
Ashamed of sin, proud of Righteousness!!!

I voted yesterday and I find out today that it is a new trend.  Things change and I am sure that there will be quite a shake up in our government as well.  Hopefully, it will be for the better, but if not, as a Christian I will accept what I have to deal with and get on with my life.  How did we wind up in such a "state of the union"?  The answer is sin.  Expressed in greed, graft, personal and political actions, sin has become the new "normal".  Government is but a reflection of the attitudes of its people. The book of proverbs puts it this way...

Proverbs, Chapter 14
34 Righteousness exalts a nation,
but sin is a disgrace to any people.

There are many, many, people who live Godly lives in this country and its up to those individuals to vote for like minded politicans.  If those in power live lives that please God, sooner or later America will be restored to its former greatness.  Believe in God, practice what you believe and lead others to do the same... change will occur!!!