
The Earth, the Sky and the Sea

The top picture I have had for a long time (at least a couple of years, maybe more).  Its beautiful sky was the attraction and its coldness (I first saw it in the summer when it was over 90 degrees outside).  I wondered what another view of Reykjavik, Iceland might look like and found the lower picture this morning.  Although the sky is nice, it was the hue of the sea that struck my eye this time.  These views of the Earth, the Sky and The Sea made me think of a miracle in the book of Acts...

WEB: Acts Chapter 14
[8] At Lystra a certain man sat, impotent in his feet, a cripple from his mother’s womb, who never had walked. [9] He was listening to Paul speaking, who, fastening eyes on him, and seeing that he had faith to be made whole, [10] said with a loud voice, “Stand upright on your feet!” He leaped up and walked. [11] When the multitude saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voice, saying in the language of Lycaonia, “The gods have come down to us in the likeness of men!” [12] They called Barnabas “Jupiter,” and Paul “Mercury,” because he was the chief speaker. [13] The priest of Jupiter, whose temple was in front of their city, brought oxen and garlands to the gates, and would have made a sacrifice along with the multitudes. [14] But when the apostles, Barnabas and Paul, heard of it, they tore their clothes, and sprang into the multitude, crying out, [15] “Men, why are you doing these things? We also are men of like passions with you, and bring you good news, that you should turn from these vain things to the living God, who made the sky and the earth and the sea, and all that is in them; [16] who in the generations gone by allowed all the nations to walk in their own ways. [17] Yet he didn’t leave himself without witness, in that he did good and gave you rains from the sky and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.”

The Holy Spirit performed a miracle through Paul!  And when the Lystrans saw it, they thought Barnabus and Paul were "gods" and wanted to make sacrifice to them.  What do the apostles do... they give credit to God, by pointed to him as creator, the one who made the Earth, the Sky and the Sea.  Today, the witness of the works of God is still evident, for all those who look and what a testimony it is!!!  The pictures undoubtedly don't do Iceland justice, but they do remind us of the glory, majesty and wonder of the GOD WHO CREATED EVERYTHING!!!  That is one miracle I never want to forget, ever!!!!