


Is there anyone, I wonder—is there anyone professing the name of the blessed Lord Jesus who does not know we are called to pursue holiness without which we can’t see God?

Is there any Christian who doesn’t know that Christians are called to live lives worthy of God?
I’d be willing to bet there is not one! I’d be willing to bet that the vast majority of Christians have known that truth since they were young children.

How is it then that from our pulpits and lecterns pours a ceaseless stream of, “Let’s all strive to be better people”? We don’t hear such preaching and teaching now and then; we hear it week after week after week.
"Yes, but surely people need to remember and so need to be reminded."
Week after week after week for decades?

And, in addition, remember what? What are they to remember?
Why was it that Israel was called to leave the edges of the fruitful fields for the poor? Why was Israel called to treat the aliens among them with fairness and compassion? Why was Israel called to honor its parents and speak the truth rather than bearing false witness?

Again and again and again the ground for such calls is this: “For I am the Lord your God who brought you up out of the land of Egypt!”
And what does that clause and claim involve? If we are to speak on it, how should we unpack it?
“Why would it need unpacked? We’re all completely familiar with it.”
Is that so?
It’s precisely that Story that God told Israel—who experienced the events—it was precisely that Story that God told Israel to rehearse in every setting of life!
“Tell it,” he says, “in the house and out of it, in the field and out of it, on your bed at night and at your work in the morning and during the day, when you plough your fields and harvest them—in season and out of season tell them about me and how I have revealed myself and my purpose.”
It’s what we assume we’re familiar with that we barely nod at. What God has done, is doing and says he will complete in the Lord Jesus, that we take for granted. We don’t saturate our people with the good news; we don’t drench them with the gospel.

Our teachers and preachers spend the bulk of their [and our] time with interesting information as “filler” and “background” before offering us bits and pieces of social theory as ways and means to fine-tune marriages, raise children, handle grief and loss, balance finances, develop patience and other virtues and, on rare occasions, how to become evangelistic.
They call on a database of familiar verses—familiar because often quotedverses that aren’t developed and are left without context and so, in many ways, the verses are not what they are as they sit in the Bible.
For example, Matthew 28:19 is a command for all of us to evangelize—the word “go” proves that. But the word “therefore” is rarely if ever developed. The command “go” is expounded and the “therefore” is nodded at. The astonishing claim of Jesus is not developed, either in relation to heaven and earth or in relation to those he sends. The nature of his “authority” is bypassed and because that’s the case, a central thrust of Matthew’s gospel is bypassed.
No one is astonished, no one is stunned or left pondering and certainly no one is convicted or inspired—they just know they’ve been told again that they’ve been commanded to evangelize.

      Evangelize with what for pity's sake? Tell the world what for pity's sake? What they're hearing week after week after week at church gatherings? What some preachers call preaching "the gospel"?

I accept this as true: we cannot get a full-bodied theology every time we assemble. It simply isn’t possible. Those who complain all the time that they aren’t getting this will just have to go hungry. The way our corporate worship is structured doesn’t allow for such a demand even if the teacher/preacher is able to offer it. The time we spend at corporate gatherings is determined in part by social needs and realities that hardly need listed here.
Just the same, precisely because it’s true that our time is limited we ought to use it wisely and well. And since our Story has been laid out for us in the biblical witness with its massive and underlying subtext, teachers and preachers need to work with it rather than dabble in sociology, economics, politics, marital counseling and such—areas in which they aren’t specialists and shouldn’t fool themselves into thinking they are.

Their calling is to gospel to God’s People and whosoever.

©2004 Jim McGuiggan. All materials are free to be copied and used as long as money is not being made.

Many thanks to brother Ed Healy, for allowing me to post from his website, theabidingword.com.

Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Worship of Jesus by Eric Lyons, M.Min.


Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Worship of Jesus

by  Eric Lyons, M.Min.

According to Jehovah’s Witnesses, “Jesus is not God,” and thus should not be worshiped by Christians. The Watchtower, a magazine published twice a month by Jehovah’s Witnesses, emphatically stated in its November 1, 1964 issue: “…it is unscriptural for worshipers of the living and true God to render worship to the Son of God, Jesus Christ” (p. 671). More recently, the October 15, 2004 issue of The Watchtower concluded an article about Jesus not being the true God with these words: “Jehovah, and no one else, is ‘the true God and life everlasting.’ He alone is worthy to receive exclusive worship from those whom he created—Revelation 4:11” (p. 31). Since God alone is worthy of worship, and since Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that Jesus is only an angel and not God (see “The Truth About Angels,” 2001), He (allegedly) should not be worshiped.


There is no argument over the fact that God alone is worthy of worship. Jehovah revealed His will to Moses on Mt. Sinai, saying, “You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God” (Exodus 20:3-5). Regarding the Gentiles who were sent to live in Samaria after the Assyrians conquered the Northern Kingdom of Israel, the Bible says:
To this day they continue practicing the former rituals; they do not fear the Lord, nor do they follow their statutes or their ordinances, or the law and commandment which the Lord had commanded the children of Jacob, whom He named Israel, with whom the Lord had made a covenant and charged them, saying: “You shall not fear other gods, nor bow down to them nor serve them nor sacrifice to them; but the Lord, who brought you up from the land of Egypt with great power and an outstretched arm, Him you shall fear, Him you shall worship, and to Him you shall offer sacrifice” (2 Kings 17:34-36, emp. added).
The Bible reveals time and again that God alone is to be worshiped. Luke recorded that King Herod was eaten with worms because, instead of glorifying God Almighty, he allowed the people to glorify him as a god (Acts 12:21-23). Herod’s arrogant spirit stands in direct contrast to the reaction that Paul and Barnabas had when the citizens of Lystra attempted to worship them (Acts 14:8-18). After Paul healed a man who had been crippled from his birth, the people of Lystra shouted: “The gods have come down to us in the likeness of men.” They even called Paul and Barnabas by the names of their gods (Hermes and Zeus), and sought to worship them with sacrifice. Had these two preachers had the same arrogant spirit as Herod, they would have accepted worship, and felt as if they deserved such honor. Instead, these Christian men “tore their clothes and ran in among the multitude, crying out and saying, ‘Men, why are you doing these things? We also are men with the same nature as you’ ” (Acts 14:14-15). Paul recognized that it is unlawful for humans to worship other humans, and thus sought to turn the people’s attention toward God, and away from himself.
The Bible also reveals that man must refrain from worshipping angels. When the apostle John fell down to worship before the feet of the angel who had revealed to him the message of Revelation, the angel responded, saying, “See that you do not do that. For I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren the prophets, and of those who keep the words of this book. Worship God” (Revelation 22:9, emp. added; cf. Revelation 19:10). Angels, idols, and humans are all unworthy of the reverent worship that is due only to God. As Jesus reminded Satan: “It is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve’ ” (Matthew 4:10, emp. added).


The dilemma in which Jehovah’s Witnesses find themselves is that, unlike good men and good angels who have always rejected worship from humanity, Jesus accepted worship. If worship is to be reserved only for God, and Jesus, the One “who knew no sin” (2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 2:22), accepted worship, then the logical conclusion is that Jesus believed that He was deity. Numerous times the Bible mentions that Jesus accepted worship from mankind. Matthew 14:33 indicates that those who saw Jesus walk on water “worshiped Him.” John 9:38 reveals that the blind man whom Jesus had healed, later confessed his belief in Jesus as the Son of God and “worshiped him.” After Mary Magdalene and the other women visited the empty tomb of Jesus, and the risen Christ appeared to them, “they came and held Him by the feet and worshiped Him” (Matthew 28:9). When Thomas first witnessed the resurrected Christ, he exclaimed, “My Lord and my God” (John 20:28). Later, when Jesus appeared to the apostles in Galilee, “they worshiped Him” on a mountain (Matthew 28:17). A few days after that, His disciples “worshiped Him” in Bethany (Luke 24:52). Time and again Jesus accepted the kind of praise from men that is due only to God. He never sought to correct His followers, and redirect the worship away from Himself as did the angel in Revelation or the apostle Paul in Acts 14. Nor did God strike Jesus with deadly worms for not redirecting the praise He received from men as He did Herod, who, when being hailed as a god, “did not give praise to God” (Acts 12:23).
Sadly, Jehovah’s Witnesses have attempted to circumvent the obvious references to Jesus accepting worship by changing the word “worship” in their New World Translation to “obeisance” every time the Greek word proskuneo (the most prominent word for worship in the New Testament) is used in reference to Jesus. Over thirty times in the New World Translation (first published by the Jehovah’s Witnesses Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in 1950) proskuneo is correctly translated “worship” when God the Father is the recipient of glory and praise. This Greek word occurs fourteen times in the New Testament in reference to Jesus, yet not once does the New World Translation render it “worship;” instead, every time it is translated “obeisance.” Allegedly, Mary Magdalene, the apostles, the blind man whom Jesus healed, etc., never worshiped Jesus; rather, they only paid “obeisance” to Him.
In twenty-first-century English, people generally make a distinction between the verbs “worship” and “do obeisance.” Most individuals, especially monotheists, use the word worship in a positive sense when talking about God, whereas “obeisance” is used more often in reference to the general respect given to people held in high regard. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines obeisance as “1. A gesture or movement of the body, such as a curtsy, that expresses deference or homage. 2. An attitude of deference or homage,” whereas the verb worship is defined as “1. To honor and love as a deity. 2. To regard with ardent or adoring esteem or devotion” (2000, emp. added). The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society agrees with the distinction often made between these words in modern English: God should be “worshiped,” while Jesus (we are told) should only receive “obeisance” (i.e., the respect and submission one pays to important dignitaries and superiors).
The Greek word proskuneo, which appears in the New Testament a total of 60 times, literally means “to kiss the hand to (towards) one, in token of reverence” (“Proskuneo,” 1999). According to Greek scholars Arndt, Gingrich, and Danker, this word was used in ancient times “to designate the custom of prostrating oneself before a person and kissing his feet, the hem of his garment, the ground, etc.; the Persians did this in the presence of their deified king, and the Greeks before a divinity or something holy” (1979, p. 723). Admittedly, the word obeisance could be used on occasions to translate proskuneo. The problem is that Jehovah’s Witnesses make a distinction between obeisance and worship when it comes to the token of reverence that Jesus was given. They arbitrarily translate proskuneo as “obeisance” every time Jesus is the object, yet never when God the Father is the recipient of honor and praise.
Consider the circumstances surrounding some of the occasions when Jesus is mentioned as the object of man’s devotion.
  • In John chapter nine, Jesus miraculously healed a man who was “blind from his birth” (vs. 1). When the man upon whom this miracle was performed appeared before various Jews in the synagogue and called Jesus a prophet (vs. 17), he was instructed to “give glory to God,” not Jesus, because allegedly Jesus “is a sinner” (vs. 24). Later, after the man born blind was cast out of the synagogue, Jesus informed him of His true identity—that He was not just a prophet, but also “the Son of God.” At that moment, the gentleman exclaimed, “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped Him (vs. 38). Although the Greek word proskuneo was used in ancient times of paying respect or doing obeisance to people, no such translation is warranted in this passage. In the gospel of John, this word is found eleven times. In every instance, Jehovah’s Witnesses’ New World Translation renders it “worship,” except in John 9:38 where it is translated “obeisance.”
  • Following a day in which Jesus miraculously fed 5,000 men (not including women and children) with only five loaves of bread and two fish, Matthew recorded how Jesus literally walked on the water in the midst of the Sea of Galilee during a violent storm, saved Peter from drowning, and then walked onto a boat where He was met with those who “worshiped him, saying, ‘Truly You are the Son of God’ ” (Matthew 14:33). Jesus’ worshippers did not merely pay Him the same respect (or “obeisance”) that one pays a respected ruler, teacher, or master. On the contrary, they recognized that Jesus had overcome the laws of nature, and that His actions warranted praise and adoration—not as a man, but as the “Son of God.” If Jesus was not worthy of such praise, why did He accept it? If Jesus was not to be adored, why did the angel of the Lord not strike Him with the same deadly worms with which he struck Herod (Acts 12:23)?
  • After defeating death and rising from the grave, a sign which declared Him to be “the Son of God with power” (Romans 1:4), Jesus accepted worship (proskuneo) from Mary Magdalene and the other women who went to visit the tomb of Jesus (Matthew 28:8-9), as well as all of the apostles (Matthew 28:17). Jesus was not the only one ever to be resurrected from the dead, but He was the only resurrected individual the Bible mentions as receiving praise and adoration (i.e., worship) from man. The widow’s son of Zarephath (1 Kings 17:22), the son of a Shunammite (2 Kings 4:32-35), the daughter of Jairus (Mark 5:21-24,35-43), the widow of Nain’s son (Luke 7:11-16), Lazarus (John 11:1-45), Tabitha (Acts 9:36-43), and Eutychus (Acts 20:7-12) all were raised from the dead, but none received worship. The Bible never reveals any resurrected person other than Jesus who ever received and accepted worship. Jesus’ followers recognized that His resurrection was different. It was a proof of His deity.
  • The disciples worshiped Jesus again at His ascension. After recording that Jesus was “carried up into heaven,” Luke wrote: “[T]hey worshiped Him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and were continually in the temple praising and blessing God” (Luke 24:52-53). Notice that the word “worshiped” (proskuneo) is used in this passage along with such words as “praising” and “blessing”—words that carry a religious connotation in connection with God. Also, the disciples offered worship to an “absent” Savior. The disciples did not just bow before some earthly ruler; they worshiped their Lord Who had defeated death 40 days earlier, and had just ascended up into heaven before their eyes.
Jesus did not receive proskuneo on these occasions because He was a great teacher, or because He was viewed at these moments simply as an earthly king. Rather, all of these instances of worship were surrounded by miraculous events that were done to prove He was Heaven sent, and that “in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily” (Colossians 2:9). There is every reason to believe that on such occasions as these, Jesus’ disciples meant to pay divine, religious honor to Him, not mere civil respect or regard that earthly rulers often receive.


To the church at Philippi the apostle Paul wrote: “Therefore God also has highly exalted Him [Jesus] and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:9-11, emp. added). The reference to the bowing of the knee is an obvious allusion to worship (cf. Isaiah 45:23; Romans 11:4). Such worship, Paul wrote, would not only come from those on Earth, but also from “those in heaven” (Philippians 2:10). This statement harmonizes well with Hebrews 1:6. In a section in which the writer of Hebrews exalted Jesus above the heavenly hosts, he affirmed that even the angels worship Christ. He wrote: “Let all the angels of God worship (proskuneo) Him.” The KJV, ASV, NKJV, NAS, ESV, NIV, RSV and a host of other translations render proskuneo in this verse as “worship.” How does the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ New World Translation render this passage? Unfortunately, as with all other times in the NWT when Jesus is mentioned as being the object of proskuneo, the word is translated “do obeisance,” not “worship.” Hebrews 1:6 reads: “Let all God’s angels do obeisance to him” (NWT).
Interestingly, however, the NWT has not always rendered proskuneo in Hebrews 1:6 as “do obeisance.” When Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Watchtower Bible and Tract Society first printed the NWT in 1950, the verse actually rendered proskuneo as “worship” instead of “do obeisance.” Even the revised 1961 edition of the NWT translated proskuneo as “worship.” But, by 1971, Jehovah’s Witnesses had changed Hebrews 1:6 to read: “Let all God’s angels do obeisance to him.”
The fact is, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has been terribly inconsistent in its teachings on whether or not Jesus should be worshiped. In the past few decades Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Watchtower magazine has claimed that “…it is unscriptural for worshipers of the living and true God to render worship to the Son of God, Jesus Christ” (1964, p. 671; see also 2004, pp. 30-31). But, “from the beginning it was not so.” Notice what Jehovah’s Witnesses used to teach in The Watchtower regarding whether or not Jesus should be worshiped:
  • “…to worship Christ in any form cannot be wrong” (1880, p. 83).
  • “…although we are nowhere instructed to make petitions to him, it evidently could not be improper to do so; for such a course is nowhere prohibited, and the disciples worshiped him” (1892, p. 1410).
  • “Yes, we believe our Lord Jesus while on earth was really worshiped, and properly so” (1898, p. 2331).
  • “…whosoever should worship Him must also worship and bow down to Jehovah’s Chief One in that capital organization, namely, Christ Jesus…” (1945, p. 313).
For more than half of a century, Jehovah’s Witnesses taught that it was acceptable to worship Jesus. Now, however, they claim it is unscriptural. Such inconsistency regarding the nature of Christ (which is no small matter!) reveals to the honest truth seeker that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is an advocate of false doctrine.
Sadly, Jehovah’s Witnesses not only reject the worship of Jesus because of their belief that He is not deity, they also must deny Him such religious devotion because they teach He actually is an angel. The February 15, 1979 issue of The Watchtower indicated that Jehovah’s Witnesses believe God’s Son to be “Jesus Christ, whom we understand from the scriptures to be Michael the Archangel” (p. 29). Fifteen years later this Jehovah’s Witnesses publication stated their belief more forcefully, saying, “Michael the great prince is none other than Jesus Christ himself ” (1984, p. 29). Since, according to Revelation 19:10 and 22:8-9, angels do not accept worship, but rather preach the worship of God, and no other, Jehovah’s Witnesses must reject paying religious praise and devotion to Jesus. But, notice (again) how inconsistent Jehovah’s Witnesses have been. Charles Taze Russell, the founder of The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (originally called Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society), stated in The Watchtower magazine near the end of its inaugural year: “Hence it is said, ‘let all the angels of God worship him’: (that must include Michael, the chief angel, hence Michael is not the Son of God)…” (1879, p. 4, emp. added). The founder of the Jehovah’s Witnesses taught that Jesus is not Michael the archangel, and that He should be worshiped. In the twenty-first century, Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that Jesus is Michael the archangel, and that He should not be worshiped. Clear contradictory statements like these found throughout the years in The Watchtower should compel current and potential members of this religious group to consider carefully these untruths in light of the Truth found in God’s Word.


One final passage to consider in regard to the worship of Jesus is Revelation chapters four and five. In chapter four, the scene in this book of signs (cf. 1:1) is the throne room of God. The “Lord God Almighty” is described as sitting on His throne while “the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to Him” (4:9). Also, “the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying: ‘You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, And by Your will they exist and were created’ ” (4:10-11). In chapter five, the Lamb that was slain is introduced as standing “in the midst of the throne” (5:6). No one argues the fact that this Lamb is Jesus—the One Whom John the Baptizer twice called “The Lamb of God” (John 1:29,36), and Whom Peter called the “lamb without blemish and without spot” (1 Peter 1:19). Regarding this Lamb, the apostle John recorded the following in Revelation 5:11-14:
Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice: “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing!” And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying: “Blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever!” Then the four living creatures said, “Amen!” And the twenty-four elders fell down and worshiped Him who lives forever and ever.
In this chapter, John revealed that both God the Father and Jesus are worthy to receive worship from all of creation. In fact, Jesus is given the same praise and adoration that the Father is given. Just as God is “worthy…to receive glory and honor and power” (4:11), so Jesus is “worthy…to receive power…and honor and glory…” (5:12). Indeed, “[b]lessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever” (5:13, emp. added). Although Jehovah’s Witnesses use Revelation 4:11 as a proof text for worshiping God the Father (see “What Does God Require”), they reject and call “unscriptural” the worship that Jesus rightly deserves.


Jesus once stated during His earthly ministry, “[A]ll should honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him” (John 5:23). Sadly, Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse to honor Jesus in the same way they honor God the Father. While on Earth, Jesus was honored on several occasions. His followers worshiped Him. They even worshiped Him after His ascension into heaven (Luke 24:52). Unlike good men and angels in Bible times who rejected worship, Jesus unhesitatingly received glory, honor, and praise from His creation. Truly, such worship is one of the powerful proofs of Jesus’ deity.


American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (2000), (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin), fourth edition.
Arndt, William, F.W. Gingrich, and Frederick W. Danker (1979), A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press), second edition revised.
Clarke, Adam (1996), Adam Clarke’s Commentary (Electronic Database: Biblesoft).
Proskuneo: 4352” (1999), Logos Library System: Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon (Logos Research Systems, Inc.: Bellingham, WA).
The Truth About Angels (2001), [On-line], URL: http://www.watchtower.org/library/w/1995/11/1/the_truth_about_angels.htm, originally appeared in The Watchtower, November 1, 1995.
The Watchtower, 1879, November.
The Watchtower, 1880, March.
The Watchtower, 1892, May 15.
The Watchtower, 1898, July 15.
The Watchtower, 1945, October 15.
The Watchtower, 1964, November 1.
The Watchtower, 1979, February 15.
The Watchtower, 1984, December 15.
The Watchtower, 2004, October 15.
“What Does God Require of Us?” (2000), [On-line], URL: http://www.watchtower.org/library/rq/article_02.htm.

From Mark Copeland... Feeding The Five Thousand (Mark 6:32-44)

                          "THE GOSPEL OF MARK"

                  Feeding The Five Thousand (6:32-44)


1. One of the better known miracles of Jesus is "Feeding The Five
   a. With just five loaves and two fish
   b. With twelve baskets of fragments left over!

2. It is the only specific miracle performed by Jesus recorded in all
   four gospels...
   a. Mt 14:13-21; Mk 6:30-44; Lk 9:10-17; Jn 6:1-13
   b. We will let Mark's account be the starting point for our study

[Many lessons can be gleaned from this miracle.  What I found striking
is first...]


      1. He wanted His disciples to rest, but compassion moved Him to
         serve - Mk 6:34
      2. Compassion that moved Him to send the apostles out earlier - Mt 9:36; 10:1
      3. That later moved Him to feed the four thousand - Mt 15:32-38
      4. That qualifies Him to be a perfect High Priest - cf. He 4:14-16; 5:1-2
      -- This miracle reveals the wonderful compassion of our Lord!

   B. POWER...
      1. The power to feed 5000 men with five loaves and two fish - Mk6:38-44
      2. 5000 men, besides women and children (possibly 10,000?) - Mt 14:21
      3. With twelve baskets of fragments left over - Mk 6:43
      4. The sort of power that provides more than one needs - cf. Ep 3:20
      -- This miracle reveals the overwhelming power of our Lord!

      1. Jesus arranged the multitude in groups and ranks - Mk 6:39-40
      2. Such orderliness is typical, evidenced by His creation - cf.
         Col 1:16; Ps 19:1; Ro 1:19-20
      3. He desires it in the organization and worship of His churches
         - 1Co 14:33,40
      -- This miracle reveals the careful orderliness of our Lord!

[Jesus' compassion, power and orderliness can be gleaned from Mark's
account of this miracle.  From John's account in his gospel, we can also


      1. Their initial reaction was correct
         a. That Jesus was the Prophet who was to come into the world
            - Jn 6:14
         b. As foretold by Moses and confirmed by Peter -  cf. Deut 18:15-18; Ac 3:18-26
      2. But their desire to make Him king reveals their
         a. They wanted to make Him a literal king - Jn 6:15
         b. His kingdom was not to be a literal kingdom - cf. Jn 18:36;
            Lk 17:20-21
      3. Today, we should not presume to know what is God's will
         a. His ways and thoughts are often much different than our own
            - cf. Isa 55:8-9
         b. Thus we should be quick to hear, rather than presume - cf.
            Ecc 5:1-2
      -- The response to this miracle reveals man's ability to
         misunderstand God's will!

      1. They sought Jesus for the wrong reasons
         a. They wanted the physical food He provided - Jn 6:26
         b. They should have sought food that endures to everlasting
            life - Jn 6:27
      2. He wanted to give them true bread
         a. That gives life to the world - Jn 6:32-33
         b. The bread of life, given to those who believe - Jn 6:34-35
      2. Today, people often choose churches for the wrong reasons
         a. Entertainment, youth programs, etc.
         b. When they should be looking for spiritual things - cf. Ro 14:17
      -- The response to this miracle reveals man's tendency to desire
         material things

      1. They complained about Him
         a. Because of His claim to be bread from heaven - Jn 6:41
         b. Because they saw Him only as the son of Joseph and Mary - Jn 6:42
      2. They struggled over His sayings
         a. Taking Him literally - Jn 6:52
         b. Even many of His disciples left Him - Jn 6:60,66
      3. Today, many demonstrate a similar dullness
         a. Unwilling to stay with Jesus (unlike the apostles) - Jn 6:67-69
         b. Unwilling to make use of their time to learn and apply - cf.
            He 5:11-14
      -- The response to this miracle reveals man's propensity to
         spiritual dullness


1. The miracle we have studied offers insight into the person of Jesus
   a. His compassion for the souls and bodies of mankind
   b. His power to provide for every need of man
   c. His orderliness in the work He sets out to perform

2. The reaction to this miracle reveals insight into the propensity of
   a. To misunderstand the will of God
   b. To seek after material things of the world
   c. To be dull of heart, which leads to the first two

3. What will be our response to this wonderful miracle...?
   a. Let our spiritual dullness to take it lightly, or ignore it
   b. Let it increase our faith in Him who provides our every need?

Jesus' intention was to draw men to Him as the Bread of Life which
nourishes our souls.  May we not be so blinded by the materialism that
we fail to labor for that which leads to everlasting life (Jn 6:27)...

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011

From Mark Copeland... The Need For Rest (Mark 6:30-31)

                          "THE GOSPEL OF MARK"

                      The Need For Rest (6:30-31)


1. One might easily conclude that the Bible is all about work and no
   a. It speaks negatively about sloth and idleness - Pr 6:6-11; 1Ti 5:13
   b. It speaks positively about labor and work - Ep 4:28; 1Th 4:11

2. Yet Jesus spoke of the need to rest...
   a. After His disciples had returned from fulfilling the Limited
      Commission - Mk 6:30
   b. Encouraging them to come aside to a deserted place and rest a
      while - Mk 6:31

[Despite advances in labor-saving technology, it seems we are more
stressed than ever.  We do well to remember and apply what the Bible
says about...]


      1. God rested on the seventh day - Gen 2:1-2
      2. The principle of rest served as the basis for the Sabbath - Gen 2:3
      3. Which later was commanded of the Israelites as a weekly
         observance - Deut 5:12-15
      -- Clearly God approved of taking time to rest on a regular basis

      1. The Feast of Unleavened Bread, with two days of rest - Lev 23:5-8
      2. The Feast of Harvest (Pentecost), one day of rest - Lev 23:21
      3. The Feast of Trumpets (1st day of 7th month), one day of rest
         - Lev 23:23-25
      4. The Day of Atonement (10th day of 7th month), one day of rest
         - Lev 23:26-32
      5. The Feast Of Tabernacles (15th day of 7th month), two days of
         rest - Lev 23:33-36
      6. Included with several of the above were:
         b. Required trips to Jerusalem - cf. Lev 23:14-17; Deut 16:16
         b. Seven-day feasts, including one week of living in tents
            - cf. Lev 23:42
      7. These were in addition to the weekly sabbaths
      -- Approximately 70 days each year "no customary work" was to be

[As the Old Testament was written for our learning (Ro 15:4), it is
apparent that God created man with a need for rest.  Here are some
thoughts related to...]


      1. Too much work
         a. No man can work without rest; and no man can live the
            Christian life unless he gives himself times with God
         b. How can we shoulder life's burdens if we have no contact
            with him who is the Lord of all good life?
         c. How can we do God's work unless in God's strength?
         d. How can we receive that strength unless we seek in quietness
            and in loneliness the presence of God?
      2. Too much withdrawal
         a. Devotion that does not issue in action is not real devotion
         b. Prayer that does not issue in work is not real prayer
         c. We must never seek the fellowship of God in order to avoid
            the fellowship of men but in order to fit ourselves better
            for it
         d. The rhythm of the Christian life is the alternate meeting
            with God in the secret place and serving men in the market
      -- These thoughts come from Barclay's Daily Study Bible

      1. Physical rest, to refresh the body
         a. Such as a good night's sleep, afternoon naps
         b. Vacations involving travel, dining with friends - cf. the OT
         c. Benefits:  less stress, weight control, memory performance,
            overall good health
      2. Spiritual rest, to refresh the spirit
         a. Such as a daily devotional period
         b. Special times devoted to prayer, meditation on God's Word
            - cf. Php 4:6-9
         c. Benefits:  a closer walk with God, inner renewal, peace of
      -- Body and soul both need periods of rest

      1. Making time
         a. Schedule for periodic rest
         b. Isaac liked the evening - Gen 24:63
         c. David and Daniel liked morning, noon, and evening - Psa 55:17; Dan 6:10
         d. Jesus preferred early morning - Mk 1:35
         e. Remember also the OT weekly and annual rests as an example
            of systematic rest
      2. Choosing location
         a. Find places that allow for privacy (in the case of personal
         b. Isaac liked the field - Gen 24:63
         c. David meditated on his bed - Psa 4:4; 63:6
         d. Daniel prayed in his room - Dan 6:10
         e. Jesus preferred deserted places - Mk 1:35; 6:31
         f. Remember also the OT feasts (as example of celebratory rest
            with others)
      -- These suggestions are simply to stimulate your thinking


1. The life of the Christian is more of a marathon than a sprint...
   a. We need to have endurance - He 10:36; 12:1
   b. Lest we fall short of reaching our rest - He 4:1,9-11

2. To reach our "Heavenly Rest", we need both...
   a. Diligence in serving the Lord
   b. Diligence in taking time to rest

3. Some Christians fail to maintain a proper balance...
   a. Suffering physically as a result (e.g., poor health)
   b. Suffering spiritually as well (e.g., emotional and mental burn

As physical strength requires both exercise and rest, so it is with
spiritual strength.   We can be thankful that in the wisdom of God there
is to be opportunity for both...

   Then Jesus said, "Let's go off by ourselves to a quiet place and
   rest awhile." - Mk 6:31 (NLT)

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011

From Mark Copeland... Weakness In The Seat Of Power (Mark 6:14-29)

                          "THE GOSPEL OF MARK"

                Weakness In The Seat Of Power (6:14-29)


1. The ministry of Jesus was bound to attract attention...
   a. By virtue of His miracles, even those done by His apostles Mk 6:12-13
   b. Eventually King Herod heard about Him - Mk 6:14

2. In our text, Mark shares with us information about King Herod...
   a. The king's initial reaction to what he heard - Mk 6:14-16
   b. The events that led up to the king's execution of John the Baptist
      - Mk 6:17-29

[In doing so, Mark shows us a sad picture of "Weakness In The Seat Of
Power".  It is a picture borne out by secular history as well.  Let's
first consider...]


      1. He is generally known as Herod Antipas
         a. His father:  Herod the Great, an Idumean; ruling when Jesus
            was born - Mt 2:1,3,19
         b. His mother:  Malthace, a Samaritan; the fourth of Herod's
            ten wives
         c. Educated in Rome (together with Archelaus and Philip
      2. Not to be confused with:
         a. Herod Agrippa I (nephew), who killed James - Ac 12:1-2
         b. Herod Agrippa II (grand-nephew), before whom Paul appeared
            - Ac 26:1
      3. When Herod the Great died (4 B.C.), his kingdom was divided
         into four parts - Lk 3:1
         a. Archelaus (full brother) - Judea, Idumea, Samaria (later
            ruled by Pontius Pilate)
         b. Antipas - Galilee, Perea
         c. Philip II (half brother) - Iturea, Trachonitus
         d. Lysanias - Abilene (Syria)
      -- Antipas' position as tetrarch was ratified by Caesar Augustus
         of Rome

      1. Governed Galilee and Perea for 42 years (4 B.C. - 39 A.D.)
      2. Built the cities of Sepphoris, Tiberias, and oversaw other
      3. Imprisoned and executed John the Baptist - Mk 6:14-29
      4. Sought to kill Jesus, who described Herod as "that fox" - Lk 13:31-32
      5. Later mocked Jesus prior to His death, which led to friendship
         with Pilate - Lk 23:7-12
      -- Antipas had the potential and position to be a great man

[But those in positions of power often have personal failings.  Such was
certainly true of Herod Antipas...]


      1. He initially thought Jesus was John the Baptist - Mk 6:14
      2. Believing John to be raised from the dead - Mk 6:14,16
      -- Such was his attempt to explain the miracles he had heard

      1. First married to Phasaelis, daughter of King Aretas IV of
      2. Divorced her to marry Herodias - Mk 6:17
         a. Who was his half-niece, married to his half-brother Philip
         b. They had fallen in love while in Rome together
         c. They agreed to divorce their spouses and marry one another
      3. This was an unlawful marriage (even though Antipas was not a
         Jew) - Mk 6:18
         a. Because it was simple adultery - Lev 20:10; cf. Ro 7:2-3
         b. Also because of the prohibition against marrying a brother's
            wife - Lev 20:21
      4. For which both Herodias and Herod wanted to kill John - Mk 6:19; cf. Mt 14:5
      -- His willingness to divorce and remarry revealed his inner

      1. He feared the multitude, who viewed John as a prophet - cf. Mt 14:5
      2. He feared John, liked to listen to him, but did not repent - Mk 6:20
      3. He was enticed by his stepdaughter (Salome, possibly 12-14
         years old) - Mk 6:21-23
      4. He was tricked by Herodias into executing John - Mk 6:24-25
      5. He was afraid of losing face in front of his guests - Mk 6:21,26
      6. Herodias' machinations would later lead to his exile
         a. She became jealous of her brother's (Agrippa I) success
         b. An attempt to turn Emperor Caligula against Agrippa
         c. Caligula exiled Antipas to Gaul (possibly Lyon, France)
         d. Where Herodias chose to join Antipas
      -- He was concerned with self-image and self-indulgence


1. What a sad picture of "Weakness In The Seat Of Power"...
   a. A man in the position of power
   b. A man whose personal failings left him weak and easily manipulated

2. How might we learn from Herod's mistakes today...?
   a. We may be in positions of power
      1) As politicians, businessmen, professional occupations, etc.
      2) As husbands, parents, etc.
   b. Will we be weak or strong?
      1) Like Herod Antipas, easily tempted, easily manipulated?
      2) Or like John the Baptist, strong in one's moral convictions?

John may have lost his head (literally), but he won his soul.  Herod
lost both his head (figuratively) and his soul.  In the end, who would
you rather be?  Remember what Jesus said about John...

   "Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not
   risen one greater than John the Baptist..." - Mt 11:11

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011

From Gary.... Peace

I am tired of stress!!! There is trouble all over this globe and in the U.S. it is becoming more prevalent. I remember as a child being proud of our government, saying the pledge of allegiance daily seeing families with a father and mother.  TV was fun, westerns were on every channel (all three of them) and there just was not the emphasis on sex and violence that you see today. And kids showed respect and didn't use foul language to the extent that they do today. But, those days are gone. However, one thing has not changed- God is still there and says...

Isaiah, Chapter 9
6 For to us a child is born. To us a son is given; and the government will be on his shoulders. His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  7 Of the increase of his government and of peace there shall be no end, on the throne of David, and on his kingdom, to establish it, and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from that time on, even forever. The zeal of Yahweh of Armies will perform this. 

John, Chapter 14
 27  Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, give I to you. Don’t let your heart be troubled, neither let it be fearful. 

Amid a world gone crazy with evil, God is there and gives comfort!!!  Like this serene picture, with God there is a refuge!!!!  Enough said!!!!