
Query from a Reader by Dave Miller, Ph.D.


Query from a Reader

by  Dave Miller, Ph.D.

We recently received the following e-mail from a reader of the Apologetics Press Web site who lives in California:
I came upon your website due to the referral of a Christian brother who provided me a link to your article on John Quincy Adams’ views on Islam. Loved the article and will share it with others.... When checking into your beliefs I noted the following at this link under “What We Believe:” “Salvation is by means of obedience to the Gospel system, involving faith in God and Christ, repentance from sin, confession of faith, and immersion in water for remission of past sins, coupled with a life of growing consecration and dedication.”
In all honesty, when I read Scripture I do not get that “salvation” has anything whatsoever to do with a “Gospel system” or “obedience” thereof. Surely you cannot mean that our deeds and works can make us righteous or clean in the eyes of a perfect and entirely Holy God? Moreover, we cannot follow any kind of a “system” or formula, regardless of how good it may be. Only Christ and His completed sacrifice, once for all, can save those who believe in Him, His Word and His Resurrection. I think the most simple and direct quotes on how Salvation is “achieved” (really awarded is the better and most accurate word) is from Romans 10:17 and Acts 10:34-46….
In light of these verses, why would you take the stance you do in the above noted quote from your website? Put another way, why do you believe salvation is had by any other way than as noted in the above quoted sections of Romans, Acts and any number of other examples, throughout Scripture, of persons being saved?
                                                                             P.L., Palm Desert, CA
Dear P.L.:
Thank you for your interest in our work, and your willingness to study God’s Word, and write us. You are to be commended for your desire to think through what the Bible teaches on the extremely important matter of salvation. Here are some thoughts for you to consider:
It is true that the New Testament does not use the phrase “Gospel system,” but the concept is certainly biblical, even as we speak of the “Christian system” or the “Christian religion.” In Romans, the Gospel/Grace system is contrasted with a strictly legal/law system. The point of Romans is that the Jews could not depend on their ethnic heritage (their genetic connection to Abraham with the covenant symbol of circumcision) or the Law of Moses to save them—because (1) genetic connection is fleshly and avails nothing, and (2) they did not keep the Law of Moses given to them. No one can be saved by law alone, since everyone has violated God’s law and therefore stands condemned. We needed a different approach to the sin problem, specifically, the Gospel (the good news that God inhabited human flesh in the person of His Son to atone for sin). The Gospel has law that we must obey, just like the Law of Moses, but it also has the means of ultimate atonement which the Law of Moses did not technically have (cf. Hebrews 10:4). Yes, the orchestration of that means of forgiveness is wholly God’s doing which we do not deserve. There is absolutely nothing we can do to atone for our own sin.
However, it by no means follows that there is nothing that God requires of us before He will freely cleanse us. You, yourself, agree that a person must believe. So there is something that humans must do to be saved—without assuming they earn or deserve their salvation. They must believe—an act of human effort, called a “work” in John 6:29, i.e., a work that God requires humans to perform (see Methodist lexicographer Joseph Thayer who defines “works” in John 6 as “the works required and approved by God” [1901, p. 248]). But what does it mean to believe? It is not merely a mental act of accepting Jesus (as much of Christendom incessantly maintains), since Paul defined the “faith” of Romans as an “obedient faith” (hupakoain pisteos) in 1:5 and 16:26. Romans uses forms of the word “obey” and “obedience” 10 times, and forthrightly declares that a person will be judged “according to his deeds” (2:6), and that “eternal life” will be given to “those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and immortality,” while those who “do not obey the truth” will receive “indignation and wrath” (2:7-8). Romans 6:16 indicates that obedience precedes righteousness.
So, yes, humans must perform deeds to be pleasing to God. The point that the Bible makes regarding those deeds is that they do not earn salvation for the individual—they do not wash away sin—since only the blood of Christ can do that. Christ’s blood is the cleansing agent. But when does God apply Christ’s blood to our sin-stained spirits? Answer: when a person “obey[s] the Gospel” (2 Thessalonians 1:8). How does one obey the Gospel? Acts is the “book of conversions” that gives example after example of instances wherein people obeyed the Gospel to become Christians. Please access the free pdf book at http://www.apologeticspress.org/pdfs/e-books_pdf/wtbsatcoc.pdf and scroll to page 21 where you will see a chart that records only the explicitly stated actions that occurred in 10 cases of conversion to Christianity in the book of Acts—actions that preceded salvation.
Romans was not actually intended to detail the conditions of salvation; rather, Romans explains the grounds or basis of salvation—the blood of Christ. Nevertheless, in passing, Romans happens to mention every single one of the prerequisite conditions of salvation with which humans must comply before God will grant forgiveness as a free, undeserved gift. Romans 10:17, as you note, indicates that a person must first hear the Gospel/Word of God, which is designed to create faith within. But Romans 10:9-10 makes clear that faith is not the only prerequisite to forgiveness. Oral confession with the mouth is also enjoined. Romans 2:4 indicates that repentance is necessary before God will forgive. And Romans 6:1-4 indicates that water immersion precedes salvation, since it is the contact point for the blood of Christ which was shed in His death. We must be baptized “into His death” to contact that blood. That is the point at which sin is washed away by the blood of Christ. No wonder, then, that Ananias told Saul/Paul to “arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord” (Acts 22:16). When does a person achieve “calling on the Lord”? When the believing, repenting, confessing person submits to water immersion (Acts 22:16). That explains why Peter declared that baptism “now saves us” (1 Peter 3:21)—in the sense that Christ’s blood saves us at the point of our baptism; and that is why that same Peter impressed upon those present in Acts 10 that the reception of Holy Spirit baptism directly from God upon the Gentiles was proof positive that Gentiles had the right to become Christians just as much as the Jews. Once their eligibility for conversion was demonstrated by that miraculous act direct from God, Peter then pressed for their obedience in the words, “Can anyone forbid water, that these should not be baptized...?” (Acts 10:47). Why even bring up water at that moment if water immersion was not prerequisite to their forgiveness?
So faith, repentance, confession, and baptism are all indicated to precede remission of sin. We must obey these acts—not to atone for our sin, for only Jesus can do that—but to comply with God’s stated conditions. Those pre-conditions to salvation were authored by Him (not us), and He enjoined them upon all who wish to be saved. That is why the Hebrews writer stated forthrightly that Jesus is “the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him” (Hebrews 5:9, emp. added). It is interesting that you quote Acts 10:34-35 which indicates that before a person is acceptable to Christ, that person must “fear Him and work righteousness” (vs. 35). In other words, believe and obey—actions that humans must perform in order to receive the free gift of salvation available only in Christ.
Denominationalism manifests a persistent inability and/or unwillingness to distinguish between the grounds of salvation and the conditions of salvation—the difference between Christ’s atonement and man’s obedience. Yet, the Bible from beginning to end demonstrates this distinction. Indeed, Jesus Himself said: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven” (Matthew 7:21). “But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46). Or as Paul expressed to the Galatians: “For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ” (Galatians 3:26-27). The Galatians had become sons of God through faith when they were baptized in water.


Thayer, J.H. (1901), A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1977 reprint).

Pluralism, Multiculturalism, Syncretism, and America by Dave Miller, Ph.D.


Pluralism, Multiculturalism, Syncretism, and America

by  Dave Miller, Ph.D.

As America continues her downward spiral into social, moral, ethical, and spiritual chaos, it is difficult to realize that the first 150 years of American civilization stand in such stark contrast to current culture. The Christian orientation of this country from its inception is irrefutable, revisionist history notwithstanding. The present extensive transformation of society, and the wholesale abandonment of biblical principles, are astonishing. If the Founding Fathers could be resurrected momentarily to observe the change, they would be unquestionably incredulous. They would be aghast, horrified, and deeply saddened that America could be so thoroughly redirected toward moral degradation—a condition that characterized the France of their day.
Pluralism is the notion that all religious belief systems and philosophies are of equal validity. Multiculturalism is the idea that American culture has historically been neither superior to nor preferable over any other culture in the world, and that all cultures—regardless of basic religious, moral, ethical, and spiritual beliefs and practices—are equally credible, viable representations of proper behavior and living. Multiculturalism actually denigrates American civilization as inferior to the other cultures of the world, demonizing it as oppressive, coercive, and exploitive. For both multiculturalism and pluralism, absolute truth does not exist. Both systems embrace the self-contradictory notion that truth is relative, and that right and wrong depend upon the subjective assessments of fallible humans. The politically correct climate that has been forged, insists that whatever people choose to believe is, indeed, correct and good—at least for them!
One illustration of the mad rush to dilute truth and to advocate the mindless acceptance of every imaginable belief or practice is the recent Interfaith Congress held at the Paul VI Pastoral Center in Fatima, Portugal, site of the Catholic shrine dedicated to “the Blessed Virgin Mary.” Attended by delegates representing many religions, including Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, and African Paganism, the Shrine’s rector, Monsignor Luciano Guerra, spoke of the need to create a shrine where different religions can mingle—a “universalistic place of vocation” (“Fatima,” 2003). Jesuit theologian Jacques Dupuis insisted that the religions of the world must unite: “The religion of the future will be a general converging of religions in a universal Christ that will satisfy all” (“Fatima”). Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald, President of the Pontifical Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue, spoke of the Shrine’s “inter-religious dimension” (“Vatican,” 2003).
Dupuis argued: “The other religious traditions in the world are part of God’s plan for humanity and the Holy Spirit is operating and present in Buddhist, Hindu and other sacred writings of Christian and non-Christian faiths as well” (“Fatima”). The Congress issued an official statement that urged all religions to refrain from proselytizing those of other religions, since “no one religion can irradiate another or strengthen itself by downplaying others. What is needed is that each religion treat each [other] religion on the same footing of equality with no inferior or superiority complexes (“Fatima”). The statement emphasized the idea that peace may be achieved among all religions—if everyone will admit that contradictions exist between beliefs, and then concentrate on what unites them rather than what separates them.
History repeats itself over and over again. Stubborn humanity refuses to learn from the mistakes of the past. The Israelites were plagued by syncretism [the fusion of differing systems of belief, as opposed to remaining individualistic] through much of their Old Testament history. They did not remove God completely from their lives. They did not become outright atheistic (although polytheism amounts to the same thing). Rather, they engaged in syncretism and, as a result, mixed many elements of false religion into their own beliefs and practices. During the dark ages of the judges, a man named Micah was typical of the spiritual climate of the day. He had a shrine dedicated to the gods of the pagan nations, but he also latched on to a Levite in hopes of currying the favor of the one true God as well (Judges 17:5-13). The condition of the northern kingdom of Israel at the time of the Assyrian captivity was one in which “[t]hey feared the Lord, yet served their own gods” (2 Kings 17:33). By Zephaniah’s day, the same conditions prevailed. God pronounced judgment on Judah in the following words: “I will stretch out My hand against Judah, and against all the inhabitants of Jerusalem. I will cut off every trace of Baal from this place, the names of the idolatrous and pagan priests—those who worship the host of heaven on the housetops; those who worship and swear oaths by the Lord, but who also swear by Molech” (Zephaniah 1:4-5).
Precisely the same malady is afflicting America. Many Americans still claim to believe in the God of the Bible (although the number is declining year by year). However, many—perhaps most—have bought into the idea that we must not be “judgmental” or “intolerant” of the beliefs of others. Hence, our society is swiftly becoming a strange mixture of every sort of religious belief and practice. People in high places are calling upon nationwide acceptance of all religions without reservation—from Native American animism to Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Most shocking of all is the way that so many Americans have simply chosen to embrace a nebulous blend of ambiguous New Age beliefs that enables them to embrace diversity without consideration of specific differences in belief and practice. Spiritual ambiguity has become the sum and substance of religion for many.
It is interesting—if not sadly tragic—that although Israel was born in monotheism in 1500 B.C., it degenerated into paganism, polytheism, and idolatry. America, too, was born in monotheism—the God of the Bible, not Allah or the gods of Hinduism or Buddhism. But her citizenry is now moving full swing into raw paganism. The gods of sensualism and ethical relativity have become the focus of attention for large numbers of Americans. Sensible people have looked back over the centuries and recognized that any country or culture that worships physical things, or attributes divinity to anyone or anything except the one true God, is a country that is ignorant, superstitious, and unenlightened. Who would ever have dreamed that America would one day turn into just such a country? Israel returned to monotheism by the time of Christ—but only after years of suffering and tribulation as a consequence of their national sin. Will America survive the present mad rush away from God? History shows—probably not. The nation likely will face severe punishment in a variety of forms. Oh, that Americans in large numbers would heed the advice of God given to Solomon—a prescription for national health and well-being: “[I]f My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).


“Fatima to Become Interfaith Shrine” (2003), The Portugal News, November 1, [On-line], URL: http://the-news.net/cgi-local/story.pl?title=Fatima to become interfaith shrine &edition=all.
“Vatican Denies Fatima Will Become Interfaith Shrine” (2003), The Portugal News, November 29, [On-line], URL: http://the-news.net/cgi-local/story.pl?title=Vatican denies Fatima will become interfaith shrine&edition=all.



Lexical work is indispensable if we’re trying to get at a text but we can learn what every word means and grasp clearly how a sentence is structured and how the parts relate to each other and remain ignorant of what the writer is saying. Why is he saying what he is saying? What has led him to say what he is saying? Who does he have in mind when he is saying what he is saying? What texts or truths is he leaning on and/or assuming to give substance to his statements? How does what he is saying connect with what he wants to accomplish?

Let me shelve any critical questions about the historical truth the writer is offering and simply take it that what a Bible writer says is true to fact. Let me take it for granted that what they say happened did happen essentially as they tell it.

That’s only the beginning of the job of understanding what the Bible writer means to say. Mark, for example, is recording actual events in the life of Jesus but what’s his point in doing that? He’s not writing his record for Jesus to read or the apostles; who is he writing it for? Does he have a particular group in mind or is he just writing something down in the hope that somebody somewhere will read about Jesus? He doesn’t tell us everything Jesus did (see John 21:25) so why did he choose the incidents he chose; why tell of them rather than others?

You know very well, of course, that the people we’re writing to/for affect the kind of material we choose and how we tell it. To a beloved family member we choose to speak with affection of our parents, perhaps; of the happy memories and their wisdom and such. To a family member who is embittered with us we might choose the same material but we’ll make different use of them. “You remember, John, how patient our father was with us; didn’t he put up with a lot of provocation!” On the other hand, “You remember, Harry, how patient our father was with us so why aren’t you willing to be patient with the rest of us?” Same truth but different use made of it; one is an affectionate reminder and the other is rebuke and exhortation. Same truth but because the intention is different the way the truth is told is different.

When a speaker is invited to speak to a gathering of convinced and committed Christians on the resurrection of Jesus you don’t expect him to work up a lather proving one. more. time. the fact of the matter. Everyone in the building has believed that since childhood. If he was bent on proving the fact of Jesus’ resurrection the assembly might wonder who he’s talking to. If that speaker is invited to speak to a gathering of convicted atheists and sceptics on the resurrection he won’t speak to them as believers, developing the theological richness of the resurrection of Jesus which he doesn’t bother to establish.

To say, “Jesus is Lord!” means the same thing whether you say it to a non-believer or a believer.
But then again, “Jesus is Lord!” spoken to a believer doesn’t mean the same thing as when it is spoken to a non-believer.

You know very well that Paul spoke to the Corinthians in one way and the Thessalonians in another. There were basic truths he leaned on, of course, but he spoke about different issues and spoke about some of the same issues in different ways. The people he addressed determined his choice of materials and how he expressed those materials. In 1 Corinthians 15 he speaks of Christ’s resurrection to support the truth that Christians will be raised bodily and in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 he speaks of Jesus’ resurrection to comfort bereaved worriers.

All that to say this; to really understand what a writer is saying we need to understand why he is saying what he is saying and why he says it in quite the way he does.

This introduces us to a piece of circular work. If we don’t know who a book is written to or the time in which it was written we use the material written to try to figure out who the reader is that the chosen material implies. Then in turn we use the identity of the implied reader to understand better what is being said to him.

Mark 5:41 and John 5:2 and other places offer an explanation or interpretation of words and phrases which implies that at least some of their readers weren’t familiar with Aramaic or Hebrew. This suggests that some of their intended readership is non-Jewish and that affects how we think of their setting and that in turn affects how we hear what the writers are saying.
Take the case of the book of Genesis. We’re not told who produced the book but the name Moses wasn’t associated with it for nothing and since Jesus and Paul alluded to that section of the OT (the Pentateuch) and named Moses in connection with it “Moses” will do! It’s clear however that sections of the Pentateuch weren’t written by Moses (his own past death and successors, for example—See Deuteronomy 34:5-6, 10). Taking the materials to be essentially and substantially Mosaic I’m moving on.

Moses doesn’t tell us why he produced the Genesis material and that means we can’t fully understand him. If some later Spirit-moved editor put the materials together we have to assume the Spirit and the writer had a purpose that determined which materials were used and how they were used. To figure out how the materials hang together helps us to understand the purpose and a sense of the purpose helps us to understand how the materials hang together.
It's no crime, don't you know, to pick and use truths out of a text or section that is written for a purpose other than our own but we mustn't pretend we're dealing with the text's point when we do that.

When going through the book it’s not horrendously difficult to spot major truths that are stressed and underlying motifs. Think of human fragmentation and reconciliation, the importance of brother/sister harmony, the helplessness and vulnerability of leading characters, the solidarity of humanity in wickedness and God’s earnest intention to rescue and redeem humans from sin.

But was Moses just producing a handbook of events without any thought of the needs of those whom he would like to read them? Was he do you think, writing Genesis 1 for 21st century atheists like poor Richard Dawkins and sad little E.O Wilson? I’m not suggesting Genesis 1 has nothing to teach these gentlemen but I am saying that if we think it’s written for Darwinians we read it one way and if we think it’s written for an Israel which just left the god-soaked Egypt and were heading to Canaan where there were even more (see Leviticus 18:1-3) we get a different picture. If we read the texts as if they were written to expose uniformitarian geology we get one message and if we read them as telling Israel there is one God and the natural forces and realities are his creation and servants rather than gods to be feared and worshiped we get another message.

If preachers get up week after week and preach on “timeless” truths divorced from all historical/cultural considerations, whatever else they're doing, they aren’t expositing the biblical text. Might as well have Plato in the pulpit lecturing. [But even some of his best writing was historically conditioned. He talked about life after death and immortality in connection with the coming execution of his hero Socrates.]

Presuming that Moses didn’t write that “timeless” way, we list the obvious emphases in the book of Genesis and wonder why he chose those truths and events. He obviously had a purpose and a readership in mind. For example, he stresses the creaturely weakness of humans (Abraham, Sarah, Rebecca and Rachel all have their troubles). Why would he do that? There must have been a need to stress such a truth and getting at that need via the Genesis (or any other) materials enriches our understanding and helps us to better think God’s thoughts after him and that in turn shapes our lives and purposes.

What is true of entire books is true of sections and specific verses.

Questions & Answers: Are Christians Justified by Christ's Death, or by His Resurrection? by Alden Bass


Questions & Answers: Are Christians Justified by Christ's Death, or by His Resurrection?

by  Alden Bass


Are Christians justified by Christ’s death, or by His resurrection?


In a familiar passage on the bodily resurrection, the inspired apostle Paul wrote: “If Christ hath not been raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins” (1 Corinthians 15:17). At first glance, this might seem difficult to reconcile with the many passages that speak of Christ’s atoning death and the forgiveness of sins that comes to us through His blood (Romans 5:9; Ephesians 1:7; 1 Peter 2:24; Revelation 1:5). Is Christ’s death efficacious without the resurrection?
Paul told the Christians in Rome that Jesus “was delivered up for our trespasses, and was raised for our justification” (Romans 4:25). Justification is a forensic term meaning “declared guiltless,” and was used extensively by Paul in his letter to the Romans. In that particular epistle, Paul taught that the person who had faith in Jesus would be justified by His blood (Romans 3:25-26).
It is true that Christ died for our justification. But He also was raised for that purpose. His death denotes a present reality, while His resurrection refers to a reality yet to come. Those who obey the law are justified (Romans 2:13), but through Christ’s obedience, many will be justified (Romans 5:19). Justification is both a past and a future event. The declaration of guiltlessness will occur in the last day, when all nations shall gather before God to be judged.
Again, it is true that believers have been justified by the blood of the cross. But that justification must be confirmed by God’s verdict on the Day of Judgment. This reality was affirmed by Paul when he wrote in Romans 8:33-34: “Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifieth; who is he that condemneth? It is Christ Jesus that died, yea rather, that was raised from the dead, who is at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.”
If it were true that Christ lies moldering in a Palestinian grave, there would be no one to intercede for us on the great Day of Judgment, and His death would be utterly meaningless. We cannot be saved by a dead Savior! But it is not true that Christ is still in the tomb. He has been raised. And His resurrection is just as central to salvation as His crucifixion, because it is the resurrection which proves that Christ lives, and living, continually makes intercession for us.

From Mark Copeland... Wisdom Regarding Friendship (Proverbs)

                         "THE BOOK OF PROVERBS"

                      Wisdom Regarding Friendship


1. Living on an inhabited planet, it is impossible to avoid associations
   with fellow humans

2. In His all-sufficient Word, God has provided the wisdom necessary
   whereby we can...
   a. Develop good relations with those around us
   b. Avoid the pitfalls that too often destroy good friendships

[A good portion of this wisdom is found in Proverbs, where much is
revealed regarding the subject of friendships.  For example, note what
is revealed about...]


      1. In good times and in bad times - Pr 17:17
      2. In some cases, even better than that provided by a brother
         - Pr 18:24b

      1. Counsel that can "delight the heart" - Pr 27:9
      2. The value of counsel in general is seen in Pr 11:14

[A friend who offers comfort and can be trusted to provide good counsel
is certainly a blessing.  But we must choose our friends carefully (Pro
12:26). Consider therefore, some advice on...]


      1. Gossips - Pr 20:19
      2. Short-tempered - Pr 22:24-25
      3. Those given to drinking and gluttony - Pr 23:20-21
      4. Those given to change - Pr 24:21-22
      5. Liars, those untrustworthy, and those inconsiderate - Pr 25:
      6. Those given to violence - Pr 1:10-19

      1. Those who display wisdom themselves - Pr 13:20
      2. For their teaching (counsel) will help lead you in the right
         way - cf. Pr 13:14

[The wrong kind of friends can be a corrupting influence (cf. 1Co 
15:33), but a friend who is good and wise is one you want to hold on to!
To avoid losing good friends, here is some wisdom on...]


      1. Repeating everything you hear - Pr 17:9
      2. Getting into senseless arguments - Pr 17:14
      3. Overstaying your welcome - Pr 25:17
      4. Meddling in affairs not your own - Pr 26:17
      5. Playing bad jokes - Pr 26:18-19
      6. Being a "talebearer" - Pr 26:20
      7. Being contentious - Pr 26:21
      8. Engaging in insincere flattery - Pr 27:14

   [Following such advice, one is less likely to offend his or her
   friends.  But sometimes we do, and regaining their confidence is not
   easy (cf. Pr 18:19).  What can be done?  Consider...]

      1. Make sure that you are at peace with the Lord - cf. Pr 16:7
      2. Be slow to anger - Pr 15:18; cf. Jm 1:19-20
      3. Be slow to respond - Pr 18:13
      4. Avoid quarreling - Pr 20:3
      5. Speak gently - Pr 15:1
      6. Speak briefly - Pr 10:19
      7. Be quick to show love - Pr 10:12
      8. But if necessary, rebuke rather than flatter - Pr 28:23


1. Properly applying the wisdom of God found in His Word can assure
   a. We enjoy the blessings of good friends in this life
   b. We can look forward to enjoying these dear friends in life

2. Rather than depend upon "trial and error" to learn "how to win
   friends and influence people", let God's Word be your guide!

But of all the friendships we could possible develop, none can excel the
one we can have with Him who truly "sticks closer than a brother" - our
Lord Jesus Christ!

Have you become His friend?  Consider what He has done for us...

   "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life
   for his friends." (Jn 15:13)

Consider what He asks of us...

   "You are My friends if you do whatever I command you." (Jn 15:14)

Have you done what He commands? - cf. Mt 28:18-20; Mk 16:15-16

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011

From Mark Copeland... The Folly Of The Fool (Proverbs)

                         "THE BOOK OF PROVERBS"

                         The Folly Of The Fool


1. The goal of Proverbs is to impart wisdom...
   a. To know wisdom and instruction - Pr 1:1-2
   b. To receive the instruction of wisdom - Pr 1:3

2. One way to learn about something is to consider its opposite...
   a. Want to understand what is wisdom?  Then know what is folly!
   b. Want to be wise?  Then don't be a fool!

[In studying the wisdom of Proverbs, then, we learn much about "The
Folly Of The Fool."  Exactly what is a fool...?]


      1. 'eviyl; it appears primarily in wisdom literature - Vine's
      2. An adjective meaning foolish in the sense of one who hates
         wisdom and walks in folly, despising wisdom and morality - TCWD
      -- A fool thus despises wisdom and walks in folly

      1. The word is used in Scripture with respect to moral more than
         to intellectual deficiencies - Unger's Bible Dictionary, p. 375
      2. The 'fool' is not so much lacking in mental powers, as one who
         misuses them... - ibid.
      3. In Scripture the 'fool'...is the person who casts off the fear
         of God, and thinks and acts as if he could safely disregard the
         eternal principles of God's righteousness - ibid.
      -- A fool thus chooses to disregard God and His wisdom

[To help us to further understand "The Folly Of The Fool," let's now


      1. In his own eyes, he can do no wrong - Pr 12:15
      2. Foolishly, he trusts in his own heart - Pr 28:26
      -- Conversely, we should trust in the Lord, not lean on our own
         understanding - Pr 3:5-6

      1. Fools despise wisdom and instruction - Pr 1:7
      2. Even the instruction from one's father - Pr 15:5
      3. Thus fools die for lack of wisdom - Pr 10:21
      4. A fool cares only to tell others what he knows - Pr 18:2
      5. For a fool thinks he knows every thing - Pr 18:13
      6. What fools know is soon known by all - Pr 14:33
      7. Their foolishness becomes apparent to all - Pr 12:23; 13:16
      -- Therefore we waste energy in trying to share wisdom with a fool
         - Pr 23:9

      1. Fools are destined for much punishment - Pr 19:29, 26:3
      2. Yet they are unlikely to learn from attempts to correct them
         - Pr 17:10
      3. Such hatred of correction is the height of folly - Pr 12:1
      -- Trying to correct a fool is folly within itself - Pr 16:22

      1. A fool is one who vents all his feelings - Pr 29:11
      2. His wrath is soon known - Pr 12:16
      -- His impulsiveness makes his folly worse - Pr 14:29

      1. Evil is like sport to a fool - Pr 10:23
      2. They even make fun of sin - Pr 14:9
      -- Thus it is difficult to get fools to depart from evil - Pro  14:16

      1. Despite the most extreme efforts to rehabilitate him - Pro 27:22
      2. Because he considers it an abomination to depart from evil
         - Pr 13:19
      -- Truly a fool is like a dog that returns to his own vomit - Pro 26:11


1. In summary, then, a fool is a person who...
   a. Trusts in himself
   b. Is deaf to instruction
   c. Cannot be disciplined
   d. Is impulsive
   e. Commits evil
   f. Is virtually unchangeable

2. Reinforcing these qualities of a fool...
   a. Let's now read Pr 26:1-12
   b. Where we find several observations about fools and their folly

Hopefully, such observations and warnings about "The Folly Of The Fool"
will encourage us to choose an alternative path in life; especially when
we consider the final contrast between the wise and the fools:

   "The wise shall inherit glory, But shame shall be the legacy of
                                                      - Pr 3:35

What shall we inherit?  What shall be our legacy?  It depends on our
willingness to listen to God...

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011

From Mark Copeland... The Fear Of The Lord (proverbs)

                         "THE BOOK OF PROVERBS"

                          The Fear Of The Lord


1. We now change our approach to studying the book to the book of
   a. Using a topical rather than textual approach
   b. Noting recurring themes dispersed throughout the proverbs

2. A good topic to begin with is "the fear of the Lord"...
   a. Described as "the beginning of knowledge" - Pr 1:7
   b. Also as "the beginning of wisdom" - Pr 9:10

[Yes, we examined "the fear of the Lord" in an earlier lesson. But it's
importance to living wisely justifies another look.  So let's begin


      1. In Hebrew, the word is yara'
      2. In the Old Testament, it has a three-fold range of meaning:
         a. Dread, terror - Deut 1:29; Jon 1:10
         b. To stand in awe (in reference to a king) - 1Ki 3:28
         c. To revere, to respect (in regards to parents) - Lev 19:3
      3. Notice when God descended upon Sinai amid geophysical
         convulsions - cf. Exo 20:18-20
         a. Moses encouraged the Israelites to not be afraid of God
            arbitrarily striking them dead for no reason ("Do not
         b. He informed them that the Lord revealed Himself in such a
            terrifying manner to scare them from sinning ("God has come
            to test you, and that His fear may be before you, so that
            you may not sin.")
      -- The proper kind of fear is that which causes one to stand in
         awe, to revere, to respect

      1. We are to  fear God, not man - Mt 10:28
      2. The early church walked in the fear of the Lord - Ac 9:31
      3. We are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling - Ph
      4. We should be fearful of apostasy, serving God with godly fear
         - He 10:26-31; 12:28-29
      -- The fear of the LORD is expressed in reverential submission to
         his will - NET Bible

[With a proper understanding of the fear of the Lord, we are more likely
to appreciate the value of the fear of Lord as revealed in the


      1. We will hate evil - Pr 8:13
      2. We will prolong life - Pr 10:27
      3. We have strong confidence and a fountain of life - Pr 14:26-27
      4. We will be prompted to depart from evil - Pr 16:6
      5. We will have a satisfying life, spared from much evil - Pro 19:23
      6. We will enjoy riches, honor, and life! - Pr 22:4
      -- Sounds wonderful, doesn't it?

      1. We deprive ourselves of the treasures of God's wisdom and
      2. We will flirt with evil and be corrupted by it
      3. Our lives are likely to be shortened by our refusal to heed
         God's word (e.g., suffering sexually transmitted diseases if we
         do not heed His Word on sexual relationships)
      4. We will not come to know the love of God that gives assurance
         and confidence of salvation
      5. When fallen into sin, we will not be motivated to repent and
         turn to God!
      6. We will not be motivated to truly "work out our own salvation"
      -- Sounds dreadful, doesn't it?

[The fear of the Lord should be a highly regarded and sought after
trait, one that we desire to develop in our lives.  With that in mind,
here are some suggestions on...]


      1. Just as faith comes by hearing the word of God - cf. Ro 10:17
      2. The same can be said for the fear of the Lord - cf. Deut 31:
         a. Israel was to gather every seven years to read and hear the
         b. The purpose?  "...that they may learn to fear the Lord"
      3. As one reads the Word of God, they should gain a healthy degree
         of the fear of the Lord
         a. For example, consider the words of Paul - Ro 2:4-11
         b. Or how about the words of Peter? - cf. 2Pe 3:7-14
      -- Do we allow the Word to develop a proper reverence for the

      1. To avoid extremes we must read all of God's Word
         a. Some read only about God's love, and have no fear of the
         b. Others read only about God's judgment, and know nothing of
            His loving kindness
         c. The one develops an attitude of permissiveness that
            belittles God's holiness and justice
         d. The other develops a psychosis of terror that forgets His
            grace and compassion
      2. Even in the passages noted above, the context of each speaks
         much of God's grace and forgiveness for those who will repent
         - cf. Ro 2:4-11; 2Pe 3:7-14
      -- We must be careful how we use the Word of God, but use it we


1. If we desire to be truly wise, then let us begin with the fear of the

2. Understanding it, appreciating it, and developing it in our lives as
   children of God!

   "Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had
   peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in
   the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied." - Ac 9:31

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011

From Mark Copeland... Two Invitations (Proverbs 9:1-18)

                         "THE BOOK OF PROVERBS"

                        Two Invitations (9:1-18)


1. In his discourses on the value of seeking after wisdom, Solomon has
   varied his approach...
   a. He makes his own appeal as a father to his son and children - cf.
      Pr 1:8; 4:1
   b. He personifies wisdom as a lady who invites people to pay heed
      - cf. Pr 1:20; 8:1

2. His final discourse presents a picture of two women, both extending
   a. One woman personifies wisdom - Pr 9:1-12
   b. The other personifies folly - Pr 9:13-18

[Whose invitation will we accept?  That of Lady Wisdom, or that of Woman
Folly?  Consider first...]


      1. Her beautiful home:  a large house with seven pillars - Pr 9:1
         a. The number seven suggests to many the idea of completeness
         b. Compare the seven-fold qualities of wisdom described by
            James - Jm 3:17
      2. Her sumptuous feast:  meat and wine, a furnished table - Pro 9:2
         a. Carefully prepared
         b. Beautifully presented
      -- Lady Wisdom has made great effort in making provisions

   B. HER PLEA...
      1. She wants to be heard - Pr 9:3
         a. She has sent out her maidens (reminding us of Jesus, sending
            His apostles)
         b. She cries out from the highest places of the city
      2. She invites the simple and those who lack understanding - Pro 9:4-6
         a. To eat and drink of her prepared feast
         b. To forsake foolishness and live, to go in the way of
      3. Why She won't invite scoffers - Pr 9:7-9
         a. Correcting a scoffer only shames and harms the one doing the
         b. The wise and just, however, appreciate and will learn from
      -- Lady Wisdom makes great effort to reach those who will listen

      1. Wisdom and understanding - Pr 9:10
         a. To those who fear the Lord
         b. To those who know the Lord
      2. Long life - Pr 9:11; cf. 3:2,16
         a. Days will be multiplied
         b. Years will be added
      3. To benefit one's self - Pr 9:12
         a. Wisdom will bless one's self (for you will have God's aid)
         b. Scorn, on the other hand, will hurt one's self (for you will
            bear things alone)
      -- Lady Wisdom wants you to have the best life possible!

[The invitation of Lady Wisdom is really quite tempting (in a good way).
Especially when we carefully consider the alternative...]


      1. She really makes no preparation
      2. Instead, she is "loud; she is seductive and knows nothing"
         (ESV) - Pr 9:13
      3. The Believers' Bible Commentary describes her as "loudmouthed,
         empty-headed, and brazenfaced"
      -- Compare her lack of preparation with that of Lady Wisdom

   B. HER PLEA...
      1. She sits at the door of her house - Pr 9:14a
         a. Unlike Lady Wisdom
         b. Who sent out Her maidens to be heard
      2. She sits on a high seat by the highest places of the city - Pro 9:14b
         a. Where Lady Wisdom also cries out - cf. Pr 9:3
         b. Note that Woman Folly cries out from a seated position
      3. She calls to those who pass by - Pr 9:15-16
         a. Especially the simple
         b. And those who lack understanding
      -- Woman Folly competes with Lady Wisdom for the souls of men

      1. That stolen water is sweet, and bread eaten in secret is
         pleasant - Pr 9:17
         a. An allusion to illicit intercourse - cf. Pr 5:15
         b. But it is a false promise - cf. Pr 20:17; 5:3-5
      2. The true promise is unknown to the simple lacking understanding
         - Pr 9:18
         a. Her home is the house of the dead - cf. Pr 2:18-19
         b. Her house is the way to hell - cf. Pr 5:5; 7:27
      -- Woman Folly, known best for her adulterous ways, promises much
         but delivers the worst life possible!


1. Whose invitation shall we accept...?
   a. That of Lady Wisdom, who has prepared much and delivers what she
   b. Or that of Woman Folly, who promises much and delivers the
   c. The choice should be obvious, even to the simple and those lacking

2. Thus ends the discourses of Solomon...
   a. Designed to encourage the acquisition of wisdom
   b. Illustrating the superiority of wisdom over folly

In our next study, we will continue our survey of Proverbs using a
topical approach...

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011

From Mark Copeland... Wisdom's Plea To Be Heard (Proverbs 8:1-36)

                         "THE BOOK OF PROVERBS"

                   Wisdom's Plea To Be Heard (8:1-36)


1. In our previous study, we found warnings against the immoral woman...
   a. Who seduces with her beauty and flattery - Pr 6:24-25
   b. Who in the open square lurks at every corner - Pr 7:12

2. In the eighth chapter, we once again find wisdom personified as a
   a. Similar to what we read earlier in these discourses - Pr 1:20-23
   b. Who cries out to be heard by the sons of men - Pr 8:3-4

[What does she have to say?  Why should we listen to her?  Let's study
the eighth chapter of Proverbs to found out, beginning with...]


      1. By crying out, lifting up her voice - Pr 8:1
      2. Not lurking in the corner (cf. Pr 7:12), but openly:
         a. On the top of the hill, beside the way, where paths meet
            - Pr 8:2
         b. By the gates, at the entry of the city - Pr 8:3

      1. By the sons of men - Pr 8:4
      2. By the simple ones and fools - Pr 8:5

      1. Excellent things, right things - Pr 8:6
      2. Words of truth and righteousness - Pr 8:7-8
      3. Things that are plain and right - Pr 8:9
      4. That which is better than silver, gold, rubies, and all that
         can be desired - Pr 8:10-11

[So wisdom is crying out to be heard by everyone, to share things of
great value.  Will we listen to her?  To encourage us to do so, read
further what she says about...]


      1. Prudence, knowledge and discretion - Pr 8:12
      2. The fear of the Lord, prompting her to hate pride, evil, and
         the perverse mouth - Pr 8:13
      3. Counsel and sound wisdom, understanding and strength - Pr 8:14

      1. To kings, princes, nobles, and justices, the ability to rule
         with justice - Pr 8:15-16
      2. To all who love her, riches, honor, righteousness, justice, and
         wealth - Pr 8:17-21

[Doesn't the value of wisdom make us want to hear her?  To help us
appreciate the value of wisdom even more, we next read of...]


      1. At the beginning of His way, before His works - Pr 8:22
      2. From everlasting, before there was an earth - Pr 8:23
      3. Before there were depths of water, or mountains and hills - Pro 8:24-25
      4. Before the earth was created, before the primal dust of the
         world - Pr 8:26

      1. When He prepared the heavens - Pr 8:27a
      2. When He created the world - Pr 8:27b-29
      3. She was beside Him as a master craftsman, rejoicing in His
         creation - Pr 8:30-31

[The wisdom utilized by God in the creation of the heavens and earth is
the voice crying out for us to hear!  If we have ears to hear, shall we
not hear?   Finally, we hear wisdom speak of...]


      1. They are blessed - Pr 8:32
      2. So hear her instruction and be wise, do not disdain it - Pro 8:33

      1. They are blessed - Pr 8:34a
      2. As they watch daily and wait - Pr 8:34b
      3. They find life and obtain favor from the Lord - Pr 8:35
      4. Unlike one who sins against her (he wrongs his own soul - Pro 8:36a
      5. Unlike those who hate her (they love death) - Pr 8:36b


1. So wisdom cries out to be heard...
   a. To share understanding and knowledge, truth and righteousness
   b. To bless our lives with riches and honor, especially that offered
      by the Lord

2. To whom shall we hearken...?
   a. To the woman lurking in the corners, whose house is the way to
      hell? - Pr 7:27
   b. Or the woman standing on the top of the high hill, and by the open
      gates? - Pr 8:1-3

The answer should be obvious...

   "Blessed is the man who listens to me (wisdom), Watching daily
   at my gates, Waiting at the posts of my doors. For whoever finds
   me finds life, And obtains favor from the LORD;"
                                          			   - Pr 8:34-35

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011

From Mark Copeland... Surety, Sloth, Scoundrels, And Strumpets (Proverbs 6:1-7:27)

                         "THE BOOK OF PROVERBS"

          Surety, Sloth, Scoundrels, And Strumpets (6:1-7:27)


1. The first nine chapters of Proverbs contain discourses extolling
   a. Praising it over folly
   b. Illustrating its value in life

2. Interspersed throughout are exhortations regarding wisdom...
   a. Warnings against foolish conduct
   b. Counsel on behavior that reflects wisdom

[Such is the case in the text for our study (Pr 6:1-7:27), where we
find warnings concerning "Surety, Sloth, Scoundrels, and Strumpets."
Let's start with the warning...]


      1. Do not become surety for a friend
      2. That is, do not make yourself liable for someone else's debt
      3. If you do, get out of it as quickly as possible
      4. If necessary, humble yourself and plead
      5. The warning is repeated in Proverbs - Pr 11:15; 17:18

      1. It may seem like kindness to cosign a loan for a friend
      2. But there are reasons it may not be (from the Believer's Bible
         a. You might be helping him to buy something which it is not
            God's will for him to have
         b. You might be encouraging him to be a spendthrift or even a
         c. If he defaults and you have to pay for something that is not
            your own, friendship will end and bitterness begin
      3. Thus it may be better to simply give or loan the money
         personally - cf. Mt 5:42

[From being too eager to help, we now turn to being too eager to sleep
as we consider a warning...]


      1. For sluggards who prefer sleep to work
      2. Learn wisdom from the lowly ant
      3. Observe her diligence without need of overseer
      4. How she provides in the summer and gathers in the harvest - cf.
         Pr 30:25
      5. The emphasis is on being diligent in one's work

      1. Laziness is the parent of poverty
      2. As taught elsewhere in the Proverbs - Pr 10:4; 13:4; 20:4
      3. You only steal from yourself when you are lazy
      4. Thus diligence in all that we do is the proper course - cf. Ecc 9:10; Ro 12:15

[From personal conduct in ourselves to that seen in others, we next find
a warning...]


      1. The tactics of the wicked described (especially a con man)
         a. Walks with a perverse mouth (crooked speech)
         b. Winks with his eyes, shuffles his feet, points with his
            fingers (winking and giving signals to deceive others, CEV)
         c. Perversity in his heart, devises evil continually (plotting
         d. Sows discord
      2. Somatic therapy truly perverted!
         a. Using the body in ways to deceive others
         b. Whereas earlier we read of better ways to use the body
            - cf. Pr 4:20-27
      3. Upon such a person calamity and destruction will come quickly

      1. The Lord hates such behavior
      2. It is an abomination to Him:
         a. A proud look (arrogance)
         b. A lying tongue (dishonesty)
         c. Hands that shed innocent blood (murder)
         d. A heart that devises wicked plans (contemplating evil)
         e. Feet that are swift running to evil (quick to do evil)
         f. A false witness who speaks lies (lying in giving public
         g. One who sows discord among brethren (note well:  this is
            ranked among lying and murder!)
      3. Conduct that destroys relationships with others is just as
         abominable as that which destroys our relationship with God

[Finally, resuming a thread first started in 2:16-19 and expounded
further in 5:1-23, we find a warning that starts in verse 20 and
continues throughout the seventh chapter...]


      1. Listen to your parents when they warn you
      2. They can keep you from the immoral woman
      3. Who seduces with flattery tongue and allures with her eyes
      4. Do not lust after her beauty in your heart
      5. An illustration of one caught up in this folly - cf. Pr 7:1-27

      1. She will reduce you to a crust of bread, and prey on your life
      2. She is too hot to handle safely, you will only burn yourself
      3. People may have a little tolerance for one who steals out of
      4. But no one has respect for a man who steals another's wife
      5. The husband in particular will never be appeased


1. Thus the wisdom found in Proverbs is seen to be very practical
   a. Guiding one in their own behavior
   b. Guarding one against the behavior of others

2. Warning us against such things as...
   a. Surety that ensnares
   b. Sloth that impoverishes
   c. Scoundrels that mislead and sow discord
   d. Strumpets that entice and destroy through the lust of the flesh

Will we heed the words of wisdom?  In our next study we will find Sophia
(wisdom) once again pleading for us to heed her cries...

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011