold, of bronze, iron, wood and stone, which cannot see or hear or understand. But you did not honor the God who holds in his hand your life and all your ways. 24 Therefore he sent the hand that wrote the inscription.”

● And so Daniel lets him know that his reign was over and the kingdom was going to be handed over to the Medes and Persians. And we read that very night the prophecy was fulfilled, and the king was slain.

So maybe you are wondering how the Medes and Persians were able to take Babylon if it was so secure. The Greek Historian Herodotus lets us know what happened. Remember the I told you that the Babylonians had a good supply of water; they actually had a river entering the city under the walls. Well I guess while partying, Cyrus had his men upstream and they diverted most of the river away from Babylon. With the water only up to their knees, the army unexpectedly just walked right in. It is said that the army took the city so fast that the residents of Babylon did not even realize what had happened.

Lesson for us:                                                                                                 

● Those who think they are totally secure are not by what THEY have or because of what THEY do. Like Belshazzar they are just fooling themselves. It does not matter how much money, or how much power you have, or what kind of security system you have, or how good your health insurance is, or how many guns you have…we are not in control, GOD IS. HE is the one we need to put our trust in. God is the One who can exalt you or take you down!

● Second, (THIS ONE IS IMPORTANT) Don’t dishonor or mess with that which is important to God. Belshazzar messed with cups that were only meant to be used in Holy service to Yahweh. They treated these things which were holy without respect. Over and over we read in Scripture that our God is a loving God, but we also read that He is a jealous God. He does not like being disrespected. He does not appreciate it when we out of arrogance use  or misuse things which He considers important or holy as unholy. He does not like it when we imply that anything and anyone is more important than He is.

So how well do you treat the things of God? Want some examples: In the 10 commandment we are told:

 “You shall have no other gods before me. “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God. (Exodos 20:3-5)

Don’t put anything in God’s place! God cares about who, what, and even how we worship.

● In the Commandments God also instructs not to even use His name in vain or as the Amplified Bible put it,  [use His name, lightly or frivolously, in false affirmations or profanely];  We dishonor God if and when we do this.

● He also commands not to dishonor your mother and father, and not to kill or steal, or covet, or lie about another, or chase after another person’s spouse.
Why? People are precious to God. We are His children. Jesus told us to love others like He loved them and the church and was willing to die for them.

● Did you know that the way you act or conduct yourself around others can also dishonor God. Listen to what Paul wrote to the Romans in 2:2 concerning the hypocritical Jew, he wrote 

No wonder the Scriptures say, “The Gentiles blaspheme (or speak evil about) the name of God because of you.”

What is he saying here? ‘People will mock God when they see you who claim to be a believer act selfishly, unthankful, lazy, divisive, unforgiving, mean or cruel and argumentative. When others see you acting like that as a  “Christian”, they blaspheme the name of God because of you. You dishonor God and Christ.  1 Peter 2:12 states that we should be living such a way that other will praise and Glorify God; like Daniel did before Nebuchadnezzar.

● What about His word, Do you treat it with Honor and respect? The final warning in the book of Revelations is if anyone adds to it or takes away from His word they will be cursed and will not share in the tree of life in Heaven.

So I encourage you to honor GOD and honor and respect the things of God or that which is important to Him.  Also make a commitment and point to put Him and His will first before all else. Also treat His people well with honor and respect.  Treat His word and scripture with honor and respect as something holy and precious. And if you are a Christian, act like one.

If you do, like Daniel, you will not only bring Glory to God and maybe cause others to believe in His awesome greatness, you will be blessed and made more secure than one could ever be made by any human effort!

For more lessons click on the following link:

From Jim McGuiggan... 1 Peter 2.18-24, doormats (2)

1 Peter 2.18-24, doormats (2)

1 Peter 2:18-24 is addressed to slaves, to people stuck in a situation they can’t change. And what does Peter tell them? He tells them (1:1-2) that they’ve been chosen by God and covenanted in Christ by the Holy Spirit and that they are to live that identity and relationship out in their present situation.

The reality they are caught up in is enslavement and for many of them it is enslavement to a harsh and abusive master. It would have been an insult to them as it would be to people in our 21st century world who are trapped in horrible situations they can’t change—it would have been an insult had he spoken glibly of those crushing circumstances as "a challenge".

That’s not what Peter did with the slave’s situation! He laid their crucifixion alongside the crucifixion of their Lord and Master and said, "See? A match!" He did them the honour of describing their sore trouble in Christian terms. He placed the suffering God called them to endure with patience and trust alongside the suffering he called Jesus to bear with patience and trust (2:20-23 and see 3:17-18, 4:12-13,19).

It doesn’t offend me that some poor soul that is daily being stretched on somebody’s wrack, says that such talk doesn’t ease the pain. Why would it offend me or even surprise me? Read the psalms—agonised protest didn’t offend God.

But listen, what if it’s the will of God, as Christ’s suffering was the will of God? What if—and this must surely have been difficult for the Philippians to swallow—what if your trouble and your very difficult life is a gift of God (Philippians 1:29-30)? Paul told these people that God had given them a double gift. "It has been granted [echarísthe, which has "charis" at the heart of it, so, graciously given, gift-like] to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him, since you are going through the same struggle you saw I had, and now hear that I still have."

And though such truth might not ease the pain, doesn’t it transform it? If you fervently believe that the hurt being laid on you is linked to Paul’s, to the Philippians’ and ultimately to Christ’s—does that not give it glory? Compare 1 Peter 4:14. There are those that want to reduce all the talk of suffering in the NT to direct persecution for the faith. They’re wrong! Not only are they wrong they leave countless poor beaten souls with nowhere to go with their pain! Stanley Hauerwas, for example, leaves us speechless in the presence of suffering children and their anguished parents. But Christ saw all suffering as interwoven with the sin of the world, with God’s redeeming judgement, his own cross and his presence in the elect as in and through them he continues to bear the suffering of the world.

But should the abuse that Christians suffer be linked with Paul’s and Christ’s? Why would we doubt it?

Is it because much of the abuse has nothing to do with the Christian’s faith? First of all, we can’t know that. Who knows enough to deny that the very presence of faith generates some below-the-surface sinful stirrings? And do you think that everyone that hated and abused the Christ did it for religious reasons or religious convictions? "I hate him because he teaches error!" Is that what the guards that beat the blood out of him were thinking? This we know, abuse heaped on anyone is villainous and rises out of hearts and societies that oppose what Jesus Christ is and stands for. And abuse heaped on Christ’s followers is abuse endured by Christ.

Peter’s words to those that couldn’t change their circumstances changed their circumstances. They were not doormats! Whatever their abusers thought, when they beat defenceless Christians they were repeating what the world did to Jesus Christ.

But Peter and others made it clear that what was happening was a lot more than the world’s abusing Jesus Christ, a lot more than the world abusing the people of God. The world was exposing its heart and nature and demonstrating why God could/would not allow it to continue as is. And as astonishing as it sounds ("Who has believed our message?"—Isaiah 53:1) it was and is in the persons of the abused that redemption and life is offered to the world. Kings and nations and even the people of Israel (see Isaiah 49:6 and Acts 13:47) are astonished when it dawns on them that the disfigured Israel that trudges home is the means by which the world can be saved (Isaiah 52:13-15 and see John 4:22). This suffering experienced by Israel that comes to its redeeming fullness and efficacy in Jesus alone is carried on in the "body of Christ" (the church).
No one is a "doormat" who by God’s holy grace chooses to be part of Jesus Christ’s body in and through which Jesus suffers still as he rehearses his redemptive and saving life and death and exaltation.

©2004 Jim McGuiggan. All materials are free to be copied and used as long as money is not being made.

Many thanks to brother Ed Healy, for allowing me to post from his website, theabidingword.com.

From Mark Copeland... Preach The Word! ( 2 Timothy 4:1-4)

                    "THE SECOND EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY"

                        Preach The Word! (4:1-4)


1. A solemn charge was given by Paul to Timothy...
   a. In view of the coming of the Lord and His judgment - 2Ti 4:1
   b. Pertaining to preaching the Word of God - 2Ti 4:2-4

2. It is a charge that should considered carefully by all...
   a. By those who preach the Word, in response to the Great Commission
      - Mk 16:15
   b. By those who send and support those who preach - cf. Ro 10:15

[Our text reveals that not all preaching is the same.  There is that
which pleases God, there is that which clearly displeases Him.  With the
words of Paul before us, let's first examine...]


      1. "Be ready in season and out of season" - 2Ti 4:2
      2. Preaching that reveals a degree of preparation; i.e., study
         that shows...
         a. One has given attention to reading, and to doctrine - cf.
            1Ti 4:13,16
         b. One has been diligent in their learning - cf. 2Ti 2:15;
      3. Preaching that is ready on all occasions
         a. in season - "seasonably, opportunely; when the opportunity
            occurs" - Thayer
         b. out of season - "a minister is to seek opportunities to
            preach the gospel even at such periods as might be
            inconvenient to himself, or when there might be hindrances
            and embarrassments, or when there was no stated appointment
            for preaching." - Barnes

      1. "convince" - 2Ti 4:2
         a. "reprove" (KJV, NASB)
         b. "correct" (NIV)
      2. "to use such arguments as would 'convince' men of the truth of
         religion, and of their own need of it." - Barnes
      3. As Paul did in the synagogues - cf. Ac 17:2-3; 19:8

      1. "rebuke" - 2Ti 4:2
      2. "to admonish or charge sharply" - Thayer
      3. "chide for sin; some privately, others more publicly, according
         to the nature and circumstances of the offense; some more
         gently, others more roughly, as is needful." - Gill
      4. So Paul likewise charged Titus - cf. Tit 2:15

      1. "exhort" - 2Ti 4:2
      2. "to encourage and strengthen by consolation" - Thayer
      3. "as the ministers of the Gospel are in some cases to be
         'Boanergeses', sons of thunder, so other cases they should be
         Barnabases, sons of consolation; and comfort distressed minds,
         by preaching the comfortable doctrines of peace, pardon,
         righteousness and salvation by Jesus Christ." - Gill

      1. "with all longsuffering" - 2Ti 4:2
      2. "patience, forbearance, longsuffering, slowness in avenging
         wrongs" - Thayer
      3. "with a patient and persevering spirit if you are opposed;"
         - Barnes
      4. Shown toward both the faint-hearted and hardhearted - cf. 1 Th 5:14; 2Ti 2:24-25

      1. "and teaching" - 2Ti 4:2
         a. "doctrine" (KJV)
         b. "instruction" (NASB)
      2. "that which is taught, doctrine, teaching, concerning
         something; the act of teaching, instruction" - Thayer
      3. "in a way that is instructive and teaching, and in agreement
         with the doctrine of the Scriptures, which are profitable for
         that purpose." - Gill

[Preaching that pleases God is "well-rounded":  ready at all times,
seeking to persuade, rebuking when necessary, yet with all longsuffering
instructing others in the doctrine of the Lord.  Contrast that with...]


      1. The time will come when some will not endure 'sound doctrine'
         - 2Ti 4:3
         a. Lit., "healthful doctrine"
         b. "doctrine contributing to the health of the soul, or to
            salvation." - Barnes
      2. Times of which Paul had already warned Timothy
         a. When people will give heed to deceiving spirits - 1Ti 4:1-2
         b. When people will be lovers of self and pleasure - 2Ti 3:1-2
      3. They will want to hear things 'according to their own desires'
         - 2Ti 4:3
         a. That justifies their sinful behavior, rather than rebukes
            them for it
         b. When guilty of things "contrary to sound doctrine" (e.g.,
            sodomy) - cf. 1Ti 1:10
         c. Not being told such things are 'unhealthy' to their soul
            (e.g., homosexuality) - cf. 1Co 6:9-10

      1. People will have "itching ears" - 2Ti 4:3
         a. "loving to have their ears scratched and tickled with smooth
            things; that are pleasing and agreeable to natural men, and
            carnal minds;" - Gill
         b. "Endless curiosity, an insatiable desire of variety; and
            they get their ears tickled with the language and accent of
            the person, abandoning the good and faithful preacher for
            the fine speaker." - Clarke
         c. They will love to hear even true preachers, if they are
            eloquent - cf. Eze 33:30-33
      2. They will "heap for themselves teachers" - 2Ti 4:3
         a. There will be plenty of teachers willing to accommodate them
         b. People will find the teachers that please them
      3. The sad result of such preaching - 2Ti 4:4
         a. People "will turn their ears away from the truth"
            1) The truth of God will not interest them
            2) They will have no time to hear what the truth has to say
         b. They will "be turned aside to fables"
            1) "Believe any kind of stuff and nonsense;" - Clarke
            2) "as one has justly observed, 'Those who reject the truth
               are abandoned by the just judgment of God to credit the
               most degrading nonsense.'" - ibid.
            3) Or as attributed to G. K. Chesterton:  "He who does not
               believe in God will believe  in anything."


1. The truthfulness of the words by Clarke, Chesterton, and apostle Paul
   can easily be seen today...
   a. People will reject the Word of God, but believe in witchcraft,
      UFOs, channeling, etc.
   b. People will reject the Gospel of Christ, but accept religious
      traditions of men
   c. People reject "sound doctrine", but accept "unhealthy teaching"
      that endangers body and soul

2. The problem is the type of "preaching" people want to listen to...
   a. They listen to be entertained, to justify fulfilling the lusts of
      the flesh
   b. They do not listen to be saved, to learn the way of righteousness

Those who dare to preach, and those who desire to hear, should make sure
the preaching is that which pleases God!  Have you responded in
obedience to the preaching of God's Word...? Ro 6:17-18
Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011

From Gary... Calendars, Truth and Choices...

OK, since when are there NINE days in a week?  Curious, I did a little research on the net and found out that there are current 40 different calendars in use today. I put a couple of links below for those of you who may have an interest in such things and I hope you will find the reading interesting. So, are there nine days in a week?  What is the truth about such things?


The truth seems to be that you use the calendar you wish because of your goals for keeping track of time.  For me, The International Standard of the Gregorian Calendar works just fine. And if you read all the information above, you will probably get a headache, just like I did.  So, what is the truth??? This is a familiar theme to those of us who call themselves Christians- and here is why...

John, Chapter 18
 33  Pilate therefore entered again into the Praetorium, called Jesus, and said to him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” 

  34  Jesus answered him, “Do you say this by yourself, or did others tell you about me?” 

  35  Pilate answered, “I’m not a Jew, am I? Your own nation and the chief priests delivered you to me. What have you done?” 

  36  Jesus answered, “My Kingdom is not of this world. If my Kingdom were of this world, then my servants would fight, that I wouldn’t be delivered to the Jews. But now my Kingdom is not from here.” 

  37  Pilate therefore said to him, “Are you a king then?” 

Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this reason I have been born, and for this reason I have come into the world, that I should testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” 

  38  Pilate said to him, “What is truth?” 
When he had said this, he went out again to the Jews, and said to them, “I find no basis for a charge against him.
  39 But you have a custom, that I should release someone to you at the Passover. Therefore do you want me to release to you the King of the Jews?” 

  40  Then they all shouted again, saying, “Not this man, but Barabbas!” Now Barabbas was a robber.

Now, we can argue all day long about which calendar to use and from certain perspectives many differing views could be correct.  But, Jesus- What about Jesus???  His life is documented in extreme detail and was witnessed by thousands.  For most of the world, time is divided up into the categories of before Christ (B.C.) and after Christ (A.D. [anno domini] ).  No one else has ever risen from the dead and won't (at least until Jesus comes again).  What is truth? Is Jesus really a king?  Your decision does matter- eternally!!!!

By the way...  Barabbas can't do a thing for you, JESUS CAN!!!!  Choose wisely!!!