


It was a dark and stormy night. The wind blew, but the most disconcerting thing was the rain. It continued to pour in torrents. Many of the old timers agreed that it was the worst storm in their memory. Several of the children were clinging to their parents, crying softly in their terror. Fear showed in the uneasy glances of older ones who vainly tried to conceal it.
Then came the worst news. The river was rising so rapidly that the dikes could not possibly hold it. They would all be swept to destruction before morning! No rescue party could reach them in time. Panic almost overcame them. And then they heard the Quiet Voice. "I have lived here even before the streets of this town were laid out. I know every inch of the ground, every pitfall. If you will follow in my steps, staying very close to me, I will lead you to safety."
Some were fearful to venture out in the storm. Some said they felt too weak to face the pounding wind and rain. Parents feared losing little ones in the fierce night. But what could they do? Sure destruction awaited them if they remained here.
The Quiet Voice continued to speak. "Stay close to one another and close to me. Let a strong hand hold the hand of each weak one. Never let go of the hand that joins you together, for, if the link is broken, many can be lost." And so they joined hands and went out to face the storm together, the Quiet One leading the way.
Occasionally there was disaster. A few foolhardy ones decided the little group was moving too slowly, so they turned loose of the hands that held theirs and launched out alone, trying to reach safety quicker. Each of them was swept away in the darkness. A few of the weak, or young, were so terrified that they too, jerked away and perished. As each left the little band that was clinging together, there was an effort made to pull them back to safety, but when it became apparent that the effort was fruitless, the struggle for survival had to go on without them.
Yes, it was a terrible night. No one ever forgot it. Those who held on to the hands of the Quiet One through that night will tell you that it took all strength to do it. They will tell you of their overflowing joy as they reached higher ground just at the break of day. And they'll tell you of the many weak and young ones they were able to save that night by holding firmly to them in the midst of the storm.
Dear reader, this is no pointless recitation, as the spiritual minded will have perceived. These are perilous times through which we are passing and the storm of life itself is fraught with dangers that threaten our very souls. Indeed, were we left alone we must all perish! But there is One who is all-wise, all-merciful and all-powerful, who is able to show us the way and lead us to safety, if we will only listen and do what He says. We must follow closely in His steps, never venturing to the right or left, patiently and calmly proceeding in the way that is tried and sure. We must stay ever so close together for mutual encouragement and that the strong might help the weak. As some turn away beyond our reach, we must move in closer and join ourselves more firmly, for the storm still rages and we must press on to higher ground. But take heart! Our Savior will bring us at last to the promised land, the storm will be past, the terrors and tragedies will be forgotten and eternal joys shall be ours in the presence of our God.

- Hugh W. Davis -