
You CAN DO IT!!!

When I placed this picture, I deliberately sized it to it original size because I thought it would make more of an impact.  I succeeded!!!  At least I think I did!!!  I wanted to do this to emphasize the monumental size of the mountain.  To me, this awesome peak represents life; specifically, the Christian one.  We all start at the base with whatever spirituality God has blessed us with and start on our journey to the highest pinnacle we can reach in this life.  But, how do we get there?  The following passage from the book of 2nd Peter will show us the way...

WEB: II Peter Chapter 1

[1] Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have obtained a like precious faith with us in the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ: [2] Grace to you and peace be multiplied in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, [3] seeing that his divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and virtue; [4] by which he has granted to us his precious and exceedingly great promises; that through these you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world by lust. [5] Yes, and for this very cause adding on your part all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence; and in moral excellence, knowledge; [6] and in knowledge, self-control; and in self-control patience; and in patience godliness; [7] and in godliness brotherly affection; and in brotherly affection, love. [8] For if these things are yours and abound, they make you to be not idle nor unfruitful to the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. [9] For he who lacks these things is blind, seeing only what is near, having forgotten the cleansing from his old sins. [10] Therefore, brothers, be more diligent to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never stumble. [11] For thus you will be richly supplied with the entrance into the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The Christian life is a wonderful one, with fellow Christians who actually care about you; who want the best for you!!!  Find that outside of Christ... you just can't!   We love each other, care for each other and help each other!!!  Christianity brings people together who otherwise would never, ever mingle.  Its that diversity of culture and the love of God that makes the difference.  And WE CHANGE.  How?  By adding the highlighted characteristics that Peter mentions in this verse; that's how!!!  As we climb our own mountain of spirituality, we add more and more of Peter's list to our everyday life.  Just keep doing these things; never stop, never!!!  Keep looking up to God for help and encourage our brethren to do the same!!!  What a wonderful journey.... and the view... heavenly!!!!

"THE BOOK OF JOB" Young Elihu Speaks (32-37) by Mark Copeland


                       Young Elihu Speaks (32-37)


1) To examine Elihu's perspective in the debate regarding Job's

2) To notice how Elihu appears to prepare Job for what the Lord will
   have to say


We are now introduced to a new voice in this discussion.  Having
remained silent up to this point because of his youth, Elihu now
speaks.  Angry with Job justifying himself rather than God, and by the
inability of Job's friends to provide an answer, Elihu feels compelled
to speak (32:1-33:7).  He takes issue with Job's claim of innocence
while charging God with counting him as His enemy.  He proposes that
God often uses various means to keep man from death ("the Pit"),
including chastening with pain.  Therefore Job should be looking at
suffering as a disciplinary measure from a loving God, not as a
punitive measure from one's enemy (33:8-33).

The bulk of Elihu's speech then focuses on the justice of God, which
Elihu feels Job has maligned.  Elihu charges Job with adding to his sin
by multiplying words against God without knowledge (34:1-35:16).  He
concludes his speech with an effort to speak on God's behalf and by
ascribing righteousness to the Almighty.  This he does by reviewing
God's justice and majesty.  The former as seen in His dealings with
man, the latter as seen in His dealings in nature.  With an admonition
for Job to stand still and consider the wondrous works of God, Elihu
seems to be preparing Job for what is about to follow (36:1-37:24).



   A. FOR HE IS ANGRY (32:1-5)
      1. When Job's three friends are silent, Elihu's wrath is aroused
         a. They ceased answering Job because he still considered
            himself righteous
         b. Elihu, son of Barachel the Buzite, of the family of Ram
            (cf. Gen 22:20-21), is now ready to speak
      2. He is angry at both Job and his three friends (32:2b-5)
         a. At Job, because he justified himself rather than God
         b. At his friends, because they provided no real answer and
            yet condemned Job
         c. He had waited to speak because of his youth, but the
            silence from the three men made him angry

      1. He held off speaking earlier, because of his youth (32:6-7)
         a. The age difference had made him afraid to speak
         b. He believed that age should speak, for it should teach
      2. But aged men are not always wise (32:8-9)
         a. The breath of the Almighty (i.e., the Spirit) also gives
            man understanding
         b. Age alone does not guarantee wisdom and understanding of
      3. Therefore he will declare his own opinion (32:10-14)
         a. For he has carefully listened to their reasoning
         b. Yet they have not convinced Job or answered his words

   C. FOR HE IS COMPELLED (32:15-22)
      1. By their silence (32:15-17)
         a. They are dismayed, and words escape them
         b. He has waited because they did not speak
         c. Therefore he will have his say
      2. By the spirit within him (32:18-20)
         a. His belly is like wine ready to burst the wineskins
         b. He must speak to find relief
      3. By his desire to be impartial (32:21-22)
         a. His prayer is to show partiality to no one
         b. He does not know how to flatter, for fear that his Maker
            would take him away

      1. He speaks pure knowledge from an upright heart (33:1-3)
         a. He pleads with Job to listen to what he says
         b. His words are sincere, and his knowledge is pure
      2. He can be as Job's spokesman before God (33:4-7; cf. 13:20-22)
         a. He was created by the Spirit of God, let Job see if he can
            answer him
         b. Job does not need to fear him, for he too has been formed
            out of clay


   A. GOD IS GRACIOUS (33:8-33)
      1. Job, you are wrong in charging God as your enemy (33:8-13)
         a. Elihu has heard Job profess his innocence while counting
            God as his enemy
         b. This is not right, for God is greater than man and not
            accountable to man
      2. God uses various ways to speak to man (33:14-28)
         a. Even though man may not heed what God is saying
         b. Such as dreams or visions, to turn man back
         c. Such as chastening him with pain
         d. Such as special messengers
            1) Sent to deliver him from the Pit
            2) Sent to restore him back to God
      3. God's purpose is disciplinary, not simply punitive (33:29-33)
         a. Done to direct man away from the Pit
         b. Done to enlighten man with the light of life
         c. Therefore Job should listen to one as Elihu to teach him

   B. GOD IS JUST (34:1-35:16)
      1. Elihu proclaims God's justice (34:1-37)
         a. He calls upon Job and his friends to listen to him
         b. He rebukes Job
            1) For charging God of taking away his justice
            2) For saying that it does not profit man to delight in God
         c. He proclaims that God is righteous and just in His dealings
            with man
            1) Far be it from God to do wickedness or pervert justice
            2) In His power God shows no partiality, but repays man
               according to his works
         d. He charges Job with sinning by how he spoken against God
      2. Elihu condemns Job's reasoning (35:1-16)
         a. He reproves Job for thinking righteousness does not profit
         b. He claims that God is too great to be manipulated by man's
            little deeds
         c. He contends that God may not respond to cries for help
            because of man's pride
         d. He counsels Job to be patient and wait for God's justice,
            for Job has been speaking prematurely and foolishly

   C. GOD IS GREAT (36:1-37:24)
      1. Elihu proclaims God's goodness (36:1-23)
         a. Asking Job to bear with him as he ascribes righteousness to
         b. Claiming that God may use affliction to draw the righteous
            to Himself
         c. Job needs to take heed, for he has begun to act like the
      2. Elihu proclaims God's majesty (36:24-37:24)
         a. God's greatness is beyond comprehension, as seen in the
            rain cycle
         b. God's greatness is seen in the thunder, snow, and rain
         c. In view of such greatness, what can man teach God?


1) Why had Job's three friends stop speaking? (32:1)
   - Because Job was righteous in his own eyes

2) Who now begins to speak? (32:2)
   - Elihu, son of Barachel the Buzite, of the family of Ram

3) Why was Elihu angry with Job? (32:2)
   - Because Job justified himself rather than God

4) Why was Elihu angry with Job's three friends? (32:3)
   - Because they had provided no real solution, yet condemned Job

5) Why had Elihu held off speaking until now? (32:4)
   - Because he was much younger

6) According to the outline above, what four reasons are given for why
   Elihu now speaks?
   - He is angry (32:1-5)
   - Wisdom is not limited to the aged (32:6-14)
   - He is compelled (32:15-22)
   - He believes he can help Job (33:1-7)

7) With what statements of Job does Elihu take issue? (33:8-12)
   - "I am innocent, and there is no iniquity in me."
   - "Yet He (God) finds occasion against me, He counts me as His

8) What examples does Elihu provide of God's effort to save man from
   death? (33:14-30)
   - Dreams or visions in the night
   - Chastening with pain
   - Sending messengers

9) How then does Elihu view the reason for Job's suffering?
   - As disciplinary, from a gracious God; not punitive, as from an

10) What two statements of Job does Elihu respond to next? (34:5-9)
   - "I am righteous, but God has taken away my justice."
   - "It profits a man nothing that he should delight in God."

11) What is Elihu's response? (34:10,12)
   - "Far be it from God to do wickedness, and from the Almighty to
     commit iniquity."
   - "Surely God will never do wickedly, nor will the Almighty pervert

12) What does Elihu then go on to describe? (34:16-30)
   - The impartial justice of God

13) Of what sin does Elihu charge Job? (34:37)
   - Rebellion; multiplying his words against God

14) How does Elihu answer Job's complaint that it profits a man nothing
    to delight in God? (35:4-7)
   - God is not manipulated by man's actions

15) What reason does Elihu give for why God might not answer the cries
    of men? (35:12)
   - Because of their pride

16) Maintaining that God is just, what does Elihu counsel Job? (35:14)
   - To wait for Him

17) What does Elihu feel that Job has done? (35:16)
   - Opened his mouth in vain, multiplying words without knowledge

18) At this point, what does Elihu presume to do? (36:2-3)
   - To speak on God's behalf, and to ascribe righteousness to his

19) What does he first proclaim concerning God? (36:5-23)
   - God's goodness and justice, as shown toward the righteous and

20) What does he then proclaim concerning God? (36:24-37:24)
   - God's majesty and greatness, as seen in His dealings with nature

21) What does Elihu counsel Job to therefore do? (37:14)
   - Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God

22) What are Elihu's closing words? (37:23-24)
   - As for the Almighty, we cannot find Him; He is excellent in power,
     in judgment and abundant justice; He does not oppress
   - Therefore men fear Him; He shows no partiality to any who are wise
     of heart