Dragonfly Flight and the Designer
proof of the existence of the Master Designer comes from research
conducted by Z. Jane Wang, professor of theoretical and applied
mechanics at Cornell University (Gold, 2006). Centering on flying
systems and fluid dynamics, Dr. Wang notes that the best way to learn
about flight is by first looking at what happens naturally. Interesting. In order for the complex human mind to comprehend the principles of flight, that mind must focus on the natural order—the Creation. So mind must learn from that which, according to evolutionists, came into being and developed without any mind. Intelligence is dependent on non-intelligence. Who can believe it?
Reporting her findings at the annual meeting of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science, Dr. Wang observed that her
research calls into question the conventional wisdom that ascribes to
airplanes (human inventions) more flight efficiency than the flying
creatures of the natural realm. Dragonflies, for example, are “a marvel
of engineering” (Gold, 2006). “Marvel of engineering”—without an
Engineer? So claims the evolutionist—despite the irrationality of such a
Indeed, the dragonfly possesses four wings, instead of the standard
two, enabling it to dash forward at speeds approaching 60 kph. Its
unusual pitching stroke allows this amazing insect to hover and even
shift into reverse. According to Wang: “Dragonflies have a very odd
stroke. It’s an up-and-down stroke instead of a back-and-forth
stroke.... Dragonflies are one of the most maneuverable insects, so if
they’re doing that they’re probably doing it for a reason” (Gold, 2006, emp. added). “For a reason”? But doesn’t “a reason” imply a reasonable mind behind the reason that thinks and assigns a logical rationale to specific phenomena?
The more scientists study dragonflies the more they are impressed with
these “marvels of flight engineering” (“How Do Things...,” n.d.). They
appear to twist their wings on the downward stroke, creating a whirlwind
of air that flows across the wings, facilitating the lift that keeps
them flying. Even more amazing, one Australian scientist, Akiko
Mizutani, of the Centre for Visual Science at the Australian National
University, has studied dragonflies at length in the past few years. She
observes that, while chasing its prey, dragonflies “shadow their
enemies in complex manoeuvres that military fighter pilots can only
dream of. Their tricks create the visual illusion that they’re not moving”
(as quoted in “How Stealthy...,” 2003, 2398:26, emp. added). In fact,
according to Dr. Javaan Chahl, the quick aerial movements allow the
dragonfly to disguise itself as a motionless object
(“Military Looks to Mimic...,” 2003, emp. added). These insights are not
lost on the military establishment. They recognize the incredible
implications for technological development—from the ability of fighter
aircraft to approach the enemy undetected, to greater maneuverability,
to enhanced helicopter logistics. Indeed, “scientists believe the
insect’s flight control could have applications in new planes and
helicopters” (2003). Is it any wonder that one of the very first
helicopters produced was named “Dragonfly” (“Sikorsky...,” 2003)? If no
one considers the helicopter as the product of time and chance, why
would any reasonable person believe that the insect to which scientists
are looking for an understanding of principles of flight evolved from
mindless, mechanistic forces of nature?
If the human mind, with all of its complexity and ingenious design, is
necessary to engineer flight capability (e.g., airplanes), what must be
said for the Mind behind the human mind? If scores of intelligent
scientists must expend vast amounts of time, energy, intention,
deliberation, knowledge, and thought in order to discover the secrets of
the “efficient motions” of the dragonfly, what must have been required
to create that dragonfly in the first place? Mindless, non-intelligent,
unconscious, non-purposive “evolutionary forces”? Ridiculous! Time and
chance do not and cannot account for
the amazing design found in insects like the dragonfly. The only
logical, plausible explanation is that dragonflies were designed by the
God of the Bible, and they testify to His wisdom: “You are worthy, O
Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things,
and by Your will they exist and were created” (Revelation 4:11).
Gold, Lauren (2006), “On the Wings of Dragonflies: Flapping Insect Uses
Drag to Carry its Weight, Offering Insight into Intricacies of Flight,”
Cornell University Chronicle, February 19, [On-line], URL:
“How Do Things Fly?” (no date), Boeing, [On-line], URL:
“Military Looks to Mimic Dragonflies” (2003), ABC News, June 5, [On-line], URL:
“How Stealthy Insects Outsmart Their Foe” (2003), New Scientist, 2398:26, June 7.
“Sikorsky HO2S-1/HO3S-1G ‘Dragonfly’” (2003), USCG Homepage, [On-line],