


Jn. 6:35-40 It is God's will that we have everlasting 
                   life & Christ lose none of His.

Jn. 17:6-12-20 Christ kept the apostles safe from 
                        harm and loss.

Jn. 18:1-9 Christ lost none of those given 
                 to Him (but Judas). This is an example of 
                 God's fulfillment of His will - our 

Jn. 10:25-30 No one can snatch what belongs to 
                    Christ out of the Father's hand.

Mt. 18:10-14 He will leave 99 to save one straying 
                     lamb. This is our assurance.

How does He go about caring for His sheep?

Heb. 1:13-14 His angels are ministering spirits sent 
                     to care for His own children.

Heb. 2:1-3 Though we are under His protection, we 
                  can chose to turn away.

Jn. 10:1-5 Our responsibility is to follow our 
                 Shepherd. He will protect us.

Jn. 1:5-ff We should choose to walk in His light & 
               confess our sins to Him. He will forgive. 
               This is our assurance.

1 Jn. 2:1-6 Christ is our advocate before the Father.  
                  In turn, we should be obedient to Him as 
                  a demonstration of our love for Him. By 
                  this we know that we are in Him. This 
                  is our assurance.

Remember 1 Pet. 3:21 Obedience is the answer of 
                                     a good conscience.

Mt. 11:28-29 "Come unto Me - take My yoke - learn 
                     from Me - find rest in Me".

Col. 2:4-10 To avoid being deceived and drawn 
                   away - walk in the way in which you 
                   received Christ (in faith & full of joy)
                   Be rooted & built up in Him & 
                   established in the faith (thru His word)
                   Remember, follow Him in whom you 
                   are complete - and not men.

Paul said these things so we not be deceived & drawn away:

Col. 1:19-23 Christ has reconciled us to the Father 
                     in His body (the church)

Col. 1:24-2:3 The mystery of God's will reveals His 
                      riches found in Christ.  Therein are 
                      found the treasures of wisdom & 

Remember the anchor of our hope & assurance

Heb. 6:17-ff We have assurance in two things: His 
                    promise & His oath. This hope is our 
                    anchor. It keeps us grounded so we 
                    won't drift.

From Jim McGuiggan... I stole some money

I stole some money

When I was very young we were really poor (mother bore thirteen of us). Not Angela’s Ashes poor but getting down there. We were another family in a vast throng of poor families. I thought it’d get better when I got older and it did but it took a while and when Ethel and I married (we were eighteen) it was still a real slog. [It’s been a very long time since I’ve been hungry or poor.]
I recently watched again the movie The Cinderella Man. It moved and inspired me and cut me to the core; tore off the scab that covered an old wound almost fifty years old. The movie’s a slice out of the life of a fine man, James J. Braddock. He and his family, like millions of others, were going through the Depression; jobless, hungry, sometimes literally and always virtually penniless. His little boy, driven by fear and hunger stole meat from a butcher. Braddock took the boy with him as he gave the meat back to the man before assuring the child of his love for him and solemnly telling him that no matter how poor and pressured they were, “We don’t steal!” That is moral heroism!
I once was given charge over some congregational money. When we got enough we were going to buy film strips and a recorder to teach the gospel to people. Life was hard at the time and I “borrowed” some of the money, fully intending to return it when I got it and before the full amount was reached. But the day of reckoning came suddenly and unexpectedly and my embezzling was uncovered. The shame of it! I’m not sure where I thought I might get the money to replace it and I suppose at that point I didn’t care to think much about it. In any case I stole some of it. I’ve committed many other crimes more heinous than that—none that I’ve completely forgotten. But Braddock’s grand character and his sweet but strong words to his child, “We don’t steal!” reminded me of those who continue to stand, even under great pressure, in places where I have fallen.
The poet, Wordsworth, taught us that what a great person does for us is this: he does something that was never done before but which, once it is done, becomes a standard for the rest of us, below which we can no longer be content.
[I finally repaid the money.]

©2004 Jim McGuiggan. All materials are free to be copied and used as long as money is not being made.

Many thanks to brother Ed Healy, for allowing me to post from his website, the abiding word.com

From Mark Copeland... The Preaching Ministry Of Jesus, Part 1

                          "THE GOSPEL OF MARK"

             The Preaching Ministry Of Jesus - I (1:14-15)


1. In Mk 1:14-15, we read of the beginning of Jesus' public ministry in
   a. Which followed the imprisonment of John the Baptist - cf. Mk 6:
   b. Which began at Capernaum, on the edge of the Sea of Galilee - cf.
      Mt 4:13

2. His public ministry involved "preaching"...
   a. "...preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God" - Mk 1:14
   b. The word "preach" (Gr., kerux) means "to herald, to proclaim"

[But what was the message Jesus proclaimed?  Is it a message we should
be preach today?  From our text (Mk 1:14-15) we first see that...]


      1. That kingdom of God foretold in book of Daniel
         a. A kingdom which shall never be destroyed - Dan 2:44
         b. A kingdom, along with glory and dominion, given to the Son
            of Man - Dan 7:13-14
      2. The kingdom of God involves four interrelated concepts
         a. God's kingship, rule, or recognized sovereignty
            1) The term "kingdom" as used by the Jews often stressed the
               abstract idea of rule or dominion, not a geographical
               area surrounded by physical boundaries
            2) basileia - royal power, kingship, dominion, rule; not to
               be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right
               or authority to rule over a kingdom - Thayer
         b. This rule of God is spiritual in nature
            1) It is not a physical kingdom - cf. Jn 18:36
            2) But one that is spiritual - cf. Ro 14:17
         c. Its visible manifestation today is in the form of the Lord's
            1) For the church is that community of souls in whose hearts
               God is Sovereign
            2) That the church constitutes the kingdom of God on earth,
               a) The term "church" and "kingdom" used interchangeably
                  - Mt 16:18
               b) Comments made to those who were in the church - Col 1:
                  13; 1Th 2:12
               c) The description of those in the churches of Asia - 
                  Re 1:4,6,9
         d. It has a future element as well as a present one
            1) Future aspect as spoken of by Jesus - Mt 25:34
            2) Future aspect as spoken of by Paul - 1Co 15:50; 2 Ti 4:18
            3) Future aspect as spoken of by Peter - 2Pe 1:10-11
      3. Thus the kingdom of God is both present and future
         a. In the present sense:
            1) It is found wherever the sovereignty of God is accepted
               in the hearts of men
            2) It is a spiritual kingdom, for God rules in the hearts of
            3) Its outward manifestation today is the Lord's church
            4) This rule or kingdom of God was "inaugurated" on the Day
               of Pentecost (Ac 2)
         b. In the future sense:
            1) The rule or kingdom of God will be "culminated" with the
               coming of the Lord
            2) It will involve that "news heaven and a new earth in
               which righteousness dwells", described by Peter and John
               - 2Pe 3:10-13; Re 21-22
            3) It will be experienced only by those in the church who
               are submitting to God's will today! - cf. Mt 7:21-23;
               2Pe 3:13-14
      -- The kingdom of God involves good news (gospel)!

      1. Most certainly!
         a. Philip "preached the things concerning the kingdom of God"
            - Ac 8:12
         b. The apostle Paul in his preaching and teaching:
            1) Spoke of the challenges in entering the kingdom in its
               future sense - Ac 14:22
            2) Reasoned and persuaded with people concerning the kingdom
               - Ac 19:8
            3) Had gone among the Ephesians, "preaching the kingdom of
               God" - Ac 20:25
            4) Solemnly testified of the kingdom of God to the Jews in
               Rome - Ac 28:23,30-31
         c. In his epistles, Paul wrote of:
            1) The nature of the kingdom - Ro 14:17
            2) Those who will not inherit the kingdom - 
               1Co 6:9-10; Ga 5:21; Ep 5:5
            3) Jesus giving the kingdom to God when He returns - 1Co 15:24-26
            4) How flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom - 1Co 15:50
            5) How we are in the kingdom now - Col 1:13
            6) His companions as fellow workers for the kingdom - Co
            7) How we might be counted worthy of the kingdom - 2Th 1:5
            8) God calling us into His kingdom and glory - 2Th 2:12
            9) Jesus judging us at His appearing and His kingdom - 2 Ti 4:1
           10) The Lord preserving him for His heavenly kingdom - 2 Ti 4:18
         d. Hebrews refers to our receiving a kingdom which can't be
            shaken - He 12:28
         e. James described the faithful poor as "heirs of the kingdom"
            - Jm 2:5
         f. Peter wrote how we might have an abundant entrance into the
            everlasting kingdom - 2Pe 1:10-11
         g. John was a brother and companion in the kingdom of Jesus
            Christ - Re 1:9
      2. Yet there is an important difference in our message today
         a. John the Baptist, Jesus, His disciples in the Limited
            Commission...all proclaimed the kingdom "at hand" (drawing
            1) For the rule of God as foretold by the prophets was about
               to be manifested - cf. Mk 1:14-15; Dan 2:44; 7:13-14
            2) During Jesus' earthly ministry that kingdom (reign) was
               yet future
            3) That was the "good news" (gospel) of the kingdom then:
               it was near!
         b. After the ascension of Christ, the preaching of the kingdom
            proclaimed it both present and future
            1) The rule of God is now being fully manifested through
               Jesus Christ - cf. Mt 28:18; Ep 1:20-22; 1Pe 3:22
            2) Those who "gladly receive" the message are added by the
               Lord Himself to His church or kingdom (i.e., the
               community of believers who submit to His authority)
               - cf. Ac 2:36-41,47; Col 1:13; Re 1:9
            3) Those who persevere to the end inherit the heavenly and
               everlasting kingdom of our Lord - Ac 14:22; 2Pe 1:10-11
      -- This is the good news (gospel) of the kingdom today:  it is
         both now and coming!


1. Thus "The Preaching Ministry Of Jesus" involved proclaiming the
   kingdom of God...
   a. The coming rule or reign of God
   b. As proclaimed by prophets like Daniel
   c. Was now "at hand", for "the time is fulfilled"!

2. But Jesus did more than just announce the coming of the kingdom of
   a. He called on people to repent
   b. He called on people to believe - Mk 1:15

We will examine His call for repentance and faith in our next study.  In
the meantime, we do well to ask ourselves, "Are we in the kingdom of God
today?"  The answer lies in whether we submit to the rule of God now
manifested in the person of Jesus Christ... - cf. Mt 28:18-20

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011

eXTReMe Tracker 

From Gary... You must have been a beautiful baby

1988 at Niagara falls
1978 at 10 year re-dedication

1965 (THE pin)

To one of my best boyfriends... 1964

Sung by James Darin

Oh ... you know, you know, you know, you know ...

You must a been a beautiful baby
You must a been a beautiful child
When you were only startin'
To go to kindergarten
I bet you drove those other childs wild!

Oh yeah ... oh yeah ... oh yeah ...
An' when it came to winnin' blue ribbons
Well ... I bet you taught the other kids how
Well, I can see the judge's eyes
As they handed you the prize
I bet you took the cutest bow!

Yeah! You must a been a beautiful baby
'cause baby won't you look at you now.

Oh yeah ... oh yeah ... oh yeah ...

You must a have been a beautiful baby
You must a have been a beautiful child
When you were only startin'

To go to kindergarten
I know you drove the other childs wild.
An' I wasn't even there.

An' when you came to winnin' blue ribbons
Hey ... I know you taught those other kids how
Well, I can see the judge's eyes
As they handed you the prize
I know you made the cutest bow!

Yeah! You must a been a beautiful baby
‘cause baby won't you look at you now.
Oh, I mean ... I mean ... oh, beautiful ...
Oh, beautiful ...
Oh, beautiful ...

Oh, beautiful ...
Oh, beautiful ...
Oh, beautiful ...

Aah, I know you're beautiful ... too beautiful for words ...

Last night I looked at Facebook before going to bed (big mistake, it kept me up far too late) and noticed that our oldest daughter, Darlene had put some recent photos on line.  I was amazed at how gracefully her and her younger sister had aged and even commented that "Dar" was still a "babe".  I didn't think anything more of it until this morning until I awoke thinking of my wife and our life together.  Above, you will find some of my favorite pictures of Linda (and sometimes myself) over the years.  As I said before, I awoke thinking of Linda and also with the song James Darin sang in 1961.  So, I went backwards in time until I found her baby picture. FYI... She is the second from the left.  Of course, this reminded me of a verse from the proverbs...

Proverbs, Chapter 5

 18 Let your spring be blessed.
Rejoice in the wife of your youth.

Anything else I could say could never top this simple statement of Proverbs.  It is true and I rejoice because of my blessing!!!!

PS.  Although I am a bit prejudiced... I think her baby picture is BEAUTIFUL !!!!