
From Gary... Choosing the WINNER

Fifth Place

Fourth Place

Third Place

Runner Up

The Winner

Yesterday, Lizzie and I wanted to do something different with the day and after some discussion, decided to look at all the houses (all 125 of them) in our retirement community.  We went out about noontime, so it was only about 90, but by the time we finished it had reached the higher 90's.  We each took pictures of our favorites and after a half-hour or so, finally compromised on the order you see above.  Uniqueness of style, clever arrangement of landscaping and overall beauty were the criteria.  Also, the quality of the photos was part of the process, as neither of us is a professional- not every picture was perfect.  When it came time to do the blog, the Scripture to use was obvious...

Hebrews, Chapter 12
 1 Therefore let us also, seeing we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,  2 looking to Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising its shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.  3 For consider him who has endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, that you don’t grow weary, fainting in your souls.  4 You have not yet resisted to blood, striving against sin;  5 and you have forgotten the exhortation which reasons with you as with children, 
“My son, don’t take lightly the chastening of the Lord,
nor faint when you are reproved by him;
  6 For whom the Lord loves, he chastens,
and scourges every son whom he receives.”

It occurred to me that the process of grading was a lot like religious life, as there are many things influencing you to go in various directions.  But, once you determine your source of authority (vs. 2 "looking to Jesus..") things become clear.  What he has done (that is, offering a sacrifice for our wrongdoings [sin]) makes him the obvious winner.  Needless to say, if you choose the winner- you WIN!!!  Once you have done this- keeping choosing Jesus; no matter what happens!!!!  "Keep choosing Jesus" sounds like a good summary for the whole book of Hebrews!!!!  I wonder.... could you say that about YOUR LIFE????

From Jim McGuiggan... That which is perfect

That which is perfect

What about Paul’s 1 Corinthian 13:10 statement that when "that which is perfect is come that which is in part will be done away"?
The Corinthian church was richly blessed (1:4-7) but on the whole they were a carnal, childish congregation that must have kept Paul up at night. They took pride in this preacher or that, they took each other to court before pagans, they thought it was okay to lie with temple prostitutes and attend pagan temple festivals. They looked down on one another, strutted thinking they knew a lot, demanded center stage and wanted to hog assembly time. They humiliated the poor and hungry, burned in resentment toward those who are better off than themselves, tittered as they spoke about an incestuous member and some of them sneered at talk of bodily resurrection.
They had everything but what they really needed—a profound love for God and one another. They thought they had arrived or, if they hadn’t, they were close and knew how to get there.
Chapter 13 sounds like it’s all sweetness and fluff but it’s no such thing. It is a gracious and wholesome but stinging rebuke for spoiled brats and its background is in the first twelve chapters. They were in dire need but it wasn’t a need for more information or knowledge or more specific gifts. If they had had a complete revelation written down in a book, and if they understood every bit of it they’d still have been empty. The cure for their sickness wasn’t a completed Bible. (Suppose Paul had returned to Corinth with a ship full of Bibles. Would that have been the cure? Has it cured us?) The cure for their sickness wasn’t more information or more gifts that brought more information. The gifts as blessings became (in a sense) curses because the Corinthians lacked what made anything worthwhile. They were like children with toys. They were juveniles parading their knowledge of God but 1 Corinthians 8:1-3 knocks a hole in that boat. Their knowledge and vision was partial but that partial knowledge of God would vanish when they pursued the "way of love" (14:1) because in that way they would become children in malice and adults (teleioi) in how they viewed things and thought about them (14:6).
While it’s true that the miraculous gifts would cease, when Paul said the "partial" (in part) would be done away when the "complete" (total, maturity) arrived he wasn’t speaking of the gifts themselves—he was speaking of their partial understanding and grasp of God that came through the gifts. Through gifts and with a heart not in tune they saw God reflected in a mirror; their knowledge of him was the knowledge of a child, it was partial; but if love became the dominant element in their lives they would (as it were) have turned from the mirror to look God in the face. (I’ve developed this some in a little commentary on 1 Corinthians. You might be interested in that. In the USA call toll free  877-792-6408)

©2004 Jim McGuiggan. All materials are free to be copied and used as long as money is not being made.

Many thanks to brother Ed Healy, for allowing me to post from his website, the abiding word.com.

From Mark Copeland... Served By Greatness, Serve To Be Great

                          "THE GOSPEL OF MARK"

           Served By Greatness, Serve To Be Great (10:41-45)


1. In our previous study, we saw where James and John made a request...
   a. For Jesus to do whatever they ask! - Mk 10:35
   b. In particular, the honor of sitting by Him in His glory (kingdom)
      - Mk 10:36-37; Mt 20:21

2. We saw where Jesus' response was two-fold...
   a. First, about drinking His cup and being baptized with His baptism
      - Mk 10:38-39
   b. Second, their request was not His to grant, but His Father's - 
      Mk 10:40; Mt 20:23

3. This request in behalf of James and John...
   a. Displeased the other apostles - Mk 10:41
   b. Provided Jesus an opportunity to teach an important lesson - Mk 10:42-45
   c. I.e., to be great in the kingdom one must serve, even as the Son
      of Man came to serve

[This is a lesson every Christian needs to remember, yet it goes against
what the world would have us believe.  To encourage us in being willing
to serve, perhaps it would help to recall that we have been...]


      1. He came to serve, not to be served - Mk 10:45
      2. He served by giving His life a ransom, dying on the cross for
         our sins
      3. He serves even now, as our High Priest who intercedes for us
         - He 7:24-25

      1. The prophets spent their lives in service for our benefit- 1Pe 1:10-12
      2. Thus we have been served by men like Moses, Samuel, David,
         Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel and many other "heroes of faith"!

      1. It was the Holy Spirit who inspired the prophets - 1Pe 1:11
      2. He also inspired the apostles to reveal the gospel - 1Pe 1:12;
         Jn 16:13

      1. They are the ones who preached the gospel to us - 1Pe 1:12
      2. Through them, we have come to believe in Jesus - cf. Jn 17:20
      3. Thus we have been served by men like Peter, James, John, and
         Paul, who suffered greatly in their ministry to us! - cf. 
         1Co 4:9-13; 2Co 11:24-29

      1. They had a keen interest in the things being revealed - 1Pe 1:12
      2. For they had a part in the process of revelation - cf. Dan 8,
         9; Lk 1:11-19,26-38
      3. Thus they too have ministered to us - cf. He 1:13-14

      1. Someone taught us the gospel, others continue to teach us and
         our children
      2. Some made it possible for us to assemble, and each week clean
         up what we leave behind
      3. In times of sickness, many have prayed and rendered various
         forms of service

[With so many rendering so much service, it is easy to feel pampered.
Indeed, we have been "served by greatness"!  Do we take it for granted?
I hope not.  We can show our appreciation by emulating those who served


      1. Someone led you to Christ, can you not lead another to Him?
         - cf. Jn 1:35-46
      2. Begin by being hospitable, offering acts of kindness and
      3. At the very least, invite to services, offer a Bible
         correspondence course
      4. Hone your skills in personal evangelism, seek to improve your
         ability to share the gospel

      1. Many have contributed to your spiritual growth, can you help
         others? - cf. Ep 4:16
      2. Begin by being present at every service, greeting every one
      3. Take a special interest in those who are new, encourage them
      4. Offer to help teach our children, even if it only means to
         assist another teacher
      5. Volunteer whatever service you can render in the work and
         worship of the church

      1. Has anyone ever showed you kindness?  "Be kind to one another"
         - cf. Ep 4:32
      2. Visit the sick or elderly in hospitals, and at home
      3. Render service such as cleaning, transportation, errands, etc.
      4. Minister to the poor, hungry, or those otherwise in need


1. The important thing is that we be people of service...
   a. People who serve others, not just benefiting from the efforts of
   b. People who are producers, not just consumers

2. Serving is not just the path to greatness in the kingdom, but also to
   true happiness:

   "For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have
   done to you. Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not
   greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he
   who sent him. If you know these things, blessed are you if you
   do them." - Jn 13:15-17

   "I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you
   must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus,
   that He said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"
                                                        - Ac 20:35

Shall we not follow both the example and teaching of Jesus, and live to
serve others...?

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011

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