
Stupidity: The sorry stepchild of invention.

Sounds like something similar to a warp field generator or perhaps a multi-phase transponder for a quadratic field inducer, doesn't it?  Believe that and I'll tell you about the multi-dimensional transverse gravitonometer and the flux capacitor.  Whoops, you probably already know about the flux capacitor.  Then again, reality comes back and I am forced to actually make sense.  Human beings have the capacity to rearrange their environment; create new inventions, postulate ideas to conceived problems.  We are too smart for our own good!  Think of just one area: food.  Look at all the additives, preservatives and "extra" things we do with our sustenance!  The result is a whole host of man-made diseases.  Yet, how futile this all is...

WEB: Ecclesiastes 9:10. Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in Sheol, where you are going.

Solomon was the wisest man that ever lived!  But, for all his wisdom he was seduced by his "strange wives" to follow after other gods.  But, he was right in this verse because we should try with our utmost to do all that we can do in this world.  Solomon was limited in his knowledge of the afterlife, because there will be more for us in heaven than he could have possibly imagined.  I know from the New Testament that we will have a "work" to do in heaven; namely praising God, but I wonder... will there be a flux capacitor there?  Will have to ask at the gate...

The Celebration of Easter by Mark Copeland


Should the church do this? ... Gary