
Just a butterfly...

I woke up before dawn today and started to work on the computer before 7 am.  Life is both variable and strange during retirement.  Right now, this cup of coffee looks great to me.  Not just because its coffee, but because of the little something extra; the butterfly.  Somehow, this simple addition makes it enticing.  And then Jesus does this...

WEB: Matthew Chapter 19

[13] Then little children were brought to him, that he should lay his hands on them and pray; and the disciples rebuked them. [14] But Jesus said, "“Allow the little children, and don’t forbid them to come to me; for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to ones like these.”" [15] He laid his hands on them, and departed from there.

There is so much in the Bible that it is almost beyond belief (no pun intended).  Even though I have been through it many times, still, I always manage to find something new.  It has concepts in it that almost defy understanding (read the book of Revelation lately?) and yet its simplicity is also profound.  The above passage from Matthew is an example.  Little children belong in the Kingdom of Heaven; now there is a thought!!!  Scribes and Pharisees, with all their intellect and religious studies fell short, but CHILDREN DIDN'T!!!  Tells you something about SIMPLE FAITH, DOESN'T IT?  That's today's thought... simple faith and the simple beauty of a cup of coffee (with a butterfly).  If God gave me a cup of coffee in heaven, I wonder what design he would put on it????