

I bet you tried this - sure you did; I did too!!!  Its in our nature to try to do things that we are told we can't do.  Most of the time we can succeed, but sometimes we can do the impossible. Not every time though...

Hebrews, Chapter 11
 6 Without faith it is impossible to be well pleasing to him, for he who comes to God must believe that he exists, and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him.

Being a "good person" won't do it; worshiping an idol can't.  Some people exalt what they know and call it "science" and make that a "god" in their own mind.  Others say they just don't know (gnostics) or worse, they deny HE exists (atheists). As long as we are talking about impossibility, how does something as complex as our universe come into existence without a designer?  By mere accident?  Impossible!!!