
From Gary... Personally speaking...

Interlinear commentary (horizontally, NOT vertically); that's what this is. And even though I don't use the King James Version much anymore, I appreciate its rhythmic word flow and the elegance of its language. Perhaps this could be subtitled: "What this means to me" because of all the "That's".   Anyway, this is a nice idea and worth reading a few times. At the risk of being redundant, I would just like to give you The World English Bible's version, as it is the one I use on the blog....

Psalm 23
  1  Yahweh is my shepherd:
I shall lack nothing.
  2 He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
  3 He restores my soul.
He guides me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
  4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me.
Your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
  5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil.
My cup runs over.
  6 Surely goodness and loving kindness shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in Yahweh’s house forever.

Very similar, except for that "Yahweh". Yet, that one word says it all to me. Why? Because it is God's memorial name, not a substituted title. At this point you are probably asking yourself- so what's the BIG DEAL?  Well, it is his NAME; which makes it more personal (as well as accurate). And isn't this Psalm very personal?  When we get right down to it, if the Bible isn't taken personally (i.e. applied practically)- then we have missed the point.  God personally made everything, HE personally intervened when sin entered the world and HE personally suffered and bled and died for each and every one of us.  Whether or not you agree with me on the idea of using Yahweh in the Bible; take The Word of God both seriously and personally!!!! Frankly, the more you do this, the greater the probability you will do what it says- and that is a good thing!!!!!

From Mark Copeland... The Rest That Remains (Hebrews 4:1-11)

                      "THE EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS"

                     The Rest That Remains (4:1-11)


1. In chapter three of "The Epistle To The Hebrews", we saw...
   a. A comparison of Christ to Moses
   b. How the comparison led to a warning based upon the example of
      Israel in the wilderness

2. Appealing to the example of Israel's fall in the wilderness is a
   natural one...
   a. For despite Moses' leadership, most died in the wilderness and
      did not enter the promised land for lack of faith
   b. Now under Christ's leadership, we face a similar danger of
      falling short of our "promise" through a lack of faith - He 3:
      14-15; 4:1

3. Chapter four continues the warning with a focus on the promised
   "rest" which awaits the faithful Christian...
   a. This promised "rest" is actually one of several "rests" found in
      the Scriptures
   b. It is a "rest" that Moses and Joshua did not provide, which is
      just another reason why the Hebrew Christian should not forsake
      Jesus and return to Judaism
   c. It is "The Rest That Remains" for the people of God today!

4. In this lesson, we shall address two questions...
   a. What is "The Rest That Remains"?
   b. What essential elements are necessary to enter "The Rest That

[Let's begin, then, with the first question...]


      1. This "rest" is alluded to in Deut 3:20; 12:9-10; Josh 1:13-15
      2. This "rest" was given as God promised - Josh 21:43-45
      3. But in chapter four "His rest" (or "My rest", "God's rest") is
         clearly delineated from that which Joshua provided - He 4:8
         a. Long after Joshua died, the passage in Ps 95:7-8 was
         b. The word "Today...", indicates that the Spirit was warning
            the Israelites who had long before received the "Canaan"
      -- So Joshua provided the "Canaan" rest, but there is still "The
         Rest That Remains"!

      1. It is natural to think of the Sabbath day when one hears or
         reads the word "rest"
         a. When first introduced to the nation of Israel, it was
            spoken of as "the rest of the holy sabbath unto the LORD"
            - Exo 16:23
         b. This was the seventh day rest, patterned after God's own
            rest following the creation - Gen 2:2
         c. It was encoded into the Law given on tablets of stone - cf.
            Exo 20:8-11
      2. But the Sabbath as a day of rest was given only to the nation
         of Israel
         a. It was not given to the nation's fathers (i.e., ancestors
            such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob) - Deut 5:2-22; Neh 9:13-14
         b. It was given to Israel as a weekly remembrance of their
            deliverance from Egypt - Deut 5:12-15
         c. The only Gentiles ever commanded to keep the Sabbath were
            those living among the Israelites in Canaan ("your stranger
            who is within your gates")
      3. The Sabbath day, like the rest of the Old Law, has been done
         a. It was nailed to the cross - cf. Ep 2:14-15; Col 2:14
         b. Those in Christ have died to the Old Law, having been
            delivered from it that they may now serve Christ - Ro 7:4,6
         c. As part of "the ministry of death" (the Old Testament), it
            has been replaced by "the ministry of the Spirit" (the New
            Testament) - 2Co 3:5-8,11
         d. It is now a matter of indifference to God, left to one's
            individual conscience, and not to be bound on anyone - cf.
            Ro 14:4-6; Col 2:16-17
      4. Finally, the argument regarding Joshua can also be made
         regarding Moses...
         a. Long after Moses provided the "Sabbath" rest, Ps 95:7-8 was
         b. Indicating that there was still another "rest" to come
      -- While Moses provided the "Sabbath" rest, there is still "The
         Rest That Remains"!

   C. IT IS "GOD'S REST"...
      1. Through this section of Scripture there are repeated
         references to:
         a. "My rest" - He 3:11; 4:3,5 cf. Ps 95:7-11
         b. "His rest" - He 3:18; 4:1
            1) Which those who fell in the wilderness did not enter
               - He 3:18
            2) Which Christians today have a promise of entering - He 4:1
      2. It is a rest that God entered upon the completion of His
         creation - He 4:4,10
      3. It is a rest that Joshua (and Moses) did not provide...
      4. God's rest is one in which...
         a. We must be diligent not to come short of it - He 4:1,11
         b. One who has "entered His rest" has "ceased from his works"
            - He 4:10
      -- "God's rest" is the "heavenly rest" of which we read in the
         book of Revelation...

         "Then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, "Write:
         'Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.'
         ""Yes," says the Spirit, "that they may rest from their
         labors, and their works follow them."" (Re 14:13)

["The Rest That Remains" in this passage is therefore "God's Rest",
and in particular that "heavenly rest" one enters in which they cease
from the labors.

Now if we wish to one day enter this "rest", some things are


      1. Note that both the Israelites and we today have had "the
         gospel" preached unto us - He 4:2
         a. The "gospel" (i.e., good news) proclaimed unto the
            Israelites pertained to the promises of Canaan
         b. The "gospel" proclaimed unto us pertains to the blessings
            we have in Christ
      2. The Word of God is essential for at least two reasons:
         a. Without it we would not even know about our promised rest!
         b. Without it we would not know how to receive our promised
      3. Thus the Word of God (i.e., the gospel) is truly God's power
         to save - cf. Ro 1:16-17
         a. For it tells us of God's salvation in Christ
         b. And how we might receive that wonderful salvation
      -- But as we proceed, we learn that the Word of God alone is not

      1. The Word of God did not profit many in Israel because they did
         not receive it with faith - He 4:2
      2. As powerful as the Word of God may be (cf. He 4:12), it's
         power in our lives is hindered unless we accept it with faith!
         a. Of course, the Word is designed to create and nurture faith
            to a point - Ro 10:17; Jn 20:30-31
         b. But unless our hearts are good and noble, the Word will not
            find the proper soil needed to produce its intended fruit
            - cf. Lk 8:15
      -- Without faith, then, the promise of God's rest will not be
         experienced by us!

      1. The Hebrew writer stressed both of these essential elements
         a. "let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short..."
            - He 4:1
         b. "Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest
            anyone fall..." - He 4:11
      2. Fear (awesome reverence) has an important place in the life of
         the Christian
         a. Jesus taught us Whom to fear - Mt 10:28
         b. Paul taught that "fear and trembling" should accompany our
            efforts to serve God - Php 2:12
      3. Diligence (strenuous effort) likewise is important - 2Pe 1:
         a. We must be diligent to grow in Christ-like character
         b. We must be diligent to "make your calling and election
      -- The need for such fear and diligence is understandable only if
         the possibility of falling short is very real!


1. "The Rest That Remains" is indeed a wonderful blessing...
   a. It is "God's rest", therefore a "heavenly rest"
   b. It is a rest in which one has "ceased from his work as God did
      from His" - He 4:10
   -- It is the rest of which John heard a voice from heaven speak in
      Re 14:13

2. But we have seen how disobedience led many Israelites to fall short
   of their "Canaan rest"...
   a. Though they collectively as the nation of Israel were God's
      "elect", predestined to receive the promises made to Abraham (cf.
      Gen 12:1-3)
   b. But individually, they failed to make their "calling and election
      1) They had the "gospel" spoken to them
      2) But they did not receive it with faith
      3) And so they did not have the fear and diligence necessary to

3. Brethren, what about us today?
   a. If we are "in Christ"...
      1) We are blessed to be God's "elect" in a collective sense as
         Christ's body, the church
      2) We are predestined as such to receive the wonderful blessings
         of salvation in Christ, including the "heavenly rest" that
         awaits us
   b. Yet individually we must still make our "calling and election
      1) Are we receiving the Word mixed with faith?
      2) Do we have that proper sense of fear?
      3) Are we diligent in our efforts to remain faithful and
   -- Only then can we have the assurance of entering into "The Rest
      That Remains"!

May the words of the writer to the Hebrews sink deep into our hearts...

   "Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall
   according to the same example of disobedience." - Hebrews 4:11

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2011

From Jim McGuiggan... Mark 9: For or against us?

Mark 9: For or against us?

Questions like, "Who is in and who is outside of Jesus Christ?" will always be with us as long as we believe that what we hold as truth matters to us. Some of us are "too sweet to be wholesome" and doctrinal truth means absolutely nothing and others of us tend to be bigoted and as bitter as gall and every truth we hold is jugular. 

I'm certain we're right to teach and practice what the NT teaches and reveals as practiced and leave the final issues with God. I believe that is true even though it needs to be carefully worked out because there are some situations in which God declares ahead of time what his final word will be. I'm thinking of the teaching of the denial of the humanity/Godhood of Jesus as related in 1 John. God has said this is anti-Christ teaching and that it will result in condemnation. That's the kind of thing I have in mind. As best we're able by God's grace we're both to teach and practice that approach as something the NT teaches and urges us to practice.

Moving from that area of clear instruction or plain (!) implication we move into the not as easily followed area. Is the teaching X or Y anti-Christian teaching of the magnitude spoken of in 1 John? Some errors we'd immediately dismiss as not being errors at such a level and others we would strongly tend to think are such level errors.

Whatever side we come down on in specific matters we must maintain the integrity of our conscience. We have to call it as we see it. It wouldn't be right to say X is fundamental error simply on the grounds that "that is what our church generally believes." Nor is it right for us to deny that it's fundamental error simply because our church would generally tolerate it. There comes a point at which, on both ends of that spectrum, we have to say, "Here I stand. God help me I can do nothing else!"

A person who depends solely on his/her own resources to draw conclusions is in dire need of humility and might well be an idiot. (That is true in addition to the fact that it simply isn't possible to have opinions that haven't been shaped by others.) Our aim is always to be listeners to others and always to affirm a proposal with no greater fervour than the evidence for it warrants. A tall order, it's true, but an infallible Bible doesn't make us infallible students or teachers. If a biblical or theological claim is not patently evident we shouldn't feel obliged to speak of it as though it were—even if everyone around us does otherwise.

Mark 9:38-41 raises interesting questions many of which it gives no answers to. An unnamed person was doing good things in the name of Jesus and it would appear that the apostles were more than a bit jealous and wanted him to stop doing it.

This occurred before Jesus had been established as Lord of all and before the time the new community (NT covenant people, his Church) was to be united in Jesus' name. At that time it didn't matter to him that people followed John, for example, or that they deliberately chose not to be a part of his own larger following (which was larger than the apostolic group). It didn't matter to Jesus at that point that the man didn't seek fellowship in his group. It only mattered that he had believed the gospel that the kingdom was immanent, that he had been baptized with a view to Jesus (all implied, I think, in Luke 7:29-30 and the related texts, such as Acts 19:4) and was in support of the action of God in Jesus in bringing the kingdom. All that being true, Jesus fully endorses the man and everyone else of that mind and practice even if they weren't part of his immediate circle.

That seems clear enough given the historical setting but if, for example, he had rejected God's counsel for the nation and refused to be baptized unto Jesus (Luke 7:29-30) it's crystal clear that he would not have been promoting the kingdom of God as it related to Jesus and he certainly wouldn't have had Jesus' hearty approval, which he most certainly did. (We have that group alluded to in Matthew 7:22-23 that prophesied and did miracles in Jesus' name and were obviously not in support of the kingdom. And be sure to see Acts 19:13-17 not only for the humour in it but the sober witness of it as it relates to this entire discussion.)

And if, after the exaltation and enthronement of the glorified Jesus that same man refused to be identified with the newly defined (by the Spirit) people of God, we would have an entirely different picture from the one we find in Mark 9:38-41. One simply can't refuse to align him/herself with the people of God and still be aligned with the Lord of the covenant people. (I recognize that that raises further questions but it remains true.)

The Mark 9:38-41 text "says" more than the text says. It speaks out of a background that is taken for granted by Mark (see Mark 1:1-8 and related texts). What we mustn't do is to "apply" to other situations some of the elements embedded in this text in that situation and leave as of no account other elements of the text without which we aren't fully hearing this text.

Finally, there is a difference between a heart that is ignorant simply because it lacks knowledge and one that chooses ignorance or plainly denies truth, so we need to remember that our business is to hear and do and teach what we find of him and let him take care of the rest. This we should do without apology and certainly without any feeling that we are somehow morally superior. click here.