
From Ben Fronczek... Stinkin Thinkin

Things That Sabotage Our Success – Part 1 ‘Stinkin Thinkin’

Stinkin Thinkin          By Ben Fronczek

As we begin a New Year many of us think about New Year resolutions, maybe new goals, or things we want to accomplish. But after considering and looking at some great accomplishments of others, I have to confess that there have been times when I have had some great ideas about things I would like to do, but that’s as far as I got; great ideas but I did not act on them.
And I know that I am not the only one guilty of this. As I thought about this problem, I have came to the realization that there are many things in this world that hinder and keep us from achieving our goals or dreams. There are things that stop us from doing fantastic, meaningful things, or hinder us from doing something of real substance with our life.
Over the next few weeks I would like to talk about some of these things that hinder us or short circuit our ambition. I want to talk about this because I truly believe that we designed to do great things; because as I read it in the Bible, God created us that way…. He created us in His own image. And if that is so we should be able to do some amazing things.
You see God knows more about us and our potential than we do. We are designed for glory. We have an awesome potential and He know it better than we do.
Before God disbursed the people of the earth at the Tower of Babel, because of their wickedness, God made an interesting statements as to the ability and potential of man.      

Read Genesis 11:1-7 (Especially take note of Verse 6 in red)

“Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 2 As men moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”
But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building.  The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”

When I consider some of the awesome things that people have done, I have to admit, I am blown away. The building of amazing projects, the advances in science and technology, inventions that are beyond my comprehension, I wonder how can anybody come up with some of the stuff that’s out there.  How can anyone plan and build or even take on such huge projects?

And I’ve come to realize, I just don’t think that big. And then for some reason like many others, I occasionally sabotage myself with negative thoughts and attitudes. Do you know what I am talking about? Like taking a year to travel around the world, or like owning and living in really big house, or doing something really important to benefit mankind, or writing a book to inspire other, or starting a new business…And what do some of us do when we imagine these kind of things?  We short circuit those dreams by thinking, “I can’t do anything like that.” Or think that these dreams are beyond our ability.

We can even short circuit following through with these great ideas because of a negative view of our self, and by putting our self down and believing, ‘I can’t or don’t deserve more that what I already have.

In Proverbs 23:7 King Solomon wrote a truth for the ages. The verse basically states

‘As a man thinks in himself, so is he.’ ASV

According to Solomon, what we think, how we think, will directly affect who we are and what we end up doing with our life. We are not going to be victorious if we are always walking around with a defeated attitude.

You are not going to step out and do big and wonderful things for this world or for yourself if you think that you are insignificant, weak, or unworthy. You won’t even try. But it doesn’t have to be this way. That’s not part of God’s design for us.

I remember reading a story years ago about a couple on vacation and they stayed in a motel on Lake George. The middle aged man was a good man who had achieved a moderate level of success at his own business.  While on a cruise ship that goes all the way up the lake the man was thinking that he had reached a comfortable level of success for who he was.
As they cruised up the shoreline they saw one of those large houses on the shore line that just blew them both away. It was beautiful, more a small mansion that a house. It had big beautiful windows that over looked the lake. It had big beautiful decks and porches. It was nicely landscaped with an Adirondack camp look. It even had attached boat house where one could walk down stairs inside their home to their boat garage, get in their boat, push the garage door button and cruise out on to the open water in one of their boats. It was so picturesque, so peaceful looking on the water, surrounded by mountains and small beaches.

As the man look out at the house he commented to his wife saying, I can’t even imagine living in a place like that none the less owning something like that.”   As he said the words, immediately something inside his head said, ‘Don’t worry with a mindset like that you won’t – you will never live in a great place like that!’

The man correctly realized that his own thoughts and negative attitude were shutting him down, stifling him into believing that he did not deserve, nor would he ever possess such a beautiful home.

At that very moment he corrected himself by determining right there that he should believe in himself and to trust in God’s ability to do awesome things through him and for him.
AND, it’s the same with us. If you don’t think that you can do something, that you can build something like a great business, or if you don’t think that you’ll ever acquire something here in your head, you probably never will.

We not only have this awesome ability and potential to do so much, I also believe our God the Father wants to help us, His children,  do wonderful things. 

My favorite Bible verse is 2 Chronicles 16:9  

“For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.”    

Do you see how God wants to help His own? How big can you dream?    Have you ever thought about this church having a membership of 2 or 3 hundred?      Have you ever thought about traveling around the world helping people, serving as a missionary in some capacity?
What about working your dream job or starting a new business?
What about living in a certain area or a certain kind of house?
How big can you dream?  If I understand this correctly, we have to conceive it, or imagine something on the inside before we are ever going to receive it.
But if you do imagine something great, what do some of us do? We sabotage it!  We bury it because we think too small, and we don’t believe we can do any more than we are doing right now. The barrier is in our mind.

It’s not because God lacks the resources and desire to bless us, most of the time it’s not even because you personally lack the talent or recourses. Rather it’s our own wrong thinking that stifles us and keeps us from getting what God would probably love to bless us with.

I once heard this called, “Stinkin Thinkin”.   It’s a lack of vision, and a lack of faith. Unless you and I are willing to change our thinking, and even enlarge our vision and view of ourselves, we are going to stay right where we are.

I think we should dream big and try to reach greater heights in our life.        Most of us to some extent have already done this. Almost everybody here in our church owns their own home, car, maybe more than one car. We have jobs. Some own a business they chose to be in. At one time you could only dream about having these things, and now you have them whether you what them, appreciate them or not. You imagined having that car, that truck, a house, or farm, and now you have it.

My point is you don’t have to stop, or give up dreaming and trying to fulfill more dreams. Picture in your mind where you want to be, how you want to live, and see your life getting better. See yourself doing what you always wanted to be doing. See yourself starting a new business. See yourself going on a nice vacation. See yourself retiring. See this church growing with all kind of neat programs, even buying a piece of land and building an awesome church building and then move forward with it believing that it will all eventually materialize.

You may think I’m being silly, that nothing is going to change. I think that kind of thinking is stinken thinken. These kind of dreams are attainable!

If all you can do is think about how hard it is, and how you can’t do this or that, and imagine only defeat and failure, that is exactly what you are headed for.   But if you develop an image of victory, success, joy, peace, happiness, nothing on earth will be able to keep you from these things except God Himself.

Paul knew this. In Philippians he wrote, 

“I can do everything (all things) through Him who gives me strength”.      

Paul knew where his own strength and power to do awesome things came from,,,, our Lord!

The Apostle Paul wrote about this to the Ephesians 3:20-21  

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”

Paul here said that ‘God is able to do more than we ask for or can even imagine thru His power that is at work in us’                                                                         

I believe that God wants us to be all that we can be.  He wants us to rise to new heights. He wants to increase you in wisdom and knowledge and help you make better decisions, and help you see and accomplish what others cannot.

If you want this, you must think bigger, increase your vision, and get rid of the  ’stinken thinken’, the self imposed limits we put on ourselves. Some of you may already have some goals, things that you would like to accomplish. But then again there are some here who want to do something, but don’t know what it is.

I believe God will show us the way at just the right time. But I think sometimes when He give us an idea we don’t recognize it’s from God. Too many times we don’t believe we can do what He shows us. He plants a seed in our heart and we continue to keep burying it even further…so deep in fact that it cannot grow.

Maybe God wants to improve your marriage. Maybe He wants to improve your family. Maybe He wants to free you from some bad habits or an addiction, or free you from debt, change your career or do something you can’t imagine yet.. Don’t say no, it can’t be done because it can.
Today I encouraging you to open the eyes of your heart, and stop doubting your God given ability and together let’s move on to the place where God wants us to be.

It may mean a lot of work, or what may seem like taking a few chances, but I’ve learned that if you do a little bit ever day eventually you can accomplish even a large task. Jesus said that if you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can tell a mountain to get up and move from here to there.

Do you believe or are you plagued with stinkin thinking?
The choice is yours. You can do great things, but first you have to believe.

For more lessons click on the following link: http://granvillenychurchofchrist.org/?page_id=566



Not far from where I live is the Shimna River that flows down the Mourne Mountains and into the Irish Sea. As a youngster I used to go there with the boy’s club. Fast flowing, cold as ice and clear as crystal, sparkling with a million lights in the sunshine, leaping, foaming, gurgling, laughing at rocky obstacles, slowly whirling in silence now and then to catch its breath before jumping over a rocky edge again in reckless adventure, heading for the sea. That’s what I remember.

And here is a tiny vial of it in a laboratory and a wise man is daring to tell us that what’s in this glass tube is the Shimna River. Well, actually, he didn’t have the nerve to call it the Shimna River—he said it was H2O. Oh I don’t doubt the accuracy of his learning or its importance, but even truth accurately told can obliterate the sense of excitement of living truth that transcends one aspect of any truth.

True lovers of flowers have their reservations about even good-natured botanists with their horrible specimen dishes and tiny spades! "You see?" she says, as she pulls to pieces an exquisite creation. "This is the stem, here’s the petal and the stamens and the calyx." And as she goes on ripping and dissecting, "Here’s the corona...." and before you know it you have a withering heap that is no flower at all. The grace, the poise, the witchery and the beauty are all gone.

And, God forgive us, but some of us, before we’re done, we have the living, vibrant, gallant, redeeming and glorious Christ lying before us, a pile of old dogmas, bits of accurate information and the ground and support of hundreds of moral opinions. In our teaching/preaching we confront people, entire congregations of people, with facts, information, explanation—great firewood no doubt but there's no fire.

Do you know the difference between a verbal description of a lovely daisy or your precious grandchild? Do you know the difference between the verbal description of a glass of water and that cold, crystal liquid that you’re gulping down at the end of a hot and dusty walk? Can you guess the difference between an accurate analysis and description of a savage and aggressive cancer and the one that’s actually stealing your beloved?

Can you imagine the difference between the preacher’s sermon or the teacher’s lesson and the exalted Jesus Christ who looks at you even now? You can sense the difference between a photograph of someone you adore and their very personal presence but can you imagine the shock of joy (or something else) if Jesus Christ were actually standing before you?

Don’t allow anyone to dismiss words. They are indispensable to fullness of life. It’s invincible stupidity to despise Bible study! But Jesus Christ is bigger than the gifted preacher’s puny little gift or the wise teacher’s pitiful store of knowledge and wisdom. He’s profoundly more than the hymns we sing. He’s infinitely greater than even the Bible. This is personal! He’s no abstraction or a set of truths. As surely as Shakespeare is greater than his plays and Beethoven is greater than his compositions so Jesus Christ is greater than his church or his creation and all the speakers in the entire universe.

And because he is personal we must surely see to it that we talk to him and not just about him; that we talk about him while we're talking about him.

From Mark Copeland... The Lawful Use Of The Law (1 Timothy 1:8-11)

                     "THE FIRST EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY"

                   The Lawful Use Of The Law (1:8-11)


1. A major problem in the early church was a proper understanding of the
   law of Moses...
   a. Some Jewish Christians sought to bind it upon Gentile Christians
      - cf. Ac 15:1-6
   b. Some Jewish Christians continued to observe certain elements of
      the Law - cf. Ac 21:20

2. The issue prompted several epistles from Paul...
   a. To the church at Rome
   b. To the churches in Galatia
   c. To the church at Colosse
   d. To the Hebrew Christians in Palestine (if Paul be the author)

3. It was evidently a problem in the church at Ephesus...
   a. Where Paul left Timothy - 1Ti 1:2-4
   b. Where some strayed as in their use of the Law - 1Ti 1:5-7

4. A similar problem often exists today, where people...
   a. Fail to understand the purpose and limitations of the Law
   b. Use the Law in ways that are not lawful

[But as Paul writes, the Law (of Moses) is good when used lawfully (1 Ti
1:8-11).  From his words in this text and elsewhere, let's examine


      1. As Paul wrote later in his second epistle to Timothy - 2 Ti 3:14-17
         a. Referring to the Scriptures Timothy knew from childhood
         b. An obvious reference to the Old Testament, including the Law
            of Moses
      2. Appeal was often made to the Old Testament in discussing the
         nature of salvation
         a. As when Philip preached Christ to the eunuch - cf. Ac 8:
         b. As when James spoke at the conference in Jerusalem - cf. Ac 15:13-17
         c. As when Paul wrote to the Christians in Rome - cf. Ro 4:1-8
      -- We can learn much about our salvation in Christ from the Law!

      1. There is much we can learn about God in the Old Testament
         a. His omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscience - cf. Ps 139
         b. His longsuffering and mercy, His justice and righteous
            indignation - cf. Ps 103
         c. His providential workings in the affairs of nations and men
            - cf. Dan 2,4,5
      2. There is much we can learn about mankind
         a. The origin and fall of man - cf. Gen 1-3
         b. The weakness of man and need for redemption - cf. Ps 51
      -- We can learn much about God and our need for Christ from the

      1. The Law contains principles of righteousness that remain true
         throughout time
         a. Condemning such sins as murder, fornication, homosexuality,
            kidnapping, lying, etc.
         b. When admonishing Christians regarding basic principles of
            righteousness, the apostles often appealed to the Old
            Testament - e.g., Ro 12:19-21; 1Pe 3:8-12; He 12:4-7
      2. The Law reveals much about sin
         a. The nature and spread of sin - Ga 3:19
         b. The condemnation of sin - Ro 3:19-20
      -- We can learn much about sin and its terrible consequences from
         the Law!

      1. As Paul in his epistles to churches in Rome and Corinth - Ro 15:4; 1Co 10:11-12
         a. The Old Testament was written for our learning, that we
            might have hope
         b. The Old Testament was written for our admonition, that we
            might not fall
      2. God's dealings with Israel serves as an example for the church
         a. As God's elect, corporate Israel received the promises, but
            some individuals did not
         b. As God's elect, the church as a whole will be saved, but as
            individuals we must make our calling and election sure - cf.
            1Pe 2:9-10; 2Pe 1:10
      -- From the Law we can learn much about the very real danger of
         apostasy! - e.g., He 3:8-4:1

[Yes, "the law is good if one uses it lawfully."  What then would be some
examples of the Law being used improperly...?]


      1. What Paul described as 'idle talk', the result of ignorance
         - 1Ti 1:6-7
      2. What he described as "foolish disputes, genealogies,
         contentions, and strivings about the law" - Tit 3:9
      -- Have you noticed how often false teachers appeal to the OT to
         promulgate their false doctrines?

      1. This was the error of the Judaizing teachers, who demanded that
         Gentile Christians must be circumcised and keep the Law of
         Moses - cf. Ac 15:1,5
      2. It renders the death of Christ meaningless - Ga 2:21
      -- Seeking justification (salvation) by the Law separates one from
         Christ! - Ga 5:4

      1. Paul evidently had no problem with Jewish Christians (including
         himself) observing various elements of the Law as a personal
         matter while the temple was still standing - cf. Ac 16:1-3;
         18:18,21; 21:18-26; 1Co 9:19,20
      2. But he drew the line when attempts were made to bind such on
         Gentile Christians - cf. Ga 2:3-5; Col 2:16
      3. For the death of Christ broke down the Law which divided Jew
         and Gentile - Ep 2:14-16
      -- Some have sought to bind various Jewish feast days, the
         Sabbath, dietary restrictions upon the church; this is an
         unlawful use of the Law!

      1. Some have appealed to the Law to justify various practices in
         their worship
         a. E.g., separate priesthood, special clothing, building of
         b. E.g., burning of incense, instrumental music, even animal
      2. Yet the New Covenant ushered in a more spiritual worship
         a. As Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well - Jn 4:20-24
         b. The worship under the Law of Moses:
            1) Was "symbolic for the present time" - He 9:9
            2) Contained "fleshly ordinances imposed until the time of
               reformation" - He 9:10
      -- To appeal to the Law as authority for any practice in worship
         fails to recognize that the time of reformation has come!


1. As Paul wrote to the brethren at Rome:  "Therefore the law is holy,
   and the commandment holy and just and good." - Ro 7:12

2. Even so, the Law had its limitations...
   a. It was designed to be temporary, until the coming of Christ - Ga 3:19,23-25
   b. It could not provide true redemption from sin - He 9:9; 10:1-4

3. Thus the Law of Moses today is not designed to make one righteous
   (1Ti 1:9), for true justification and sanctification comes only
   through the work of Christ

4. Our understanding and application of the Law must be governed by and
   in harmony with the sound doctrine and gospel teachings of the
   apostles - cf. 1Ti 1:10b-11

Appreciate the lawful use of the Law, and benefit thereby, while being
careful of it's unlawful use...!

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011

From Gary... The union of facts and faith

Harland Sanders


Yesterday was a day of errands.  While driving through Dade City, I drove past the KFC fast food restaurant and noticed a $19.99 special and thought- that is a lot for "just chicken", but then I remembered how good it was and purposed in myself to partake once I reach my goal weight.  It is hard not think of Kentucky Fried Chicken without thinking of Harland Sanders.  For me (and probably most of us) he is (rather was) the face we automatically think of when we remember KFC.  I was curious about him, because I had heard that he started his franchising after retirement age- which gives me encouragement and brightens my future (knowing that anything is possible, even when old).  But, I wanted to get the story straight, so I first went to wikipedia and then biography.com to investigate.  Luke did something similar (but without modern computers) as this passage says...

Luke Chapter 1
 1 Since many have undertaken to set in order a narrative concerning those matters which have been fulfilled among us,  2 even as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word delivered them to us,  3 it seemed good to me also, having traced the course of all things accurately from the first, to write to you in order, most excellent Theophilus;  4 that you might know the certainty concerning the things in which you were instructed. 

Acts, Chapter 1
 1 The first book I wrote, Theophilus, concerned all that Jesus began both to do and to teach,  2 until the day in which he was received up, after he had given commandment through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen.  3 To these he also showed himself alive after he suffered, by many proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days, and speaking about God’s Kingdom.  4 Being assembled together with them, he commanded them, “Don’t depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which you heard from me.   5  For John indeed baptized in water, but you will be baptized in the Holy Spirit not many days from now.” 

  6  Therefore when they had come together, they asked him, “Lord, are you now restoring the kingdom to Israel?” 

  7  He said to them, “It isn’t for you to know times or seasons which the Father has set within his own authority.   8  But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. You will be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth.” 

  9  When he had said these things, as they were looking, he was taken up, and a cloud received him out of their sight.  10 While they were looking steadfastly into the sky as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white clothing,  11 who also said, “You men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who was received up from you into the sky will come back in the same way as you saw him going into the sky.” 

Christianity is based on facts; the documented historical facts about Jesus and what transpired after his ascension into the heavens are overwhelming!!!  True, there are concepts about the Christian faith that can only be understood by faith, but Jesus was real, what his followers did was as well.  Many follow him and many hate him, but HE was who HE said HE was and the choice to believe truth when it is right in front of you is YOUR CHOICE.  Harland Sanders was an interesting man, who left a great legacy, but what is mere fried chicken compared to ETERNAL LIFE?  While eating your Christmas meal today, you might think for a moment of this Harland Sanders and what he accomplished in the food industry, but be sure to remember Jesus, whose legacy is documented in the new testament and lived in the lives of his followers. To me, this last thought is better than any fried chicken that could ever be- how about you?